A couple of questions: I have 83 King's credits, so what should I spend them on? Super Briefs? I have no clue.
Also, is the dehydration base even useful to me at this stage? I could buy the blueprints now (I have the necessary crafting supplies).
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I did buy the Super Briefs. I didn't know what else to do with my King's Credits, though I do occasionally buy a SB packet cause it does include a 3 day golden shield. I know you aren't far along in the game yet Astro, but later on when you have to have even numbers of Dojo Tokens or Tribal Isles supplies, those King's Credits come in awfully handy.
As for the Dehydration Base, it's up to you. I think it's better than the Explosive Base, but you are going to be able to get the Bamboozler Base soon which is probably even better. Plus you'll need to get your first tactical trap too, so I'd save your gold. Boring answer... sorry.
So far so good on my group's tournament right now. If we keep it up, we'll snag top 10%!
The Dehydration Base was my favorite Base in the game to use for a very long time... I'm recommending you get it.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The Dehydration Base was my favorite Base in the game to use for a very long time... I'm recommending you get it.
Ditto that. I used it almost exclusively until I got the Dragon Jade and Molten Shrapnel bases which was very recently.
I loved the Dehydration base for using with the ACRONYM in the Catacombs. The super fresh effect of the Dehydration base canceled out the stale rating of the ACRONYM. Now that we have Freshness charms as gifts pretty regularly, it doesn't matter quite so much.
Wow, I feel kind of lucky. I just made it to the Windmill, and I had a few (read: 2) pieces of SuperBrie+ just sitting there, so I decided, what they hey, and armed it. MHWiki recommends that you get your Farmhand while you're at the Windmill anyway, so I thought I'd try. Well, I got the Farmhand on my FIRST hunt!
It's certainly not incredibly rare for my setup; it was a 50/50 gamble. But still, I'm kind of happy.
Well I crafted the dehydration base. The input was appreciated. Now I can focus on saving up for a tactical trap. I'm guessing that will be the Venus Mousetrap...
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
We're doing well in our tournament, but I'd REALLY love to catch some of the new mice. . . and soon. What kind of catch/attraction rates are you guys having?
I've attracted approximately 200 mice in this area (exact number cannot be counted because I attracted and caught some of the mice prior to the new area's release). Of those 200, 3 have been new mice, and one of those three have been caught.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've spent all day in the Warpath, though not as much of it actively hunting. I missed another Caravan Guard. Using my Cavalry Charms, I've been able to help myself make a little better progress, but it's still very hit and miss.
Congrats on the Farmhand, Gymmie! I don't think I've caught that one yet. It was added after I had pretty much finished the lower levels (I'm not sure I've even hunted in the Windmill). One of these days I'll have to focus on finishing out the Indigenous mice.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Been having trouble all day getting MH to load. Currently out of bait. Wont allow me to do anything.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Been having trouble all day getting MH to load. Currently out of bait. Wont allow me to do anything.
Have you tried loading it on the regular website and loading it on FB?
... regular website and loading it on FB?
Indeed I have. A little concerned the developers will make changes that are incompatible with my old computer Should know by morning if something was changed or it is a simple hiccup.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
We're doing well in our tournament, but I'd REALLY love to catch some of the new mice. . . and soon. What kind of catch/attraction rates are you guys having?
Actually, I remembered this morning that 'duh, there is a way to figure this accurately' and that's to go to the Profile page -> Mice -> sort by location to the Slushy Struggle tab.
I added up all of my mice and I'm currently sitting at 4/184 for attraction on the new mice, which is about 1/49 right now. I haven't attracted a single one for a few days now.
You are at 4/204, which is 1/51. So we're pretty much the same.
ETA: Kat, since you were asking too, you're at 6/124, which is about 1/20. Much better than DiGs and myself.
These are attraction rates btw, not catch rates.
ETA 2: @cep, I see you have cheese this morning. Looks like it was just a weird glitch.
So it looks like it ranges from 2%-5%. That is a LOT lower than any other regular mouse in the game, which leads me to believe/hope that these guys will be more common once that loot is gone (or once they fully release the new area)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
FBF Review
~"There's going to be a long term difficulty with the new area for those looking for it." Hmmmm....
~The release is huge, so that's why they're releasing it piece by piece. Otherwise we'd have to wait for quite a while for the new area still. (Dan slipped out 3 weeks. Don't know if that was a suggestion or if that's how much longer they still have scheduled to work on it?)
~War Scraps are a big part of what's coming up and they will continue to be around. They're not stopping them.
~I think they confirmed that the Warpath traps will NOT be required for the new area. It was more of a suggestion so we're better prepared.
~No new area updates today, but soon.
Super short FBF today. It ended with them singing Lion King's "Be Prepared" and discussing other animated Disney movies.
... ended with them singing Lion King's "Be Prepared" ...
All I got to say about that ... Hakuna matata.
Settling into the Gauntlet for the duration until obtaining the Eclipse. Back to Tier 3 with 1,309 pieces of Tier 3 cheese on hand.
Yeah. I was busy a number of months ago. Diverted long enough to obtain the required traps to complete the Gauntlet.
Problems accessing MH resolved apparently due to the internet connection I had at the off-duty crew house.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”