I think it's hilarious that the Slushy Shoreline is getting to me like no other place has that I can recall. It's a perfect combination of incredibly boring (catching the same three mice over and over) and frustrating (not catching the three rare mice).
Taking a break and heading back to the Warpath for a while. I'm gonna finish up my archers at the very least, but the Warpath hasn't been terribly kind to me either so I may be back in the Slushy Shoreline sooner than I expected.
I think it's hilarious that the Slushy Shoreline is getting to me like no other place has that I can recall.
It's a perfect combination of incredibly boring (catching the same three mice over and over) and frustrating (not catching the three rare mice).
I can't agree more. I'd rather have had nothing until the whole area was released, because one part of me wants to farm war scraps (because I have a feeling that you're going to need OODLES of those), but part of me is bored to death and incredibly frustrated that I've been in here for days, and have only caught one of the three new mice.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I got my Swiss Army Knife Trap! Thanks to everyone who donated gold so I could afford it as soon as I had the points. I'm down to only 10k gold now, but it's going to be awhile till my next upgrade, so hopefully I can get enough gold by then. If not, I'm still happily accepting donations from anyone who is willing.
I got my Swiss Army Knife Trap!
That trap is amazing! I used it for the longest time. I never upgraded to the NVMRC or the Deathbot like most people do. Looking at the list of Physical traps available, I just realized that I didn't buy another Physical trap after the Swiss Army Knife until I bought the Digby Drillbot and almost immediately upgraded it to the Rhinobot and that wasn't all that all that long ago! I have no idea how I got along as long as I did. I guess I just used Tactical traps because I got the Venus Mouse Trap and the upgrades pretty quickly.
I'm in ZT right now after finishing filling my amplifier this morning. I'm trying to catch my first Mystic Rook and I'm at 107%. I really hope I can complete a run this time.
The Warpath has been treating me very roughly the last few days. I haven't been actively hunting like I normally do, but even so. I'll likely be working on this Wave until sometime next week if my luck doesn't improve, especially when Caravan Guards come visiting.
Congrats to everyone who has made progress lately and good luck to those who are tackling new or challenging areas!
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I just realized that I didn't buy another Physical trap after the Swiss Army Knife until I bought the Digby Drillbot and almost immediately upgraded it to the Rhinobot and that wasn't all that all that long ago! I have no idea how I got along as long as I did.
Could it be because of an awesome event trap?
Gymmie, with event season over, and no new traps on the horizon, I might consider either the NVMRC force field or the Deathbot next. That being said, you might just save up and go for the Digby Drillbot, because you can get by with a tactical trap in the Whisker Woods area.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I got my Swiss Army Knife Trap!
Congrats Gymmie!!
That trap is amazing! I used it for the longest time. I never upgraded to the NVMRC or the Deathbot like most people do.
Actually most people skip those traps. I think for the simple reason that getting a shadow trap and tactical trap become top priorities and then you're not really in an area again for a while that needs a decent physical trap until you get to the Derr Dunes. The Swiss Army Mouse Trap works perfectly fine for farming potions in the Lab. And for those who are lucky and have tons of gold get the Drillbot.
Well I got sucked back into the Slushy Shoreline last night due to a tournament and actually attracted a couple of the rare mice. Sadly they weren't the Chipper.
I'm probably not going to be around the computer much today or tomorrow, so it seems like a good time to suffer through more Slush.
I just realized that I didn't buy another Physical trap after the Swiss Army Knife until I bought the Digby Drillbot and almost immediately upgraded it to the Rhinobot and that wasn't all that all that long ago! I have no idea how I got along as long as I did.
Could it be because of an awesome event trap?
No, I joined on the first day of the Easter event last year and didn't get any event traps until Halloween rolled around and that was a Shadow trap.
FK just said that most people skip the two that I skipped. I was under the impression that most people didn't.
I'm still in ZT. I just caught my Mystic Queen and I have 48% left on my amplifier. I really hope I get the King this time but I'm not counting on it.
I'm still in ZT. I just caught my Mystic Queen and I have 48% left on my amplifier. I really hope I get the King this time but I'm not counting on it.
Were you warned this is the hardest place in the game? It most definitely is. But at 48% and only the King to go, you can still make it. In fact, I'd go so far to say it's fairly likely, but some stubbornness on your part and willingness to lose a lot of cheese is required.
Good luck!!
Well I finally got my Chipper Mouse which was the last of the 7 Icy mice. I'm up to a total of 47 War Scraps and taking another break from the Slushy area to hopefully finish up Wave 3&4 in the Warpath. I'm not far from doing so, but I've been very consistently getting streaks of one and two. Not sure what the problem is but with the exception of that streak of 8 shastastwin got for me (I was afk and going on hunts with him), this has been the worst Wave 3 I ever remember running... and that includes the ones I did with the Chrome Drillbot.
Today's luck was a bit better than yesterday's. I'm down to the point of no support mice. Yay!
I'm also at 16.23% Count. Not bad for almost two weeks in the Warpath on my first run.
ETA: Glad I could help, FK. I just wish the luck was shared.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Not much going on for me right now. I'm farming gold while at the same time, trying to make my way up the tiers of the King's Gauntlet.
Where are the best places to farm gold? I'm trying to save up for my ACRONYM.
I stayed in ZT until my amplifier hit 3% and I didn't catch the King. Now, I'm back in SG filling my amplifier for another go at it. It's Fall so I'm also hoping I'll catch the Fall Familiar and then have finished catching all the Fall mice. After that, I only have the Spring Familiar and I'll have caught all the SG mice.
Where are the best places to farm gold? I'm trying to save up for my ACRONYM.
The Mousoleum with the Sinister Portal, or the Catacombs with the Obelisk of Slumber. I prefer the latter, but both work well.
I'm still missing my Polar Bowler. I really hope I get it before more new content is released.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I am in the mountain trying to get the gold I need to buy the second half of the charms I need to make another tower run... I already have my cheese, and my amplifier is maxed
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well, today has been an eventful day. I got up to Initiate rank and moved to the Harbor, where I caught a Pirate mouse on my first try. Then since I had a few pieces of SB+, I was like, why not? And armed it. And I got the Burglar mouse on the first call! Got quite a bit of loot from him too.
And then I just caught my second Granite mouse which had the Whisker Woods Clearing map piece. So all in all, I feel like I have been very productive today.
Oh, and I bought all the stuff I need for my Dehydration Base so now I just need the Splintered Wood, which I know will take awhile to get but at least I have the blueprints and whatnot.
Any suggestions on what I should be doing at the moment? Right now my goal is to get as much money as I can. Right now I'm hunting with my Swiss Army Knife trap and Target base because it has better attraction; not sure if I'll go back to the Explosive base for the moment. I figure I'll give it a go and see how I like it.
Not really sure what cheese I should be using to get the best results. I crafted a couple pieces of White Cheddar which I'm trying out right now. I have a couple pieces of Swiss and a bunch of Marble Cheese, and some Brie that the Burglar kindly gave me. Eventually I will head back to Town to get some more Swiss, but I'm not sure if the added attraction offsets the price that I'm paying for it. Suggestion?
I also want to try for the Master Burglar since I have some SB+ plus some Guilded Cheese, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea with my current trap. What do you think? Should I try, or is it better to wait until I get a much, much better trap?
Oh, and I'm completely confused as to what trap I should be saving for next. What do y'all recommend?