I've been playing on FB today, FK, but I just checked MHgame.com and those things were still there for me.
Wave 2: 14-40-40-44-18
ETA: 6-40-40-44-18. If I get two more Warriors on this streak, I'll clear them.
Edit 2: Of course, I say that and then get a stale.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I attracted an Incompetent Ice Climber mouse in the Windmill. . . but didn't catch it
FK, if the Monstrobot has a similar catch rate, than I will join you in Muridae Market. I can work on gathering supplies for my trapsmith!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Also, did anyone else's MHgame.com just reformat? It's left-justified instead of centered and I've lost the whole right side of the game including the FB login and those mini-scoreboards. I'm definitely thinking they're programming the new stuff into the game and that's what's causing the bugs.
Today yes, but not anything I haven't had before... You remember I used to complain a lot about the scoreboards... Although, it was lagging again when it logged me on... and it showed my profile page except it had my name written as "A Shadowy Figure" For a second I had panicked and wondered if someone hijacked my FB... But then I realized it just hadn't loaded yet...
Oh and it's still centered for me... though there was a time in the past when FB went left justified.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Caught my Polar Bear Mouse. Yay! I know I'm very much in the minority on this, but I think he's my favorite of the new four mice. (Though I still need to catch a Snow Soldier to be sure.
So I saw a theory on the MH forums that I thought was worth mentioning here for speculations purposes. Based on the points and gold quantities of these mice, they think it will be a lower level area (read: lower leveled than the Warpath/Market). I think they have a point, but I also think that if they're correct, there's going to be another part to the area that will still require some kind of component from the Warpath based on the news story that was released yesterday. Veeerrrrrrry interesting.
I ought to go compare the points/gold of the mice in SG/ZT/CL.
ETA: wolf's post above made me realize that my game is fixed again. I did notice on IE that it was correct the whole time. I never did check on Chrome.
I thought that the warpath comment meant that baron people will definitely want to have the baron-level-traps in order to do well in the area.
Either way, I'm so amped for it to be released!
Still haven't nabbed one of the new guys, but I'm getting TONS of building supplies. Just in the nine horn sounds I've been in the Market I've gotten 13 coconut timbers and 19 limestone bricks.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Also, did anyone else's MHgame.com just reformat? It's left-justified instead of centered and I've lost the whole right side of the game including the FB login and those mini-scoreboards. I'm definitely thinking they're programming the new stuff into the game and that's what's causing the bugs.
I've had that happen a time or two. In my experience, when that happens, if I look at the URL, it'll say mousehuntgame.com/... and then there will be something, I don't remember what but I think it was something like "landscape" after the /. All you have to do is delete what's after the slash and it'll be normal.
I'm using up so much SB+! I've used up about 30 pieces trying to catch the Tome Sprite. I really need it to finish my library assignment and I don't want to smash this one as well. I don't have very many assignments I can choose from anyway because I only have 50 library points right now.
I just caught another Polar Bear. Still no scraps.
I got my fourth mouse, but now I'm trying to decide what to do. Keep farming them in hopes of getting more War Scraps? Or return to the Warpath to get as much gold as possible (and maybe a trap part) before the new area is released? Kat suggested that I mix and match so maybe I'll do that.
I've moved to the Warpath in the hopes of clearing Wave 1 and then after the short Cats tournament tonight, I'll hit the Crystal Library so I can farm Icy Mice and do assignments at the same time. There's just not much for me to do in Muridae Market right now.
I really need it to finish my library assignment and I don't want to smash this one as well. I don't have very many assignments I can choose from anyway because I only have 50 library points right now.
That's crazy you're having that much trouble with the Tome Sprite cause I think he's one of the easier SB only mice to catch.
Also, the Seasonal Garden assignments will cater to whatever season there is at the moment, so if you pick up an assignment right at the start of a season change, you should be good to go. (Unless it's that hateful 'catch a Winter Mage with the Ancient Spear Gun'.... blegh....)
he's one of the easier SB only mice to catch.
If he's easier, I don't even wanna know what difficult is!
I've caught two snow soldier mice thus far (apparently I caught one this morning and had no idea about it ).
That's crazy you're having that much trouble with the Tome Sprite cause I think he's one of the easier SB only mice to catch.
I've had great difficulty with him too. I spent more than 20 pieces of SB trying to get one, but zilch.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
That's crazy you're having that much trouble with the Tome Sprite cause I think he's one of the easier SB only mice to catch.
I've had great difficulty with him too. I spent more than 20 pieces of SB trying to get one, but zilch.
I'm up to at least 40 pieces now.
I've caught another Incompetent Ice Climber. Still no scraps.
I've had great difficulty with him too. I spent more than 20 pieces of SB....
Wow... 20 pieces. That's rough...
(Just picking on you DiGs, I know SB mice tend to hate you.
If he's easier, I don't even wanna know what difficult is!
How about over 100 pieces of SB for a Cook Mouse?
But in all fairness, both of you are outside of the range of catch rate probability. He's about 1/13, which is why I'm really surprised you haven't snagged him yet n_a_h. You're using up all of your probability chips catching THREE Aether Mice, which is crazy....
OK, I officially love using Super Brie in the Market. It attracts almost entirely mice that drop building supplies! This morning when I got here, I had practically nothing. Now I have 44 bricks, 49 coconut timbers and 27 pieces of glass.
Got my Wolfskie too!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Missed the Wolfski again... but I'm a fairly patient guy. So I'll just stock up on charms and hope I attract him again... whilst continuing to save up gold for the Sinister Portal.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
If I keep up this rate of leveling, I'll be a Count by the end of June. I'm already at 3.34%, and I've been here barely more than two days. That 175% amplifier will come in handy on future Tower runs.
Current stats for Wave 2: 0-39-19-43-18
I've caught every mouse available to me so far except the Caravan Guard and the Crimson Commander. I will probably try to employ DiGs' strategy on Wave 3: get a high streak of Scouts, use a Commander's charm and wipe out a large portion of the wave ASAP. Caravan guard...no idea what my strategy will be.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I finally caught the Tome Sprite after about 60 pieces of Brie. I'm down to 50 some pieces. It's really annoying that I can't do surveys anymore thanks to their new system. I haven't been able to complete one for three or four months. I have no way to get SB+ except in the daily chests.