There are more mice under the ????? category of mice:
Chipper mice aren't as chipper as you might expect, given their names. Instead, they all seem to have a chip on their shoulder, and are bitter, spiteful fellows. Chippers work out their frustrations on the ice and rocks in front of them, making quick work of walls and carving tunnels faster than would seem otherwise possible.
In fact, the only other activity that seems to give them solace is stealing hunters' supplies and hiding their ill-gotten goods in holes made slightly too small for human hands.
Snow Bowler Mouse:
Bowling is not an especially popular sport among mice, for who among them can actually lift a bowling ball? Well, the Snow Bowler can. Though, with no other mice to play with, the Snow Bowler has turned his ball into a weapon of war, capable of smashing down walls with tremendous force!
Snow Slinger Mouse:
Using custom-designed xisteras, the Snow Slinger can hurl icy balls of slush at over 6,000 scale miles per hour! While much slower when measured at absolute speeds, it can still sting more than enough to make anyone reconsider engaging this mouse head-on.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I traveled
Just picked up
I'm not going to say anything more cause I don't want to spoil the surprise, but much will be revealed once you all do as well.

@FK I only have 9... I'll be saving for a little while.
We're sitting at 15th in the tourney at the moment. Good enough to place, but there's still a ways to go.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Putting this whole post in spoilers, as I'm now in the new area
The Wolfskie mouse is not in here, but the other three mice that have been around for the past week are. The three new mice are in here as well.
You'll definitely want to use a hydro trap. The monstrobot's trap rating is "Very Poor"
No shops in here yet.
Going to use Brie to see if it'll work. If I'm having poor attraction, I'll switch over to Gouda
Larry has this to say:
Brr, it's cold! But don't let the icy chill stop you, hunter!
New and dangerous mice are flooding the shores of Gnawnia, and we need you to help out! The mice seem to be particularly vulnerable to Hydro-based traps, so pull yours out of storage and put it to use.
Further, some of the less-common mice have raided the King's private hunting supply. Gold, SUPER|brie+, and King's Credits have been found in the War Supplies they are carrying, and they can be yours if you track down those mice!
The King's scouts have counted a week's worth of War Supplies, so get out there and catch these mice while there is still time.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
It's sad when you realize you've been competing in a different type of tourney than you thought you have... and you signed up for it That being said I'm rather pleased with how we're doing
We're hanging on to top 50% around 15th, but I'd be happier if we were a little higher though (50% ends at 20th). Given however that we've been 13-16 for the past however many hours since the tourney started I'm not extremely worried *hopes everyone will catch 20 pointers
How much does the map cost, 125,000 no? That means I still need 30,000 or so...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
We're hanging on to top 50% around 15th, but I'd be happier if we were a little higher though (50% ends at 20th). Given however that we've been 13-16 for the past however many hours since the tourney started I'm not extremely worried *hopes everyone will catch 20 pointers
Seems we've been at 15th forever! We'll make it.
*Misses Granite Mouse
Uhhhh.... no worries!
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
*catches a granite mouse*
Nope no worries at all
and we're still in 15th
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Our team came in fifteenth in the Cats tourney! Good job everyone! I'm closing in on the halfway mark for my Silver Tourney Base.
I'm in the new area and I wonder if anyone else has figured out a good trap/cheese strategy. I've had a couple of FTA/stales already with Gouda and DDA (trying ASG now).
Also, it looks like they've updated the trap setup HUD, because there are now options to sort by name, power, luck, etc. and also by trap type.
Edit: They have not extended that option to charms yet, though. Just to Traps and Bases.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Not using spoilers anymore as I'm sure everyone has now had a chance to look over the news and new info....
stwin, I've been using Oasis with Golden Base, Luck Charms, and Gouda. (Weird setup... not sure why I'm using it. I guess I didn't change it after my last tournament LOL) Considering the difficulty of these mice, downgrading from the DDA to the ASG is not going to do you any good. I'm FTC/FTA a number of them as well with the Oasis. If you're having trouble with attracting them, switch to an attraction charm.
And I hate to tell you this, but those sorting mechanisms have been on the trap setup HUD for a long time.
I finally caught my first new mouse overnight. Snagged the Snow Bowler. No SB+ though.
Getting lots of War Scraps though, which makes me happy.
I attracted a snow bowler overnight, but I failed to catch it . I've only gotten one more set of war scraps too. I might switch over to the DJB to see if that helps me out.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So here's a question that I've been pondering. The description of the new trap says "Some sort of heating trap, perhaps meant to melt through ice and snow..."
Do you guys think there might be a new fiery trap type?
I doubt it, and here's why:
I'd think that this new trap would be required throughout the new area, and thus far, people are doing fine with hydro traps. This area is bound to be expanded, so I think it'll be difficult to tell until then.
I'm more interested in how those charms are going to tie in.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm interested in the charms as well, DiGs. They look like they will add something of the flavor of the Year of the Dragon event.
FK, I actually wondered if it wouldn't be a Draconic trap-type. Although our other Draconic trap is called the Ice Maiden, it also makes sense that a Draconic trap could be fiery. I guess time will tell.
It could also be related to the Hear Bath.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'd think that this new trap would be required throughout the new area, and thus far, people are doing fine with hydro traps.
I was thinking along the lines of when you go to the Calm Clearing and all you have is a Physical trap, and then you get to the GGT and you can get your first Tactical trap which does even better.
So in a similar way, you start off with a Hydro trap, but then upgrade to a potential fiery trap further down the line that does even better.
I actually wondered if it wouldn't be a Draconic trap-type.
I thought of that, but if that were the case, I don't think you'd have a "very poor" rating when you arm the Ice Maiden. Or be given the 'wrong trap type' symbol.