I'm making decent headway in the Warpath. Currently at 18-0-0-52-21-15. I will probably use some of my Cavalry charms later to encourage a speedy Wave.
Edit: Ran my streak up to six, so now 13-0-0-52-21-15.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Is it really weird that I don't play Mousehunt but I read this thread daily because I find all the gameplay chatter fascinating?
I tried out MH once before but it didn't really grab my attention right away, plus I'm the type that has to be super thorough and dedicated to games and I didn't need another time waster. I've since become a LOT more interested in MH, but now I'm too intimidated to join because A.) It is STILL a time eater and B .) I'd be so far behind everyone else!!!
I hate being behind.
Anyway, carry on, and maybe someday I'll pluck up enough courage to join and I'll be the most awesome hunter ever.
A.) It is STILL a time eater
Here's where I disagree. One of the best things about MH is that it is very passive-play. Provided that you check your trap once a day, you're golden.
maybe someday I'll pluck up enough courage to join
Here's hoping that you do . We love new addicts!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
B .) I'd be so far behind everyone else!!!
Only for a short period of time. See, the higher the level, the longer it takes to get through that level. Whereas with the early levels, people breeze right by them. It's quite easy to catch up.
I joined just a few months back, and I'm already on the 8th level (which is just a couple levels below the majority of NWers playing). Meanwhile, the other people on here have either moved up one level, or are still on the same level as they were when I joined.
I'm up to 120 pieces of cheese used in the new area. . . and still haven't caught one of the three new mice. I've attracted them three times, but no catches. Is anybody else experiencing attraction rates of about 1/40 or is the new area just hating me.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My streak of six turned into a streak of nine, and after that I caught another Gargantuamouse (only 1 Flameshard this time as opposed to the six he dropped last time). Overnight, I only caught four mice so my new totals are 3-0-0-49-21-15.
I am joining fantasia's team on a Zugzwang tourney today, so I jumped over to the Garden for a couple of hunts to fill up that extra 10% on my amp (got 8%) and now I'm working on my Pawns. I'm going for a Technic Run since I haven't done one in a while.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Welcome Gymmie!!! There is one nice thing about being on the bottom, and that's that so many people are willing to help you level as quickly as possible.
I sent you some cheese last night so that will hopefully get you started.
And if you decide after a couple days that you'll keep playing, I'll send you some gold as well.
Is anybody else experiencing attraction rates of about 1/40 or is the new area just hating me.
Hmmm... I don't remember my numbers going in unfortunately so this is going to probably be off a little bit... ignoring FTAs, my attraction rate on the new mice is approximately 1/28.
I am joining fantasia's team on a Zugzwang tourney today
This is going to be a very interesting tournament today. Only 30 teams have signed up so we have to stay about 15th to place. Based on where we are right now, provided we keep catching mice, I think we'll be safe.
Personally, I'm going for the Chess Master for another shot at Z's Left Sock. Good luck to my team today!!
And then after that, it's back to the Slushy Shoreline for the Chipper Mouse.
Two gargas, Eli. . . . . . . . . you lose fifty more cool points
I finally caught one of the new mice this morning. My loot had 50,000 gold, one King's Credit and 1 SB. WOOT!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Just completed a personal best one-sided Tower run. Got the King on the Mystic side and I still have 99% amplifier left and only one Technic Pawn caught. Switching back to Gouda to try to clear the rest of the Technic side.
I decided I'm hoarding Valentine's Charms for ZT tournaments from now on. Love these things in here....
Yes, I dearly love Valentine's charms. I wish you could get access to them more than once a year. Glad to hear that you're doing well in your tower run.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I headed to Furoma briefly overnight and finished my Library assignment. I was hunting all night because I had a major final I was finishing.
Now, I'm back in the Slushy Shoreline and will probably head to the SG to fill my amplifier pretty soon and then head to ZT and try another run. I'll probably get the other Pawn Pincher first.
They have tourneys for the new area! I signed up for one in 2 hrs... if anyone wants to join, pm me
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wish I could Wolf... but It'll be a looong time before I can hunt there (and catch a Wolfski).
I did however catch a Lycan in the Mouseoleum earlier, so I now have access to Furoma, but It seems I'll need a tactical trap before I can start really accomplishing anything there.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Ok, y'all were right; this isn't as time consuming as I thought it would be. I think I'm going to stick with it, although it's going agonizingly slow at the moment while I wait to get enough points to upgrade to a new trap. Thanks to many of your generosities, I've got quite a bit of gold (for a beginner, lol) and I can't wait to start using it.
So, since we're here, does anyone have any tips on how I can accrue my pioint total faster and/or do prep work for later levels? I've started collecting charms via game status updates and I've got quite a few FB credits from various places to use in-game, but I'm going to wait to purchase any SB+ or whatnot since it comes with a lucky shield and I think it would be wasted on me at the current moment.
Anyway, I've got the best trap setup I can (500 crusher and Target Wooden Base); I can upgrade to the Stone Base but Catch Rate Estimates thinks it's slightly better to stick with the Target Wood. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Well Gymmie, you're in pretty good shape right now . To get more points, I'd get out of the meadow, and back into the Town of Gnawnia. The Meadow has too many weaklings. You'll get more steel, bionic, and granite mice in the town.
As soon as you can, head into the windmill. You'll level up a lot faster in there.
As soon as you get the necessary points, you'll want to get the Mouse Trebuchet and the Swiss Army Mouse Trap.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb