I have the new trap, fk. I've had it for several days now. I've just been hanging out in the slush collecting stuff. At some point, I'll probably head back to the SG and start filling my amplifier for another shot at ZT buy probably not until after the next update in the new area.
About the only reason I'm still in the Shoreline is because I want the hull parts to get collected as fast as possible and with my schedule, it's easier to stay put in one location. I'll probably go back to the warpath on Monday.
I caught both rooks. Working on the Queen with Amplifier at 99% and 62 pieces of cheese/attraction charms.
I'm hoping I'll at least catch the Queen this time...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I finally finished getting the ship and am about to head to the S.S. Huntingdon. Which trap is better, the net cannon or the harpoon gun? (I'm planning on getting the aqua base if that makes a difference.) And is 200 pieces of Brie enough to get through the area, since the travel cost is so insane?
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
I'm probably heading for Warpath cause there ain't much of progress in that new Beach thingy, waiting for the Iceburg to come back up, maybe it'll be baron+? I doubt it but hey, it might be interesting...The new bases look quite entertaining, but not sure if it's any good considering the fact it's Lord+, and Baron+ bases aren't that much better either
Anyways, I got everyone except for that SB+ mouse, and I'm almost getting my trap MK1, sounds interesting, people are saying maybe it'll be upgraded, but personally, I think it's a mediocre trap, around the same as HB
[Indigenous Mice: 37/38 (missing the crown collector)
Guantlet Gladiators: 34/34
Forest Guild: 23/23
The Shadow Clan: 7/7
Digby Dirt Dwellers: 11/11
Followers of Furoma: 17/17
The Forgotten Mice: 18/18
Aquatic Order: 16/17 (missing the Shelder)
The Elub Tribe: 12/12
The Nerg Tribe: 12/12
The Derr Tribe: 12/12
The Dreaded Horde: 8/8
Draconic Brood: 3/3(<- never used that one before
Your emotes are cracking me up.
Mine looks like this:
Indigenous Mice: 30/38
Gauntlet Gladiators: 31/34
Forest Guild: 22/23
The Shadow Clan: 6/7
Digby Dirt Dwellers: 8/11
Followers of Furoma: 15/17
Forgotten Mice: 6/18
Aquatic Order: 3/17
Elub Tribe: 0/12
Nerg Tribe: 0/12
Derr Tribe: 0/12
Dreaded Horde: 0/8
Draconic Brood: 0/3
Balack's Banished: 0/10
Seasonal Soldier: 0/24
Wizard's Pieces: 0/13
Zurreal's Breed: 0/12
The Marching Flame: 0/19
Muridae Market Mice: 0/13
Iceberg: 0/12
Event Mice: 17/63
Yay, I finally got that pesky Cyclops mouse during the night! I probably need to head back to the Mountain since I didn't really spend any time there, but I'm going to stay in the Calm Clearing for the rest of the day to see if I can maybe get another Cherry potion. I don't think eight pieces of Cherry Cheese is going to be enough to get the Cherry Mouse.
I haven't done one of these mice inventory things yet, so I thought I would do one.
Indigenous Mice: 31/38 (missing mostly SB+ only mice)
Gauntlet Gladiators: 33/34 (missing Eclipse)
Forest Guild: 23/23
Shadow Clan: 7/7
Digby Dirt Dwellers: 10/11 (missing Nugget mouse)
Followers of Furoma: 17/17
Forgotten Mice: 18/18
Aquatic Order: 14/17 (missing Shelder, Cook, and Squeaken)
Elub Tribe: 12/12
Nerg Tribe: 12/12
Derr Tribe: 12/12
Dreaded Horde: 8/8
Draconic Brood: 3/3
Balack's Banished: 10/10
Seasonal Soldiers: 23/24 (missing Fall Familiar)
Wizard's Pieces: 13/13
Zurreal's Breed: 12/12
Marching Flame: 19/19
Muridae Market: 5/13 (still new to the area)
Iceberg: 11/12 (missing Wolfskie)
Event: 59/63 (missing Leprechaun, Mobster, High Roller, and Snooty)
293/315 Breeds caught
Crowns: 9 Gold, 36 Silver, 211 Bronze
At some point I'll make another full Gauntlet run and also go after all the SB+ only mice I'm missing.
Wave 1: 32-32-0
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Still working on the Technic Queen... Missed 3 since my last post also caught a bunch of mystic mice last night so now I'm attracting Mystic Bishops as well...
Amplifier is at 60%. 39 pieces of cheese left...
I love how I do fairly well that crash once I hit Queen.
I don't suppose there's a stronger Tactical Trap than ZFM in the game right now... is there?
Also I currently have 1 Gold, 41 Silver, and 186 Bronze Crowns
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolf, impressive inventory there! Mine is starting to fill up, little by little. My Furoma map piece will be repaired today, so I'll be able to add more.
Question: I have almost 300,00 gold (won some contests on the MH forum
), and I'll be entering Furoma today, so what do I do with it? Buy all of the crafting items for the Ambush for when I get the blueprints? (while we're at it, is that even much of an upgrade over the MVMT?) Maybe save it until I can afford the Drillbot? I know I'll need that later. Save for Zugzwang's last move? Bamboozler base? Donate it?
What would be best at this point.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
ZLM is a long ways off for you yet I think... so not that. Also, the Ambush is both more lucky and more powerful, so I wouldn't recommend skipping it... Other than that, however, I'd say it's mostly up to you.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Got it. I'll pick up the droid parts on my return trip to the bazaar. And hope for favourable drops once in the dojo.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Wolf, aside from the ZT traps (which you have to have drops off the Kings to get), ZFM is the best Tactical trap at this point in the game for you.
Astro, if you are trying to get the blueprints to drop, hunt in the Meditation Room with Brie armed. That way you will only attract Hapless Mice and you should get the blueprints without too much trouble. As for the rest of Furoma, good luck! The mice there are a bit formidable.
You will want to get ZLM eventually, but if you don't need it now, wait until later when it becomes necessary. (Around Lord/Lady level.)
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I finally got my Queen... going after the Technic King with amplifier at 45% and 29 cheese/charms
2:25 pm - Zugzwang's Tower
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 7 oz. Technic King Mouse worth 80,730 points and 10,470 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Technic Cheese Mould and 1 Droid Jetpack2:25 pm - Zugzwang's Tower
Checkmate! I defeated a Technic King Mouse! I was transported to the Seasonal Garden.2:25 pm - Zugzwang's Tower
I completed the hunting task: Technic King Research Assignment!I was rewarded with:
80 Library Points, 1 Tome of Wisdom, 8 Wealth Charms, 17 Amplifier Charms, 2 Rook Crumble Charms, 4 Spellbook Charms and 1 Technic Cheese Mould
I picked up a Furoma assignment because a) I assume they're worth more and b) I need a break from the tower... I likely won't work on it immediately however as I'm getting close to my gold crown on the skeleton mouse... and I need gold. So I'm hitting the catacombs again.
Edit: Of course my assignment requires the use of the
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Hehe...just goes to show you how this game can play with your head. I spent two days waiting for my first Cyclops, and then tonight within the space of a few hours I caught another Cyclops and attracted two more.
So I have 16 Cherry Cheese now; which I'm going to hang onto for a bit...how many pieces of cherry cheese does it usually take to catch a Cherry Mouse? And should I wait till I get my VMT till I go after her?