Ithil, I caught 2 or 3 Spud mice before I had a loot drop and probably 4 diamond mice so hopefully you'll catch your's soon!
My list of eggs to catch has shrunk quite a lot today. I think I'm going to set back up in the ship tonight to try for the cook and nibbler eggs. Tomorrow morning, I'll go after the warpath egg and then it's off to the gauntlet. I'm not sure about the Assassin egg yet. I still hope to get it. I'm in the lab trying to pick up a monster egg tonight.
I finally built the bullet and used up all but 432k of my gold. I built both the Heat Bath and ZFM. I really want to get the Summer Key Shard before summer is over this time so I decided to go ahead and get a stronger Tactical trap. ZFM looks really cool, btw.
@wil, niiiice on crossing into the 12 mil mark. You're sooo close to the SBM.
@Ithilwen, yeah, I'd say about maybe 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 on those two eggs? You posted yesterday, have you had any luck yet in getting them to drop?
@Kat, congrats on raking in all those eggs yesterday.
You're definitely having better luck than I am.
@n_a_h, congrats on your two new traps. I suspect that'll make life a lot easier in the Seasonal Garden (except for Fall). Are you in there now trying to get the Summer Key piece? Cause I'm pretty sure I saw on my sister's account that it's summer there now. Good luck getting it!
Well after about 100 pieces of Maki and SB+ later, I FINALLY got that stinkin' Assassin. So now it's back to the Crystal Library for the Crown Collector and Pocketwatch Eggs. Just those two and the Eclipse Egg are all I have left.
Time to update. Besides my collection of painted eggs, I've collected:
Cherry Egg
Hydra Egg
Monster Egg
Pirate Egg
Whisker Woods Egg
Diamond Egg
Spud Egg
Now, I'm trying to figure out which ones left I'm able to get. I can probably get a Burglar Egg, Assassin Egg, and Dojo Student Egg...
I was wondering... At my level, with my trap (Ambush/Explosive Base) am I able to catch a BBB? I sat in Digby with Limelight Cheese for a few days, but didn't catch any. If it's a matter of patience, that's fine, I can do that. But I don't want to waste time sitting there if I don't have the power to actually catch one anyway.
Where is the best place to try for a Black Widow?
Also, where are the best places to catch a Fog Mouse and Nibbler Mouse? And are they SB+ only?
I got my map fixed and can go to the catacombs, but all I have is the very weak Sinister Portal with which to catch mice in there... Is there any hope of catching the Realm Ripper or Scavenger mice with only that?
Which mice drop the Gauntlet Magic and Gauntlet Bard, and am I able to catch them?
And one last question: Am I able to catch a Silth mouse at this point, or do I have to wait until I have a stronger trap? And if I can, what charm/cheese setup is best?
I was wondering... At my level, with my trap (Ambush/Explosive Base) am I able to catch a BBB?
A physical trap is best, but a lot of people on here caught the BBB with the ACRONYM trap (you'll get that in the Catacombs).
Where is the best place to try for a Black Widow?
Seems to be the Lagoon with Wicked Gnarly Cheese, but they're still fairly rare.
Also, where are the best places to catch a Fog Mouse and Nibbler Mouse?
The Fog Mouse can be found in the Harbour and the Mountain. The Nibbler can be found in the Town of Gnawnia, the Bazaar, the Great Gnarled Tree, the King's Arms, the Town of Digby, the Training Grounds and the Tournament Hall.
And are they SB+ only?
Is there any hope of catching the Realm Ripper or Scavenger mice with only that?
It is possible but very unlikely. Ideally if you can afford the Obelisk of Slumber, that's what you want to use.
Which mice drop the Gauntlet Magic and Gauntlet Bard, and am I able to catch them?
In order to get into the King's Gauntlet, you first need to catch a Burglar which will drop Gilded Cheese. With the Gilded Cheese you can then catch a Master Burglar who drops a Crown Jewel. Take the Crown Jewel to the Harbour and in turn they will give you access to the Gauntlet.
And IF you just happen to accomplish all of that before the end of the event, it is POSSIBLE for you to do the first five tiers, which include the Bard and Magic Tiers.
Am I able to catch a Silth mouse at this point, or do I have to wait until I have a stronger trap? And if I can, what charm/cheese setup is best?
I have seen a couple people catch the Silth with the Ambush trap, but it's really difficult to do that and I personally would recommend waiting until you have a halfway decent Hydro trap.
Am I able to catch a Silth mouse at this point, or do I have to wait until I have a stronger trap?
I have seen a couple people catch the Silth with the Ambush trap ...
Ditto. The Silth has come by 14 times and been caught only once using an Ambush trap. That is a fair share of time hunting in the Lagoon. Time is better spent going after a better trap than waiting around for this one.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Are you in there now trying to get the Summer Key piece? Cause I'm pretty sure I saw on my sister's account that it's summer there now. Good luck getting it!
Congrats, everyone, on the eggs you've gotten! I don't have very many: 22 out of 47. My list so far:
Dojo Student
Pygmy Swarm
Realm Ripper
Seasonal Garden
After Summer ends, I'm going to head somewhere, maybe the Gauntlet, to get more eggs. I have 22 Tier 3 potions right now. I'll probably also go after the Cherry egg. I have 28 pieces of Cherry cheese and I've never gotten around to going after the Cherry mouse. Might as well go after it while it's dropping loot. I'll probably also hang around the Whisker Woods area and try to get the Silth, Nibbler, and Hydra eggs. I've never caught a Silth mouse either and I need to at some point. And now that I have the Heat Bath, that will make it a little easier. And thanks to this event, I have 19 Wicked Gnarly potions to use.
I'm not doing very well at this event. The only hard egg I caught quickly was the Desert Nomad. Which was nice because it was during our tournament.
Right now I'm in Zugzwang's Tower and I'm up to the Rooks, but I haven't caught any yet. This is slightly nerve wracking because they aren't even a 100% drop.
My eggs so far:
Dojo Student
Hydra (last year)
Cove (last year)
Realm Ripper
Seasonal Garden (last year)
Silth (last year)
Warpath (last year)
Whisker Woods (last year)
Desert Nomad
(I didn't try to collect eggs very hard last year, so it's a miracle I got the Silth.)
Before the event ends, I'd like to clean out the Tribal Islands and maybe catch a few more indiginous mice. If I have time left, I'll go for the BBB again, after having wasted 48 hours on him already.
Right now I have 9 pieces of Tier 7 cheese... debating if I should go on or not... I have 4 pieces of Tier 6 cheese left... Hopefully I'll get one or two more so I can move up.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I got tired of trying to catch eggs. I got 28/47 (and I can only go as far as Dracano); unfortunately I smashed the first ones so I have 14 collectible eggs. (Interesting that it's 1/2 of the eggs I have caught--and I didn't use the eggstra charms on all of them).
I am again in the Catacombs farming scrap metal. I only need 11 pieces!
And I am at 21 million points, so I'm farming gold now that I can get the Clockapult Trap (is that correct?) when I get there.
Love God, love people
Just snagged my Dojo student egg.
I have 21 Gilded Cheese. Where is the best place to catch Master Burglars?
FINALLY got my Pocketwatch Egg. So that just leaves the Crown Collector Egg and the Eclipse Egg. I'll be hanging out in the Bazaar with Gilded today and then move to the Gauntlet later.
Ithil, you can either catch a Master Burglar in the Town of Gnawnia or the Bazaar. I personally recommend the Bazaar.
I got my Eclipse Egg, and my Bronze Crowns on my Paladin and my Fiend. I bought the Mystic Pawn Pincher, Crafted Zuzwang's First Move, and moved into the Tower... So far I've caught 5 pawns- amplifier at 145%
Edited typo
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Just had a Summer Mage eat a piece of cheese off my trap this morning.
I'm really hoping I catch it before the season changes in 21 hours.
Update time. Besides my painted collection, I have the following eggs:
Cherry Egg
Dojo Student Egg
Hydra Egg
Magic Egg
Monster Egg
Whisker Woods Egg
Spud Egg
Diamond Egg
4 Pirate Eggs
3 Burglar Eggs
By the way, I've gotten many Gift Eggs, but I've never gotten a Scrambles from anyone. What are they?
EDIT: Also:
Where is the best place to try for a Black Widow?
Seems to be the Lagoon with Wicked Gnarly Cheese, but they're still fairly rare.
I thought Black Widows were SB+ only... so how would Wicked Gnarly Cheese get one?