barely got any charms...the trap looks decent, although slightly weaker then RR and less useful for MOJO hunting due to the -400 power, but can be useful elsewhere like maybe SG where attraction matters
I'll get this and run back to SG where i can get some more progress and hopefully hit baron at the end of January
Got the New Year's trap, so technically, I'm completely done with the event.
I do still have four mice that I'm really close to getting a silver crown on (Nutcracker, Stocking, Christmas Tree, and Destructoy) so I'll either leave when the event is over and done with, or I have a silver crown on those four mice.
Then I have to spend all of my Ice Coins and I guess head back to the Fiery Warpath until Ronza shows up.
Overall, only playing when I can look in.
By far one of the biggest attractions of this game for me. Just play when you can.
Well, I'm back at school, which means that I'M BACK!!!!
I'm likely going to catch my mad elf mouse within the hour, and then I'll be done with the event. I'm not going to buy that New Year's Trap, even though it's LE. It's weaker than the Rewer's, but I advise anybody who doesn't have Rewer's to buy it! (Although it would be a risk as Ronza's coming). At any rate, I'm saving as much gold as possible, because I want to have PLENTY of gold for Ronza.
Along those lines, once I finish the event I'll either farm gold, or use the gouda from my loyalty chests in the warpath.
I've already spent most of my ice coins. Got the OWN trap skin (LOVE IT!) and the ABT trap skin. Any more that I accrue will be spent on odds and ends (maybe orbs)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, I'm back at school, which means that I'M BACK!!!!
I still need the Winter Oasis Skin (Which is the one I want!), the New Year's Trap, and one more LED shard. But I need more Ice coins and firecracker charms.
Currently me and Dot are doing well in one of those 24 hr tournaments. (the snow fortress one). We are currently in the top 25% If all goes well I should get my Mad Elf during it too which will be a plus.
I kind of prefer the longer ones my self cause I'm never sure when I will be on. What about everyone else? Long or short tournaments?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I've burned through about 100 pieces of Runic cheese without catching a single Acolyte. I've missed him seven times though. I decided not to stick around and try to catch the Party Head or anything. I'm thinking about maybe trying a few more times since I have a decent amount of FF right now. I'm at 2.7 mil and I'd really like to get it back above 3 mil before Ronza comes so I might switch to Ancient and go to the Forbidden Grove. I'll probably make that up in less than two days.
Well, I'm back at school, which means that I'M BACK!!!!
What about everyone else? Long or short tournaments?
My preference for tournaments doesn't have to do so much with length as it does with cheese. If it's a tournament where SuperBrie will give you an edge, I'm not a big fan because it means I (and the rest of my team) won't do as well because I'm not so hardcore as to spend $25 to get hundreds of pieces.
I prefer tournaments that use a specific type of cheese (like Festive Feta) where everyone has an equal playing field.
But as far as length goes, I do tend to prefer shorter tournies cause my team is hardcore enough that we all try to be on for the whole thing and we actually do quite well.
Back in the day, we took 3rd place in one tourny. Did I ever mention that?
I decided not to stick around and try to catch the Party Head or anything. I'm thinking about maybe trying a few more times since I have a decent amount of FF right now.
I think you should try to catch him. You'll have all the rest of the year to catch everything else.
But obviously if you're sick to death of the event, he'll be back next year.
I'm still stuck with pretty much no progress, still needing some more firecrackers, i really want that LE trap just because. I guess i have enough gold for ROnza, well i seriously hope so...I have no idea. THink she is coming sometimes this or next week which makes it quite exciting but i hope i have internet access when she does make an appearance, or it will be a shame. I wish for a powerful physical trap and a powerful base since i 'm bound to do my FW trip soon, and i dude, i am not getting any points, still at 60 mil...
EDIT: got my trap , got a NY mouse with 22 FC charms...lucky
anyways, mojoing again since that trap costed 600k and put me at 3.8mil
I switched to FF in the Acolyte Realm and caught my New Years and Party Head mice. Now, I'm still using FF. I'll probably travel to FG at some point today and switch to Ancient to build up my gold supply.
Question for the Upper Ups. What trap setup should I use in Muridae Market? Should I continue to use my ER, or would a tactical or even the OWN work better?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
We figured out the answer to your question elsewhere, but I'll go ahead and post here as well for other people. The Market requires a physical or tactical trap. Out of the ones you have DiGs, the Enraged Rhinobot is the best bet.
So I've been watching tournament times to guess when the Winter Event will come to an end. As of right now it looks like the earliest possible day is Thursday as Winter Event tournies are running all day tomorrow. *is waiting for some non-Winter Event tournies to be added *
Oh, and I got all of the silver crowns I wanted so I'm back in the Fiery Warpath again. Of course, I just now realized I forgot to buy stuff with my Ice Coins so I'm gonna have to go back again. Whoops!
*is waiting for some non-Winter Event tournies to be added
Me too! Particularly in the Tribal Isles. (PS I got my big Boom Trap)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
WOW! I'm in the warpath using the monstrobot... I just got a streak of 10!!!! I didn't even know that was possible!
I did pick up the Big Boom Trap today. I also got over 100 artesian charms for the Market. I want to get the trapsmith rebuilt as well as gather papyrus for the papyrus base. So I figured I'd spend my ice coins on those. I also got the ABT trap skin and the Oasis trap sking.
I got some charms as well SK, and congrats on your streak:)
Im back in furoma mojoing...not doing really well, i think ill save my omp cheese to use with a Sphinx Wrath, i really dont know. Currently mopping up my last few hunts with rumble cheese then back in SG for some intimate hunting and ZT-ing for progress and points, i think im low on points, 60mil at 92% lord? is that normal?
For those who are interested, they just posted on Facebook that the GWH 2011 ends on January 9th. So 5 more days.
Well I got enough Rhinohorns for my Enraged Rhinobot, but I still need more stale SB... so I'm staling Runic.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down