So do I have to have the Ice Maiden to hunt in Dracano if all I'm after is event mice?
Nope. Use your best setup and you should be fine.
I haven't crafted a single toy yet, but every single mouse I've caught has dropped something so far so it shouldn't be too much longer.
Edit: never mind, I just crafted the ball n' cup. I got a red gift box with vanilla beans in it! I'd forgotten how much I love the gift boxes.
So do I have to have the Ice Maiden to hunt in Dracano if all I'm after is event mice?
Nope. Use your best setup and you should be fine.
Edit: never mind, I just crafted the ball n' cup. I got a red gift box with vanilla beans in it! I'd forgotten how much I love the gift boxes.
I've gotten two Green Gift Boxes. One had 1 King's Credit and 11 Brie and the other had 1 King's Credit and 2 Ancient Potions. Talk about a disapointment on the second one! The King's Credit was nice but I have 241 Ancient Potions now and I'm probably never going to use them unless the cost drops.
My stats:
Stocking - 5 Wood
Stocking - 5 Springs
Stocking - 4 Springs
Christmas Tree - 1 Spring
Destructoy - 2 Screws
Nutcracker - 3 Wood
Nutcracker - 3 Screws
Candy Cane - 1 Wood
Wreath Thief - 1 Cog
Toy - 1 Cog
Ornament - 1 Cog
The Destructoy is the one that I've caught the most of followed by the Stocking followed by the Nutcracker.
It seems some mice drop different kinds of loot and some have one loot drop. So far the Destructoy is the only mouse to drop Springs for me.
I got springs at the comet from the Nutcracker (dropped three), the christmas tree, and the candy cane (also dropped one in the catacombs)
So far I built the Ball 'n Cup Toy and the Wind Up Toy
Edit "MouseHunt will return shortly"
Tourneys? Or just normal stuff? (It's the lockpick again by the way )
Edit: apparently maintenance...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
i think its like halloween event, so normal cheese will do:)
im aiming only for deathbots and is camping in dracano, where all the parts are dropped, but i think itll take some time, btw, any ideas on the trap? Nutcracker, sounds tactical or physical to me
Anyone know of a good place to hunt specifically for either wood or metal? And what trap setup I should use? I have an abundance of screws, but am a bit light on the other two basic elements.
whine and apparently it attracts the Scrooge mouse. It dropped 13 pieces of wood in the Catacombs.
Nice Kat!! I JUST got the last springs I needed for the Replica Deathbot, so I crafted my first toy.
I'm now up to 50 Ice Coins and 35 Receipts!
I have now moved to Dracano to get the Fire Plug. I think I'm going to make one of each toy and then concentrate on making Replica Deathbots.
I bought 5 Winter charms this morning in hopes of attracting the Snowflake Mouse but no such luck there.
@n_a_h, I'm gonna have to side with you that I'm a little annoyed that we can only send 5 people cheese per day. I wish it was 10 like the other holiday events. I have a lot of friends so sadly you all won't receive cheese too often from me. I rotate through my full friends list to try to be fair.
Poking around yesterday, I've noticed a lot of tournament related stuff that has snuck in with the Christmas event update. Aside from the new Team button which I'm sure all of you have noticed by now, there are a lot of trophies and such which you can view by clicking on your collectibles tab in your profile and then uncollected.
*whines* I still need 1 more metal to make the Draconic toy! *whine* I'm out of feta though so I'm a bit stuck. I did make the basic wooden toy because I had just enough screws to do that plus the draconic toy. I can actually make several other toys right now, but I'm one metal away.... I'm sticking to this one.
Is there an easy way to get more festive feta? I'm out already
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
If you need more Festive Feta, just hunt at the Festive Comet with Brie (or some other regular cheese).
Just built my Draconic Toy. Tin Larry is next!
I have gotten quite a variety of stuff from Green Gift Boxes.
-6 Plant Pots and 1 King's Credit
-1 Scrap Metal
-5 Gouda
-3 RB Potions and 1 King's Credit
And I got 25 Festive Feta in my Day 5 Loyalty Chest this morning. I was needing it! I've used it all up though and I'm out again. *sigh*
I am not really sure what to do. I'd love to start working toward loot for the three traps I need to craft. That would mean going to the Tribal Isles region. I would hunt around there and every time I build up some Feta, I could go strait to Dracano and use it up and then go back to the other Tribal Isles and get back to collecting loot. It's not that expensive to travel from one Tribal Isles location to another Tribal Isles location.
Well my hunting with out Festive Feta wasn't totally worthless... I caught my first Harpy and got more event cheese
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Question, how did four of you (Lady Arwen, ramagut, Dot, and EtJ) manage to send me a Winter Charm? I can't find where you guys sent that from and I'd like to return the favor.
I was just wondering that too. I never even saw it as the gift of the day which is weird because I thought I looked. Anyway, sorry about that! Next time I'll pay more attention.