*happy dance* Finally got over the point requirement that I needed, even though it was a few hours too late for the Cats tourneys that I did.
Oh well. I've had good luck with Cats tourneys; I've done three so far and I've gotten 2nd, 5th and 6th!
Speaking of tourneys, I wanted to extend an open invitation to anyone who is interested in doing tourneys for tokens. I'm a pretty casual, laid back player, and I operate on a first come, first serve basis. There are no permanent members to my team, and the members change based on the tourney. You can't feel slighted if you get kicked to make room for someone who wants to play.
I'm part of a group that matches up players for different tourneys, but I'm more than happy to do some with NWebber's too. If you see a tourney you like on the competition board, FB message me and let me know. (Please be aware that I'm only Legendary so I can only do those level tourneys, lol). If it's a good time for me, I'll put you on the team. I often fill spots with people from my group, so you have to either be open to friending them for the duration of the tourney or be completely responsible for sounding all your own horns. There is a way to add friends with really restricted access to your profile, so basically all they can see is what the public sees. If you're comfortable with that, it's really easy to find people to tourney with.
The only rules that I have is that you make sure you stay online for the duration of the tourney and can clear King's Rewards and sound when you can. Other than that, pretty casual.
So yeah, FB message me if you are interested in doing tourneys. Some of mine are pretty last minute so you have to be flexible, lol.
In other news, I'm staying in the Cats until I save up a tonna gold and then I guess I'm going to head back to Digby and see if I can catch the BBB with my ACRONYM. If not, I'll head over and get started on the SS Huntington. I was advised to leave the Forbidden Grove alone until I have a better trap, so that I will do.
wil, Hi! Good to see you again. Sorry your Iceburg progress isn't going well.
Hopefully it will get better soon!
Dot, yeah, I think if you weren't farming materials when they first opened the Slushy Shoreline it's a bit harder to get them now. But even so, I still don't think this area is as difficult as Zugzwang's Tower (which you haven't been to yet).
Gymmie, congrats on your ACRONYM!! Yay!
I was advised to leave the Forbidden Grove alone until I have a better trap, so that I will do.
I assume you were advised this when you still had the Obelisk of Slumber. There isn't any other trap you can get for the Forbidden Grove/Acolyte Realm besides the ACRONYM. (Except for the Acoylte Mouse which requires the Ancient Box Trap, but the ABT isn't useful in the Grove.) So you can go to the Grove at any time. In fact I highly recommend you do so to start farming runes.
Well I found out yesterday while watching FBF what it is about the Iceburg that's so hard (thus far I haven't found it hard at all, just time consuming). And that's that you have to
So, my current plan is to finish the run I'm on, get through the Tunnels again cause they're worthless for tournaments, head back to the Warpath for a bit cause I need a break, and then alternate back and forth between the Warpath and the Iceburg til I finish the latter area.
My run isn't going that well, on hunt 61 and only 316 ft
Oh well, I'll just grind my way through
I really miss FW, at least no race against time
that SMB, i just left it there and nothign to do :<
Mousehunt is down for me... Both the main Mousehunt website and the Facebook App. It says "This site has expired".
Anyone else having this problem?
^No, but my FB account was down earlier altogether, it's back on now though...
Been stocking up cheese for my attempt at the Shelder... currently I have 400 pieces... I'm hoping for at least 500 before I go anywhere...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
^No, but my FB account was down earlier altogether, it's back on now though...
Mine is still down.
This is what I get from the Facebook App: ... /Error.png
This is what I get from the main site: ... xpired.png
This has never happened before, and I haven't done anything differently...
Ah, yes, I did have that happen earlier Ithilwen and I did what was probably the dumb thing and clicked on "proceed anyways" and it's worked fine since. I don't think any viruses or malware were installed on my computer in the process.
I don't know much about security certificates at all so I don't know what it means when one expires on a website.
If you click on "proceed anyways" it should start working again but whether you want to do that or not is totally up to you.
MH was pretty messed up last night but it's been working fine for me all day.
Ok, so I have good news and bad news. The good news is, I finally caught my first Black Widow today!
The bad was on a trap-check during a Moz tourney.
lol...such is my luck, lol! We would have gotten a trophy if that mouse and the Vampire that I caught on a DIFFERENT trap check had counted.
But, I'm one token away from being half way to my Silver base, so yay! Hopefully soon.
Right now I don't have a set plan. I went into the Forbidden Grove and am farming Runes and gold. I plan to head back to Digby as soon as I can find a tourney to do it in so I can take another crack at the BBB mouse. After that, it's just getting a tonna gold before I craft my SS Huntington and start on that side of the game. I'd like to have a LOT of gold before I go there because I know there's a lot of trap purchases I'll need to make.
There IS a two-day tourney that has a really lucrative token offer for even mediocre placements, but the bad news is that it's in the Lab, lol. I'd probably die of boredom. However, I'm thinking about maybe doing it...not sure. Anyone interested?
Unfortunately Gymmie I think most NarniaWebbers who would be interested in a tournament of that length are still out for the next couple days. And I must ask if you're going to be one of those crazy people that don't sleep through those tournaments? Cause we all sleep!
I must say, it's nice to be back in the Fiery Warpath again. I think this is my second favorite overall area, but it's my favorite just to chill out and hunt through.
Cleared out the Scouts in Wave 2 yesterday and I'm now working on the Archers. Once I clear those, it'll be back to the Iceburg for me.
I am back and ready for tourneys! I was able to loot about 5 Frosty Metals on the trap checks that went through while I was gone.
Eventually I will have enough parts to craft everything. Maybe.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
So what else does everybody still need to craft for the Iceburg? I actually got a lot of my crafting supplies from the treasure chests on my multiple runs through. 12 of each crafting item and then several BCFs as well.
Cleared all of Wave 2 in the Warpath and returned to the Iceburg. I'm going for the Deep Mouse this run! Doing quite decently so far. Completed the Tunnels in 33 hunts (second best ever) and working my way through the Brutal Bulwark in what I believe is record time for me by a long shot. Currently at 480ft - 64hunts. I'm doing a SB run just to compare my numbers to a Gouda run, and so far it looks like it helps a lot more than I had originally thought, so we'll see what happens. I also have all 8 drill charges ready to go which I will probably save for the Mad Depths.
stwin, I believe you are on track to get the Silver Base if we place today right? And then it's only 200 more tokens to go for the Gold Base after that.
EtA: Just completed the Bulwark in 87 hunts.
Our team did a whisker woods tournament this morning and we took 1st place! Huzzah team!!!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Yes, I now have my Silver Base. I also have all the tourney collectibles thanks to our 1st place score today. Actually, that makes all three trophies within a week of each other.
Back in the Shoreline. I'm 26 Wire Spools and 11 Frosty Metals from being able to craft the last two bases I need (Hearthstone and Deep Freeze). I also need another 15 BCF to craft those, so I'll be doing another few Iceberg runs. I won't even be able to contemplate going for the Deep Mouse this run. I still want to try for all three chests, though. Given my current feet/hunt, it's not highly probable, but not impossible. I'll spend another day or two farming and then make more Iceberg progress.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
It must be the time to do tournaments because in the last week and a half, my team has snagged a 2nd, 3rd, and 1st place. And even the ones we haven't placed on, we've been really close. (5th place in Digby last night.) Congrats fellow teammates on 1st!
Continuing on with my obliterating-the-Iceburg-with-SB run.
837ft - #112
I've still been stuck in the Bulwark at this point in the past, let alone 237 feet into the Bombing Run, so I'm excited. The fastest run on the Iceburg Scoreboard is 172 hunts. I don't think I'll be even close to that, but I'm in very good shape for snagging the Deep Mouse.