Back in FUroma...i guess WInter's not my favorite time of the year in SG...and maybe the ice thing is snowflake? i have no idea, i have no interest in the event since it is so time consuming and not profiting for higher ranked, no offense to anyone...I remember joining last year around the time of GWH, and it was quite profitable and progressed fast through the ranks, but this year, it evidently didnt help since throughout the whole event i only gained around 3% or 4% and Zurreal gives me like 1-1.5% by himself...Meditation chamber is fun, i hope i get enough to make another batch of RUmble Cheese and ill have fun, spent around 600k on charms...1000power and 1000luck...draining all my money sadface
I hit 3 mil and before Ronza came!! I'm not going to dip below that, no matter what, until Ronza comes.
good job, im determined to keep my gold over 4mil as well, in ZT now, looking grim but hey, ive been through worse
Well I'm competing in a SS Huntington II tourney and I just got my first Swabbie Mouse
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Congrats wolfloversk!
Due to all the Gouda I got in the gift boxes dropped during the event, I am back over the 4 mill mark in gold. I'm hunting in the warpath and I had a stash of charms so I haven't had to spend anything yet.
Looks like we're signed up for a Nerg tourney tomorrow. Should be fun.
MH currently says that a game update is coming, so it looks as if the event is going to be leaving. It was fun (and stressful on my end) but I'm glad that it's going away. I'd love it if Ronza came this week!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'd be surprised if Ronza shows up this week. However, I do expect to start seeing notices like "something was spotted approaching the kingdom" or something along those lines. It'll give the Devs a week or so to make sure whatever they need to code for her arrival is done.
Oh I dunno, I think we can expect her at any time. I took the line of "another party will be starting soon" to be hinting at Ronza's return. I wouldn't be surprised if this patch incorporated Ronza's return, though it is most likely the Christmas event ending. I did make one last minute run to spend a few Ice Coins I had gotten from sending people feta cheese and whatnot, but I didn't get anything exciting. Just more Gouda.
Used last ten ice coins to buy a Tier 3 potion. Back to the Gauntlet and collecting Tier 3 potions. May wander into the Catacombs again after I have acquired 200 Tier 3 potions with the goal of 1000 Tier 3 cheese before starting Tier 3. Need to evaluate best traps for Tier 4 and above.
As for Ronza, I suspect there will be items I cannot buy due to lack of points and level. No matter. Should be interesting.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Reading the newest news story, it looks like the party is going to be directly tied in to the completion of the Tournament Hall on the map.
I also noticed what I assume to be the pretty clear hint that Festive Feta won't be usable next year, so I turned all of that in for more Winter Charms that can be used year round. Hopefully I won't regret doing that next year. And if so, oh well.
Yipe! *goes to turn in her festive feta*
Thanks for the info Sis.
Well I just turned my Feta into charms and I crafted the Enraged Rhinobot (hopes Rhonza doesn't come for a while because she is down to 50,000 g and 0 SB+) On the bright side I currently have about 170 RB plus a bunch more potions.... So as long as she doesn't come til next weekend I should be ok.
Edit Got my Derr Chieftain!
Why are the Zombot Unipire and Grave robber mice being listed on the catacombs page? Is this a glitch or have they actually been released?
Edit 2:
8 mil points - Horrific Venus Mouse Trap (done)
12 mil points - Ancient Spear Gun (done)
14 mil points - Tribal Base (done) -> Upgrade to Tiki Base
16 mil points - Rhinobot (done)
17 mil points - Enraged Rhinobot (done)
17 mil points - Ancient Box Trap
17 mil points - Ice Maiden
18 mil points - Molten Shrapnel Base
20 mil points - Clockapult of Time
I have enough points for everything on this list (22,451,962 to be exact 53.28% Knight) Gold is another matter... and since Rhonza's coming I'm likely not completing anything else until after her visit. Right now I'm in the catacombs, farming gold
Edit: Scratch that last sentence I moved to the Jungle of Dread got my first Stonework Warrior Mouse 4 more drops to go... (I got the Jurassic during the event)
Edit: Those dreaded charms worked wonders! I got all the mice except the chitinous, but I don't have enough peppers for the cheese or enough seeds for the peppers. Right now I'm in Elub, harvesting sea shells, but I'll likely head back to the catacombs before I hit the sack. Maybe Rhonza will have more of those charms for a decent price I can only hope!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Why are the Zombot Unipire and Grave robber mice being listed on the catacombs page? Is this a glitch or have they actually been released?
The Zombot Unipire is not an event mouse. It's available in the catacombs all the time if you use SB+. I didn't know that the Grave Robber was there though.
Maybe Rhonza will have more of those charms for a decent price
I wouldn't hold your breath .
I've moved back into the warpath because I've realised that I need flameshards if I want to melt glass. I've got a good deal of the material to rebuild the trapsmith (all of the glass and a good start on the limestone and wood), but I'm painfully low on flameshards. It'll take me a while to finish a run through here (I'm only on wave 2, and not even half way done with that), but I suppose I have nothing better to do until Ronza comes.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Why are the Zombot Unipire and Grave robber mice being listed on the catacombs page? Is this a glitch or have they actually been released?
The Zombot Unipire is not an event mouse. It's available in the catacombs all the time if you use SB+. I didn't know that the Grave Robber was there though.
Not SB+, Undead Emmental, and you can only get the potion for that cheese during special weekend events, so I do consider it an event mouse. Just not quite as strictly as the others.
I've moved back into the warpath because I've realised that I need flameshards if I want to melt glass.
I don't remember how many you need cause it's been a while since I've constructed all of the buildings, but I don't recall needing very many. So I think one more run through should do it for all of the Market buildings.
Well after starting off on the Nerg tourny really well yesterday, I decided to take a risk and snag the Grandfather mouse (worth the most) and I didn't get a single one. Not only that, I ceased to be able to catch a mouse.
So we didn't end as well as we started. But that's ok cause our group is going to do a nice relaxed Muridae Market tourny tomorrow. Should be fun.
I do have to say real fast, I'm SOOOO glad that you don't have to pay to enter tournies anymore.
Not SB+, Undead Emmental, and you can only get the potion for that cheese during special weekend events, so I do consider it an event mouse. Just not quite as strictly as the others.
Mistaken? ME?!?! Surprise surprise!
I think you need 60 pieces of molten glass for the Trapsmith. You also need some for the charm shoppe, but I don't know how many. I really want to get my charm shoppe rebuilt so that I can start using Artisan charms (which means I can start stockpiling stuff for my papyrus base). I know, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but so what.
It's hard for me to believe that this time last year, I was collecting runes, and trying to go after my first Acolyte mouse.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb