Eli, I would NEVER use my DDA to go after a Mage mouse. I'd never even use the OWN once you get it. You'll do just fine (if not better) with your Crobot.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I only did it for that one hunt, but I'll keep that in mind, DiGs. Do you recommend the same for the Cavalry mice?
I haven't had much luck with my Wave 3 Scouts so far. My highest streak has been a 2, so I haven't felt the need to use a Commander's charm yet.
I am currently sitting at: 50-44-50-60-30-20. I have caught every mouse in the first two waves except a Crimson Commander. I finally caught a Caravan Guard sometime this morning.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I only did it for that one hunt, but I'll keep that in mind, DiGs. Do you recommend the same for the Cavalry mice?
Oddly enough, no. In wave 3, I'd almost always end up with a lot of Cavalry and Artillery mice left at the end. At that point, I'd switch over to Rewers. If an Artillery mouse came along, I wouldn't catch it. . . but it's worth it to use Rewers if you've only got Cavalry mice left.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Okay. Rewer's it is, then. Not that I'll be at that point in the next day or two.
I finally got a streak of 3! I wish I could stay up longer in case this turns into a long streak.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I don't know what's up but I switched from ZFM to the HVM and I have a way higher Student catch rate. Is that normal? It seems crazy.
And I've finally caught a Student of the Cheese Belt. I got here like two days ago and I've caught none. And I need to catch
12:32 am - Laboratory
I competed in a Laboratory Potion Hunting Tournament and finished in 13th place!I claimed a reward of:
1 Tournament Competitor Badge,
3 Tournament Tokens.
Awesome work all! (Is only 1 Token away from Bronze Tourney Base... gah!)
In other news... no polar bear... Where did you all catch you polar bear mice?
(And Jacob posted another spoiler on his FB page:
... =3&theater )
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I finished my FW with no loot
quite annoying, doing Muridae again, I really want to finish it some day, I'll just keep grinding here for now, not like I have better things to do, I'm currently 99.5% Baron, almost Count
I don't know what's up but I switched from ZFM to the HVM and I have a way higher Student catch rate. Is that normal? It seems crazy.
Complete coincidence.
Plus, I have no Glutter cheese so I need Belt tokens.
What is the assignment that you're doing exactly? And if it's the Masters that you need, do you have 6 King's Credits laying around? If so, you can just buy the tokens you need from the King's Arms. That's what I would do cause farming students is unbelievably annoying.... as you already know.
wolf and team, congrats on the top 25%!!! Way to go.
Where did you all catch you polar bear mice?
I caught mine in the Muridae Market which is no help to you. But Astro has caught several somewhere in the Burroughs region I think?
And Jacob posted another spoiler on his FB page:
Thanks for sharing! I've been avoiding FB cause everyone is posting spoilers on the Avengers movie so I missed this one.
I'm currently 99.5% Baron, almost Count
Oh wow wil, you're so close!!!
My team is doing a short Crystal Library tournament this morning. I'll be curious to see how it goes with the extra mice in there. I found where all the other teams are doing tournaments now LOL.
Lots of people signed up for this one.
In other news... no polar bear... Where did you all catch you polar bear mice?
It's really weird, but I think I caught two of my three Polar Bear mice in the lab (although I haven't attracted one there recently), and the other in the harbour. I'm going to be travelling around looking for the Wolfski untill the next tourney...
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
@Astro, I know I got mine in either the lab or the harbor... so you may want to look there.
I noticed I had an FTC with the polar bear, but that was the only time I've attracted him thusfar...
I'm guessing Jacob's pic is the map piece...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm guessing Jacob's pic is the map piece...
It didn't even cross my mind that it could be anything else. It looks remarkably similar to the Sandtail Call to Arms.
This does lead me to believe that we're going to have to get some kind of drop to get in, kind of like the Call to Arms or Crystal Library Card. But maybe not, maybe we'll just have to complete something to get in. When Muridae Market opened, if you had already completed one full run of the Fiery Warpath you could just walk in.
I finally got a second War Scraps this morning. For the amount of mice I've caught I'm remarkably short of them. My team did a Crystal Library tournament this morning (top 50%... barely... thanks to Kat's Aether Mouse catch) so I'm hanging out in the Library wrapping up the assignment I have and then I'll move back to the Warpath.
Yesterday was not the best Warpath day. It wasn't the worst, but the problem was every time I'd get a good streak going, I'd be afk, and it'd break before I'd get back to the computer to arm a Commander's Charm.
Just about done with the scouts in Wave 3 and then onto the Warrior mice.
@Astro, I know I got mine in either the lab or the harbor... so you may want to look there.
Thanks, will do.
In other news, I have my Sinister Portal now, so I'll be doing a little Mousoleum hunting in the near future.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I caught a Crimson Commander earlier on a streak of five, so I have thirty fewer mice to deal with and have now caught all of the Warpath Mice available to me except for the Sandwing Cavalry, Crimson Ranger, and Flame Ordnance.
Edit: Finished the Scouts and working on Archers/Rangers.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'll be doing a Bazaar Burglary Tourney today, if anyone would like to join me.
Awesome! I just caught a Commander on a streak of 8 in Wave 3. That's a personal record for me. And I must thank stwin for successfully catching mice for me while I was afk for an hour.
Now if I can just get a couple more good streaks + Commanders, I'll be through Wave 3 in no time Still trying to get a Warmonger before the new area comes out.