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[Closed] Mousehunt - Brie it on!!

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NarniaWeb Nut

Just bad luck I suppose...I mean, in MH, there's no definite thing,
still WAVE 3, farming points and money :)

Posted : March 21, 2012 8:07 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

However, it's Fall right now and I am convinced that is the absolute worst time to use ZLM

I'm going to call it bad luck in there, because I think that Autumn is the best season (apart from Summer) to use a tactical trap. When I went through there, I was using the Cackle Lantern (which was the best shadow trap in the game) and I was still struggling through. Rewer's actually did a better job for me.

Now that our internet is back up and running, I should finish wave 3 today!


Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 22, 2012 3:25 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

DiGs, it wasn't the Tactical trap vs. Shadow trap that was bothering me. It was the ZLM vs. Rewer's or ZFM, both of which do very well during Fall. ZLM is just not a good trap at this point in the game.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
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Posted : March 22, 2012 3:33 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Z-L-M. . . that makes a little more sense. I was thinking ZFM, and it was confusing me :))

EDIT: Finished Wave 3. I'm REALLY hoping that I get a loot drop. I desperately need a better tactical trap!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 22, 2012 3:35 am
Member Admin

Well I'm having a rather disappointing MH day. :P (As disappointing as I'll let myself get over a video game, which isn't very. ;)) ) Kat and Ara and I are all doing ZT runs for a tournament, and all of us are mirroring each other with issues. :)) First of all, we caught too many Pawns from the other side so we're all low on amplifier. Second, we all got stuck on the Queen for the longest time (we all finally got it). And then finally, while Kat and Ara caught their King and are after the Chess Master with minimal cheese, I am not able to catch a King at all. Does anybody know if they made Kings harder to catch? I thought they were supposed to be the same difficulty as Pawns, but the last two runs I've done I've had a King come by when my amplifier was well over 100% and I FTCed. X( All of my Checkmate cheese has been used up trying to catch him, so no Chess Master for me. Now all I need is the King... but I'm still not attracting or catching him.
The good news is that because we're all having really rather horrid runs, we're doing great in the tournament. :))

Topic starter Posted : March 22, 2012 11:25 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I've got five more Wardens to catch before getting access to that Warmonger. I'm getting nervous!!!

EDIT: Nothing :( *WEEPS*

I'm really loathing the warpath. Going through it with nothing but the Crobot is pretty awful (but not nearly as awful as going through it with nothing but the ER). I may take the time and just buy the stuff necessary to make the SW.

I'm hanging out in Muridae Market for now. . . which is usually the place where I go when I'm frustrated with the Warpath.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 22, 2012 12:27 pm
Member Moderator

Digs, I'm on my 19th run and have only had 2 loot drops. The only reason I have the traps I have now is that someone sent me the parts I needed. The key part to the warpath is patience. It's designed to be a long winded, tough section.

Posted : March 22, 2012 5:15 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Digs, I'm on my 19th run and have only had 2 loot drops. The only reason I have the traps I have now is that someone sent me the parts I needed. The key part to the warpath is patience. It's designed to be a long winded, tough section.

This post is chock full of reasons why the Warpath is quickly becoming my least favourite area in the game:

1. The incredibly low success rate (TONS lower than the JoD). True, you're going after loot drops rather than mice. . . but still.

2. Patience. I like areas where I can power through and get through by the "skin of my teeth" so to speak. That's why I liked the Tribal Isles so much. There's really no "luck of the draw" involved. Just fight, fight, fight, give it as much as you've got, and hope that you come out on top.

3. The time aspect. I'm sorry, but without those traps the area is terrible. Even with the Crobot and the Thrasher it takes me about 3 weeks to complete a wave. With an approximately 25% success rate and four loot drops to get, that would mean an average of 16 runs to get the four loot drops. At three weeks per run, that gives 48 weeks (or almost a year) in order to (statistically) finish that area. I'm sorry. . . but that's bad. That's not incorporating for getting traps intermittently, but still

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I'm still frustrated. Designing an area to be long-winded and to have low success rates seems really stupid to me ;)).

I wonder how long it would take to farm gold in the catacombs long enough to get at least the Sphynx Wrath.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 22, 2012 5:45 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I'm back in the Seasonal Garden. I just got the Fall Key Shard. I'm up to 481 Ghost mice but decided not to stay until I got a Gold crown on that. I'm up to 1.08 million gold.

In other news, my golden shield expired. It's so frustrating! I used to do surveys all the time. Starting about a month or two ago, I haven't been able to complete very many surveys because I don't meet their requirements. They have as many, if not more, listed than they ever have so I would think I'd be able to complete one at least once in awhile. I've tried every survey they have available at least a couple times throughout this month with no luck. ~x(

Posted : March 22, 2012 5:54 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

In other news, my golden shield expired. It's so frustrating! I used to do surveys all the time. Starting about a month or two ago, I haven't been able to complete very many surveys because I don't meet their requirements. They have as many, if not more, listed than they ever have so I would think I'd be able to complete one at least once in awhile. I've tried every survey they have available at least a couple times throughout this month with no luck.

Yeah it's this new company that's taken over the survey system. Ampario was the old one, and they were usually pretty good about not leading you on, and letting one into surveys that you actually qualified for. MarketCube is the company that does it now, and they have to have mush for brains. I actually got a survey that was for students at major universities. OSU is the biggest college in the country, and apparently that wasn't good enough 8-|

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 22, 2012 6:15 pm
Member Admin

My Tower run had a semi-happy ending last night. 45 min before the tournament ended I snagged my King. :) And our score was really good too. I think 22nd place? *adds 9 tokens to add to the pile* ;))
At any rate, our team is doing the 5p Bazaar Burglary tournament this morning and doing ok. That tournament is pure and 100% luck. If you attract master burglars, you will win. So it's kind of fun. ;))
After this we're gonna sign up for the 5p, 2 day Warpath Marching tournament. If we place we'll get loaded up with tokens, but all five of us will be very busy over the next few days so we'll see how we do. :)

I just got the Fall Key Shard.

Congrats!! :D I haven't looked yet, but did you get your Heat Bath? I assume so since you're back in the Seasonal Garden.

FBF starting in 5 minutes. I shall be updating this post as they say interesting and useful information.

~Jacob says next new area will be "grittier" (interpret, harder) but not to the point of what people are requesting on the forums. (Sorry DiGs ;) everyone is against you.) Someday they will make a ridiculously hard area with lots of potential for failure, but not yet.
~Lots of programming and technical questions on building the game that I'm not going to copy here, watch the video if you want to see them. ;)
~There is an idea they're cooking up that was very inspired by forum users' suggestions. If you're heavily involved in the MH forum, you'll recognize it.
~The Umbrella collectible opening has something to do with being in the Seasonal Garden in the Spring... or something like that..... ;))
~They were asked about "event fatigue" because there are 6mos of events and then 6mos of nothing, specifically if they could skip some events cause everyone is tired of them. There answer was, no, they won't skip events, but this winter they were able to implement some code that would allow them to quickly turn events on and off and the end of Jan - beginning March was a good example of that. So next fall, they hope to be able to (on their end) add in an event and continue to work on permanent content throughout those six months, and add in bigger amounts of content instead of just events. Dan did point out that we did get tournaments this winter in place of permanent content. But after the Easter event is over, new material will be all they work on. :)
~When is the new area coming? TBD later... Probably not for another month or two.
~Design a mouse contest... There were a ton of entries (500?). (See more below)
~Live painting next week with Jacob (I'm sure it'll be Easter related.)
~The winners of the Art Contest were announced. They recorded a different video for it, so you can watch that one if you want to see the runner ups and winners' pictures. (They're all in the art contest thread too.)

ETA @ 11:10am, updated the answer on "Event fatigue"

Topic starter Posted : March 23, 2012 4:57 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

FK, did they say what level the area is going to be geared towards? I've heard that they wanted a Hero area for sometime (or was it Knight?). If it's a lower level area, I'm wondering how tough they can make it for upper level players? If it's an upper level area (Lord or higher) then I'll be interested to see it (Well. . . I'll be interested either way. . . but more interested).

Either way, I'm excited.

I had a quick question about Flameshards. I've got almost 500 of them, and it doesn't look like I'll be using them any time soon. Do you think it would be okay to sell some of them on the marketplace? If so, how many?

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to just start farming gold in order to get my sphynx wrath. I'm really tired of doing warpath runs with nothing. If only I hadn't crafted that worthless OWN! I've already got enough gold to buy all of the crafting ingredients (I think), so that just leaves the 5.3 million I need to buy the crystal off of the marketplace. . . . . . . . Oy vey that's a lot ;))

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 23, 2012 7:12 am
Member Admin

They did not say. But if I were to speculate, it sounded like there were going to be at least two new areas put into the game before the Living Garden. If I were to guess, I'd say the next area will be Baron or above, the area after that would be a lower level area, and then the Living Garden. That's based on the fact that Kat and I, as well as hundreds of other players, have been in the Warpath since it was released. Now there was the Muridae Market added on too, but once you complete that area there's no reason to go back and hunt there (except for tournaments). So we've been hunting in the same area for well over a year. Between that and the "grittier" remark, I'm guessing high level area next.
But as you've pointed out DiGs, those poor Hero level players are stuck with the Jungle of Dread as a new area and that's about it. ;)) It works out because finishing all those Legendary level areas takes forever, so it carries you through, but I know they've wanted to put in a new Hero area for a while now. (For those who didn't know this before, or are just now getting around to the area, the Seasonal Gardens and Zugzwang's Tower were SUPPOSED to be Hero level, but they discovered during testing that it was way more difficult than they anticipated so it ended up being Lord/Lady level instead.)
So there's my own personal speculation and we'll see what happens. :) I'm definitely looking forward to new content. Even if I hate it, a change of pace from the Warpath will be nice! :))

ETA: I've decided that the Bazaar is the place to be to catch the Crown Collector. He's still rare, but I've caught two there now over the past week while we've been there doing tournaments. :)

Topic starter Posted : March 23, 2012 8:07 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

*Points FK to his question about flameshards*

I'm having a very difficult time attracting any limestone miners. I've caught one since I came over to Muridae market last night. Kat, you were having similar problems attracting them if I remember correctly. I wonder if it's just bad luck.

I'm trying to finish up the Charm Shoppe. I've got all of the timber required, but I still need 28 molten glass and 69 pieces of limestone.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 23, 2012 9:11 am
Member Moderator

Digs, my recommendation is keep 100 over the amount it takes to build the traps. That way you have enough to get Monger charms and you don't have to worry about getting flameshards at a later date when you get the loot drop. Several of the charms in the Market require flameshards as well.

I think my lack of limestone miners was actually due to the special luck weekend. The harder drops were prolific while the one I normally have a decent run on was the rarer one on the weekend.

Posted : March 23, 2012 9:27 am
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