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[Closed] Mousehunt - Brie it on!!

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I crafted my SLM2, and am back in the iceberg. This time through, I'm keeping track of my hunt number, depth, and depth/hunt ratio. At the end, I'll put all of that info onto a graph. . . I know. . . I'm a nerd :P

EDIT: Currently having an incredibly awesome Iceberg run! I'm already at a depth of 340 feet, and only on hunt number 38!!! If I can keep this up overnight I could easily get out of the Brutal Bulwark tomorrow afternoon!

My graph is looking very pretty too ;))

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : June 9, 2012 8:52 am
Member Moderator

I am finding the remote detonator base far more worth it than the magnet base. I didn't get out of the tunnels until hunt #58. I ended up in the bombing run about hunt #158 I think and I've hit hunt number #209 and blown through 355 ft (@ 955 ft)in that space in time. It's not much compared to what those with the mark 2 or who are having better luck with the magnet base than I am are doing, but it's been pretty good compared to the tunnels.

Posted : June 10, 2012 9:19 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Either the SLM2 is amazing, or I'm having an incredibly lucky iceberg run! I'm getting through the bulwark pretty quickly, and will probably finish it overnight.

Currently at a depth of 482 feet #68.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : June 10, 2012 9:35 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I'm slowly accumulating my SLMII materials. I need four more Wire Spools. I have a few extra Frosty Metals at the moment, which I'll be saving for my Spiked Base, and I almost have enough Heating Oils for everything left to craft, so after that I'll be smashing each of those that I loot (I've already smashed a few because I have what I need for the Mk. II and the Spiked Base). I have 2 silver crowns and 13 bronze crowns for the Icewing's Invasion mice.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : June 11, 2012 1:58 am
Member Admin

I just wrapped up my best run yet with exactly 300 hunts. If only those Tunnels hadn't given me so much trouble because I made it through the other three areas in record time. Now I guess it's just rinse and repeat til I get all I can. Checklist....

~Get that third chest!
~Craft the Hearthstone Base (just need two more BCF)
~Catch General Drheller (he sure doesn't like me)
~Catch the Living Salt Mouse (will probably wait on this one til the next Iceburg update)

But my short term plan is to just get the last base, and then bounce back and forth between the Warpath and Iceburg (my team is doing tournies here like crazy) until the next patch is released.

Topic starter Posted : June 11, 2012 11:20 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I got my Mark II!!! :D And only half an hour into our 'Berg tourney. ;)

I also picked up the Mk. II Drill, since I had the War Scraps, so that I would be armed with plenty of drill charges for the Depths. ;))

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : June 11, 2012 12:35 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I'm very annoyed with ZT right now. I started out really well. At 71% (could have been slightly higher but I know for certain my amplifier was no lower than that), I had caught everything but the Mystic King and Queen. I used Attraction charms the whole way through. It wasn't until 32% (a good day and a half later) that I caught the Queen and then ran my amplifier all the way down to zero trying for that King and never caught it. I caught the Queen and King last time with my amplifier much lower then that. X(

Posted : June 11, 2012 6:39 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Well well, it's been a really eventful past few days! I'll summarize as briefly as I can.

- Headed to Furoma and started collecting tokens. I decided to spring for a few token packs from the Prize Shoppe since I had Credits and I could get my first Master's Seal easily if I just had a little help first, and then I'd be able to upgrade my trap. I was able to catch all my Masters within half a day or so and crafted my Ambush! Really liking it so far. :) Oh, and I got an Assassin completely randomly a few days ago. That was a nice surprise.

- Participated in quite a few tourneys! I'm part of a FB group that helps match players together for different tourneys, so I did a lot over the weekend. One of the nicer ones was an "in-house" competition where all the different teams in the group competed against each other in a Moz tourney. My team took second among our group and I got quite a lot of SB+ out of it. :D I sold 35 on the market, made some Maki and STILL have a lot left over. I'm loving the gold I have right now, haha!

- Last night I did a really last-minute Woods tourney to push me over for enough tokens to get my Bronze base, but we ended up taking the Bronze Trophy by two points. :D That was definitely unexpected and exciting! I have my Bronze Base now and I'm loving it.

- Today I did a Furoma tourney and caught 4 MoJo's. :D I saved one Onyx Stone for my ACRONYM and the rest I turned to Curd; I got 19 pieces of Onyx Gorgonzola and some Gnarly cheese. I'm feeling kind of lucky so I may give the Sensei a whirl tomorrow even though I know it's a long shot. Hopefully he doesn't pillage me too badly...

- My Cats map piece should be done tomorrow, so after it's done I plan to pack up and head over there for the future until I get my ACRONYM and save up enough scrap metal for the SS Huntington. I've been advised not to bother with the Lagoon until later, so I plan on focusing on the Cats region for the next while.

55% Grandmaster; those MoJo's really put a nice cushion to my point total, lol!

Anyway, having fun; hope everyone else is doing the same. :)

ETA: Oh, I CAN'T head to the Cats until I level That's boring. :p Well, I might farm gold in the Moz then, and fill some missing blanks in my mice pages.

Posted : June 11, 2012 7:45 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

I honestly don't know what to do next. I have my ACRONYM now of course, and I have access to the Forbidden Grove. I guess I just continue to save up gold to build the S.S. Huntington next? Also, the tourneys that the GPGW have participated have been enjoyable. We finished 15th in the indigenous tourney last night, putting me only 7 tokens away from the bronze base.

Current status if anyone is interested: 58% Legendary, 4,316,207 points, 212,047 gold. (*)

Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk

Posted : June 12, 2012 3:15 am
Member Admin

@n_a_h, After that awesome start too....
@Gymmie, :D You're just rocking! That's very cool that you've been able to snag the Bronze Base and Bronze Trophy already. Good for you! :D
@Astro, have you gotten the Ship Blueprints off of the Hydra in the Lagoon? If not, that's something else you can work on while saving gold. If you have, then yeah, farming the FG for runes isn't a bad idea. ;)
And good luck on getting those last 7 tokens! :D

My team is hopefully doing a Slushy tournament here in two hours. We'll see if we can get enough people signed up for it. ;)) And I'm hoping to make it through the Brutal Bulwark today. I just need one more BCF for the Hearthstone Base and then I'm taking a break from the Iceburg for a bit. :)

Topic starter Posted : June 12, 2012 3:23 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I'm slowly making progress on my third Iceberg run. I had a remarkable run in the Tunnels this time. 39 hunts. :D However, the Bulwark is not being nearly as friendly with me. I'm currently at 380 ft on hunt 74. :/ I am also getting closer to my Silver Base. I have 59 Tokens. :) Four silver crowns and eleven bronze crowns.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : June 12, 2012 3:56 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Pretty successful day today! :D I got two Sensei's and several more Mojo's. My points and gold rejoice. ;) I got some more Rumble and Onyx Gorgonzola out of my Unstable Curd so I will head back to the Pinnacle Chamber later but right now I'm trying to catch the SB+ mice in the Training Grounds. Might do a Lab tourney tomorrow afternoon. Am thinking that I might head back and grab some of the mice I've been missing while I wait to level up to Legendary; I need to head to the Mountain anyway since I forgot to buy Charmbit. ;))

I'd be correct in assuming that my order of trap/map buys would be Obelisk of Slumber > ACRONYM > SS Huntington III > Digby Drillbot? Or is there another trap between the SS Huntington and the DDB. I can't remember if I'm supposed to be getting a new Shadow trap soon or not. :P

Posted : June 12, 2012 6:01 pm
Member Admin

You rocked the game yesterday Gymmie, way to go! And MEGA-congrats on those two Senseis. When he was first released, I went in there with the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap and Magma Base and ftced him 33 times before I got him finally. He's not an easy mouse to catch and you caught two with the Ambush. ;))

I'd be correct in assuming that my order of trap/map buys would be Obelisk of Slumber > ACRONYM > SS Huntington III > Digby Drillbot?

Your first three are correct. But then I'd go with one of the Hydro traps instead of the Drillbot. I'd start with the Net Cannon. If you don't like it you can smash it, stick your trap parts in crafting, and turn it into the Harpoon Gun. ;)
Although I don't know how much gold you made from selling SB, I haven't looked, so maybe you have more than enough to go ahead and buy the Drillbot and have it ready to go for when you need it. ;) ;))

I am now the proud owner of the Mark III, all four Iceburg bases (just crafted the Hearthstone), and the Ice Drill Mk. III, soooo... I think that's it.
All I need now are the two remaining mice, and the treasure chest, then I'm done with the Iceburg til the next patch.
The treasure chest I'm determined to get this run because I can use 7 drill charges and I have 11 of 'em so that chest is mine!! :P ;))
My team is continuing to do Iceburg and Slushy tournaments so I'll be returning to the area to do those, but after the tournament today, I'm gonna head to the Seasonal Garden for a bit to finally max out my amplifier and then I'm gonna head back to the Fiery Warpath. :)

ETA: Ok, I see there's another Ice Drill upgrade I need. Low on War Scraps so I'll be farming those during tournaments for a while.

Topic starter Posted : June 13, 2012 2:35 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

You rocked the game yesterday Gymmie, way to go! And MEGA-congrats on those two Senseis. When he was first released, I went in there with the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap and Magma Base and ftced him 33 times before I got him finally. He's not an easy mouse to catch and you caught two with the Ambush. ;))

I'd be correct in assuming that my order of trap/map buys would be Obelisk of Slumber > ACRONYM > SS Huntington III > Digby Drillbot?

Your first three are correct. But then I'd go with one of the Hydro traps instead of the Drillbot. I'd start with the Net Cannon. If you don't like it you can smash it, stick your trap parts in crafting, and turn it into the Harpoon Gun. ;)
Although I don't know how much gold you made from selling SB, I haven't looked, so maybe you have more than enough to go ahead and buy the Drillbot and have it ready to go for when you need it. ;) ;))

Mmm, well, I'm closing in on 700k, but I know between my OoS and ACRONYM that's going to pretty much clean me out. And that's not even getting s tarted on the SS Huntington. ;)) BUT then again, I don't have enough points to craft the ACRONYM as soon as I get the scrap metal, and I'm not sure how fast I'll accrue points/gold in the Cats. Anyway, I think I'll hang onto my gold for a little bit longer. I'm still hunting MoJo's and Sensei's so I might get some more gold soon, lol. Or I could lose a lot too; who knows! Legendary is going to be a LONG rank to get through so

That's funny that it took you 33 tries to get the Sensei. Was that a normal catch rate back then? I used Prospector Charms for the power but other then that, yeah, just the Ambush and Bronze base.

I tried some SB+ only mice hunting today and it was utterly boring. :p So tomorrow I might go to the Bazaar and see if I can catch some more Burglars. I'd like to stock up on Guilded for when I get a more powerful trap to try for the Master Burglar; or do you think my Ambush might be decent enough now? I mean, if I can catch a Sensei with one... :p ;)

ETA: Make that three Sensei's. ;)

Have I mentioned that I am having the WORST time getting Students in the Dojo? Seriously, what is up with that. Maki and SB+ doesn't seem to make that big of a difference. I just want some tokens, guys!

Posted : June 13, 2012 1:55 pm
Member Admin

No, you're just really lucky with your Sensei's Gymmie. According to, with your setup your catchrate should be about 1/10. Right now you're about 1/4. ;))

Maki and SB+ doesn't seem to make that big of a difference.

SB+ will not make much of a difference at all (aside from eliminating ftas) but Maki should. How many pieces did you try? I use it and I get really good student attraction.
By the way, when you get to the Crystal Library, there are going to be a number of assignments that require you to catch the mice of Furoma. It wouldn't be a bad idea to start hoarding some of that cheese and those tokens for future use. Just a suggestion. :) Use if you wish.
And if you can catch three Senseis, you can catch a Master Burglar. :)) They're a far easier mouse to snag.

Maxed out my amplifier in the Seasonal Garden, so if anyone on my team is ready to give the ZT tournament another shot, I'm ready. ;)
Back in the Slushy area (blegh... ready to move on). I need 100 War Scraps and I only have 19. But I think I'm done crafting everything there is to craft, so I guess I could smash all of the Wire Spools, Frosty metal, and Heating Oil. Still wouldn't get me very far. ;))

Topic starter Posted : June 13, 2012 2:32 pm
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