I have an empowered anchor charm. Would it help if I sent it to you? Are we able to send charms to people, or are we only allowed to do the Free Gifts/Paid Gifts stuff?
Yes, you can send gifts to friends, it's under the same tab as sending free gifts. And you can only send certain items. I don't know if this charm is sendable or not.
But, you will need that eventually and I don't want to take it from you. You keep it, and I'll be fine! Thank you so much though!
(By the way, you can not send scrap metal...I have recently discovered that as I have discovered it to be a precious commodity at this point in the game! )
For my Egg Hunt totals, I have 19 collectible eggs and my total found 32/47.
Also, I am nearing the half way point to Lady!
Love God, love people
back in FW, bored of Muriade to tell the truth, will finish this run I guess
The only thing that's tripping me up is the lack of good attraction rate...that really screws me over because streak gets broken due to some random attraction fail
I guess the SMB is indeed a good and much better upgrade to any physical trap, it's just a shame I don't have warpath thrasher
I completed my first Library assignment... Made no progress overnight on my second one due to a large Mouseless streak... so I've switched from Brie to Gouda.
My task is:
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Highlights from the most recent news post.....
- The Chocolate Factory is closed
- The Vacant Lot is still open
- Use leftover Marshmallow Monterey to buy Eggstra Charms from the Charm Shoppe
- Bonus eggs across the land will be gone Monday, April 23
- Use Eggstra Charms to double the bonus eggs looted from mice!
'Til next year!!
So I just noticed 20 wealth charms in my inventory... Where are those from? And when should I use them?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
You got those Wealth Charms from completing your first Library Assignment. You can used them whenever you want. The more the mouse is worth, the more the Wealth Charms will get you. If my math is right, the Charms get you 2% additional gold of whatever the mouse is worth.
Well I decided to go ahead and take out the Archers in my Wave, those are now gone. While I was knocking them out (and using Archer Charms) I caught a Cavalry and a Commander, both of which dropped eggs and as I wasn't use Eggstra Charms, I only got one each. Now I've got my Eggstra Charms armed and the mice aren't dropping eggs.
Ah well...
I'm hunting eggs again, nabbed the Burglar egg and right now I'm after the Pygmy Egg.
I have found 27/47 eggs in the game.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Besides my painted collection, I've got:
Dojo Student
Whisker Woods
I smashed my eggs open and, among many other things, got 50 pieces of SB+.
We just finished 30th out of 60 in an Indigenous tourney. That's a little too close for comfort!
Nice job on your tournament guys. Those close ones are so nerve wracking.
Last night I used up all of my Eggstra Charms in the Warpath. Got loads of useful goodies for future tournaments. I also made it onto Wave 4 so I have a Warmonger waiting for me once the Egg collecting finishes.
Now I am back at the King's Gauntlet. I decided to backtrack a little bit to try to get silver crowns on the Knight and Berserker Mice. I SHOULD be able to do it in the next couple hours unless the game is just downright mean (which it often is
) and then after that I will proceed onto Tier V to see how I do.
I am halfway through my Zurreal Research Assignment. I camped out in S.S. Huntington overnight with SB+ armed and caught a few new mice, though not any SB+ only mice. I also caught a Pirate, so I'm up to 22/47 eggs collected.
Currently, I'm going after Ghost mice in the Mousoleum and then I'll head over to the Tribal Isles to do all of the hunting there required for the assignment. That is going to take me a while, because I never did farm for Tribal ingredients like I said I would. I have to get lots of Red and Blue Pepper Seeds, which will require lots of ... Crunchy and Shell cheese. I also need to farm some Fire Salt, so some of my Yellow Seeds will go to that.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
We just finished 30th out of 60 in an Indigenous tourney. That's a little too close for comfort!
I had a lot to do with that. I wasn't earning the team any points in the last hour plus of the tourney. Next one will be different.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Is anybody else having problems with MH and MHgame.com? My camp page looks really funky. It's more or less a huge blue page that covers the entire screen. My journal is underneath it, but I cannot change my trap, cheese, etc.... (This is on Mozilla)
The facebook version looks OK on IE, but you still cannot change your trap, cheese, charms, or base. MHgame.com on IE is the only thing I've found that works.
Anyways, up to a streak of 8 on wave one, so I'm going after a Gargantuamouse.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm still camped in the Laboratory after yesterday's tourney. I love getting Monster eggs because they sometimes have Greater RB potions in them. I'm going to head to the SG in a few hours because the winter season starts soon. I really hope I get that last key shard this time.
I'm not having any problems with MH. I'm using Chrome.
No problems for me on Chrome & mousehuntgame.com either.
I am however having issues completeing this task

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down