Well every now and again we'll do an indigenous tournament, mousoleum or a whisker woods tournament. We'll let you know when we do our next one
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
We did pretty well in both of our tourneys today. I'm up to 48 Tokens now, so maybe I'll have my Silver Base before the end of summer.
I am back in the Shoreline after our 'Berg tourney. I didn't want to spend time in there when I could be gathering trap parts. I want to have my Mk II or my Detonator ready to go once I get the right amounts of BCF.
Currently, I have 5 Wire Spools, 13 Frosty Metals, and 24 Heating Oils. I can tell that I'll be smashing Oils after a while as they're the most prolific.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Well I bought my Silver Base with tonight's tournament gains! HURRAY!!! Now just 200 to go to get my gold base. Yowza. . . that seems like such a long time!
I made it a depth of 212 feet in 24 hunts. That's MUCH better than last time! That magnet base does wonders!
I've headed back to the shoreline to farm supplies for my Mk. II. I'm getting fairly close (save for the frosty metals). I've got 10 Metal, 19 Oil and 17 Spools.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Two nights ago I was coming up on the end of my run in the Mad Depths. I had 3 Drill Charges ready to use if I could just get to 1740ft with enough hunts to spare to get me through the General and Icewing's Lair. It was not to be sadly, even though I was extremely close. I think I hit the 1728ft mark with 271 hunts, which meant that if I had used those drill charges, I would have had to catch a mouse that would have propelled me 16ft, catch the General, and then the Frostwing Commander in 3 hunts in order to get all three chests. I decided that was too risky and to save my drill charges for the next run. Boy am I glad I did.
I hit Icewings Lair at about 2:30pm yesterday and COULD NOT attract the Commander for the life of me. Finally at about 6:00pm, I switched to SB+ and started getting several attractions but I still don't think I caught him until maybe 7:30-8pm? Argggg... Finished up my second run in 329 hunts.
Really disappointed by that, I was hoping to be a lot closer to 275.
The good news is I had more than enough Bottled Cold Fusion and other crafting supplies to craft my Mark II and start my third run. So far I'm not seeing an improvement in speeding through my run (finished the tunnels at 35 hunts as opposed to 31 on my previous run) but I think it's because I'm not attracting the right mice rather than not catching them. We'll see how the Brutal Bulwark goes, so far so good.
On the subject of crating supplies, I either miscalculated or caught mice with Frosty Metal when I wasn't looking because I have enough stuff already to craft the Spiked Base (just need 3 more BCF). I need to go look up what I need for the Mark III and Hearthstone as I believe that'll be it after this run?
Finish a run with all three chests
Catch the Icewing
Craft the Spiked Base
Craft the Mark III?
My team signed up for a 5p 24hr Iceburg tournament yesterday knowing that most of us would be busy and not online for several hours of it (not including sleep), and unfortunately because of that I don't think we'll place today. But it's interesting to see the numbers of the people who are coming in at the top. I haven't worked out that there's any particular strategy to this tournament like there is with the Warpath and Z's Tower, it just seems to be who gets the most hunts in with the highest catch rate. Although the Brute mice are worth a nice chunk of points if you can catch them.
DiGs, congrats on your Silver Base!! I think that base armed with Champion's Charms will beat out most other base/charm combinations in the game.
*wishes they would fix the raffle system and other bugs I've noticed since yesterday*
I lost my last chest.... Living Salt Mice advance you
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The GPGH (sans Wolf ) missed the cutoff in the Mousoleum tourney yesterday by...
THAT much .
Still saving gold for the ACR..... oh you know. the blueprints that cost over 600,000 gold, and that are sold in the Catacombs. Current gold total: 421,235 .
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Well I had a great tourney yesterday. Flirted with 3rd place before settling into 4th with 7 hours to go. We'd have stayed there but we valued our sleep so we ended in 6th place. Still an awesome result for my first "real" tourney! I'm currently in a lab tourney and we're in 10th. Saving up for my bronze base!
In other news, the tourney yesterday was awesome for points because I was able to get my mvmt. right now I'm saving gold and going after the lycan; what's my next purchase going to be?
I'm saving gold and going after the lycan; what's my next purchase going to be?
Well you're going to want to go after the Ambush trap, but that doesn't cost very much. Let's see. . . you're probably going to want to start saving for the ACRONYM trap.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
@Gymmie, in addition to what DiGs mentioned, you also have a couple map repairs coming up.
Very cool that you guys did so well on your tourny. How many tokens did you get? Yeah, I think once we all finish up with the Iceburg we'll be up for tournaments in other locations again (though we're almost always up for anything 3 hours long
) so we'll keep you posted when we start doing some in areas you could join us in.
If you're interested that is.
Oh, and congrats on your MVMT as well.
@wolf, congrats on your Living Salt Mouse.
@Astro, Next time!!!
ETA: I did realize this afternoon that I'm actually making a fair bit of gold here in the Iceburg. The mice aren't worth that much, but I'm also not buying anything except for cheese.
I'd be up for another Whisker Woods tournament. I've only done one of those thus far, and really enjoyed it. Gymmie, you could hop in on one of those too
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Team, I've been pretty chill on tournaments lately. I've been working on the Iceberg and haven't really wanted to do any.
I'm up for doing some now but, I'm also working so anything between 7 AM and 5 - 5:30 doesn't work for me but I'll gladly park myself somewhere and let you guys take me along on hunts whenever. Also, my days off are Thursday and Friday so I'm around off and on throughout those two days.
...but I'll gladly park myself somewhere and let you guys take me along on hunts whenever.
You all probably know this already, but this sentence kind of caught me off guard and I wanted to comment to make sure you knew.... You have to be online to go on hunts with your team. If you move to the correct area, but stay offline the whole time, you won't get any points at all.
While we're talking about it, here's a good tournament tip.
Mousehunt sees you online for one hour after your last account activity. I always tell my team to hit the Camp button or refresh if they have to go afk, because the hunter's horn does NOT necessarily reset your 1hr timer.
But it can actually get even annoying than that. As my husband and I share a computer, when we play together in a tournament, we usually hit each others' horns since we're both around and it's just silly to hit one and then have the other person hit the other. If I hit my horn first for one hour and neither of us hit anything on his account except for his horn, he'll go offline, even though we've been clicking the horn. Unless you are the person initiating the hunt, the MH servers don't count this as an activity and you won't refresh your 1hr timer.
Thankfully most of the time people will look at other things besides just clicking the horn so we don't have people randomly signing out too often, but it does happen occasionally which is a little annoying cause then you fall out of sync with the rest of the team.
Moral of the story, you have to be online to do a tournament, make sure you occasionally refresh your account by hitting the Camp button or whatever, and especially do so right before you have to go afk so your friends can take you on hunts for the next hour.
/very boring rambling
^^ Ditto to the above. I actually did the majority of both of my "real" tourneys on my phone. I wasn't hardly ever the one initiating the hunts, but it seemed to refresh me pretty often. As long as I refreshed the page once an hour, I was good to go.
I got my Lycan! I had some friends generously donate some Moon cheese, and I finally got it after the 5th try, lol.
Eagerly awaiting the moment I get to level up to GrandMaster. I'm really excited to tackle Furoma. C'mon, meter; level up! I should be there by the end of tomorrow at the least.
ETA: I have 12 tokens right now, FK, so half way to the Bronze base.
Cool Gymmie! I hope you get your Bronze Base soon. Once you do you won't have to worry about a Base upgrade for a long time.
Really unhappy with my Iceburg run this time around. Ironic as it's with the Mk. II and I'm doing a lot worse than my previous run with the Mk. I. Definitely not holding out any hope for the Treasure Chest on this run. The only thing that could save me at this point is if my luck turns around and I start attracting and catching bomber mice en masse.
764ft - #133
Doing another Iceburg tourny this afternoon. Hopefully we'll do well.
ETA: Oh yeah, I was going to say this in my post last night, and forgot, and then I was going to say it in this post, and forgot.... So here we go....
My sister pointed out that General Drheller is very likely the winning entry from the art contest. I would tend to agree, and I thought it was very cool that they fit him into the game.
Well I finished my run in the iceberg... So now I'm missing the Princess Fist, General Drheller, Frostlance Guard, and Icewing.
However, I finally got my Mystic King Assignment, so I'm gonna work on that for a while.
Edit: got my Spring Familiar
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down