I like it, though it looks nothing at all like ACRONYM...
I do agree I prefer the other one, it remains my favorite in the game, though I don't own it.
(This topic is quickly approaching 100 pgs. Can I make a recommendation that in the next topic intro you guys include the links not just to facebook and MH, but also MHwiki, furoma, the travel planner, and the timers? I've lost the latter two in the gazillions of posts here.)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I agree, Digs, it does look tacky. Now, I don't want it very bad anymore.
I'm having very low drop rates for potions so I think I'm going to switch to a lower powered trap so I can have more luck. ACRONYM: here we go.
Im disappointed at this event, not that the Chinese New Year Events were ever spectacular, its seriously a lousy reward...i dig Digs, that skin is...tacky
Where is Ronza? i want to actually spend my gold soon since i am really waiting to see how much money i will bge using when Ronza cmoes...
I had to step out of FW because of this event and...it was...disappointing? be back in FW once i finish getting that costume tiger im not even going to try to get the skin
the travel planner, and the timers? I've lost the latter two in the gazillions of posts here
Both of these are on furoma.com. Hover over the travel tab at the top of the page and then click on "Travel Planner." Hover over the timers tab at the top of the page and click on "Chad's MH Timers."
We'll be sure to mention this in MH 3.0
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I don't mind this event so far (even if it IS modeled after the King's Gauntlet ). It's short, sweet, and to the point, and there's really no need for a reward better than a trap skin with Ronza due to show up in 7 days or less. And we're gonna have another event for Valentine's Day in a couple weeks from now with even more goodies.
The irony is that even though it's a simple event, I am epically failing at it. I decided I wanted a nice large stash of Nitropop Charms before continuing on, so I built up 30 of them, and then used all of them getting Dragon's Breath potions. So now I'm rebuilding my stash of Nitropop Charms so I have something to convert.
Ah well. I don't have anything better to do.
ETA @ 12:00CST : Got my Costumed Dragon. Just 1/5 So much for my stockpiling, but that's ok. 123 Firecracker charms down, 127 more to go, so halfway there.
By the way, I saw someone (don't remember who) mention a while back about needing to catch 2 Costumed Dragon mice so they could have the Dragon Seal in addition to the Skin? You only need one, you don't spend the Dragon Seal when you buy the skin.
Both of these are on furoma.com.
Oh. Right.
(I never noticed the top bar
Thanks for that very informative piece of information...
Still trying to get Charms... I have yet to get a single Dragon's Breath Potion.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm up to 155 firecracker charms. Should be done by this time tomorrow. YAY! I was actually hoping that Ronza would come today. Good grief, the devs are cutting it close. They said that she would come in January. . . which is now almost gone
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
This event is really starting to annoy me. It's very boring and is my least favorite event so far. The drops of potions are so few and far between and the mice are worth so little that it feels useless. I don't like the trap skin since seeing that picture so I almost want to forgo the rest of the event and head back to the Catacombs to get above 4 mil before Ronza comes.
I do want to catch the Calligraphy mouse though. I hunted with SB+ for awhile (15ish pieces, I think) and no luck, I had Firecracker charms and Nitropop charms armed with it. Do you have to have a specific charm to catch that mouse?
*is busy stalking the forums to find out more info*
n_a_h, I couldn't catch the Calligraphy Mouse when I had the event charms armed either. Just a plain ol' boring luck charm was what finally caught it for me. I kind of assumed it was a bug cause the effectiveness link said it should have worked, but yeah, I got nothin' but Frosty Snow mice.
163 Firecracker charms.
I was just coming to edit my post. Turns out, I already caught the Calligraphy mouse, two in fact, when I had SB+ armed before. But, I don't remember which charms I had armed at the time.
Down to one Nitropop charm and one Dragon's Breath charm. If I don't get the Dragon Seal with this one, I'm going to pull my hair out. And I only have 44 Firecracker charms.
Woot, there's my Dragon Kite. That would be all the collectibles I need, so just the trap skin and I'm done.
I'm up to 180 firecracker charms, so hopefully I'll finish up by tomorrow. Here's hoping that someday in the future those trap skins are worth some money on the marketplace . I really do think it's too hideous to display
I could have thought of better designs than that (and given my artistic capability that IS saying something
I'll probably finish up the event sometime tomorrow afternoon, and then I too will probably head back to the catacombs. I'm almost up to 3.5 million in gold right now, so that should buy me some nice things when Ronza comes.
It's funny how my goal before the Christmas event was to have 2,000,000, and now it's to have double that
EDIT: 221 Firecracker charms. I'll probably have it sometime this morning!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Got the trapskin. I'm done. I think I'll go ahead and head back to the Fiery Warpath for now until I hear about Ronza or some kind of expansion on the current event.
I'm almost up to 3.5 million in gold right now, so that should buy me some nice things when Ronza comes.
It's funny how my goal before the Christmas event was to have 2,000,000, and now it's to have double that
I would venture a guess and say that's exactly why they've kept her from coming til the very last minute. So everyone has plenty of time to stockpile gold like mad. Hope that means she's bring something gooooood!!!!
I would venture a guess and say that's exactly why they've kept her from coming til the very last minute. So everyone has plenty of time to stockpile gold like mad. Hope that means she's bring something gooooood!!!!
I really hadn't thought of it like that. Here's hoping you're right! She very well could come today, because I know a lot of people who are close to finishing up the event.
I thought about how I'd word it if I was a dev:
"The large amount of fireworks released at the Heart of the Dragon Party has caused a huge temperature shift in Gnawnia. This has caused the winds to pick up heavily, which has caused a strange airship to stopover at the Party. Digby Scientists seem to think that the wind should subside in X number of days, at which point the owner of the airship will take flight once again."
Anyways. . . that's how I'd do it
Up to 240 firecracker charms, so I should be done any time now.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have over 2 mil now... another million would be nice, but I doubt it's gonna happen. After this I'll probably hang out in either the guantlet or bristle woods (and do more tourneys). Still having trouble getting potions... so I'm stockpiling. When I hit 25 Nitropop charms I may give it another go.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down