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[Closed] MouseHunt Two!

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The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I wouldn't hold your breath . ;))

Yeah I know... But I can dream :P

Mistaken? ME?!?! Surprise surprise!

I would help, but I can't :P

It's hard for me to believe that this time last year, I was collecting runes, and trying to go after my first Acolyte mouse.

Does this mean it'll take me about a year to get to the Warpath? Cause that's what I'm working on once I get the Chitinous Mouse.

Right now though (since I ran out of seeds :/ ) I'm farming gold for Rhonza since I'm so low. Then I'll go back after shells and stones... oi. :|

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 10:01 am
Member Admin

Oh ok, that's more molten glass than I remember, but I think you're guaranteed minimum 100 flameshards each Warpath run. :) Have you built the General Store yet?

It's hard for me to believe that this time last year, I was collecting runes, and trying to go after my first Acolyte mouse.

;)) :D

... Grave robber mice being listed on the catacombs page?

Oh yeah, I think the Undead Emmental catches the Grave Robber too. Forgot to mention that. ;))

Posted : January 10, 2012 10:11 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I'm at 3.21 gold right now. I'm farming gold in the Catacombs right now and I think I'm going to stay here until Ronza comes. I have 60 RB, 21 RB potions, 2 Greater RB potions, and 1,870 Brie cheese so I am set!

After Ronza comes, I'm not sure what I'll do. I'll either had back to the Tribal Isles and build up my supplies of Havarti cheese or I'll head to the Gauntlet and gather a few potions for awhile.

Now for a question: I crafted about 120 pieces of Runic cheese before heading after the Acolyte. I have 11 left. So basically, I used over 100 pieces of Runic cheese without catching a single Acolyte mouse and only attracting eight. Is that normal? I used the ABT with almost every base I had and nothing worked. Those of you who have caught the Acolyte, how long and how many pieces of Runic did it take you to catch it if you remember?

On another note, 87 pages! I think the MH thread (one and two combined) is longer than any of the other threads in the Spare Oom. Most of the threads are still on their first 100 pages and we're almost ready to start our third 100.

Posted : January 10, 2012 10:31 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

... Grave robber mice being listed on the catacombs page?

Oh yeah, I think the Undead Emmental catches the Grave Robber too. Forgot to mention that. ;))

Yeah it does, I just didn't realize they'd be up all year and not just during the zombie events

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 11:14 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Oh ok, that's more molten glass than I remember, but I think you're guaranteed minimum 100 flameshards each Warpath run. Have you built the General Store yet?

Yeah, I'm hoping it doesn't take me too awfully long to get through this run, but with my warpath luck, it probably will take me close to a month. I've been here for 24 hours thus far, and my biggest streak is 2.

I have built the general store and the Cheese Shoppe.

I crafted about 120 pieces of Runic cheese before heading after the Acolyte. I have 11 left. So basically, I used over 100 pieces of Runic cheese without catching a single Acolyte mouse and only attracting eight. Is that normal? I used the ABT with almost every base I had and nothing worked. Those of you who have caught the Acolyte, how long and how many pieces of Runic did it take you to catch it if you remember?

That sounds about normal. I found the Acolyte to be the most frustrating mouse in the game (with the possible exception being getting that stinking lich jewel to drop.....). That being said, I don't usually have problems with the boss mice. Ask me to catch a SB only mouse though? Forget it ;)). At any rate, I went through about 100 pieces before I finally caught the sixth one that robbed me. Hang in there. We all know it's frustrating

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 10, 2012 11:26 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Ok so here's my rough (emphasis on rough) plan of my next few moves:

-Stay in the Catacombs for about a week building up gold for Rhonza
-Head over to the [edit]Elub[/edit] Shores and the Derr Dunes to build up seeds
-By now I'm guessing Rhonza would have appeared so I'll take a break when she shows up.
-Go to the Jungle of Dread and get the Chitinous mouse and build my ABT.
-Build up some extra Runes then finish off the Gauntlet and Acolyte Realm
-Build my Ice maiden

At this point I'm unsure of whether I'll have enough stuff to go after the Draconic mice or whether I have to get the Clockapult of Time and harvest some fire salt. I also want to build the Molten Shrapnel base at some point. Also I still need the Silth Mouse, what trap would you guys recommend for that? I've been trying a little with my HVMT without much luck. When I go after the Silth Mouse I'll probably try to finish up the Hydro Mice too (I need the cook and the shelder)

Mice I've caught:

Indigenous Mice- 36/38 (missing the Frosty Snow and the Crown Collecter (ps I was slightly upset the Frosty Snow wasn't at the Festive Comet or the Snow Fort this year))
Guantlet Gladiators- 31/34 (missing the Paladin, Necromancer, and Eclipse)
Forest Guild- 22/23 (missing the Silth)
The Shadow Clan- 7/7 B-)
Digby Dirt Dwellers- 11/11 B-)
Followers of Furoma- 17/17 B-)
The Forgotten Mice- 15/18 (missing the Wight, Lich, and Acolyte)
Aquatic Order- 15/17 (missing Shelder and Cook)
The Elub Tribe- 12/12 B-)
The Nerg Tribe- 12/12 B-)
The Derr Tribe- 12/12 B-)
The Dreaded Horde- 6/7 (Missing the Chitinous)
Event Mice- 50/57 (Missing the Mouse of Winter Future, Rockstar, Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun)

I've caught none from the other groups.

My Stats:
Hunting Since: Jan 03, 2011 (just over a year ;) )
Hunter's Title: Knight (54 % )
Points: 22,690,021
Gold: 149,299
Team: Glitchpaw Hunters of GnawniaWeb
Horn Calls: 6975
Location: Catacombs
Region: Bristle Woods
Trap Power: 4592
Total Luck: 26
Weapon: Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery
Base: Candy Cane Base
Bait: 171 pieces of Radioactive Blue
Charm: None
Mice Caught: 10355

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 12:41 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Build up some extra Runes then finish off the Gauntlet

How close are you to finishing the gauntlet. At 300K apiece, the Eclipse mouse would definitely put a pretty penny in your pocket for when Ronza arrives. That being said, you'd have to have your ABT in order to catch them. It would be risky, but it's worth a try.

Oh, and you should make a pretty decent profit in Nerg while you're building up seeds. What tactical trap are you using again?

At this point I'm unsure of whether I'll have enough stuff to go after the Draconic mice or whether I have to get the Clockapult of Time and harvest some fire salt. I also want to build the Molten Shrapnel base at some point. Also I still need the Silth Mouse, what trap would you guys recommend for that? I've been trying a little with my HVMT without much luck. When I go after the Silth Mouse I'll probably try to finish up the Hydro Mice too (I need the cook and the shelder)

You need the ice maiden and inferno havarti. Once you have those two things, I see no reason why you shouldn't go after you dragon. I don't know what shadow trap you're using, but I used the gorgon trap to get through the JoD. The Cackle Lantern Trap is better, but it's tough to get (and expensive).

You won't be able to craft the MSB until you've beaten dracano.

As far as the silth goes, check A good hydro trap is probably advisable. If that still leaves you without much oomph, use your luckiest setup.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 10, 2012 12:48 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Build up some extra Runes then finish off the Gauntlet

How close are you to finishing the gauntlet. At 300K apiece, the Eclipse mouse would definitely put a pretty penny in your pocket for when Ronza arrives. That being said, you'd have to have your ABT in order to catch them. It would be risky, but it's worth a try.

I was considering this too... ideally I'd like to have a few Teir 8 potions when I get there but I don't know If I could do it by Rhonza's arrival. I may try though, since Tier 7 mice go for a lot as well.

I don't know what shadow trap you're using, but I used the gorgon trap to get through the JoD. The Cackle Lantern Trap is better, but it's tough to get (and expensive).

Currently my most powerful shadow trap is the Soul Catcher, the only reason I did so well last night was because I had 6 Dreaded Charms from the last two events, and I caught the Jurassic Mouse with Festive Feta a few weeks ago. I'm sure with patience it'll be enough to finish off my ABT, but I'm thinking an upgrade might be in order to get more Fire Salt. How much Fire Salt will I need?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 12:57 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

They've revamped fire salt drops. They're close to 100% now, so I don't forsee you needing an upgrade in order to get more drops. Unless I just had immense luck while I was in the JoD.

You'll need six pieces of fire salt to craft one batch of Inferno Havarti. I'd reccommend about 18 - 30 pieces of inferno havarti before heading into dracano.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 10, 2012 1:05 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Well currently I have 72 Tier II cheese, 36 Tier VI cheese, and only 5 fire salt. Also I have 14 sea shells, 11 stones, 3 pungent peppers and 1 red seed.

I'm thinking I'm gonna try to go for my ABT, then head into the Guantlet. (I need to make up my mind, I'm been moving around way too much this weekend :P)

Edit (PS I meant Elub not Nerg :P)

Edit I do have 33 kings credits... should I spend a few on crates?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 1:26 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Argh, you guys reminded me, I need to add getting a better Shadow trap to my list of things that need to be done ASAP. I think I'm going to try to craft the Soul Harvester because that looks like the cheapest and quickest option. The only hard part will be getting the two Onyx stones. I either have to craft a bunch of Limelight cheese and stay in Digby for awhile in hopes of catching two Nugget mice (I've only caught one so far) which there aren't very many of (less than 1% of the population according to the wiki) and hoping both of them drop a stone. Or I have to work my way through Furoma until I have enough of the right cheese to catch a couple Mojos. I'm thinking that second option might actually be the faster way. I have 6 Rumble cheese already so I could go straight there and hope I get lucky and get two who drop stones right away.

I've been trying to choose between building the Soul Harvester or the Onyx Mallet. The Onyx Mallet is more powerful and the direct cost is 1/3 of the cost of the Soul Harvester. However, the Onyx Mallet will take me a lot longer. I'd need 12 Onyx Stones (definetly not enough Rumble cheese for that). Also, the Blueprints are only dropped by the Sojo and I have no Onyx Gorgonzola cheese. And in order to even get Onyx Gorgonzola, I'd have to use Onyx stones.


TL:DR I need to get a better Shadow trap. Are Onyx Stones a 100% drop rate from the Mojo?

Posted : January 10, 2012 3:00 pm
Member Admin

DiGs and wolf are back at school and this thread explodes. ;))

On another note, 87 pages! I think the MH thread (one and two combined) is longer than any of the other threads in the Spare Oom.

I know ;)) I try not to feel guilty about that and so I tell myself that if we had just one thread for all things Narnia it'd be a lot bigger than the Mousehunt thread. :P :))

At this point I'm unsure of whether I'll have enough stuff to go after the Draconic mice or whether I have to get the Clockapult of Time and harvest some fire salt.

Did you get the Soul Catcher at the Halloween event? If you did, I recommend doing what n_a_h is thinking of doing and crafting the Soul Harvester instead. :) Slightly cheaper and slightly better. And as to how much fire salt you'll need, it depends on if you're like DiGs or if you're like me. If you have DiGs's luck, you'll hardly need any at all. If you have my luck, you'll need a ton. :P ;))

The only hard part will be getting the two Onyx stones. I either have to craft a bunch of Limelight cheese and stay in Digby for awhile in hopes of catching two Nugget mice. ... Or I have to work my way through Furoma until I have enough of the right cheese to catch a couple Mojos.

Go with the Mojos. They'll be much faster and much more profitable. Did you spend all of your ice coins already? If not, you can buy crates of student tokens. (You can do that with King's Credit's as well.) Another option is to craft Maki cheese which makes farming students go SOOOO much faster.

Are Onyx Stones a 100% drop rate from the Mojo?

If not, they're like 99.99%. I've never not had one drop and I've caught several Mojos. That's actually a good question for wil cause he farms them on a regular basis.

Posted : January 10, 2012 3:19 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

DiGs and wolf are back at school and this thread explodes. ;))

Not yet for me, not til the 22nd ;)

Did you get the Soul Catcher at the Halloween event? If you did, I recommend doing what n_a_h is thinking of doing and crafting the Soul Harvester instead. :) Slightly cheaper and slightly better. And as to how much fire salt you'll need, it depends on if you're like DiGs or if you're like me. If you have DiGs's luck, you'll hardly need any at all. If you have my luck, you'll need a ton. :P ;))

But in order to get that I need Metamorphic Rock, which I need from the Seasonal Garden, which I need to get to Lady and get the Dragon Mouse for, which I need fire salt for, which leaves me back at square one, unless I'm missing something major.

Edit I got my ABT and moved to the Gauntlet. There's a location in Valour called "Construction Yard" for the Tournament Hall I presume.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 10, 2012 3:40 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Did you get the Soul Catcher at the Halloween event? If you did, I recommend doing what n_a_h is thinking of doing and crafting the Soul Harvester instead. :) Slightly cheaper and slightly better. And as to how much fire salt you'll need, it depends on if you're like DiGs or if you're like me. If you have DiGs's luck, you'll hardly need any at all. If you have my luck, you'll need a ton. :P ;))

But in order to get that I need Metamorphic Rock, which I need from the Seasonal Garden, which I need to get to Lady and get the Dragon Mouse for, which I need fire salt for, which leaves me back at square one, unless I'm missing something major.

Nope, you buy Metamorphic Rock at the store ..... *checks something*. Oh no, you're right, wolf!! I didn't realize you had to buy that rock at the Seasonal Garden GS. So no, I can't build the Soul Harvester either. I'm only a Knight at 41% so it's going to be quite some time before I can craft that. Man! That just threw a ginormous wrench into my plans. *headdesk* ~x(

I guess I will be crafting the Onyx Mallet after all.

Go with the Mojos. They'll be much faster and much more profitable. Did you spend all of your ice coins already? If not, you can buy crates of student tokens. (You can do that with King's Credit's as well.) Another option is to craft Maki cheese which makes farming students go SOOOO much faster.

Yes, I already spent them. I was thinking about getting some tokens but decided against it. I mostly bought stones, veggies, shells, and vanilla beans with the coins. I have yet to use any King's Credits for anything so I might use some just to make this go a little faster. I have over around 108 right now.

Posted : January 10, 2012 5:31 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Certainly buy the tokens, i buy them too since farming students just takes forever, as for MOJO, if u have that new LE trap(the tac one) then you should be making around 1mil a week if you have the rumble cheese, i personally like hunting there very much :)

Waiting for Ronza to blow all my cash :_ 4.2mil, i expect her to be here anytime this week or weekend, gluck everyone

Posted : January 10, 2012 9:21 pm
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