Well, the game is officially down. It should be here within a few minutes! YAY!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ok, it took me forever and a day to find the event news post since the News button has been replaced with the Team button. So here it is...
http://www.mousehuntgame.com/newspost.p ... post_id=87
Lots of stuff going on for this event. In fact, I'm still a little confused myself as to what to do, but I did discover that you need Festive Feta to catch the Holiday Mice which can be obtained at the Festive Comet. The Holiday Mice drop Toy parts, and we need to build toys. Different locations drop different parts, so check out your map to see what drops where.
Hey guys. I just figured this out (though I think it might have been in the news post Fantasia posted): We can send FF cheese if we change our profiles to "I want Festive Feta." Change it on your profile by clicking the shield. There should be a drop down menu. that is automatically set to Christmas Coal.
ETA: You can send your friends whatever they are asking for in the same manner you went trick or treating: just visit their profiles and click help out.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Yay, Christmas event! Unfortunately, you can only help five friends per day. I wish they'd let you help more. They let you send ten gifts per day and they let you pick up ten candies and send ten people cheese during the Halloween event so I wish they'd change it to let you help that many during the Christmas event as well.
I just discovered you can't claim Luck Charms off of people's facebook posts anymore. A "gifting is temporarily disabled" message pops up when I try to claim them.
YES! YES! YES!!!!!! I GOT A LOOT DROP! It was sandblasted metal!!!! Thanks to fantasia for the first sandblasted metal. I now have my monstrobot!!!!!!!
Any suggestions on a trap setup for the Comet?
AND you get an Ice Coin every time you help a friend out, so it's a good idea to start visiting those profiles.
* sneaks back out *
Avatar thanks to AITB
I thought we might benefit from some loot stats. Here are my loot drops organized by location and mouse:
Festive Comet:
Candy Cane: 1 Wood
Snow Fort: 2 Screws
Wreath Thief: 1 Cog (twice)
Nutcracker: 3 Screws
Destructoy: 2 Screws
Candy Cane: 1 Screw
Toy: 1 Cog (twice)
Christmas Tree: 1 Screw
Winter Past: Nothing (twice)
ETA: Snow Fort: 4 Wood
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I just discovered you can't claim Luck Charms off of people's facebook posts anymore.
A "gifting is temporarily disabled" message pops up when I try to claim them.
I don't have that problem
Also guys you can get toy parts from all over the kingdom, infact some parts are not located in Gnawnia, so the more toys you want to build the further you'll have to travel. It tells you on the map which parts are where.
I'm seeing lots of trap stuff for me to buy... oi (<- at first I hit this one by accident,
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I just discovered you can't claim Luck Charms off of people's facebook posts anymore.
A "gifting is temporarily disabled" message pops up when I try to claim them.
I don't have that problem
Yea, it must have only been for half an hour or so. It's letting me claim them now.
I imagine it changes considering your level and what day it is, but I'm on day 4 of the daily rewards (level of Duchess) and I got 20 pieces of Festive Feta in my reward.
Well it looks like in order to create all of the toys available, you have to be able to hunt in Dracona and the Catacombs.
Apologies to those of you (DiGs and Kat I think?) whom I sent to the Crystal Library. Dracona is better as shastastwin pointed out. That's ok though, the Library is second best.
At any rate, I got a couple Doohickeys ( ) and as I'm trying to build the Replica Deathbot first and I need metal, I headed over to the Warpath as it had metal with the least amount of other drops. After that, I'll probably head to the Festive Comet for more cheese and springs, screws, and cogs.
I've moved to Dracano as well.
Did you know you can send a whole different set of gifts by clicking on "Send Gift" on the profile? Same place you set up the Feta cheese just below it.
So do I have to have the Ice Maiden to hunt in Dracano if all I'm after is event mice? I'm currently at the Comet and I've never been in Dracano. I have everything I need for the Ice Maiden with the exception of the Frozen Scroll. And in order to get the Frozen Scroll, I have to have crafted the ABT in order to catch the Acolyte mouse. And I need a ton more loot before I can craft that. I'm thinking as soon as the Christmas event is over, I'm going to try to get both of those traps crafted ASAP as well as the Rhinobot. I have the points needed for all those traps and just need to buckle down and go after the loot.
I figure since I don't have the Ice Maiden, I'll just use the strongest trap I have in there.
More loot drops in the Cats:
Wreath Thief: 1 Cog
Christmas Tree: 1 Screw
Nutcracker: 3 Wood
Candy Cane: 1 Wood
Destructoy: 2 Springs
Ornament: 1 Cog
It seems some mice drop different kinds of loot and some have one loot drop. So far the Destructoy is the only mouse to drop Springs for me.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0