I went to the Tribal Isles last night and went through them getting eggs. I was up until 4:45 AM working on a paper so I just checked into MH every fifteen minutes.
I was in JoD for awhile and got the Pygmy Swarm egg and a bunch of JoD eggs. I also got enough Fire Salt to make two batches of Inferno Havarti (Fire Salt was all I was lacking, I have tons of Inferno Peppers).
Then, I went to Derr and then Nerg and got both of the eggs for those locations. Now, I'm in Elub to get the Elub egg. After that, I'm going to head to Dracano to get the eggs there. Then, maybe I'll hit Furoma.
...thanks for yet another tip RaBe!
*goes to check to make sure she's not foaming at the mouth*
I got my 2nd Sandblasted Metal
MEGA Congrats!!!
That's awesome.
And it was your 6th run so you can start using Monger Charms (which I HIGHLY recommend).
Well I have armed my 24 Tier 5 cheese and am hoping that's enough to get me an egg. My first cheese got me an Tier 6 potion, so depending on how lucky I am, maybe I will be able to go for the Eclipse this year, but I'm not counting on it.
I still plan to save that one for last.
Congrats Digs!
Current total:
Dojo Student
Pygmy Swarm
Whisker Woods
Realm Ripper
Giving the Assassin and Nibbler one more go before heading to the library for a tourney tonight.
Ithi, if you caught the Eggscavator mouse, you got an Egscavator, and if you got an Eggscavator, the icon should be lit up. So, if the icon is lit up, I assume you got an Eggscavator.
You can also check in your Collectibles for the Eggscavator.
I checked and I have caught zero Eggscavator mice. But the icon for the eggscavator is lit up...
Is there a glitch or something?
Is there a glitch or something?
No, if the icon is lit it only means you are able to attract the eggscavator mouse. In other words it just means you finished all your eggs... you still have to catch him.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I got the Eggscavator!
And I got a Cherry egg along with my first Cherry mouse!
Yay Ithilwen!!! Are you going to collect eggs and keep them? Or are you going to farm them for loot?
I snagged my Gauntlet Magic Egg. I'm saving the Eclipse Egg for last so I've moved onto the Dojo. I found on the forum that most people are getting their Assassin Mouse in 50 pieces of SB/Maki so I have SB armed hoping I get lucky. I will be here until I get an Assassin or until the tournament starts tonight.
Speaking of being lucky, I happened to see the special Scoreboard for the Spring Egg Hunt, and at 41/47 eggs, I'm rank 447th. And there are several people who have all 47 eggs (though I can't see how many exactly, the scoreboards are broken). And I thought I was doing well.... those people are fast! LOL
Yay Ithilwen!!!
Are you going to collect eggs and keep them? Or are you going to farm them for loot?
That's what I can't decide... Is the loot inside them very valuable? Is there any advantage to collecting them? I can't figure out which way would be best...
As far as I can tell, the advantage to collecting them is you can look at them all year round. Some of the eggs have more "valuable" loot than others, but it really depends on your needs. For instance, if you need stuff for Furoma, farming the Student and Assassin eggs would help you out since they contain the crafting/cheese items that you need for that area. I've been smashing the eggs I collect because I'm more interested in loot, even if I don't necessarily "need" it.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
At the very top of this page, you can sort by Egg Contents, and it will tell you what is in each egg and then you can decide whether or not you want to smash it.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub ... utput=html
You don't get all of that stuff by the way, it just lists what you can get. For example, I've been consistently getting one Token out of each Dojo Student Egg.
Congrats Digs
I'm so jelly
Life's so unfair ...I'm just like...farming gold to get my second SBM
11.1mil now 4 more to go
From a mixture of selling things, and receiving gifts from my mom (which resulted in selling those too ) I'm getting close to the gold needed to craft my Sandstorm Monstrobot. I need to purchase 2 Digby Drillbots, at 400K each, so I need approximately 800K. I'll probably craft it when I hit 900K, just so I'm not left penniless.
As of right now, I'm at approximately 550K.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
*blinks* Apparently I did catch my second aether overnight!
Current total:
Dojo Student
Pygmy Swarm
Whisker Woods
Realm Ripper
Crown Collector
I'm set up in the Market in hopes of getting a Desert Nomad egg.
We had a highly entertaining tournament last night. I think only one of us was there for the whole thing, and when I got home from running errands, we were in like 55th place out of 75 teams or so?
But in the last two hours we snagged 3 Aether mice which bumped us up into the top 50%.
I can now add the Aether Egg to my list, but ironically I'm having trouble with the Pocketwatch Egg. I've caught a number of Pocketwatch Mice but none of them are dropping eggs.
I'm up to 656,000 gold right now. I've got 20 Empowered Anchor charms that I'm trying to shift on the marketplace (if you feel like going after some lich eggs. . . please buy them, because I've got some of the cheapest prices on the Market)
*feels like a spammer *
Any ways, once those sell, I'll be up to about 770,000. The sale of a little more SuperBrie will get me up to the 900,000 gold I wanted to hit. Then it'll be farming stale SuperBrie (via runic cheese) until I get my trap!
I am SOOOO excited.
EDIT: Everything sold! I've got 98K left, and I'm farming stale super brie (which is incredibly boring. . . but necessary )
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb