Difficult for me to appreciate the full day of success in MH. Reportedly very lucky. Probably the game knows I am not doing much more than loitering with no particular purpose other that heading back to the Gauntlet. Acquired two Dragon mice with loot, among other mice. Farming points and fire salts.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Yep, already working towards those. I found a really helpful beginner's guide that will get me through till the point where I get to start choosing what type of areas/mice I want to go for. At the rate I'm at, I'm hoping to be able get my Trebuchet tomorrow morning and head to the Windmill tomorrow night or Friday morning.
I've been looking ahead and I'm not really anticipating thieving mice with a lot of pleasure. I guess it's all par for the course, eh?
I've been looking ahead and I'm not really anticipating thieving mice with a lot of pleasure ...
It will happen, but it overall will not set you back. More of an annoyance than a real issue on the levels we play.
Consistent play will yield results and moving up. I do not play aggressively and have leveled up regularly. Although, fk will tell you that I have been insanely lucky With that in mind, I do not mind sharing and giving other players here a good solid push up the ranks
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
I've been looking ahead and I'm not really anticipating thieving mice with a lot of pleasure. I guess it's all par for the course, eh?
It's not as bad as you think. A few hundred gold, or a few pieces of cheese or a few points. You'll catch more than you'll miss
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So I've been told. I'm looking forward to getting to the mice that are worth more than a couple of points per catch.
With that in mind, there wouldn't be anyone who is farming Indigenous Mice for any reason that would be interested in doing a quick Tourney with me tomorrow? Yes, I KNOW I'M CRAZY and I'm going to get slaughtered, but I'm bored so I thought it would help keep me occupied.
It's for three-person teams only and I've got me plus my other account, but I'd be happy to have another person if you happened to be getting low level mice.
Just figured I'd ask!
ETA: Got my second Bronze crown! Oh my goodness, I'm totes like the best hunter ever.
With that in mind, there wouldn't be anyone who is farming Indigenous Mice for any reason that would be interested in doing a quick Tourney with me tomorrow?
Yes, I KNOW I'M CRAZY and I'm going to get slaughtered, but I'm bored so I thought it would help keep me occupied.
It's for three-person teams only and I've got me plus my other account, but I'd be happy to have another person if you happened to be getting low level mice.
Are you on a team yet? What time would you being doing it? I was considering starting a team, since the other people on my team (Wolfy, DiGs, etc.) don't usually come on at the same times I do.
My team is called The Chuck Norris of MouseHunt and the tourney that I signed up for is tomorrow and it starts at 10am CST tomorrow, I think, and runs for 8 hours. I'll be at work when it starts but I don't think it will matter since I've basically got one set up and one place I'll be able to hunt. If I had a more experienced person on the team, that would help a lot (but we'd probably still place last.
This thread is hard to keep up with.
How much time/bait did you use to catch him?
Well, I know I must have used something like 300+ Vanilla Stilton while farming ingredients, and it was probably close to or just over 100 Vengeful Vanilla Stilton. As for time...
I admire your patience and perseverance cause you were after him for a long, long time (3-4 months? or even longer than that?).
Um...if I'm remembering right I first started my attempt either just before or right after the Halloween event. So, yeah, longer than four months. I don't think it would have taken that long if I hadn't been distracted by so many events.
I've been in the new area recently, mostly because I'm studying and don't want to take the time to move my trap. I like the new mice, but I do wish the catch rate wasn't so low. I suppose this is when I will begin spending a lot of gold on charms.
Still 0% Count, haven't been extremely active these days
It really sucks that I don't have OWN...I'm probably not going to do well in that new area with a DDA...considering the fact it's at mild...not really cool, should I rush OWN? I should be able to at least get the bead, but I think I'll wait until the new trap comes out, might be useful and can ditch OWN...cause I really don't want to spend my money on such things....sighz...but maybe I'll have to grab the OWN anyways
Even with the OWN, the strength is only Medium. I highly suspect that charms will be important for this area to bump the strength of your trap setup up. I'd hold off on rushing OWN wilth.
Welcome to the game Gymmie! If you can, I'd skip the trebuchet and go straight for the swiss army trap.
My team is called The Chuck Norris of MouseHunt
Anyway, I've got the best trap setup I can (500 crusher and Target Wooden Base); I can upgrade to the Stone Base but Catch Rate Estimates thinks it's slightly better to stick with the Target Wood. Anyone have any other suggestions?
I second skipping the Stone Base. I like the Explosive Base and (when you get high enough level to craft it) the Dehydration Base. In fact, you could probably skip the Explosive Base too since the need for a stale rated base has been made obsolete.
If you can, I'd skip the trebuchet and go straight for the swiss army trap.
The points become an issue. That's a long time (relatively speaking) farming points with the Crusher to get the Swiss Army. But I see Gymmie got the Trebuchet already so the point is moot.
Although, fk will tell you that I have been insanely lucky
You are lucky. But I've seen worse. (Like when your wife snagged the Dojo Sensei with the MVMT on her second piece of Onyx Cheese.) But for the most part I'd say it's just your patience and steady playing paying off.
Congrats again on all of your phat lootz yesterday.
I found a really helpful beginner's guide...
Linkage? I always like to see what people are using so I know how out of date it is. Poor Ithilwen managed to find one that was severely out of date, but I don't think it ruined her game in any way.
I've been in the new area recently, mostly because I'm studying and don't want to take the time to move my trap.
Yeah, that's the one downside of the SG/ZT area. It's the worst area in the game for casual players who only have time to check in once or twice a day. I'm sure you've read up on the areas already, but in case you haven't, be aware that ZT especially is going to require some trap setup changes a little ways in.
I should be able to at least get the bead, but I think I'll wait until the new trap comes out, might be useful and can ditch OWN...
I'm not 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure that the devs said that the new area's trap will not be one you can buy off the shelf and will require crafting. I assume that means we'll have to smash a trap we already have, but maybe not, and even if we do have to smash a trap, it might not necessarily be the OWN.
Goodness, what if we do have to smash the OWN and the new trap isn't Hydro? That would mean I'd have to farm another Bead.
Well last night my team was a measly 52 points away from 3rd place in our ZT tournament. So close.... and yet so far away. I did get my Chess Master, but no Sock.
And then we did a Slushy tournament last night and got a top 25% placing. We're doing another one this afternoon. I figure if we're hunting there anyways, may as well get some tokens while we're at it.
Hunting in the Warpath until the tournament starts in 4 hours. Getting somewhat close to clearing Wave 3. 0-0-27-41-17-7
and even if we do have to smash a trap, it might not necessarily be the OWN.
It doesn't even make sense that you would have to. OWN is Baron level and the area is Lord level. I don't think that the devs would do that.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I would agree with you except that the devs dropped a hint at one point that something in the Fiery Warpath would be useful. It may have just been the OWN and that's all there is to it. But I'm not ruling out the possibility that the next stage of this area will be Baron level.
ETA: I should say that I think you're probably right DiGs, but I'm trying to imagine all of the possibilities just in case I need to run out and grab more supplies ahead of time.
Goodness, we had a lot of conversation overnight!
I'm still beating on the Warpath. I've got Wave 3 down to Mages, Cavalry and Flame Ordnance. My attempts to use charms for streaks have been less than successful thus far. Should I change from my Crobot for any of these? (I know I'll need to arm ACRONYM for Flame Ord. mice eventually.)
Wave 4 is so close!
Welcome, Gymmie.
ETA: 0-0-0-45-15-14
ETA2: Missed a Caravan guard, but numbers are now 0-0-0-42-12-14.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Should I change from my Crobot for any of these?
I don't in Wave 3 because those pesky artillery mice are so strong against tactical and hydro traps. If you get down to one type of mouse, then I'd switch to your strongest of that power type, but otherwise just stick with the Crobot.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb