I joined the Elf Extravaganza #1 with my team. I'm hunting in Elub right now collecting Pepper Seeds. I'll probably stay here or move over to Dracano during the tournament. I have a small stockpile of Feta. I haven't been using it for several days (I was quite bored with the Christmas event) so I've got 42 pieces and I should be getting 25 more in the next few hours when I get my Day 5 Loyalty Chest.
The tournament starts at 2 PM, my time and I should be here for at least the first four hours unless something weird happens. I do have something at six this evening so I'll probably be gone for a bit around then.
*waiting for game to load*
We finished 171st (which I believe was in the top half
(Now this time around I should be getting some cheese...)
Edit: I think the glitchpaws ate my reward.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Silly mice know we are hunting them and are now taking their revenge upon us by withholding our well-earned prizes.
The claiming prize thing seems to be the only thing that's not working. I have 22 Festive Feta left so I should be able to contribute something to this Elf Extravaganza #2.
The claiming prize thing seems to be the only thing that's not working. I have 22 Festive Feta left so I should be able to contribute something to this Elf Extravaganza #2.
It just crashed again on me then came back up... and with it came my daily chest rewards Mwahaha!!!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
We finished 171st
(which I believe was in the top half
Really? How funny. We came in 169th. Yeah, we haven't been able to claim our prizes yet either.
Anyways, all five of us are on now doing the second big winter tourny and that'll be it for today.
Hey wolf, did I see you sent an invite to cep? You will probably need to resend it cause when I added my sister to my team earlier, it didn't work at all for quite a while. The third time was the charm.
We finished 171st
(which I believe was in the top half
Really? How funny. We came in 169th.
Yeah, we haven't been able to claim our prizes yet either.
Check the top bar on the MH page apparently if you click the team name on the camp page, then click the tourament you want to get the prize out of there is a link where you can claim your prize... that's how I got mine
Hey wolf, did I see you sent an invite to cep? You will probably need to resend it cause when I added my sister to my team earlier, it didn't work at all for quite a while. The third time was the charm.
It worked, but he left soon after joining. Or at least I think that's what happened... that's what the computer believed to have happened... I remember he said something about being busy, and that's why he originally left his first team, so I assumed it was a similar situation... but if he changes his mind he's certainly welcomed back (as is anyone else who wants a welcome.) We still have two slots available
I see the scoreboards are bugging out too
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
My team finished 135th. I clicked to claim my prize but it's not working. It shows the Lighting mouse and says "lightening hit the servers". I want to see where we placed but it gives me the same error message when I tried to view the scoreboards.
MH has been glitchy for a couple hours. It refuses to let me send Daily Draw tickets to a couple of my friends no matter how many times I try. And it wouldn't let me send Feta to at least one of my friends.
My major problem right now is that the Tournaments page won't load...
Neither will half the stuff actually. Ah well I'm going to bed soon anyway, I was just curious to see what had been added.
Hopefully it's up in the morning.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
This morning, I got a new notification that I needed to claim my prize (top 25%, woot!) and it worked. Looks like they got some stuff worked out over night. And now, we'll be competing in Festive Dress-up. Sounds weird but, oh well.
In other news, I've been farming Pepper Seeds and crafting the different kinds of Havarti cheese. Soon, I'm going to move to JOD and get the rest of the items for the ABT. I already have all the Blueprint pieces.
EDIT: How much of each type of Havarti cheese would you reccomend having before heading to the JOD? So far, I have at least 12 of each type: some of the types I have 18 or 24. I'm thinking about waiting until I have 24 of each before heading there. Do you think that will be enough?
EDIT again: I also do not have a very strong Shadow trap. The strongest one I have is the Soul Catcher. Time to go check the catch rate estimates to see how I'll do there.
Our team got 39th out of 1519 teams last night. I was pretty proud of that. I don't see any current tournies to sign up for as we're all on different schedules and the times available are really weird. So maybe we'll pick up another tourny over the weekend or something.
Hey wolf, you're the leader of your team right? Have you figured out how to add your whole team to a tourny yet? I thought they said team leaders could do that but I haven't figured out how....
How much of each type of Havarti cheese would you reccomend having before heading to the JOD?
For....? Getting the ABT trap? If that's it, then you have more than enough.
But if you're talking about until you catch the Dragon Mouse/unlock Balack's Cove, you may need a lot more than that.
I also do not have a very strong Shadow trap. The strongest one I have is the Soul Catcher.
Again, if you're just there for the ABT trap parts, the Soul Catcher will do just fine. But if you're wanting to farm fire salt, I recommend at least having the Gorgon trap, if not the Clockapult. (Or in your case, upgrading the Soul Catcher.)
Hey wolf, you're the leader of your team right? Have you figured out how to add your whole team to a tourny yet? I thought they said team leaders could do that but I haven't figured out how....
We can? No, but I've figured out how to send the whole team an invite...
We finished 71st in the last Elf Extravaganza... I don't think either one of us even caught an elf mouse I tend to get quite a few normally too
Edit: @Digs &Dot I won't be online most of tomorrow so feel free to join your own tourneys or whatever (actually feel free to anyways) but I probably won't be participating in any tomorrow.
Edit two: No Silth mouse yet
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
New trap in the Festive Comet marketplace...
2012 Big Boom Trap ( 2,500 Tactical Power )
Power type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 20%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: Extremely Stale
A fine and attractive looking trap for any mouse who likes to have a good time, it is so attractive and dazzling in fact that when the volley of non-lethal BOOM! brand light-works whiz past them, the mouse is rendered immobile for minutes after from sheer awe at the beauty... Except of course when the hunter loads the fireworks volley with BOOM! brand high-incendiary fire-work rounds; in that case you definitely won't be finding a mouse at all.
Cost: 600,000 gold
100 Firecracker Charms
Requirements: 600 Festive Toy Receipt
102,012 Points
A pretty decent trap. It's almost as good as Rewer's Riposte but the nice thing about it is the ridiculous amount of attraction on it.
I assume the charms to buy it will show up tomorrow or Jan 1st for New Years?
ETA: Kat just caught a New Year's Mouse in the Snow Fortress during our tournament... worth no points, of course.
But I thought you all would like to know they'd been released.
I built the Ancient Box Trap this morning.
Now, I'm not sure what I'm doing. I totally forgot to buy the Candy Cane Base and used up almost all my coins on other stuff a week or so ago. Then, I realized I could buy the Candy Cane Base. So now, I'm in the Festive Comet, fooling around with only 48 coins, trying to get twelve more so I can buy the Candy Cane Base and hoping Ronza comes soon.
Congrats n_a_h. Are you going to try for your Acolyte as soon as the Winter Festival is over?
Shortly after I posted about the trap above they released an official news story on all of the New Year's celebration stuff, so that's up now for those who are interested. There's another new mouse called the Party Head Mouse (reading the description immediately got Party Rock Anthem stuck in my head ) and I caught him right away.
Seem to have a problem. Caught absolutely not a single moose holding the firecrackers. Thoughts? Disregard. Caught a Party Head. 16 Firecrackers with that Moose. Overall, only playing when I can look in.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”