Does anyone know what type of cheese is best?
I was using Swiss, but staled three out of four times, and so I'm using Brie now. Doing good with it, so I'll probably stick with it. If you want the Caligraphy mouse, he's SB only though.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've been using Brie and it's been working well.... Digs got the calligraphy mouse to drop
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
DiGs, were you using any special setup when you caught the Calligraphy Mouse? Obviously SB+, but I was wondering if you were using Nitropop charms or anything in addition to the SB+? I had SB equipped for a while and all I caught were Frosty Snow mice and didn't want to waste my cheese if I wasn't going to catch him.
I didn't have anything other than a luck charm armed when I caught my calligraphy mouse. I had SB armed. I haven't caught a single frosty snow mouse. I keep catching furoma students!
That's actually good to know cause I did have Firecracker Charms armed, so I have removed them and put SB back in. I'll see if I can grab that Calligraphy Mouse now.
I haven't caught a single frosty snow mouse. I keep catching furoma students!
I believe the rest of the SB+ only mice there you can catch with regular Brie- that's how I got my Frosty Snow Mice. (I think.)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I honestly don't remember what I had equipped. I think I had a firecracker charm equipped when I caught the Calligraphy mouse, but I'm not sure.
My second Dragon's breath charm was wasted on another stinking red envelope mouse. I wonder what the actual attraction rate of the Costumed Dragon is.
Going to go back to using firecracker charms overnight, which will hopefully build up enough of a stash, so as to put me within striking distance tomorrow. (Although, if I burn through all of my firecracker charms, it'll take me a good deal of time to get the trap skin).
C'est la vie.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
For all my trouble of getting the Calligraphy mouse, I caught four of them overnight when I couldn't change my cheese from SB+ Go figure. At least I caught him.
I still suspect that something wasn't right cause when I set up with Firecracker Charms and SB+, the ONLY mouse I ever caught out of 10-15 hunts was the Frosty Snow Mouse.
Using Brie and Firecracker charms currently. I'm in no hurry to get to the end so I'm stockpiling Nitropop charms. Up to 15 of those.
I've been really slow in collecting Nitropop potions. I've only gotten five so far and I've been here since the event started. I've been catching tons and tons of Frosty Snow Mice which are simply useless: very little points, very little gold, and no loot.
When I first got a Nitropop potion, I crafted three charms right away and caught nothing out of the ordinary with it: no Dragon's Breath charms. I now have four Nitropop potions and converted them to 12 charms and am hunting with them now. Hopefully, I have a little better luck this time.
That sounds about right, NAH. I went through about 6 nitropop potions and 3 Dragon's Breath Charms before nabbing my costumed dragon.
For those interested, the costumed dragon drops the following loot:

So now I'm farming firecracker charms so that I can buy the skin. I've got 51 thus far, so hopefully I can get the rest before the end of the week.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I don't think Bookwyrm ever comes in here so I'll go ahead and post what he got....
(second one)2 King's Credits, 1 Satchel of Gold (5,000 gold), 9 Firecracker Charms and 1 Super Power Charm
Some slight differences here and there, but for the most part you get the same thing.
I'm waiting for my Dragon Kite (collectible) to show up. I'm more interested in that than the trap skin.
^Not me... I love trapskins! (Though I'm still missing the 2 or 3 you can buy and all but one of the tourney skins) They're so fun! (Though I wouldn't turn down a collectible either )
Edit: So far all I've caught with Nitropop charms are party-heads... and they don't drop anything!
At least I got my Bronze Crown for those
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Caught my Costumed Dragon Mouse:
7:30 pm - Year of the Dragon Festival
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 9 oz. Costumed Dragon Mouse worth 2,888 points and 888 gold.
The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Dragon Seal, 2 King's Credits, 1 Satchel of Gold (5,000 gold), 8 Firecracker Charms and 1 Super Luck Charm
Now it's back to farming firecracker charms for the skin to see if I can get that many. I'm also kind of hoping that if I can get the skin, I can pick up another costumed dragon mouse so I can get a second seal for my collectibles. We'll see if my attention span lasts that long.
A full sized image of the trap skin was uploaded to the wiki today. I must say I am not impressed. Even if I do get it, I probably won't use it because it looks so. . . tacky
Maybe I'll sell it later on to get the Jet Black Acronym skin, which is much cooler looking
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb