I give, I give, I won't be getting an eclipse anytime soon:)
correct me if I'm wrong, I go to Chocolate factory and get some marshmallows like just camp, then I use that marshmallow in chocolate Factory? I seriously don't really get how this thing works, btw, anyone know how many marshmallows I should camp for first? Like 50? 100?
correct me if I'm wrong, I go to Chocolate factory and get some marshmallows like just camp, then I use that marshmallow in chocolate Factory?
Yes, pretty much. I don't know how much you'll need to save up. I got four pieces and used them immediately.
I have 30 now, I'll try it out rite now ty NaH:)
btw, I didn't say in previous post cause I didnt follow, my advice, ignore the RP It just ain't that good...I'm baron without it and I'm doing it just fine but there's rumors that Living Garden is gonna be shadow due to lack of shadow but rumors,j ust rumors
I didn't say in previous post cause I didnt follow, my advice, ignore the RP
It just ain't that good...I'm baron without it and I'm doing it just fine
Yeah, it's really only good if you're doing tournaments or collecting crowns or something. There's no reason at all to get it for game progression.
So I found the full list of bonus eggs!! Here's the link for anyone who's interested.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub ... utput=html
Has anybody else been having some really odd problems with Mousehunt recently? Here are three different issues that I've experienced within the past 24 hours:
1. I had a journal entry get changed (even after I posted it to FB). I had caught a Crimson Commander (without a charm, which was so nice!), but when I came back, it had been changed over to an archer (which didn't break my streak, but was still disappointing)
2. The lag time is outrageous. I had to try two different web browsers and about ten different attempts just to sound my horn this morning.
3. Warpath numbers are off. This morning when I finally got in to my camp page, it said that I had 4 warriors left in wave 3. Now, it says that I have 10 warriors left in wave 3.
So either the warpath's hatred of me has gotten to the point where it's actually making things more difficult, or the devs have a plethora of problems.
In other news, we're easily within the top 50% of our warpath tournament, and depending on how things go from here on out, we might be able to make it into the top 25%. GO TEAM GO!
I did very well in the warpath overnight (got a streak of 7 on my warriors. . .wish I'd been awake to use a commander's charm ). After our tournie ends, I'm heading over to the egg factory, but I should be in good shape when I return. Maybe I'll be finished with wave 3, maybe not.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Yes, the servers on MH kind of crashed yesterday about 5pm CDT when all of the east coast and midwest people came home from work and logged onto the game at the same time to move to the Chocolate Factory.
I can tell that the devs have been trying to fix it because different errors keep cropping up, along with the game going down completely from time to time. (If you ever see a 504/502 Gateway Error, it means that the server on their end is having major problems.)
The issues are compounded by the fact that the game goes down, 50,000 players are freaking out, the game comes back up, and all 50,000 try to sound their hunter's horn at the same time overloading the server once again.
The game is finally running smoother for me as of 15 minutes ago.
we might be able to make it into the top 25%. GO TEAM GO!
We're really close... and I don't have anything going on for the next 3hrs 8 min so I will do my best!!
After this we're gonna all go hit the Factory to start working on those eggs. I was farming some Marshmallow Monterey last night and got a whole 5 pieces. Saving them for the tournament tonight!!
Hey wolf, is your team doing any tournaments today or tonight? We've actually got enough people so we're going to run two today. One group is going at 2pmCDT and the second at 6pmCDT.
Here's a list of my loot drops (cheese and paint) in the Chocolate Factory. I'm interested in comparing with you guys to see how well or badly I am doing.
Eggsplosive Scientist: 3 MM cheese
Egg Painter: 1 Blue Argyle, 1 Sharing paint
Pugilist: 1 MM cheese
Lycan: 1 MM cheese
Skeleton: 1 MM cheese
Sinister Egg Painter: 1 Wavy Purple paint
Coco Commander: 3 MM cheese
Some of those were with DC charms armed, but I've noticed that most of the indigenous mice aren't really dropping loot at all. I'm starting to think the best strategy is to use DC charms to attract the Forgotten mice, who all seem to be dropping MM, and then use MM with a physical trap to get paint. Any thoughts?
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Stwin, that's the strategy that I plan on using, but if you don't have ACRONYM, I think you're going to have a tough time with those Forgotten mice
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
The Nutcracker trap from the Christmas event is also Arcane, though. I guess that's better than nothing for the lower level players. In fact, I wonder if that wasn't the idea behind putting in a smaller Arcane trap at Christmas. Hmm...
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
True, but you needed 3,000,000 points to buy that trap, which would put you well into legendary range (at which point you'd be able to buy arcane traps anyways).
I thought that the Christmas trap should have had a MUCH lower point requirement.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
@FK No idea yet I'd certainly be open to any spring hunt tourneys starting after 3 pm est today... (If MH will cooperate long enough to let me look at them.- Lightning has struck my server
-poor devs
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
All set to start the tourney Wolf. Any advice?
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Well we didn't quite make it back to the top 25% in the Warpath tournament, but I'll take the 6 tokens for the top 50%, thank you very much.
Moved to the Chocolate Factory to start farming Marshmallow Monterey for the tournament this afternoon. Here's hoping some of this lag gets fixed before then.
We probably could have made top 25% if I hadn't had the worst warpath luck in living memory . Oh well. . . *places his six tournament tokens into his satchel* These will do nicely
I too have moved over to the factory, as we're doing another tournament in there. I'm using my CC charms in order to build up a supply of MM. I've got three pieces thus far, so hopefully I can build up a heftier stash before the start of the tournie (because the event mice are worth the most!)
Good luck team!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I see we have two NarniaWeb teams running the tournament right now. Woohoo! Way to represent!
We started off and my teammates were carrying cause I couldn't catch a mouse worth point to save my life. But now I'm making up for it.
As of right now my team is at 51st and wolf's team is 55th. Way to go guys!!!! Keep it up everyone!