Fortunately I still have over 100 pieces of RB left Believe me this is not the first time I've been so low on gold
Thanks FK!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
WOO HOO! Congratulations Wolf!!!!!! That is sooooo awesome! Don't worry, you'll make the money back REALLY quickly!
DOTK: Great job on the Gorgon trap as well! That's also an awesome trap, and it does decently in the Jungle of Dread. That being said, the Jungle is really tough. A catch rate of 15% is not unheard of. . . so be patient
The bonus luck will hopefully help me catch my winter mage mouse! Friday night starts winter in the Seasonal Garden.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
*Is currently staring wideeyed at her journal*
Ok so I figured I'd travel to Digby for the weekend event to see if I'd get an edge on the Subterranean and BBB. I was just about to go to bed and I figured I'd blow my horn one more time first
2:58 am - Town of Digby
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 1 oz. Nugget Mouse worth 6,875 points and 550 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Digby DrillBot Parts
Never expected that to happen! I didn't know those could be dropped as loot, that saves me over 400,000 gold! Woot!
Edit! So which is better for the Digby Dirt Dwellers ACRONYM or the Digby Drillbot? I'm going to assume Acronym for now, since that's how Digs finished it before...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wow Wolf, that is absolutely and completely fantastic!! You are so lucky. LOL You're the first person I've ever seen get those trap parts to drop. If you want (and haven't done this already) you can toss them into your Crafting box and hit Craft and get the trap. You can always smash it again when you're ready to build your Rhinobot (assuming you do that someday).
So which is better for the Digby Dirt Dwellers ACRONYM or the Digby Drillbot?
I don't know if you've seen yet or not, but got their Catch Rate Estimates page back up. You'll want to head over there yourself and enter the correct data cause I'm just guessing for you, but the ACRONYM + Bamboozler Base gives you a 9.86% chance of catching the BBB and DDB + Bamboozler gives you a 7.92% chance.
Well, I got to give my Sphynx Trap a good run last night. It absolutely rocked the Cavalry Mice. I'm very pleased.
I moved on to Wave 3 in the middle of the night and am starting off this morning with the Scout Mice.
I'm not very far yet.
Well according to furoma its not so much a question of traps (ACRONYM is the way to go) but bases. Dehydration will give me a slightly higher chance with the Subterranean, but the Bamboozler is slightly better for the BBB. I think I'm gonna go with Dehydration (for now) because the difference with BBB is extremely small. So far I missed the subterranean three times over night and into today...
Edit I'd figure I'd give you all an update on traps, bases, and such.
Weapons I currently own
500 Pound Spiked Crusher
Digby Drillbot
High Tension Spring
Mouse Mary O'Nette
Mouse Rocketine
Mouse Trebuchet
Swiss Army Mouse Trap
Tacky Glue Trap
Sinister Portal
Mutated Venus Mouse Trap
Arcane Capturing Rod of Never Yielding Mystery
Bases I currently own
Chocolate Birthday Cake
Wooden with Target
Locations I can Access
Town of Gnawnia
King's Gauntlet
Calm Clearing
Great Gnarled Tree
Town of Digby
Training Grounds
Meditation Room
Pinnacle Chamber
Forbidden Grove
Acylote Realm
Other Stats
Breeds Caught: 120 / 289
Event Breeds Caught: 19Hunting Since: Jan 03, 2011
Hunter's Title: Hero (20 % )
Points: 7,262,579
Gold: 75,470
Horn Calls: 3063
Location: Town of Digby
Region: Burroughs
Trap Power: 4508
Total Luck: 22
Weapon: Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery
Base: Dehydration Base
Bait: 13 pieces of Limelight
Charm: None
Mice Caught: 3826
Ok here's a list of my upcoming goals, which is roughly in order... (emphasis on roughly!)-Get my ACRONYM
-Get the SS. Huntington II map piece
-Farm for Gold
-Get the Subterranean and BBB mice in the Town of Digby
-Get a Hydro Trap and the Digby Drill Bot
Um half checked? I got the latter
-Finish up the King's Gauntlet
-Get the Wight, Lich, and Acylote Mice
-Craft the Ocean Navigation Kit and tackle all the related areas
-Get the Harpy and Silth Mice
-Level up to Knight
-Get Some of the SB only Indigenous and Furoma Mice that I still need
Still need to do all of that. Currently I'm in Digby to see if the weekend event will help me out, but After words I'm going to farm some gold then work on the SS. Huntington II
Edit 2! Sorry for making this post into a 12 page report
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolf. . . I am extremely jealous . That is an extremely rare loot drop! Congratulations!
Almost up to 900K in gold. I'll have my ZFM before too awful long. Can't wait for winter to start in the SG. I want my winter mage
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I got my first streak of 9 tonight! That's not happened to me before! Why oh why couldn't this have happened on Wave 3?!
I'm not going to use a commander charm though as I only have cavalry and mage mice left. I'm going to see if I can catch a garga and then set up to catch mage mice overnight.
I feel very very stupid. I had moved back to the Mousoleum after getting about 20 Radioactive Blue Cheese Potions in the Laboratory. For the past two days I have caught very little: out of about twenty-five tries (page one of my Hunter's Journal), I caught four mice. I've used about sixty pieces of Radioactive Blue Cheese since coming back to the Mousoleum.
I realized just now that after leaving the Laboratory, I forgot to switch from my Swiss Army trap back to my Sinister Portal. So I've basically been doing nothing for the past two days. I'm at 99% on my way to Grandmaster and I could have made it this morning if not sooner if I'd switched traps when I first traveled to the Mousoleum.
Aww, I'm sorry n_a_h. I've made several stupid mistakes like that as well (like equipping rumble cheese in the meditation room ), but it's never fun!
MH is loading UBER slowly for me this morning. Gotta love dial-up connections. At any rate, Winter starts at 4AM (EDT), which really stinks. I'll probably head there before going to bed tonight, and just set up a good tactical trap. Who knows, I might have enough for ZFM before heading in. I'm only 90K away.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, I'm now a Grandmaster!
I got my first streak of 9 tonight!
I'll probably head there before going to bed tonight, and just set up a good tactical trap.
Sounds like a plan!
Well, I'm now a Grandmaster!
Woohoo!! And I don't think you've been to the Great Gnarled Tree yet have you? You're doing good.
Well the extra luck weekend has started and I've moved back to the Muridae Market in the hopes of finishing up my Trapsmith. I have to collect 70 Limestone, 120 Timber, and 60 Molten Glass. I'm currently done with the Limestone, but I only have 70 Timber and 31 Glass. Hope things go well.
Oh, I did miss FBF today (been busy) but I did read the review, and they confirmed that the new Zugzwang's area and the Living Garden are two different locations. I don't know how high leveled the Zugzwang's area will be, but I'm bet it's going to be lower than Baron. Can't wait to see it!
Well, I'm in Digby, and after spending some money on Curds and Whey, in order to make Limelight, I am happy to say I was very successful and have caught 2 Stone Cutter mice and a Big Bad Borroughs mouse.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
fantasia_kitty, nope, haven't been to the gnarled tree. I only have six Radioactive Blue Cheese yet so I'm going to finish those off here at the Mousoleum and then head to the Tree.
I'm going to use the Swiss Army trap and the Dehydration Base but I'm going to look into buying or crafting another trap. The strongest one I have (not including my Shadow trap) is the Swiss Army.
Any reccomendations for what to buy/craft?
I just traveled to the Great Gnarled Tree and I am loving it! The second time I blow the horn, a Fairy Mouse drops the Lagoon map piece. Fourth blow and I get a Gnarled Potion. I hope it keeps up like this for the rest of the night!
Well, I'm in Digby, and after spending some money on Curds and Whey, in order to make Limelight, I am happy to say I was very successful and have caught 2 Stone Cutter mice and a Big Bad Borroughs mouse.
If only I was so lucky... may I ask what trap settup you are using?
EDIT! 3 seconds later...
Apparently I spoke too soon as I finally got the Subterranean ... Now If I can just get the BBB
Edit 5 hours later!
Sweet news...
11:30 pm - Town of Digby
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 13 oz. Big Bad Burroughs Mouse worth 22,700 points and 24,500 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Monolith Base and 1 Satchel of Gold (1,000 gold)
Thus completeing the Digby Dirt Dwellers. My next move will probably be finishing off this limelight, then heading to the lab for RB potions then back to the catacombs to start saving for the King's Bubbleh and my trip to SS Huntington II.
The only bad news is I didn't get the first mouse popup cause I had to claim a kings reward... :/
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
First of all, congratulations to EtJ and wolf on their Big Bad Burroughs mice!! Woooo!!!! And to wolf on her Monolith Base.
Second, congratulations to DiGs who got his Winter Mage over the weekend and unlocked Zugzwang's Tower!!
And finally, congrats to n_a_h on her Fairy Mouse catch and the map piece to the Lagoon.
I'm going to use the Swiss Army trap and the Dehydration Base but I'm going to look into buying or crafting another trap.
You'll want to buy the Venus Mouse Trap at the Great Gnarled Tree. It's your first tactical trap and you'll need it for the Furoma area.
Right after you buy that trap, smash it, and combine it with 20 Radioactive Sludge to get the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap. An easy, practically free upgrade.
Well I had a less-than-extremely-awesome +5 luck weekend.
I went to the Muridae Market to complete the Trapsmith and while I did get the materials for it, I had forgotten that to change Shards of Glass to Molten Glass, you need Flameshards. Well I don't have any right now.
So I moved back to the Fiery Warpath to complete another run, and I could NOT catch a Crimson Commander to save my life. Not only that, but at one point I had equipped a Commander's Charm after a streak, but my only access to the internet was a smartphone which conveniently dropped the internet connection. By the time I got back online, I had not only missed the Commander on the streak, but I had missed a second one after the streak was broken, burning through extra charms and not burning through the waves of mice.
Ah well.
The good news is, I am making quick work of Wave 3 and should hopefully complete another Victory either today or tomorrow. 0-0-0-29-16-14