Have you read the LOTR books?
Did you know I like Dostoevsky?
What is your opinion of Dostoevsky?
Who was the first friend you made on NW?
How do mods/Admins decide who to elect as new mods?
Who is your favorite character in all of literature?
What is the square root of 49?
Do you like math?
Do you think I like math?
Do I make you happy?
Do robins make you happy?
Do dragons make you happy?
Let's see...
Do you like Star Trek?
If yes, your favorite character in it?
Did you ever watch LOST?
Would you like to visit the 'real' Owl City? (Owatonna's a nice small town of about 20,000 about an hour south of here )
What is the coldest temperature you've ever experienced?
The hottest?
How many siblings do you have?
How many nieces and nephews?
What book are you currently reading?
Would you recommend it to others?
Favorite character from The Princess Bride?
Favorite quote? (that may be a tough one to choose )
Have you ever seen a bear in the wild?
What's your favorite Great Lake?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
What is your favorite board game? Ticket to Ride. Ever played it? You gotta try it! It's so much fun.
I would award you with 10 Cool Points for this comment, but alas, I cannot . I love Ticket to Ride, which is really an undiscovered gem of a game that just about anyone would love if only they'd sell it in larger stores like Target or Wallyworld. That said...
What's your favorite color in Ticket to Ride?
What kind of player are you: Card Hoarder or Quick Card Spender?
Favorite route, if any? (ie; I love the Vancouver to Montreal route the best...huge points there and always impressive!)
Are you the person who fills in all those grey tracks in the middle just so no one else can use them?
Did you know that my wife hates TtR with a passion and she's the reason I got the game in the first place?
Did you know that they have something like 6 or so official TtR editions (not including the card game variants) and they're all supposed to be super awesome? (Don't believe me? Take a gander! )
Any other boardgames that you like to play?
When driving do you prefer the A/C on or the window down?
Preferred popcorn; kettlecorn, buttered popcorn, plain white?
Favorite spacecraft in Star Wars?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Many people got to open their brownie safes last night, I see! Hurray!
Oh dear. I think Lady A went mad after I left the chat last night...
285. Are you really who you say you are? Who do I say that I am again?
286. Which board on Nweb (excluding the mod lounge) is your very favorite? I spend lots of time in the Spare Oom, but when I've posted for all of my roleplays and am waiting for someone to respond, then DT is my favorite. Plus I practically live there...
287. What was your first impression of me? I'm pretty sure I was intimidated. I thought you were a mod already (why would you be taking those census things if you weren't, hmmm?) and I remember you reprimanding me most severely for either not putting my roleplay title at the top of my post or else for not giving you my characters for your census. Basically, my knees knocked around you. Like they do now when you're chasing me with a ruler!
288. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Bubble-gum with chiclets mixed in.
289. Am I asking you questions when you're MOTW? Weeelll, considering you're here, I'm here, and I'm responding to your questions, that's pretty likely...
290. Are you excited about being MOTW? Yes, very! It's most fun.
291. Why did you decide to make a film? Because I had a story to tell. And there was a film festival coming up. One side effect, though, which was the most valuable result of making it, was that I got experience and I had a marvelous time working with my director.
292. What is your opinion of woodchucks? They're evil and get into my mom's garden all the time and have babies that they bring into the garden with them. *scowls at woodchucks*
293. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? All the wood that's blocking off the gaps in the fence to the garden, apparently.
294. Have you ever seen a woodchuck? Yes. He lives under my neighbor's shed.
295. If you have, what was it like? He was brown with short fur and he stuck his little head up out of the hole to go under the shed and stared at me. Then, as I went to fetch the bow and arrow to shoot him done dead, he went back under.
296. If you haven't, do you want to? See above question. I'd like not to see it, if it meant it were dead!
297. Do woodchucks look like beavers? Nope. They're much more sneaky-looking and stealthy and fast.
298. Do you think there'd be talking woodchucks in Narnia? If there were, they would have joined the White Witch's side.
299. If there are where do you think they live? Under the shed at the Castle of Cair Paravel.
300!!! Are they cousins of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver? No, the Beavers wouldn't associate themselves with such sneaky, stealsome creatures.
301. Are woodchucks native to your state? Unfortunately.
302. Are you tired of the woodchuck questions yet? No.
303. Why? As you may be able to tell, this is a subject with which I am well acquainted and feel very strongly about.
304. How many boards would the Mongols horde if the Mongol hordes horded boards? Mongols, on the other hand, I know absolutely nothing about. Boards? Er, one board per hoard?
305. Have you ever seen a Mongol? What is a Mongol? Someone from Mongolia?
306. If so, what was it like? As I don't know what a Mongol is, I can't say for sure what it was like or if I've even seen one!
307. If not, do you want to? I'm not sure...these Mongols sound kind of sketch. They're probably the TRUE cousins of woodchucks.
308. Do you think there are Mongols in Narnia? No, they live in Mongolia, right?
309. How about talking boards? Well, a board is from a tree, and a talking tree is a dryad, and we know that if a dryad's tree is cut down, she dies, so, no, the boards would not talk.
310. Would the boards get along with the Beavers? Nope.
311. Come to think of it, how do Dryads get along with Beavers? They've forged a peace treaty and built barbed-wire fences around the dryad trees in case the Beavers forget their end of the agreement.
312. Are you tired of Mongolian Board questions yet? Yes.
313. Why? 'Cause I'm not as passionate or knowledgable about Mongolian Boards as I am about Woodchucks!
Riella! You came! It's lovely to see you in the Sparkle Room, m'dear!
314. Have you read the LOTR books? Yes, once, a long time ago. I should read them ago.
315. Did you know I like Dostoevsky? No, I didn't know it!
316. What is your opinion of Dostoevsky? I have no idea who or what he/she is, so I'm afraid I'm not qualified to give an opinion.
317. Who was the first friend you made on NW? I think it was Marrim, over in Ditto Town. At least, she's the first one I remember and the first person who actually personally plotted with me. She was definitely an excellent helper in that respect.
318. How do mods/Admins decide who to elect as new mods? They scrutinize everyone carefully and give you an IQ test without you even knowing that you've taken it, and then they check and see if they like your hairstyle. If you pass both tests, you're sent a secret message and quietly inducted into the Mad Mod Squad.
319. Who is your favorite character in all of literature? Eugenides, from the Attolia books. He's just clever enough for it to be believable and not so you just go, "Whaaa? How in the world did he know/do/say that?"
320. What is the square root of 49? Seven.
321. Do you like math? No, but it's useful, so I know how to do things with it.
322. Do you think I like math? Well, considering I don't like it and would never consider asking a square root question and you DID ask just such a question, I think perhaps you do.
323. Do I make you happy? Very.
324. Do robins make you happy? Yes, I love them a lot. They're such springlike birds.
325. Do dragons make you happy? No. Especially the dragon in Merlin doesn't make me happy. He's a jerk.
Welcome back, Gazer! It's nice to see you about again! Way to be one the the three mods who's asked me questions!
326. Do you like Star Trek? I've only seen one episode of Star Trek in my life, and it was very weird. So I don't know!
327. If yes, your favorite character in it? Prolly Scotty, because he beams people places.
328. Did you ever watch LOST? I watched one season finale episode and was very confused.
329. Would you like to visit the 'real' Owl City? (Owatonna's a nice small town of about 20,000 about an hour south of here) If I can stay at your house around the time of the visit! I'd love to visit there!
330. What is the coldest temperature you've ever experienced? -6 degrees.
331. The hottest? 101 degrees. It was in Texas, and we were at a water park. You didn't even need towels because a minute or so after you got out of the pool, the water evaporated off of your skin.
332. How many siblings do you have? Six. I love big families.
333. How many nieces and nephews? Four and one on the way!
334. What book are you currently reading? I never read one book at a time. It's my failing, or gift, depending on which way you take it. The first I'm reading is Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone right now, but I'm not done with it yet.
The second I'm reading is The Neverending Story, by Michael Ende. I'm not entirely sure if I would recommend it; it's kind of good, but confusing, too!
335. Would you recommend it to others? Oops, answered this question above. See up there! ^
336. Favorite character from The Princess Bride? Westley. *has a fangirl moment*
337. Favorite quote? (that may be a tough one to choose It is tough. Erm, perhaps,
"I know something that you do not know."
"And what is that?"
"I am not left-handed."
338. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? Never-ever! It would be very interesting, though. They're quite scary in my imagination.
339. What's your favorite Great Lake? Michigan.
Shadowlander, SIR! If I'd had to pick someone else on this forum that had discovered the awesomeness that is Ticket to Ride, I would have probably picked you. You can't give me the 10 cool points? What? Why not? They're so...cool!
340. What's your favorite color in Ticket to Ride? Red or Black.
341. What kind of player are you: Card Hoarder or Quick Card Spender? I must confess; I'm a hoarder. Then I sweep everyone out the window when I win. Ha!
342. Favorite route, if any? (ie; I love the Vancouver to Montreal route the best...huge points there and always impressive!) Los Angeles to New York. It rocks. My favorite way to play is to get all of my routes so that the trains are all in a row, and I've gotten New York to Miami while getting New York to LA, and it was great.
343. Are you the person who fills in all those grey tracks in the middle just so no one else can use them? I always forget to do that, and when I do, I usually lose.
344. Did you know that my wife hates TtR with a passion and she's the reason I got the game in the first place? No, I didn't! Who could hate it in such a way? Oh dear.
345. Did you know that they have something like 6 or so official TtR editions (not including the card game variants) and they're all supposed to be super awesome? (Don't believe me? Take a gander! ) I've heard of/seen the one that's TtR Europe, which was apparently the original, but more sounds wonderful!
346. Any other boardgames that you like to play? I like Settlers of Catan.
347. When driving do you prefer the A/C on or the window down? Window down AND A/C if it's especially hot. Then I have fresh air and am cool at the same time.
348. Preferred popcorn; kettlecorn, buttered popcorn, plain white? Buttered, but I have my days when I just crave kettle corn.
349. Favorite spacecraft in Star Wars? X-Wing! It's the coolest ever; I don't care if there are newer and different alphabet-type craft. It's the BEST!
Always one short of a nice, divisible-by-five number! What's with that?
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
When I am old enough to be kissed.
Aaaaaggggh! Now look what you've done. I have this vague memory of a character in a book saying something similar, and all I know otherwise is that she was either too old, or too young (depending on the day), and would only kiss this fellow when she was just right and I don't remember if she was old or young, and if he was nice or not and if she was just teasing or if she was putting him off. AND I CAN'T REMEMBER WHO IT IS!
It's not Alice in the new movie, though that has a similar situation. *grumbles*
Would you like a pure black llama, or one with dainty white markings?
Do you like coffee tables?
Do coffee tables like you?
How do people learn about cool games like Ticket to Ride? (I only learn about these things by chance. But I won the first and only time I played. )
Have you played The Great Dalmuti?
How many people would you invite to a game night?
In your quest to make books feel loved and used, do you write in books?
Do you like finding notes in books?
What is the strangest thing you've ever found in a book?
If you were going to hide something in a book, what would it be?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
snow or rain?
chips or crackers?
do you like nail polish?
what's your favorite scene on VotDT movie?
what's your favorite Narnia character?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Oh dear. I think Lady A went mad after I left the chat last night...
I did not. If you look carefully, those first few mirror the questions YOU asked ME.
What else do you have to say about woodchucks?
If you could have all woodchucks a certain color, what color would it be?
Do woodchucks have toenails?
Do they have opposable thumbs?
Do they have disposable thumbs?
Are opposable and disposable thumbs any different?
Do you crack your knuckles?
Do you crack any other joints?
What is your opinion on gum chewing?
I had some other questions for you, but I forgot them. Do you know where I left them?
Oh yes! What is the difference between "high beams" and "low beams?"
I don't remember the others...
Avatar thanks to AITB
What was your first impression of me?
What was your first impression of Pippin?
What is the best graphic I have ever made?
What is the best graphic you have ever made?
Why are graphics awesome?
Have you ever lied down in a puddle in the rain while a villainous robot stands over you, questioning you in an existential fashion?
Why do you do it?
Why get up?
Are you fighting for something other than your own survival?
Can you tell me what it is?
Do you even know?
Why do you persist?
Do you ever help your landlady with her garbage?
What is the meaning to this world, this zoo, this reality?
Did you know that the person who originally asked the last 8 questions is related to Elrond?
Have you ever seen The Matrix?
Do you think I have seen the Matrix?
Did you know that you were incorrect when you said I like math?
Why is that when some people walk after presumably being freed, suddenly crows fly ahead of them, and they have clones everywhere?
What makes me tick?
How do I act so well?
What is the best color for a sea serpent to where in the fall?
What about the Spring?
What's taters, eh?
What is the absolute best way to inform your octopus that he no longer needs his nightlight?
What is the last time that you have not laughed this hard since you were a little girl?
What is the existential significance of ?
What are my options?
Should I disable smilies?
Will you kill me?
If I said that if you killed me, I would kill you, would that make me better or worse than a peanut butter sandwhich?
Are credit cards unethical?
If a man standing on a bridge who was about to jump, offered to give you 1,000,000 dollars, would you take it?
I only called you Canadian because one time in chat you were "officially" introducing yourself to me, and you said that one of your nicknames was Mountie. I said, "Like the Canadian police?" and you said, "Yeah, I guess so!" So hence it was that I dubbed you (in my head ) the Canadian Mountie.
Oh yes! I remember now. I think it must've been in a PM though since I have yet to set foot in the chatroom. Canadian Mounties rock, so I really don't mind.
That's probably the coolest nickname I've received. Ever. Be honored.
One time, when I was little, I got a little stuffed animal beaver that was wearing a Canadian Mountie uniform. He reminded me of Mr. Beaver. That's where my love for Mounties began. And then I read the Janette Oke series (Seasons of the Heart) where her main character's love interest is a Mountie (he was AWESOME!). I have yet to meet a Mountie (other than myself) but I hope they live up to my expectations. I guess it's kind of weird to be a fan of the Canadian equivalent of police, though.
Whoaaa! You named your iPod after a NarniaWeb member? That must be the highest award EVER for a mod to get!
"My iPod is named Djaq."
"Oh, really? What made you think of that name?"
"This awesome NarniaWebber."
"You named your iPod after a person on a website? WOW! I bow before their awesomeness! "
*falls over laughing* Oh my word! That is hilarious...
Well, actually, I named it first after Djaq from the Robin Hood TV show. I honestly wanted to name it Will or Allan, but it was purple so I had to settle for a girl name (and Djaq is wayyy better than Isabella & Kate). I just thought it was a nice coincidence that it happened to be Djaq's username too, so I decided to name it that, since it would remind me of two very awesome people. Now I think about both of them whenever I listen to music. They're both amazing.
There's on Owl City University, yep! You can find it by going to http://www.owlcity.com and clicking on the link to Owl City U. It's pretty interesting. Kind of like a fan community, I think! Personally, I'd rather have a real city, but you take what you can get.
Ooh, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the link. That's awesome. The world could always use an Owl City fanclub. Sheesh, that guy has so many fans! (I'm one of 'em.
When that musing sparks into a full fledged purpose of mine, I shall PM you and we shall be off to the publisher to do our dastardly deed for the good of readers everywhere!
I can hardly wait! Let us be off ASAP, armed with our swords and manuscripts, in order to bring our valiant stories to the world for the good of ALL mankind!
I too am guilty of overusing this smilie: Poor guy. And this one.
They're just so adorable!
The whole time I was chopping a big onion. Did you know that the reason you cry when chopping onions is because the juice is attracted to moisture, and the biggest source of moisture it first finds on your face is usually your eyes? So if you stick your tongue out, then it goes there instead and you don't have to cry!
Whoa! That is such an interesting fact! It almost makes me want to go cut an onion just to test it out. I think I shall, next time I cut an onion. Thanks for the tip!
Zilch. None. Nada. I'm in way too many roleplays as it is and I'll probably just let the Lieutenant of Questionable Loyalties lurk and pout.
Would you believe that I actually pictured you like the Lieutenant; sulky and aloof? I hate to admit it, but I did. This thread has put those fears to rest, judging by the amount I laugh when reading your answers.
I did, and I still do, cause I'm still on it! I vaguely remember welcoming you, now that I think about it, but for some reason you've always seemed like a veteran on the forum to me!
Oh, for some reason I thought that when you become a mod you have to trade out your WC plaque for a Mod Badge. Never mind. Haha, thanks, that's a great compliment since I admire all you veterans!
It's probably because I actually knew about NW since PC came out, and I lurked on the forums since then until I got up the courage to ask if I could join. By then, signing up was merely a formality.
Ahhh... Merlin sounds so good! I'll have to see if there's a way I can watch it online. I'm glad all the main characters stay in tact. At least BBC did THAT show right.
*salutes* I will not squish a stinkbug.
Haha! What is that llama song FROM? I've heard it before, I'm sure, but I can't seem to place it.
Now for questions... More questions.
What's your favorite Robin Hood quote?
How are you setting into your modly duties?
Who's your favorite character from Robin Hood?
What is Attolia?
Have you gotten to use your modly powers yet?
What's your favorite thing about being a modly mod so far?
When's the last time you got your picture taken?
Are you in any way musical?
What is on your desk right now (beside random bluegrass sticky notes)?
What are you going to do when you're done answering questions?
What are you planning to go into after college?
Do you like Starbucks?
Do you like coffee?
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Do you wear jewelry often?
How many AA batteries do you use in a year?
How many NarniaWebbers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Do you think they would ever do an "Admin of the Week" for Fantasia & Tirian?
What's your favorite part about NarniaWeb?
Do you picture me like Robin Hood?
Do you misspell 'sweet' with three e's now, out of habit?
av by dot
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey! I can't beleive I missed this thread this week! Oh well...
-Is it true that your the youngest mod on NarniaWeb?
-Do you know that your a wonderful, helpful and sweet person?
-Would you say that you have less time to post since you became a moderator?
-Facebook or Twitter?
-Superman or Spiderman?
-Did you see the movie Batman 2? If you did, did you like it?
-Titanic or Avatar?
-What do you think is the world's biggest problem?
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Please forgive me for not posting questions for you before now. I haven't been on the computer much over the last few days.
Whoa, there is an iPod named after me somewhere in the world?? I. Feel. So. Official. Now.
(I know it isn't exactly named after me, but still... )
He's so cool and awkward and awesome. For some reason I like all the awkward guys. In BBC Robin Hood I liked Will Scarlett, in Merlin I like Merlin! He's my fave, no doubt.
That's awesome! Yay for Will and Merlin! I still haven't seen Merlin, but maybe someday I will, and then we can both fangurl together...
Do purple elephants visit you frequently?
Do you have a quirky nickname in real life?
What is your favorite photo editing program?
Favorite time of day?
Is there a time of day that it seems like you always see on the clock each day? (for me, it's 4:29, 3:14, and 12:34
Do you enjoy cooking?
Do you like looking up completely useless facts, just because you can?
What is your favorite girl's name?
Favorite boy's name?
Favorite last name?
Favorite month?
Favorite holiday?
Favorite kind of cookie?
Have you ever had a peanut butter bar? (similar to a Reese's peanut butter cup, but homemade and slightly more awesome )
Do you like photography?
If I ever had the chance to come up there and we met, what would we spend the day doing?
Would you give me a big hug?
Could we go to a carnival? (I know you think that that smiley looks like he has dentures, but it shows my enthusiasm more than this one does:
Would you call me Djaq, or my real name? (it isn't actually Djaq. Shocking, yes!)
Have you ever literally rolled on the floor laughing?
Did you have a good Valentine's Day?
What time is it?
Do you know that I really, really like your blog?
What do you think of my current avatar?
Did you know that my previous avatar was a picture of me?
Was that question important? (um, no)
Are your ears pierced?
That is all for now. I've got to run and see about supper.
Ta ta!
~Djaq (or Partner in Crime)
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
350. Would you like a pure black llama, or one with dainty white markings? Completely black, like the midnight sky. (Have you got one like that? )
351. Do you like coffee tables? They serve their purpose, though I’ve noticed it’s rarely to hold coffee. Maybe they’re called that because they’re coffee coloured! Hmmm!
352. Do coffee tables like you? Interesting question. Considering they’ve attacked me many times as a child and made sure that I’ve tripped over them, run in them, and banged my head on them (not to mention conveniently pulling out my vacuum cleaner cord!), no, I don’t think.
353. How do people learn about cool games like Ticket to Ride? (I only learn about these things by chance. But I won the first and only time I played. ) With great good luck and perhaps the Official Boardgame Prizewinners site bookmarked.
Most of these awesome games have won prizes. There must be a site somewhere that catalogues all of them!
354. Have you played The Great Dalmuti? Never-ever! What’s it?
355. How many people would you invite to a game night? As many as wanted to come! I’m sure we could have multiple games going, or organize a tournament for one sort of game!
356. In your quest to make books feel loved and used, do you write in books? So here’s the thing: I love reading books, but I especially love the fact that you can re-read books and find something new in them everything. As you grow, your perspective changes slightly, or experience opens you to seeing things in a new way. If I wrote in books as I read them and filled up the margins, that writing would be from the perspective of that time I read the book.
Now, say I pick up the book again after a while and begin to read it. Naturally, I would read my notes from the time that I wrote them. I feel as though I would be pushed into the mold of the perspective from that time I read them. The pages would not seem new to me as much, and finding my own new perspective would be more difficult because I would be constantly reading old notes written from my old perspective. So I don’t write in books. At first I didn’t know why, but your question made me think it out!
357. Do you like finding notes in books? Sometimes, if they’re interesting and are not just COVERING every inch of the page margins.
358. What is the strangest thing you've ever found in a book? A whole bunch of four-leaf clovers! They were in a book that my sister was reading for school called Ramona. She accidentally dropped the book and some of them fell out, so then the search was on! We looked through all the pages, and there were so many of them pressed in there! We saved a few. It was very interesting and cool.
359. If you were going to hide something in a book, what would it be? A treasure map. It’ll lead to a real treasure, too! I’m going to hide it in my castle, and have really cool passageways and stairways to lead to it, and I’m going to start rumors in the neighboring towns about a treasure hidden deep in the castle. That’ll be so awesome.
Hey, Libby!
360. snow or rain? Snow. It’s bright and pretty and lovely. I do have days, though, that I love the rain. It’s when I don’t have anything I was planning to do outside, when it’s just beautiful and you can visibly see the grass becoming more green. Those days are special.
370. chips or crackers? Chips, the barbeque kind.
371. do you like nail polish? Welllll, no. Not in the right way, at least. See, just after my nails are dry when I’ve painted them, I develop a dreadful habit of gnawing at my nails. And I eat the nailpolish. This isn’t a conscious thing, let me stipulate. It’s just a strange thing that I do unconsciously whenever I have nailpolish on. I never chew on my nails when I don’t have nailpolish on, which is what makes it especially weird.
So I generally don’t wear nailpolish. It disappears pretty quickly.
372. what's your favourite scene on VotDT movie? The one at the very end, where the three kids are in Eustace’s bedroom and the water is being sucked up into the painting again. It’s very poignant and serious; the last bit of honest-to-goodness Narnian-ness before they have to reluctantly get back to reality.
373. what's your favorite Narnia character? Polly Plummer. She’s got such a marvellous personality and such spunk! She’s a really true friend, too.
374. What else do you have to say about woodchucks? That they are evil and must be killed, be it by fire, water, the sword, or a bb gun! To me, fellow compatriots fighting the garden-invader woodchucks! *fires 12’s bazooka for effect*
375. If you could have all woodchucks a certain color, what color would it be? Neon blue, so I could see ‘em to shoot ‘em easier…
376. Do woodchucks have toenails? I think the real question here is, “Do woodchucks have toes?” to which I would say, “Of course not!”, and then the first question would be answered already!
377. Do they have opposable thumbs? Well, they open up the garden gate somehow…
378. Do they have disposable thumbs? I’d be HAPPY to dispose of their thumbs! Down with the woodchucks! Dooooooown!
379. Are opposable and disposable thumbs any different? Of course! First off, they have different names. Second off, opposable thumbs are opposed to everyone and everything in the world (including garden gates and fences), and disposable thumbs are like disposable cups, cause you can throw them away when you’re done!
380. Do you crack your knuckles? No, it grosses me out.
381. Do you crack any other joints? “No, it grosses me out.” -Me
382. What is your opinion on gum chewing? It’s like a promise that’s never fulfilled. You get the flavour of food or candy, but you can never swallow it and get the satisfaction of eating! I swallow it anyways most of the time, but the satisfaction is never there. It’s like something to do to occupy your jaw…:P
383. I had some other questions for you, but I forgot them. Do you know where I left them? Under your bed. That’s where most lost things end up sooner or later.
384. Oh yes! What is the difference between "high beams" and "low beams?" One is high and the other is low, of course!
Well, Riella, you may be interested to know that with every question I’ve ever been asked in my life, yours take the cake for the most singular.
385. What was your first impression of me? I remember thinking you quite bold for coming into Ditto Town as a newbie and creating your own roleplay straight off. Then I settled myself in to watch how you developed as a writer, cause you were rather interesting.
386. What was your first impression of Pippin? The Lord of the Rings character? Slightly stupid and that he liked food. The impression was revised over time.
387. What is the best graphic I have ever made? I quite liked the Silver Chair graphics that you made awhile back. I think you used Lucy Boynton for Jill, and, as I quite like her, that made me very pleased.
388. What is the best graphic you have ever made? Hmm…I’ve always liked this one: http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt13 ... dygone.jpg
389. Why are graphics awesome? Because everyone can take one picture and have a completely way of interpreting it with colors, textures, brushes, and/or words.
390. Have you ever lied down in a puddle in the rain while a villainous robot stands over you, questioning you in an existential fashion? I’ve lain down in a puddle in the rain with a villainous robot standing over me, but he wasn’t questioning me in an existential fashion, I’m sorry to say.
391. Why do you do it? Because I was wet all over anyways and I wanted to lay down in a puddle because I’d never done that before.
392. Why get up? Because of the robot, of course!
393. Are you fighting for something other than your own survival? My soul. It’s a daily battle.
394. Can you tell me what it is? See above. ^
395. Do you even know? Yep, I do!
396. Why do you persist? Because the result of the fight determines whether I go to Heaven or Hell.
397. Do you ever help your landlady with her garbage? As my landlady is my mom, yes.
398. What is the meaning to this world, this zoo, this reality? To learn how to relate to others and love on earth so that we may learn love and serve God more perfectly here and to have a relationship with him that we might get to Heaven.
399. Did you know that the person who originally asked the last 8 questions is related to Elrond? Was it Lady Arwen?
400!!! Have you ever seen The Matrix? Never-ever, but I know a little about the plot from my dad, and I have a Matrix-like jacket!
401. Do you think I have seen the Matrix? No way!
402. Did you know that you were incorrect when you said I like math? Now I do!
403. Why is that when some people walk after presumably being freed, suddenly crows fly ahead of them, and they have clones everywhere? Because the mitosis that was supposed to take placed in these persons’ bodies was stunted by their lack of liberty, and their sudden freedom caused it to occur very rapidly and resulted in clones. Don’t ask me where the crows came from. I can’t explain that part.
404. What makes me tick? Curiosity.
405. How do I act so well? Practice roleplaying.
406. What is the best color for a sea serpent to where in the fall? Gold, of course, to match the changing leaves!
407. What about the Spring? Silver, to signify the melted snow and the triumph of life over death! (Not exactly sure how silver signifies all that, but hey! It’s a color!)
408. What's taters, eh? po-tay-toes! Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew!
409. What is the absolute best way to inform your octopus that he no longer needs his nightlight? Talk to him gently and then secretly steal it from his room when he’s not looking.
410. What is the last time that you have not laughed this hard since you were a little girl? I don’t remember exactly what it was about, but I think it was this past Christmas. A friend of mine was doing something hilarious, and I almost wet myself.
411. What is the existential significance of ? It’s to show the NarniaWebbers that you’ve gone crazy and are STILL posting on the forum so that they can know to keep their eyes on you.
412. What are my options? Die, Live, and be Indifferent. I’d advise you to pick the second.
413. Should I disable smilies? It’s your funeral, my friend.
414. Will you kill me? Only if you try to kill me first.
415. If I said that if you killed me, I would kill you, would that make me better or worse than a peanut butter sandwhich? About the same, because as a peanut butter sandwhich cannot be killed, and therefore would be quite free to kill me after I had “killed” it, you saying that you would kill me if I killed you would imply that you would not be dead if I killed you (like a peanut butter sandwhich) because you would still be able to kill me. So about the same, I think.
416. Are credit cards unethical? “With great credit cards comes great responsibility.” –Me. “The integrity of the credit card depends on the integrity of the user.” –Also Me.
These great quotes from this great author mean that how one uses the credit card determines its evilness. Or, if you listen to Dave Ramsey, they’re all evil! Pick what you will.
417. If a man standing on a bridge who was about to jump, offered to give you 1,000,000 dollars, would you take it? You’re not giving me enough information! Is he giving me the money to relieve his stress so that he won’t jump at all, or is he giving me the money to pay me off so that I won’t talk him out of jumping? Or is he giving me it because when he’s dead he won’t need it? Most importantly, how tall is the bridge?
If he was just paying me off to not talk him out of jumping off the bridge and committing suicide, or else giving me the money because he wouldn’t need it once he was dead, I would refuse the money and try to gently get him down and talk to him for as long as he needed it, and get help.
If he was giving me the money to relieve his stress, however, or if the bridge was only a foot tall, I’d gladly take it!
Hi, Mountie! It’s such a nice thing that you comment on my answers. I’m glad I gave you such useful info on onions! It’s so helpful for me, cause then I don’t have to wear goggles while I cut up onions!
*disclaimer: this mod may have stolen to be questions phrases that had question marks attached to the end and were not with the original questions. She may do it again.
418. Haha! What is that llama song FROM? I've heard it before, I'm sure, but I can't seem to place it. I think it originated on Youtube, or possibly somewhere else. It's random, strange, and ridiculously catchy!
419. Would you believe that I actually pictured you like the Lieutenant; sulky and aloof? Well, yes, if you’d never talked to me much before, because most of the people posting in the Overdoms were basing their characters on their real life personalities, so it’s natural for you to assume that I was doing the same. Thank heavens that I wasn’t, though!
420. What's your favorite Robin Hood quote? “I’m not being funny, but…”
421. How are you setting into your modly duties? Quite well, thanks! I like it a lot, and it’s fun to see the forum in a new way.
422. Who's your favorite character from Robin Hood? Will Scarlett. He’s awesome because he’s awkward and cute and very handy with the locks and the wood!
423. What is Attolia? A land in the Queen’s Thief series. The series itself is a really interesting read which tells the adventures of an important thief named Eugenides (Gen for short). I can’t think of how to recap them, but they’re excellently written, and every time I read them I discover something new that I never noticed before!
424. Have you gotten to use your modly powers yet? Several times! I even cast a spammer into The Void! It was quite amazing, let me tell you!
425. What's your favorite thing about being a modly mod so far? I love plotting with the Ditto Town Mods on how to take over the world on how to improve the DT forum and getting things like that done.
426. When's the last time you got your picture taken? Last September. It was for my senior pictures. Would you like to see one? Here it is!
http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt13 ... rlie/6.jpg
427. Are you in any way musical? I’d like to think so! I sing lots and lots and I’ve played piano for eleven years. I’ve also dabbled in guitar, but I’m afraid I’m not very good at that. The only thing of consequence that I can do is play “You Belong With Me” by Taylor Swift tolerably well.
428. What is on your desk right now (beside random bluegrass sticky notes)? A calculator, my mom’s checkbook, a planner with a dog that looks like he’s wet on the cover, a Star Wars bookmark, several valentines, and a little paper holder that we call Nemo because it’s got water inside and a little clownfish floating around in it.
429. What are you going to do when you're done answering questions? Go and do something really exciting and interesting like sleep.
430. What are you planning to go into after college? Freelance screenwrite, or be the on-staff writer for a film production company.
431. Do you like Starbucks? When I’ve got a craving for it, and I really like the scent of it.
432. Do you like coffee? Not too much. It’s too rich for me. I do drink it from time to time, but if I had the choice, I would usually pick tea.
433. Have you ever met anyone famous? Does Tenth Avenue North count? Cause I’ve met them twice!
434. Do you wear jewelry often? No, not often, but I try to incorporate necklaces into my outfits when I remember to.
435. How many AA batteries do you use in a year? Two, because I most use RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES! Hurray for going green! Yay!
436. How many NarniaWebbers does it take to change a lightbulb? Wait, NarniaWeb has lightbulbs? Probably just two. One to change the lightbulb and the other to provide stimulating conversational environment in which the other can work.
437. Do you think they would ever do an "Admin of the Week" for Fantasia & Tirian? They’re so busy that I don’t think so, but I’d be happy to be proved wrong! Who knows, maybe they already did it at some time in the distant past!
438. What's your favorite part about NarniaWeb? All of the awesome people and the fact that every one of them that I’ve met in real life has been First Class.
439. Do you picture me like Robin Hood? No….I rather pictured you like Amy from Doctor Who:
440. Do you misspell 'sweet' with three e's now, out of habit? No, but I get confused when people extend the word “sweet” (even OFF NarniaWeb) and think that they’re talking to me. And I respond to “Sweeet” in real life when NarniaWebbers are around.
Hey, De_De! You’re certainly not too late! Come again, even! We’re open until Monday!
441. Is it true that your the youngest mod on NarniaWeb? I’ve never thought about it, but I think I might be! *comes back from checking* Nope, Djaq is younger than I am. She’s the youngest, I do believe!
442. Do you know that your a wonderful, helpful and sweet person? Do you know that you’re lovely and sweet and nice? Thanks!
443. Would you say that you have less time to post since you became a moderator? No, but it gives me more excuses to Lady A if she wants me to post for one of our roleplays.
444. Facebook or Twitter? Neither. In the paraphrased words of John Mayer, neither of them bring anything new into the world; not any new art, nor any real inspiration that can’t be found tenfold off of them.
445. Superman or Spiderman? Spiderman! He’s my favourite superhero ever! I think I’m just drawn to the geeky types…
446. Did you see the movie Batman 2? If you did, did you like it? No, I didn’t. Actually, I’m kind of scared to. I’ve heard it’s very scary.
447. Titanic or Avatar? Neither. I think they’re both overrated, but I can’t really judge them since I’ve seen neither.
448. What do you think is the world's biggest problem? That people think that all of the problems in the world should be solved by using the government, or by fixing the problem itself, but ignoring that the root of all these problems is man’s lack of love for God and his hurt soul.
Dee! My partner in crime! I’ve been hoping and hoping that you would come, and at last you have!
449. Do purple elephants visit you frequently? So much. The whole reason that I’ve asked every mod that is to see if they’re afflicted as much as I am.
450. Do you have a quirky nickname in real life? Mostly it’s Tinabinaboo! My dad calls me Sweet T sometimes, too.
451. What is your favorite photo editing program? Photoshop CS-whatever-is-the-most-recent.
452. Favorite time of day? The early evening if I’m all done with school and piano for the day already. It’s just such a luxurious feeling if I’ve got all the rest of the night to do whatever I’d love to do.
453. Is there a time of day that it seems like you always see on the clock each day? (for me, it's 4:29, 3:14, and 12:34
) No, not now, but I seem to remember that I would always glance at the clock and it would be exactly ten minutes later than when I had glanced before. It creeped me out for a good long while.
454. Do you enjoy cooking? Very much. I love cooking with someone better than cooking alone, but at least the food is a consolation at the end if I’m doing it alone. There’s some food, however, that you absolutely CANNOT cook alone. This sort is taffy, and it frustrates me a lot when I want to make it and I can’t because I don’t have anyone to do it with!
455. Do you like looking up completely useless facts, just because you can? Sometimes I look up things that no one would care about but me. Does that count?
456. What is your favorite girl's name? Violet Rose.
457. Favorite boy's name? Finn William.
458. Favorite last name? You’re not getting the last name of my crush out of me this time, Dee! I quite like the last name Archer or Knight. Hmm…they seem to reflect my two favorite TV shows…;))
459. Favorite month? May. It’s when the world is in bloom!
460. Favorite holiday? Christmas. My whole family is usually together then.
461. Favorite kind of cookie? Chocolate chip with pecans, fresh out of the oven. All in favor of not letting them cool, say “Aye!” (AYE!)
462. Have you ever had a peanut butter bar? (similar to a Reese's peanut butter cup, but homemade and slightly more awesome ) I’ve never made one, but I’ve eaten them and they’re better than Peanut Butter Cups. I don’t really like lots of chocolate though, so when I eat some of the bar it’s usually just a little bit.
463. Do you like photography? I love looking at it.
464. If I ever had the chance to come up there and we met, what would we spend the day doing? First, we would go out and conquer the world. Then we would come home and cook awhile. Then we would talk, and to cap the day off, we would stargaze from the roof. I wish I COULD visit you!
465. Would you give me a big hug? Of course! That’s part is understood.
466.Could we go to a carnival? (I know you think that that smiley looks like he has dentures, but it shows my enthusiasm more than this one does:
) Do lets! That’s part of the conquering the world part I was mentioning.
467. Would you call me Djaq, or my real name? (it isn't actually Djaq. Shocking, yes!) I would probably alternate between calling you your real name and “Dee”, because I would sometimes forget.
468. Have you ever literally rolled on the floor laughing? I was gonna say “no”, but then I remembered that I have before. It happened when I was already sitting down near a chair and someone started being really funny and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe and fell onto the floor from my sitting position and began ROFL’ing. Literally.
469. Did you have a good Valentine's Day? Yes, I did, but I didn’t get to hand out my valentines yet. How sad! I did give my mom and dad valentines of food, though. I made my dad heart-shaped Chocolate Chip Cookies and my mom a delicious apple crisp.
470. What time is it? “Wintertime! It’s not vacation!” Actually, it’s…10:45 PM.
471. Do you know that I really, really like your blog? You do? That makes me feel really loved and special! Thanks!
472. What do you think of my current avatar? I think it’s cute, but I don’t understand why you partially blur the text on your avatars!
473. Did you know that my previous avatar was a picture of me? I thought it might be. Did Flam take the picture? It was very cute.
474. Was that question important? (um, no) Well, you’ve already answered this one…;))
475.Are your ears pierced? Yes, they are, but I forget to wear earrings much of the time.
I lost half of that post this morning and was too frustrated to try again. Sorry about not responding sooner! I dare you all to post 25 more questions before midnight!
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
- Do you enjoy Chocolate?
- I remember you saying you enjoy reading ANTI- which characters do you like?
- Have you had repeat questions
- Do you like sleeping?
- Do you like Sleeping Beauty?
- Have you ever wanted to be a princess?
- What would be the best thing about being a princess?
- Pink or Blue?
- Do you have a favorite Disney princess?
- Have you ever been to Disneyland?
- Are you wearing shoes right now?
- Socks?
- Have you ever played soccer?
- Have you ever danced? Like in Dance class?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Do you like me?
Do you hate me?
DO you love me?
Would you ever give me a free trial if you worked at Baskin Robbins?
Would you go to camp with me?
Would you go sky-diving with me?
Am I talking about myself too much?
Is Elrond awesome?
Is Elrond un-awesome?
When should Awesome be capitilized?
What is the weirdest question you've ever been asked in your life?
What word do you most misspell?
How old are you?
You aren't going to tell me are you?
Let me guess... you live in ___shire?
Is rolling its eyes, or watching a plane pass over head?
What denomination are you?
If a person starts crying in front of you, what would you do?
What is your honest opinion of Brywahr?
What is your dishonest opinion of Vayond?
What are your honest opinions of Vayond?
Is there a difference, morally, between being dishonest and semi-honest?
What is a grey lie?
Why is a lizard the first thing you see every morning?
Does a barricuda have a propensity for perpendicular dependency?
Have you ever gotten a camera from Shutter Island?
Where can I find an honest man?
Who originally said "I am looking for an honest man"?
Did you have to use Google to find out?
When Arwen's time is ending, will you let her go?
Do the hobbits need someone with intelligence in the party?
If I have a crane, my brain, and Dwayne, what am I lacking?
Did you notice that everything I ask you is a question?
What do you think the reasoning behind that could be?
what's your favorite movie?
who's your favorite actress?
who's your favorite actor?
who's your favorite Pevensie?
what's your favorite fruit?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are