I've caught one of the new mice. I think it was in the Mountain and it was the Incompetent Ice Climber. It didn't drop any scraps.
I finally decided to smash my library assignment and got a new one. FK, I know I could but I wanted to do one that was worth a decent amount of points. Anyway, I'm now doing one that has me staying the Crystal Library. And I switched to SB+ so I'll hopefully catch the Tome Sprite mouse. After that, I'm thinking about switching to a Hydro trap hopefully catching some of those new mice while I finish the assignment.
Is anyone having trouble with gifting again? I have nine friends who regularly play but for six of those nine, it wouldn't let me send the gift and popped up a red box which said "Unable to send gift. You are not friends with the selected recipient." I checked and none of those people have unfriended me so it must just be a glitch. It's the same with Daily Raffle Tickets. FK, ETj, and Starkat are the lucky ones who I'm able to send stuff too but no one else. And the gift of the day is Stale SB+!
I'm wondering if I should send a bug report or not. I don't really see anything about a problem like that in the forums.
Haven't even attracted one of those newbies yet. Getting lots of Radioactive Blue Potions though
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have nine friends who regularly play but for six of those nine, it wouldn't let me send the gift and popped up a red box which said "Unable to send gift. You are not friends with the selected recipient."
Usually when I have trouble like that, it's because of server lag on MH's end (and there has been some very noticeable lag tonight). I just come back later and try again and it usually works.
"Unable to send gift.
You are not friends with the selected recipient."
Weird. Restarted Safari. Cleared cookies. Playing through mousehuntgame.com. Been like that for a number of hours now.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
I have the same problem as cep and nah... going to see if it'll at least let me send out raffle tickets
Edit: Well it worked for some, but for the rest:
Friend cannot be given a ballot..
Only your friends are allowed to give you a ticket and get one for themselves.
I wonder if it's a glitch from the release... or the recent FB updates -usually if it's a lag it just says Unable to send, or it won't stop loading, but this seems to be failing to register some as freinds
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Oh yeah, there are reports like these all over the MH forums. I had another thought on what's going on... I wonder if they added some more back end stuff for the new area and it caused a glitch with gifting/raffle/friend's list? Interestingly enough I noticed that several people are missing from my Gift list entirely, but they're on my friend's list. Who knows? Hopefully they'll be able to fix it tomorrow.
In other far annoying (to me) news....
Wolfskie Mouse 2 1
Snow Soldier Mouse 0 2
Polar Bear Mouse 0 0
Incompetent Ice Climber Mouse 0 1
Why??? Why so many FTCs???
I just caught a Polar Bear in the Crystal Library using Crobot + Molten Shrapnel + SB+. It didn't drop any scraps.
And my gifting is working now.
Am I doing something wrong? I haven't even attracted one of these blighters, and I've been after them for 12 hours. I spent all of yesterday evening in the lab, and got nothing. I spent the night in the harbour and nothing.
Using OWN+Spellbook+Brie+Attraction Charms.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
After sitting overnight on the Warpath, my numbers are:
I had hoped I would get a few more streaks overnight but alas, it was not to be.
I hope to get through my Warriors and possibly my Scouts today.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Yep, also noticing that the gift and raffle systems are working well this morning. AND the gift of the day is still Stale SB.
@DiGs, no, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. They're just pretty rare when using regular cheese. I think people are attracting 1-2 in a 24 hour period with regular cheese. I find myself getting impatient and switching to SB+ which definitely increases attraction but isn't helping with my catch rate.
@Eli, in case you didn't notice, you earned a Commander's Charm for completing Wave 1. So if you find yourself with a nice big streak, you may want to consider using it.
ETA: Oy, I'm tired. Ignore the above advice and save it til Wave 3.
I *still* have 3/4 of the new mice. I have 2 Incompetent Climbers, 2 Snow Soldiers, 1 Polar Bear, and 0 Wolfskie. I have been using SB, Ancient Spear Gun, and Molten Shrapnel Base.
I am 70% towards Lady!!!
Today, I may hang out in Balack's Cove to up my points some more.
Love God, love people
I guess I'll switch over to Super Brie then. If nothing else, I'll hopefully get some of the SB only mice that are living here in the Harbour.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
All this talk of using SB+ to catch the new mice and the mice that are SB+ only has led me to assess my list of SB+ only mice I still need. Using FK's list here I have determined that I need 9 of the SB+ only mice, most of which are in the Indigenous Group (sneaky devs, putting SB+ only mice in after I moved past those areas ). At some point I would like to have at least one of each of these mice.
Have Worker and Dumpling Chef mice always been SB+ only? Cause I have a rather high number of them if so. I am very sure that I would not have used SB+ enough to have 30 Worker mice and 67 Dumpling Chef mice. Never mind on that question. I checked the Wiki and found that the Worker mice are also attracted to Maki (which explains them) and the Dumpling Chef mice have been part of the Lunar New Year events, which definitely explains my almost Silver crown.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Dumpling Chef Mice were not always super brie mice. When they were introduced into the game, they were an event mouse. Then the devs decided to make them a permanent addition.
Worker mice MIGHT have come out at the Christmas event (not sure about that one, but it comes into my mind that they were costumed at least once).
Still trying to nab one of these newbies. Setup in the windmill (because I've caught all of the super brie mice in the harbour, and I'm missing some of them in the windmill).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I read on the forum that the Monstrobot has about the same effectiveness for catching the new mice as the Oasis. If that's the case, I'm moving to the Muridae Market to catch mice that are actually worth some gold and points.
Also, did anyone else's MHgame.com just reformat? It's left-justified instead of centered and I've lost the whole right side of the game including the FB login and those mini-scoreboards. I'm definitely thinking they're programming the new stuff into the game and that's what's causing the bugs.