I have no idea what happened to me! Haven't caught a mouse in more than an hour. . . man I'm having rotten luck recently
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
@Digs I've been having longish FTA streaks in the chocolate factory 4-5 mice at a time...
Anyone know if it's safe to smash one of the first 9 eggs without losing your progress collecting paint? I got the scallopped pink egg but I'm afraid to smash it just yet...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I see you caught something now DiGs. We're still holding onto the top 10%... barely.... *crosses fingers* The halfway point is coming up in 10 minutes.
Yes wolf, you can safely smash your eggs as you complete them. I was pretty sure that was the case, and I just checked the forum to be sure and they confirmed it on there.
ETA: I noticed too that the game has been running MUCH more smoothly since the Spring Hunt tournament started.
Regarding everyone's new favorite hunting companion, Scrambles. I hope I wasn't the only one that thought his "advice" might eventually provide some useful info... of course I eventually found out that he provides nothing but bad chicken and egg jokes. But I had to chuckle when I consulted him and he gave me this:
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
LOL:) anyways, I'm moping up my Chocolate stuff, probably spend the rest of the day getting some marshmallows since I'm almost out ...I'm almost done with several eggs, which is good:)
after this is furoma again...looking forward to camping
I am not even close to finishing with my eggs, but I should have better luck this afternoon in another tournament, because I have almost 30 pieces of MM saved up! WOO HOO! As soon as I finish this event, I'm heading back to the warpath to finish up wave 3, go into wave 4, and hopefully get a sphynx crystal. (Some eggs would also be nice )
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
All set to start the tourney Wolf. Any advice?
I figured I'd go ahead and reply to this even though I think everyone already knows the answer by now, but the two best setups are....
Arcane Trap/Awesome Base/Dark Chocolate Charms/Marshmallow Monterey
Physical Trap/Awesome Base/Marshmallow Monterey
Kat and I actually ran the Reapers Trap with the Dark Chocolate Charms and that worked REALLY well but I don't know how the Clockapult or other traps of that level would do. The ACRONYM is probably still the better bet.
I have to say 'way to go' to everyone who did a tournament yesterday! FK's Team A got top 10% on our run and Team B got top 25%. I believe wolf's team got top 50%? Nice job all!!
FBF starts here in 50 minutes so I'll update this post unless someone posts after me and then I'll start a new one.
I'm using two different setups:
To farm Marshmallow Monterey:
ACRONYM + Spellbook Base + Dark Chocolate Charms + Brie
To catch paint dropping mice:
Oasis Water Node + Spellbook Base + Attraction Charms + Marshmallow Monterey
I'm using the OWN because of it's high attraction bonus. The attraction charms further that effect. So far, it's doing remarkably well, and I'm planning on using it throughout the rest of the event.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've actually been using the Nutcracker Nuisance trap instead of ACRONYM, because NN has a much better attraction bonus and cheese rating and the power and luck are very comparable. Using NN + Dragon Jade Base + DC charms I've done fairly well both farming MM cheese and getting paint.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've mapped out the first sets of eggs I'm gonna go for once I get my Eggscavator. In approximately this order....
Spud Egg
Diamond Egg
Fog Egg
Cherry Egg
Silth Egg
Dragon Egg
Tier 4&5 Eggs
And then whenever the Forbidden Grove closes I'm gonna take a break from the above and go snag the Scavenger and Lich Eggs. That should keep me busy for a while.
Do you have to do anything to catch the Sinister Egg Painter? I haven't even attracted one of those guys yet
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
You need to be using either an arcane or a shadow trap with dark chocolate charms and marshmallow Monterrey. At least that's how I caught it. I kept catching nothing but the Sinister egg painter using that.
Yeah, the Sinister Egg Painter only attracts if you're using Dark Chocolate Charms paired with Marshmallow Monterrey. The regular Egg Painter attracts without charms.
Thanks you two, I nabbed one .
Something's wrong with those pop-ups you get when you catch a new mouse, because I'm not getting any of them. Sorry I can't share with y'all .
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Is it bad that I haven't finished painting any eggs yet, and there are even some eggs that have no paint on them at all? I don't get Marshmallow Monterey very often... and when I do, I only get a paint drop part of the time...
How long does the event last?