I took another look at the spoilers and I'm very intrigued as to what these two mice will be especially:
http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z34 ... 1218ae.png
http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z34 ... b3120e.pngThe second one's scarf reminds me of Tumnus' and it seems to be the same idea as the frozen mouse. The first one... I don't know what it is... a long-necked polar bear mouse? A yeti mouse? Not a clue but it looks cool. So excited this is gonna have a frozen theme... I hope I can hunt there when it's released.
It does resemble Tumnus... maybe with all of the Narnia inspired team names (not to mention the Kingdom IS called Gnawnia...) they'll have a Narnia inspired mouse? No clue on the other one.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I'd say it's more likely to be Zugzwang's Red Scarf than Tumnus's Red Scarf myself. Interesting that it showed up again since Jacob JUST drew a mouse wearing a similar red scarf in the new cover photo for the MH FB page. Maybe it's a reference to that?
I'm actually most intrigued by the bombs or coals in the first new mouse spoiler pic.
/rapidly becoming more and more impatient for new content
I got both of my rooks, now I'm after my queen. So far I've attracted her once... and missed. My amplifier is at 65%... oh and did I mention I ran out of Brie, so I'm using Swiss Fortunately I won't run out of that anytime soon...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I found this spreadsheet of warmonger loot drops. It's the best I've seen thus far (and trust me, I've looked!) A good deal of you are at Lord level right now, and you'll be tackling the Warpath before long. This'll let you know what you're up against
https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spread ... _US&gid=11
EDIT: And lucky lucky me! I got a Sandblasted Metal off of my warmonger!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEE! Their prices are quite high right now (comparatively). I've got 12.5 million on it right now, and that's the lowest one out there! When it sells, and I get my money I will spend 1.4 million on my Reaper's Perch and approximately 5 million on my Sphynx Crystal. That'll leave me over 6 million in gold (plus the 1 million I already have). No gold farming for me in a while
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
*stares blankly at the chart....
So what is it saying? Is it based off of how many Warmongers you catch?
I gave up on my run at 18%... Hanging out in the Kings Arms until I get a bit more gold to buy Gouda for the SG. (In case you're wondering why, I figured I'd hunt here and work on my locations stats... I haven't hunted here yet.) There are a lot of SB+ only mice here...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolf I think that chart will make a lot more sense, once you get into the warpath. The basic gist of it is this:
The first time through, you're almost always guaranteed a loot drop, and that loot drop is most likely to be an oasis bead. Basically what this spreadsheet has done, is to take all other loot drops afterwards, and give a percentage breakdown of how likely you are to get a loot drop.
I don't necessarily buy the fact that there are different percentages for different run throughs (AKA, you might have a better chance getting a Sandblasted Metal on run 22 verses run 9), and I think that there's a good bit of statistical error in there (The sample size gets really small in latter runs because presumably people are getting everything they need loot wise, and are therefore ceasing to do runs.).
The take away message from this chart (in my opinion) are these:
1. Warpath loot drop rates occur at a frequency of approximately 20% after your first Warmonger.
2. Sphynx Crystals are the rarest loot drop, and Oasis Beads are the most common.
3. You may (or may not) have different luck with different runs.
Now in other news
I don't know how our team managed to cling on to top 25% (comfortably so!) overnight. I (unfortunately) am back in wave 1 where the mice are only worth one point, so it's going to be up to the other three teammates to carry us right now. I'm sorry for this, but that's the way it has to be.
As far as wave 1 runs go, this one's going pretty well. I might be able to make it into wave 2 before the tournie ends (and that's a BIG "might") in which case I'd go straight for the mages in an attempt to get more points. Currently at 35-34-13
My sandblasted metal did not sell overnight, and as such I've lowered the price by 500K. Current asking price is 11,999,999 (I know, how salesman-like of me ). I really want it to sell today!
EDIT: It sold! For a second there, I had more than 13,000,000 gold . Bought my Sphynx Crystal, and make my Sphynx Wrath trap! WOOT! I'll head over to the garden to get the rest of the things for my Reaper's Perch after the tournament's over.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
wolf, I've been in the Warpath for ages and that chart still confused me. I know what it's supposed to say, but there were just too many numbers for me.
DiGs, mega-conga-rats on your Sphynx and your soon-to-be Reaper's Perch.
What are you going to do now?
As DiGs said, we're solidly in the top 25% of the tournament so we've got 18 tokens coming our way in a little over 5 hours. Based on where my husband, my sister-in-law, and I are at in the Warpath, I'm wondering if the top 10% is feasible? I haven't looked at the scoreboard yet so I don't know.
(For DiGs...
Me-Wave 4, 1 Warden down
In anticipation of the new area coming out, I really, really want to get the rest of my close friends and family their traps, and ironically, we're not far away from doing so. I'm hoping I get a drop today. We'll see what happens.
wolf, I've been in the Warpath for ages and that chart still confused me. I know what it's supposed to say, but there were just too many numbers for me.
Well. . . nevermind then I suppose it should come with a warning label "Use at your own risk."
What are you going to do now?
I might go back and try to get some of those SB only mice that I've never gotten. And I really want to do TONS of tournies. I want my gold base! I also still need to finish the trapsmith in Muridae Market.
EDIT: Got my Reaper's Perch, and I'm camped out in the Garden. Using SB trying to get my fall familliar mouse. So far I've caught nothing but Whirleygig mice
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I finally leveled up! I am now Baron Shastastwin.
I'm working on my first Warpath run. Currently at 35-29-34. I started off with a streak of 3 which was broken by a stale and then I tried for an archer streak when I caught the first one, but that failed so I am back to hunting Scouts/Vanguards. This is going to be an amusing run.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
There is a new group added to the mice list. It currently doesn't have a name (just question marks), but there are four mice listed under it!
Everybody's gotta start somewhere, and this mouse is starting at the bottom and working to the top!
Unfortunately, he's... well, not very good yet, but it's not his fault! These tools are really specialized and kind of hard to get a handle on!
And they look delicious.
Group: ??? (???)
Polar Bear Mouse:
Magical genetic engineering sure has come a long way! This beefy mouse has been augmented with the strength, ferocity, and terrifying features of a genuine polar bear. As a front-line invader, he strikes fear into the heart of whomever he opposes.
Group: ??? (???)
Snow Soldier Mouse:
Small, fierce, and too numerous to count, Snow Soldiers overcome the odds by combining ferocity and sheer numbers.
Just, whatever you do, don't let them axe you any questions.
Group: ??? (???)
Wolfskie Mouse:
Using his keen sense of smell, the Wolfskie mouse leads the pack and is able to sniff out the finest of cheese. Summoning feral courage and the brave spirits of his ancestors, this scout sneaks behind enemy lines to find poorly-protected stockpiles of cheese.
Group: ??? (???)
All of them have Hydro Traps listed as their weakness.
In other news, I caught my Fall Familliar Mouse. I'm heading back to the warpath now.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
One more that I found via the MH forum....
https://www.mousehuntgame.com/item.php? ... _stat_item
And it should also be noted that people are catching these four new mice in the game. Looks like the Calm Clearing, Muridae Market, Mountain, Bazaar, Meadow, the list goes on and on....
I'm gonna try to catch one before the next tournament starts. *moves to the Calm Clearing*
ETA: They are on the locations page. You can catch all four of them in the Meadow, Town of Gnawnia, Windmill, Harbour, Mountain, Laboratory, Town of Digby, Bazaar, Training Grounds, Calm Clearing, GGT, Huntington, Cape Clawed, Crystal Library, and the Muridae Market.
I wonder if this is just a temporary add to introduce the new area? Or if they're in those areas to stay? I'm guessing the former.
I'm lodged in Huntington after the new mice and the Shelder... with brie because I'm not buying Gouda yet... (PS I think I was right on the Polar Bear guess, just it doesn't have a long neck )
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Sweet! New mice! I headed to the Mountain to catch them. It gave me an excuse to leave SG. I need to catch
Anyway, so I will hopefully catch those mice here and also pick up the Pebble mouse while I'm here using SB+ since I haven't caught that one yet.
If I had to wager a guess, I'd guess that those four mice were released intentionally, and that they'll be around from here on out. I'm guessing that the new area will require a user to catch all four (or part) of the newly released mice before you're allowed to access the area (like a "Sandtail Call To Arms"). That's just a guess. . . but I suppose it's as good as any other out there .
At any rate, it looks like the new area will be out sooner than I expected.
Meadow - 18
Town of Gnawnia - 20
Windmill - 17
Harbour - 18
Mountain - 18
Laboratory - 10
Town of Digby - 22
Bazaar - 12
Training Grounds - 14
Calm Clearing - 15
GGT - 21
Huntington - 19
Cape Clawed - 17
Crystal Library - 13
Muridae Market - 13
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I am able to confirm that a Hydro trap is NOT, I repeat, is NOT required to catch these four new mice, though it certainly helps (same note on SB+). So for the one or two of you that don't have a Hydro trap yet, you do have a chance to catch these guys. Good luck!
Personal speculation is as follows....
~I think this is some sort of prerelease event. I don't think the new area is done yet or can be accessed at any point right now.
~I believe that these mice have been released all over the Kingdom of Gnawnia as a fun way to include low level players in the excitement of the new area.
~I don't think these four will stay all over the map but rather retreat to the new icy area when it opens. Catch 'em while you can just to be sure.