Not really sure what cheese I should be using to get the best results. I crafted a couple pieces of White Cheddar which I'm trying out right now. I have a couple pieces of Swiss and a bunch of Marble Cheese, and some Brie that the Burglar kindly gave me. Eventually I will head back to Town to get some more Swiss, but I'm not sure if the added attraction offsets the price that I'm paying for it. Suggestion?
This early in the game, I would stick to Marble cheese. It'll save you the most money, and will work just as well as Swiss in these parts, as far as I know. Do not use your SB+. Later in the game will be times when you won't be able to use anything but SB+, and you'll want as much of it saved up as possible for those times. I would wait to use the Gilded Cheese until you have access to the Bazaar.
Do not use your SB+. Later in the game will be times when you won't be able to use anything but SB+, and you'll want as much of it saved up as possible for those times.
*Is going to make a slight elaboration here:
There are no SB+ only areas,however there's quite a few SB+ only mice... And also areas later on in the game when using SB is enormously beneficial... I'd recommend saving it til you have a stronger trap, but with the advent of the daily rewards saving it isn't as pertinent as it once was... because it provides a minuscule steady supply.
Also I'd wait for a slightly stronger trap, or at least a better base before you try the master...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
*is going to elaborate some more*
Gymfan, one reason why it's enormously important to save your SB+ is that the SB+ only mice which are in your present locations are very, very optional catches. Whereas, later in the game, there will be mice that are important to catch -- and they are often only attracted to cheese crafted with recipes containing SB+. Later in the game, if you find you have more SB+ than you know what to do with, you can always go back to the Windmill and whatnot and catch the SB+ only mice then. Whereas, if you find yourself needing to catch a SB+ mouse later, and you're low on SB+, that's a much more difficult problem.
In regards to the trap - You will want a tactical trap for the Woods. The Venus Fly Trap is the one available over there. You'll want to start saving for a shadow trap after the tactical.
SB Hunting - They have options where you can do surveys to get more SB or you could buy it off the marketplace. You'll want to keep an eye on the marketplace though because the price fluctuates. Then there's the option of donating real money and getting it that way. So there are ways to get SB without waiting on an event or to wait on mice to drop it.
Have you been to ? They have a page where you can plug your current trap setup and location and it will tell you the percentage rates for catching and attracting the different mice.
Swiss is probably all you need at the moment. You'll want Brie starting probably when you go to the Laboratory or the Woods. Swiss will work well and up your profit margin right now over Brie.
Lots of different suggestions and opinions. I'll go ahead and weigh in since mine are a bit different from everyone else's...
Cheese - Is your primary goal to make money or to level faster? If it's to make gold, use Marble because for every mouse you catch, you'll get an additional 50 gold profit over Swiss, and that will likely make up for your slightly less attraction (especially since you're using the WBWT). If you want to level as fast as you can, then use Swiss because it will attract more of the higher level mice (if you do this, I suggest using the Explosive trap so you can catch those more difficult mice). I hate White Cheddar, I think it's a horrible cheese.
SB+ - Thus far the only mouse I've seen you catch that's truly a SB+ only mouse is the Farmhand Mouse, the others (Pirate, Burglar, Granite) can be caught with regular cheeses.
As far as whether to save the rest of your SB or use it now is up to you. It used to be nearly impossible to come by back in the day, now you get a few pieces every five days you log in as well as what Kat mentioned above, so I'm not as big on hoarding it as I used to be. If you're bored and you want to try to catch the Master Burglar in the Town of Gnawnia, you certainly can, but as Ithilwen said, there are other ways of catching him later and you may want to save your SB for when it's required.
As a side note, there is no place in the game where you cannot progress without SB. But there are plenty of places where it becomes a whole lot easier to do so if you have SB.
What to do next and where to hunt - If you want to attempt to catch a Master Burglar in the Town of Gnawnia, go for it. If you decide to wait until later, I'd stick it out in the Harbour. The Pirate Mice there are worth the most gold and will level you the fastest. I consider the Harbour to be the last "really boring" area of the game. (Boring = you catch the same mice over and over without being able to do anything.) Well at least after you level again you can divide your attention between two "boring" areas, the Mountain and the Calm Clearing (congrats on your map piece by the way).
There's lots of advice Gymmie, and none of it is really wrong so good luck and have fun!
Well I snagged my Warmonger last night (no trap piece) and I was going to head to the Seasonal Garden to start working on maxing out my amplifier, until I noticed it was fall. I hate fall in the Garden So I moved to the Slushy Shoreline instead, but I was so tired I forgot to change my trap back to the Oasis and got a whole lot of FTCs overnight.
I'm sort of anticipating the next stage of new content to be released today, but I'm going to be out and about so if they do, I'll probably be a little behind figuring things out. That's ok though. So far there haven't been a lot of critical spoilers. We'll see what happens.
I had a major MH glitch last night. Despite the fact that I had enough cheese to get me through the night, and despite the fact that I logged in last night to stay active, I didn't go on any of my hourlies last night. After 1AM (EDT), my journal is blank. I have no idea why.
Has this happened to anybody else?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Has this happened to anybody else?
This happenned to me a few weeks ago, and just as I was about to post... they reappeared once I blew my horn/refreshed... perhaps try that if you haven't yet?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Nope. . . they're still not there. Dagnabbit! I'm going to have right up a report, aren't I
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Apparently, you'll have too
Been thinking that once I get a bit more gold... I might play the market place game... buy some orbs or cheese really cheap, then sell them back a bit higher... It'll give me something else to do
Also I now have everything I need for my tower run, just waiting on getting the gold to travel there
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Been thinking that once I get a bit more gold... I might play the market place game... buy some orbs or cheese really cheap, then sell them back a bit higher... It'll give me something else to do
Hmmm... might give that a shot myself. I'm getting slightly impatient saving up for my venus mousetrap.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Been thinking that once I get a bit more gold... I might play the market place game... buy some orbs or cheese really cheap, then sell them back a bit higher... It'll give me something else to do
One thing that's good to do if you have a lot of scrap metal hanging around collecting dust, is to turn them into empowered anchor charms and sell. They sell reasonably well (depending on the tide cycles), and fetch a pretty penny. The downside is that traveling expenses to buy ingredients are huge! You might be able to sell a batch for (oh say for example) 160K, but between buying all of the crafting ingredients, and traveling to the places to buy them, you might have to pay 130K to make 'em.
Super Rotten charms are another good one to do, and I always make a batch when I get a bunch of Stale SB from gift of the day.
I'd just advise you NOT to go into the charm's business with any charms requiring simple orbs. You'll need all of those you can get when you get to the Baron area (which will come sooner than you think)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ah, finally we get to DO something in the Slushy Shoreline. I'll go ahead and spoiler for people who want to go read up on the new stuff on their own, but I'll probably stop bothering by tomorrow.
Looks like the new stuff includes....
-A charm
-Four mice that now are under the Iceberg category
-Lots of stuff still to come including several bases and more charms
I got my
Oooh, got my first hull fragment while typing this post.
The new update for the Slushy Shoreline has been put out...I won't post any deets since I know a lot of people like to avoid spoilers; me personally, I've got far too long to wait, so why bother keeping it a surprise? I'm very jealous of you all; it looks cool!
It's weird, I cannot WAIT to get through all this "boring" stuff so I can get to the cool areas that actually involve gameplay and whatnot. Interestingly enough, it was all of FK's tales of her adventures on the Warpath that got me interested in this game; imagine my intense disappointment when I found out that the Warpath is one of the very last areas I'll get to visit per ranking. Such a tease!
Anyway, I hope YOU guys are having fun with all your cool stuff and I hope you post lots of details about it because I'm really jealous.
It's weird, I cannot WAIT to get through all this "boring" stuff so I can get to the cool areas that actually involve gameplay and whatnot. Interestingly enough, it was all of FK's tales of her adventures on the Warpath that got me interested in this game; imagine my intense disappointment when I found out that the Warpath is one of the very last areas I'll get to visit per ranking.
Such a tease!
Anyway, I hope YOU guys are having fun with all your cool stuff and I hope you post lots of details about it because I'm really jealous.
I've never been to the warpath yet, being only a lowly Legendary. But I have gotten the chance to take place in some actual gameplay, rather than just the boring stuff. If you would like some fun and a challenge, I would recommend working toward getting into the King's Gauntlet. You can hunt there in the earlier ranks.
If you would like some fun and a challenge, I would recommend working toward getting into the King's Gauntlet. You can hunt there in the earlier ranks.
And talk about challenges! Good grief, that thing is a headache! The Gauntlet is the great equalizer. Baron's have just as much trouble with it as lowly Initiates. (Of course, Baron's have all the traps needed, but I digress). It is NEVER too soon to start farming for the upper tiers, Gymmie.
Is anybody else experiencing a LOT of horn lag today?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb