Caught my first Black Widow. I had managed to attract her 3 times before, but this time I got lucky. Dropped 10 SB+ as well. Will probably farm gold in the Mouseoleum for a while...
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I swear the Dev's are playing a sick joke on me. I caught three Sensei's no problem, but I've been hunting since last night and I have not got ONE Master Burglar. I've used SB+, Gilded and every charm under the sun.
I've attracted three or four but none of them were caught! WHY OH WHY OH WHY.
I really want that Crown Jewel so I can start on the Gauntlet, lol.
Oh well. Sticking it out in the Bazaar till I get that MB or I level up, which ever one comes first (hopefully the former otherwise I'll be here a LONG TIME).
In other news, I did get my first Silver crown today; a Steel Mouse!
Congrats on the Silver Crown at least Gymmie. I'm chuckling that you're having so much trouble with the MB, but if I were to choose between having a harder time with the MB or the Sensei, I'd go with the MB for sure cause Senseis are awesome.
Kind of surprised no one has mentioned the update that went through today. I didn't cause I didn't want to double post. But, they added one seriously creepy looking new mouse (judging by the shadowy outline) and a new base. The base is going to be in the same vein as the MSB for those of you who remember when that came out. They're not sharing any details on it aside from the fact that there are torn up blueprints and that it exists.
And I'm assuming that's it for the Iceburg?
Doing an Iceburg tourny with my team. We were actually doing really, really good for a while. We were in first place at the halfway point but then we ceased to be able to catch a mouse.
I'm still crossing my fingers that we'll get the top 10%, but it'll probably be top 25%, and it's the same amount of tokens so yeah.
Nearly done with my second run of the Iceberg one way or another. I have nine hunts left until the last chest smashes and I'm hovering just above Icewing's Lair. On both runs I've been catching and missing in streaks and the Mad Depths always seems to have more streaks of misses than catches. I'll either in the Shoreline farming trap parts after this or heading back to the Seasonal Garden for a break and trying to get the Key Shards.
I was in the SG for a while re-filling my amplifier for another go at ZT but decided to leave. Now, I'm back in the Iceberg on my second run. 353 feet - hunt 63.
Team, I'm going to move around for a while and pretty much do whatever so if you want to do any tourneys, I'm down.
Yeah, I didn't end up getting the MB today. I decided to give it a rest and let my luck reset. I'm in the Lagoon right now and so far so good; I've got a Hydro and a Harpy!
And I got the blueprints too. So now I guess I'm collecting crafting supplies and see if I'm lucky enough for a Silth.
Not holding my breath though!
Regarding the new Base's purpose:
The recipe is still eluding everyone on the MH forums. They haven't found the correct ingredients yet, but they are apparently "close".
1,641 ft on Hunt #257. Best run yet so far.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I FINISHED MY GRAPH! First. . . the pretty
Now some explanation.
The four colors represent the four different levels of the iceberg. The Treacherous Tunnels are in dark purple. The Brutal Bulwark in Red. The Bombing Run in Green and the Mad Depths in Dark Blue.
The trap used was the SLM2. I used the Magnet Base in the Tunnels, the Dragon Jade base in the Bulwark. The Remote Detonator Base in the Bombing Run, and the Dragon Jade Base in the Mad Depths.
On the X Axis, you have the number of hunts. On they Y axis, you have the "Ease Quotient." The ease quotient is obtained by dividing your current depth, by your current hunt number. In other words, each data point represents the current "average." The higher up the graph, the easier the area. . . the lower down the graph, the tougher the area. An "Ease Quotient" of 6.55 or higher needs to be accomplished in order to make it into Icewing's Lair before the first chest is smashed.
As you can see, there is a pretty good amount of fluctuation in the Tunnels. Lots of ups and downs are present, but for the most part, it's the easiest part of the iceberg. Then you hit the bulwark and. . . well. . . the data speak for themselves. You fall very quickly. I honestly thought that the bombing run would see a return to levels around 8, but that didn't happen, and by the time I got through the depths, the 1st chest was destroyed.
The run that produced this graph got me into Icewing's lair in 340 hunts.
Any questions?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I got my Master Burglar! I was killing time tonight so I thought I'd set up shop in the Bazaar and try my luck, even if I'd use up all my SB+ in the process. And I got him on my first piece of cheese.
I'm really stoked because I tried ALL DAY for him yesterday and I really wanted that Crown Jewel! Now that I've got it, I'm going to head to the Gauntlet and start working on the first Tier. My plan is to do the Gauntlet very slowly and very thoroughly, so it will take me awhile to get through the first level so I want to get started. The points and gold are pretty pathetic and it's certainly not going to help me level up but I have tourneys that will keep me busy as well. If I get really impatient to level up, I can always head back to Furoma; that place is a points goldmine.
Oh, and between yesterday and today, I attracted 5 or 6 Silths but no catches. Not surprising since my trap is still relatively weak for them, but I figure if I'm attracting them, it's only a matter of time. I'd like to catch one eventually but I'm in no rush.
FYI, if anyone is interested in a Whisker Woods tourney, the MH tourney FB group I'm a part of is hosting an in-house competition where all the teams compete against each other in a tourney for prizes. You're almost guaranteed to get some SB+, so it's a nice way to earn some gold, SB+ and tokens while having fun. The competition will be Sunday and it will be a lot of fun! Let me know if you're interested.
I watched FBF yesterday but was in the middle of packing so I didn't jot down anything here.
There was a bit of discussion on the new Deep Freeze Base, which I now know you need to reach/catch the Deep Mouse. The blueprints are dropped by Icewing and I snagged those yesterday.
As of late last night, someone on the MH forums discovered the ingredients that go in the recipe but now figuring the correct combination of everything begins. If you remember the MSB, it took a long time to get it figured out. Here's what will go in the Base. Quantities, currently unknown.
Steam 9
Cold Fusion
Wire Spool
Frosty Metal
Platnium Bar
Stale SB+
Living Shard
Bead of Slumber
I will be too busy this weekend to participate in submitting combinations of stuff, but if anyone else gets the blueprints and wants to help out, here's the google document to see what's been tried... ... mNXc&gid=4
And here's the one to submit your attempts.... ... SXBmNXc6MQ
Oh, and I finally got that stupid Treasure Chest (259 hunts!!). Which means as of now until the blueprint recipe is discovered, all I have left to do is catch General Drheller. He's being exceedingly shy.
Currently in the Slushy Shoreline farming more War Scraps, Wire Spools, and Frosty Metals. I guess I can smash my Heating Oil now.
I got my Master Burglar!
... My plan is to do the Gauntlet very slowly and very thoroughly
Congarats on your Master Burglar. I do not recommend doing the Gauntlet similar to my methods. Most find it to get a little boring.
Settling into the Gauntlet for the duration until obtaining the Eclipse. Back to Tier 3 with 1,309 pieces of Tier 3 cheese on hand.
Back to Tier 3 with a couple more pieces of Tier 3 cheese after securing a Gold Crown on the Toy Sylvan Moose. Tier 3 Cheese at 2,205 - more than enough cheese several times over.
I might just go back to acquire a few more Gold Crowns. For now, settling in for a bit of a haul through this level.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Currently having an amazing Iceberg run (even through the bulwark) 498 feet at hunt 64. I used two drill charges on my driller-2 before upgrading to the third driller. If I could get out of the Bulwarks before hunt one hundred. . . that'd be amazing!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm having the most difficult time attracting an Icewing. So far every attraction has been a Frostlance Guard. Aside from the fact that I want the Deep Freeze Base Blueprints, I'm closing in on the second chest. I'd really like to get it this time, since this has been my best run so far. I'd hate for the Lair to make it worse than my first (352 hunts). Also, that would give me enough BCF to craft the Spiked Base for my next run.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I got my Master Burglar!
... My plan is to do the Gauntlet very slowly and very thoroughly
Congarats on your Master Burglar. I do not recommend doing the Gauntlet similar to my methods. Most find it to get a little boring.
Settling into the Gauntlet for the duration until obtaining the Eclipse. Back to Tier 3 with 1,309 pieces of Tier 3 cheese on hand.
Back to Tier 3 with a couple more pieces of Tier 3 cheese after securing a Gold Crown on the Toy Sylvan Moose. Tier 3 Cheese at 2,205 - more than enough cheese several times over.
I might just go back to acquire a few more Gold Crowns. For now, settling in for a bit of a haul through this level.
Oh, but that's how I want to do it. I want to get to the Eclipse with enough cheese to get a bunch of Elicpses and then some left over for special events.
So yes, I do plan on taking the Gauntlet nice and slow! I'll probably camp out there during the night for the next while and then head over when I'm bored with other things. Not sure when that will happen though because I'm going to level up really soon and Legendary is a PACKED level; just huge with tons to do.
Out of curiosity, how many pieces of Tier 2 cheese did you accumulate to start out with? I know I want a LOT but I'm not exactly sure how much that is. Hundreds of potions, thousands...not sure.
Out of curiosity, how many pieces of Tier 2 cheese did you accumulate to start out with? I know I want a LOT but I'm not exactly sure how much that is.
Tier 2 complete. Tier 2 Mice trapped: 981 with 256 Tier 3 potions dropped as loot. 26% average drop rate ... Ultimate Luck Charms did not change the drop rate.
I went through Tier 1 again for the purpose of getting my first Gold Crown. Final moose count was 2,013. Tier 2 Potions came in at just over 490; lost track of the actual number but this is very close. Except for one instance, conversion of Tier 2 Potion is with Swiss. The original number of 256 Potions is more than enough to yield a handful of Eclipse Moose. The later amount can yield about 15 Eclipse Moose.
The method of coming and going from the Gauntlet works well. Acquire the necessary traps and go back for visits. The Ancient Box is the only trap that effectively catches the Eclipse.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”