Ithilwen, actually you have two of them They're a collectible, and as such can be found on the collectibles tab of your inventory... They don't do much apparently asking his advice just winds up in a riddle or a joke.
Amplifier down to 129%. I've caught 1 Mystic Knight so far...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ithilwen, actually you have two of them
They're a collectible, and as such can be found on the collectibles tab of your inventory...
Huh. That's odd. I don't remember receiving any. I see them in my inventory now, though.
Okay, so I got the Crown Jewel from the Master Burglar. I was told to go to the Harbour once I got it. I went to the Harbour... Nothing is happening... What am I supposed to do to get to the King's Gauntlet?
I thought Black Widows were SB+ only... so how would Wicked Gnarly Cheese get one?
No, they are not SB+ only, they're just more highly attracted to it. Even so, they seem even more highly attracted to Wicked Gnarly.
I've never gotten a Scrambles from anyone.
Ithilwen, actually you have two of them
Phew, scared me there for a moment. I thought I made sure all of my active playing friends had a Scrambles and I was wondering how on earth I had missed Ithilwen.
Yeah Ithilwen, like wolf said, they're just silly.
Amplifier down to 129%. I've caught 1 Mystic Knight so far...
I'm a little concerned for your run, not because of your amplifier or how many Technic Pawns you've caught, but because of the amount of cheese you have. Maybe you'll get really lucky and be just fine, but for future reference you'll want to go in with MINIMUM 100 cheese and 100 charms. I usually go in with 200 of each. There's nothing worse than running out of a supplies on a Tower run cause then you have to start all over from scratch in the Seasonal Garden, which is a huge headache.
But you're off to a pretty good start for your first run so good luck!
What am I supposed to do to get to the King's Gauntlet?
Check the Cartographer (drop down menu on Shops).
I'm currently sitting in the Gauntlet farming potions. I figure if nothing else, at least I might get a Silver Crown on a few more mice making the Crown Collector easier to attract.
I am getting a bumper crop of scrap metal today, with the help of 2 scavenger mice egg drops. I only need 4 pieces to get my base! YAY!!
Love God, love people
I'm a little concerned for your run, not because of your amplifier or how many Technic Pawns you've caught, but because of the amount of cheese you have.
Gah... I knew I forgot something I realized I forgot to buy charms about as soon as I got there... but I didn't even think about how much cheese I had.
@Ithy like FK said I had made sure I sent all my friends some the first day of the event... hence why I looked at your page lol. Probably it was just so long ago you forgot...
Also as FK said you need to buy it from the cartogropher. But I'm warning you it'll cost you a small fortune
Working on my first mystic Bishop...
Edit got both Bishops... the second dropped the Crystal Library Card Now the rooks, and hopefully an egg...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Time to update my list of eggs
Current total:
Dojo Student
Pygmy Swarm
Whisker Woods
Realm Ripper
Crown Collector
Seasonal Garden
Jungle of Dread
Desert Nomad
Eggs I want to catch:
Black Widow
Gauntlet Bard
Gauntlet Magic
From Last Year: (eggs I caught but don't have any that I kept)
Caught the assassin egg!!! Back to that pesky cook. I'll stay in the ship overnight and see what happens. Then I am going to hop to the warpath in the morning and see about picking up the warpath egg. After that, I'll go hunt in the lagoon for a couple of hours. My plan is to head to the gauntlet tomorrow night and go from there. As you can tell, I'm hopping all over the place still. I think after this, I'm going to setup in Furoma and hunt for rumble cheese ingredients and then go after Mojos.
Got my rooks and the egg, hoping I can catch the King and Queen. My amplifier is at 76%- 15 pieces of Gouda left... I may buy some SB+ if I run out.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
As I mentioned before, I prefer to use SB on my ZT runs, I know it sounds like a waste (It probably is) it definitely beats FTAs i get a lot, which hurts your ZT runs really badly, for the record I only failed once which was before I got ZFM so yeah
Ummm...daily gold report :13047021...53 rumble armed and going for some mojo, should put me well over 13.5mil
Sojo's? i really hate them, btw, anyone here with a gold crown on MOJO's I definitely am aiming for it, at 268 right now, halfway there
I'm kind of taking a break from internet life due to our data limit being pushed the extreme . I just wanted to send a shout out to all y'all who have recently had great achievements:
Mumsie: Congrats on your Molten Shrapnel Base! It's one of the best bases in the game!
Wolf: Congrats on your Eclipse Egg! Can't believe that you actually made it! You've always had good gauntlet luck
NAH: Mega congrats on your summer key shard! I know you've been after that for a while now! Glad you finally got it. Zugzwang's Tower, here you come!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
As I mentioned before, I prefer to use SB on my ZT runs, I know it sounds like a waste (It probably is) it definitely beats FTAs i get a lot, which hurts your ZT runs really badly, for the record I only failed once which was before I got ZFM so yeah
It's so funny cause I had the very different luck than you. When I started doing ZT runs I always used SB+ but had really mixed luck with it. I got to the point where I couldn't afford the SB+ anymore so I switched to Gouda and Attraction Charms, and I actually did just as well as when I was using SB+. Yeah, you get FTAs, but I found that for every FTA with Gouda, I'd get 1 Knight with SB+ and my amplifier dropped at the same rate.
SB+ is preferred, but if you're like me and you can't afford it, Gouda and Attraction Charms work almost as good.
Sojo's? i really hate them, btw, anyone here with a gold crown on MOJO's I definitely am aiming for it, at 268 right now, halfway there
Oh no. You are by far and away the person on this site with the most Sojos and Mojos. I have 39 Mojos and 6 Sojos, so I'm not even close to a Silver Crown, let alone a Gold one.
Congrats RaMa on your Molten Shrapnel Base!!! I hope you enjoy Balack's Cove.
I believe that Balack is currently the hardest mouse in the game to catch right now. Others are welcome to disagree, but that's my personal opinion.
Congrats n_a_h on your Summer Key Shard!! You still have to get the Winter Key Shard right? I think I remember that being the case. At least you have the Heat Bath now so it should be less painful.
wolf, even if you don't complete your run, congrats on getting the Crystal Library Card and Zugzwang's Egg! You've probably seen me mention this on here before but in case you haven't, once you're done in ZT, hit the Library next cause the assignments in there can be done in conjuncture with more ZT runs.
Ithilwen, did you figure out how to work the Cartographer in the Harbour? I see you don't have the map piece to the Gauntlet yet, so I figured I'd better check and make sure.
stwin, congrats on starting your Zurreal assignment! (Maybe you'll get the drop off of the Master Burglar during our tournament. )
As a side note, Lady Arwen blasted one of my personal MH beliefs out of the water. (I blame the MH forum
) She caught a Crown Collector last night with 5 Gold Crowns and 44 Silver Crowns. So much for needing at least 80 Silver Crowns to catch the CC. Way to go Lady A!
My Gauntlet run is going pretty well so far. I'm about to get Silver Crowns on a couple mice in Tier 3. Taking a break at the moment to do the Bazaar Burglary tournament (one of my favorites) and we're doing pretty good so far.
I think it's fairly certain we'll grab the top 25%. Top 10% would be even better. Top 3 places would be awesome but we need a lot more burglars to drop by before we can get that.
And I'm personally hoping a Crown Collector shows up in the meantime.
Balack's Cove is interesting and profitable! Waiting right now to be washed out to the JoD...
Love God, love people
I'm thinking I'm going to end up failing this run, but I'm so close! Just need the queen and King, but my amplifier is down to 59% and I have 4 pieces of Gouda... We'll see how things go. I may get lucky...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
On a completely unrelated note, the team that's currently in second place in the Bazaar tournament is....
Chronicles of Gnawnia
The Voyage of the Trophy Hunters ...
We have returned for a reason... Our adventure begins now
I wonder if they ever visit this site? or maybe they're on one of the other Narnia fansites?
fantasia_kitty, now that is interesting... We should investigate
I bought some SB+... Hopefully I don't end up wasting it all...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm hunting away in the Lagoon. Analytics tells me my best setup is Heat Bath + Dragon Jade base. I was hunting with the Molten Shrapnel base. I just switched to the Jade base so hopefully I do better. So far, no Silth but I've gotten the Whiskered Woods egg and the Hydra egg.
I did get the Summer Key Shard the other day with just a few hours left in the summer season. Now, I just have the Winter Key Shard left.