Hi! Just me this time.
-What is your dog's name?
-What kind of dog is she? (I know you just told me on the mod chat, but I'll ask here anyway )
-How old is she?
-Can she do any tricks?
-Could you post a picture of her?
-What is it about video games that makes you like them?
-Do you ever wish that you could somehow transport yourself to where you were in the video game instead of simply playing it?
-What, in your opinion, is the ultimate video game?
-Does your wife enjoy playing video games?
-What is your favorite video game? (I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question )
-What is your favorite thing to do with any free time you might have?
-Do you think you will ever write a book about our Mod Army?
-What is your favorite part about the Mod Army?
Only a few this time around. I don't want to tie you down too much!
*snaps a salute*
~LT Djaq
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
1. Which vowel is your favorite?
2. What day is your anniversary on?
3. What grocery chain do you work for?
4. Should I now boycott that company?
5. Or should I transfer all of my business to it?
6. Do you realize that the answers to the three previous questions will probably not impact my purchasing behavior whatsoever?
7. Converting your shoe size to women's sizes, what size do you wear?
8. Are you EXACTLY 5'11", or do you just say that because it is close enough?
9. What is your favorite part of LOTR?
10. Were you offended that they did not put Tom and Goldberry in the films?
11. Do you think Miranda Otto could have made a magnificent Goldberry?
12. When you think of Goldberry, how does she look?
13. What does Tom look like?
14. Would you go visit Tom and Goldberry?
15. What about the Barrow Downs?
16. How much money would you have to be paid to be a tour guide at the Downs?
17. Favorite character in the books?
18. Favorite character in the movies?
19. Unfavorite character in the books?
20. Unfavorite character in the movies?
21. Did you ever attain rank?
22. To what?
23. Is the Air Force the best?
24. Why?
25. What is your opinion on the TV series Police Squad (the precursor to Naked Gun)?
26. What is Leslie Nielsen best performance?
27. Do you ever wish for little tranquilizers that you can shoot out of your cuff links?
28. Could you aim them correctly?
29. What, in your opinion, defines a loaded baked potato?
30. You seem to have a slight obsession with food. Are you a hobbit?
31. Favorite item to have for breakfast?
32. For second breakfast?
33. Elevensies?
34. Luncheon?
35. Tea?
36. Dinner?
37. Supper?
38. Midnight snack?
39. Did I miss any?
40. What is your favorite drinking song?
41. Is your sig specifically there to remind you to not go off topic?
42. What is your middle name?
43. Do you know what it means?
44. What does Ethan mean?
46. What is your opinion of Ireland?
47. What nationalities are in your ancestry?
48. What foreign nationality do you identify with most?
49. What is your opinion of curry?
50. Do you like hot food?
51. What is your opinion on cardamom?
52. Favorite spice?
53. Microwavable or fresh?
54. Memorex--what is it?
55. Favorite old hymn?
56. Favorite Christmas song?
57. Favorite new Christmas song?
58. What is your opinion of Straight No Chaser?
59. If you ever had the opportunity to be part of a flash mob, would you do it?
60. What is your own personal theme song?
61. What song do you want played at your 50th anniversary celebration?
62. Or is that too far ahead to think?
63. What is your opinion on dog slobber?
64. Doggy kisses?
65. Doggy halitosis?
66. Sealyham Terriers?
67. Greyhounds?
68. Did you answer the above thinking of the bus or the animal?
69. What is your opinion on the other one?
70. Which MST3K is the best?
71. Are you aware that I don't care for MST3K at all?
72. And I've only watched the first one, where Santa is kidnapped?
73. If it was re-written into a comedy mocking Star Trek and other spacy movies, would it be a good film? (The Santa Kidnapping story, not MST3K).
74. What is your wife's opinion of MST3K?
75. Favorite cut of steak?
76. Why?
77. Are spas a waste of time?
78. Have you ever been to one?
79. If someone gave you a gift card to a spa, would you use it?
80. Or would you give it to your wife?
81. Or would she not use it, either?
82. How proud of yourself are you for passing me up?
83. Are you going to aim for a cool number, or are you just going to be happy of passing me up?
84. Do you know what the used gift cert is for?
85. Or can you not discern the writing, either?
86. Mahershalalhashbaz. Where is it from?
87. What does it mean?
88. Or do you even care?
89. Do you remember who Mahershalalhashbaz was a child of?
90. What would you do if your name was Mahershalalhashbaz?
91. If you were invited on an archaeological expedition, would you go?
92. Why or why not?
93. Do you miss the Air Force?
94. How did you meet Laura?
95. How did you get involved with the Air Force? Was it a childhood dream?
96. Can I bribe you to join my "team?"
97. Would that bribe include all your minions, or just you?
98. Do you think Booky would mind?
99. Do you think he's even reading this?
100. Or are we just blowing something out of proportion?
101. What is your opinion of old blind dogs?
102. Are you aware that is a band?
103. When did Djaq become an LT?
104. Do you try to divide things evenly between The Modding Sisters?
105. Or do you care?
106. Do you know what EVUL means?
107. I'm having the hardest time figuring out a craft for my class tomorrow. What would you do as a craft for The Ten Commandments?
108. Is that craft fitting for Pre-K children?
109. What is your opinion on Nerf Balls?
110. What is your opinion of naming animals after characters?
111. Will you please write my papers for Monday and Tuesday?
112. What is your opinion of my job?
113. Do you remember what my job is?
114. How much coffee do you think I drink while working?
115. Longest workday ever for you?
116. Have you ever listened to Paul Cardall?
117. When you see "Djaq" do you think Dah-Jjjack" or "Jaque?"
118. Are you a procrastinator?
119. Favorite type of doughnut?
120. Do you ever think of Jelly Doughnuts as deep fried bugs that, when you bite into them, their guts spill out the other end?
121. Have I now ruined jelly doughnuts for you?
122. Am I weird?
123. Did you answer that honestly?
124. Did you answer THAT honestly?
135. How can I trust you?
136. What did you wear to your Senior Prom?
137. Prom or anti-prom?
138. Have you ever stalked someone?
139. Has anyone ever stalked you?
140. What is the girliest movie you have ever watched?
141. Were you forced to watch it, or did you do it willingly?
142. Would you do it again?
143. What movie best illustrates you?
144. How many times have you read War and Peace?
145. Or do you just carry it around so people are impressed?
146. Did you ever want to be president?
147. Did you ever want to grow up and be Santa?
148. What was your farthest-out-there wish as a child?
149. Silver or Gold?
150. Or platinum?
151. If you like Robinson Crusoe, what is your opinion of Swiss Family Robinson?
152. Geekings Earthlinks or Greetings Earthlings?
153. Garfield or Hobbes?
154. Calvin and Hobbes or The Far Side?
155. Or Peanuts?
156. Favorite Peanuts character?
157. Least favorite Peanuts character?
158. Clue or Risk?
159. Headache or backache?
160. Boggle or Scrabble?
161. All time favorite game?
162. All time most hated game?
163. What is your opinion on the New Alice in Wonderland movie?
164. Should they make a sequel, set in China?
165. What is your opinion on Say Yes to the Dress?
166. Are we all a little...odd to like it?
167. Do you know what the Obelisk of Slumber is?
168. When are you going to start playing mousehunt?
169. OR are you going to be a rebel and not join the rest of us?
170. How old do you want to live to?
171. Why?
172. Pirates vs. Zombies--who wins?
173. Are you looking forward to Pirates of the Caribbean: Pirates vs. Zombies?
174. Do you feel that this is simply a rehash of the first three films?
175. How many films do you think they can squeeze out of POTC?
176. Do you ever confuse POTC with POTO?
177. Who is the alpha dog in your house--you, or the dog?
178. Do you have allergies?
179. Most used over-the-counter medicine?
180. Do you think I'm asking all these questions to be annoying?
181. Or am I just too nosy?
182. Favorite brand of tissues?
183. If you had to dye your hair an unnatural color, what would you choose?
184. Would you dye all of it, or just put in highlights?
185. Do you know what I mean by highlights?
186. Will you cut your hair extremely close so you don't have to have it cut for a very long time?
187. Do you have your hair cut at home, by a chain store, or by a local business?
188. What is 818 the area code to?
189. Is the Dumpling Chef Mouse not the cutest thing ever?
190. Would you let him stay in your kitchen if he made really good dumplings?
191. Or would you kick him out?
192. How's your accent?
193. Favorite insect?
194. Favorite reptile?
195. Favorite brain cell?
196. Hem. Sorry, just checking to make sure you're still paying attention. Were you?
197. What member do you write back-and-forth with the most on the forum?
198. Will you tell the Stealth Donut story again?
199. Do you ever feel like this:
200. What is most likely to make you look that way?
Avatar thanks to AITB
1020. If I told you that for a while I had only seen the last 10 minutes or so of the Incredibles, what would your reaction be? That's like reading the last chapter of the book before even attempting to start it. Still, I think if you watch it you'll likely enjoy it.
I've seen the whole thing now. I wouldn't have chosen just to see the last few minutes of a movie, but when one babysits one must watch whatever the kids happen to be watching. It is a very good movie.
I had a really good question to ask but I forgot what it was.
Oh well, here's a question that at least hasn't been answered yet.
What is your dog's name?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Hey Shadowlander, enjoying all of the questions?
Do you like cheesecake?
If, so what kind?
Do you like milkshakes?
What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
Do you like fried chicken?
Do you like scrambled eggs or fried eggs?
How do you like your grilled steak?
What is your favorite berry?
What was the first Tom Clancy book you read?
Which of the Jack Ryan movies is your favorite?
Since I already know you like Band of Brothers(the miniseries), do you like the book?
What is your favorite episode of the miniseries?
Do you own any firearms?
What is your favorite battle of WWII?
What is your favorite book about WWII?
What is your favorite movie about WWII?
Have you ever watched Hogan’s Heroes?
Have you ever watched The Great Race?
Have you ever watched The Thin Man movies?
Have you ever watched The Bourne Trilogy?
Have you seen the new True Grit (2010)?
Do you like western movies?
Do you play Medal of Honor: Frontline?
Do you play Call of Duty(1 & 2)?
What was your rank in the Air Force?
Why did you join the Air Force?
How did you survive New Jersey?
If, you could do anything to New Jersey, what would it be?
Would you like to visit Alaska someday?
How is it you’ve never been to Missouri?
What is your favorite kind of plane?
Why do you have a Mod Army instead of a Mod Air Force?
What is your rank in the Mod Army?
Why do you like basketball?
I've fallen insanely behind in the questions-asked department. And I won't be able to ask a lot now, either. Here's what I've got:
Can we have another crazy on-the-job story please?
Do you wish you could sleep at normal hours, or do you like being nocturnal?
Flannel sheets or regular?
Does listening to music help you fall asleep or not?
Do you like classical music?
A vacation in Alaska or Hawaii?
You say Italian is your favorite food ethnicity. Very good! Now, what is your favorite Italian dish?
Favorite Italian dessert?
Have you eaten tiramisu? If so, what did you think? (if not, do find some to try!)
Do you ever buy your wife flowers?
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
*is determined to not stand back up again until all remaining questions are answered*
Welcome back eustacegirl!
1090. How old are you? I'm 38, an old fogey by NWeb standards.
1091. Peanut butter and jelly- toasted or not toasted? Toasted, by all means. In fact most sammiches taste better toasted, especially tuna salad.
1092. Do you have any kids? Nope
1092. What is your opinion on people in their 20s? Depending upon where they are in their 20's they've likely gotten past their teenaged "I know it all, and I'm indestructable" phase, but are still prone to making poor decisions from time to time. See? I just described my 20's to you.
1093. What is your opinion on teens? *sings some Whitney Houston* I believe the children are our fuuutuuuure". *puts a sock in his mouth* Sorry about that Teens are ok, as long as they don't do anything they're not supposed to be doing per the law.
1094. What type of clothes do you like? If left to my own devices I'd probably dress in t-shirts and jeans almost everywhere. As it is my workplace demands I wear at least some quasi-formal attire, so I usually have a polo shirt and khakis. I love to get dressed up in long sleeve button up shirts and ties too.
Wolfloversk returns, bearing gifts in the form of questions! Mwahahaha!
1095. what time is it? Saturday, 1/29/11 and 10:15pm, EST
1096. could you explain this whole points thing again? Well, I award Cool Points for every 100 questions asked, so whoever happens to be asking a question at what I call the "Century Marks", ie; 100, 200, 300, etc., is awarded 10 Cool Points. If I see that a particularly good question has been asked, or someone has gone above and beyond the call of questioning for this MotW thread I will award 5 Cool Points on the spot, if I deem it deserving of it. You'll see how this works in a few questions.
1097. when's the last time you read a book? I've been reading Prince Caspian to my wife a few times a week before she goes to sleep. Unfortunately she's usually close to being lights out by the time I really get going, which means that one night I might read as few as 5-6 pages before I have to stop, where others I might read up to 30 pages. Does that count?
1098. when's the last time you read a book by C.S. Lewis? See above
1099. what book was it? See two above.
1100. which order do you prefer to read the CoN in? Oh, Publication Order is the only way to read CoN. They only sell in the Chronological order anymore, but I do have an uncommon American copy from the 70's that not only has them in the proper order but also has Fenris Ulf as the Witch's Chief of the Secret Police, rather than that imposter Maugrim. It was a gift from my sister Liz and I'm never getting rid of them.
DING! DING! DING! New Cool Points score update!!!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Wolfloversk - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 30 pts.
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
We're on the home stretch! Who will win the right to change my "This Space for Rent" logo for a whole month? Keep watching to find out!
1101. which order did you read them in first? Publication
1102. which order do you think I read them in first? That would depend heavily upon your age. Most new readers only know the Chronological order...you strike me as one who might be in their 20's, so I'm guessing Chronological. I could be wrong though.
1103. what smiley do you use the most? This one:
1104. what smilie do you use the least? Mostly because I don't know who the person is referencing.
1105. have you ever been ice skating? Yes, which is why I propose they call it "butt skating" instead, because I spent most of my time on my caboose rather than on the skates.
1106. have you ever been rollerkating? Yup, and enjoyed it a great deal.
1107. MN or LWW? LWW
1108. MN or HHB? HHB
1109. MN or PC? MN
1110. MN or VDT? VDT
1111. MN or SC? *bites lip in contemplation* Tough one...I'm going to go with Silver Chair though, here.
1112. MN or LB? LB
DING! DING! DING! Question #1112 officially marks where I have surpassed the previous record held by Lady Arwen for most questions asked during a single Mod of the Week event! As an official reward I am granting 5 Cool Points to Wolfloversk for giving me the little nudge needed to get to this point!
Wolfloversk - 45 pts.
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator 30 pts.
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Almost there!
1113. LWW or HHB? HHB
1114. LWW or PC? LWW
1115. LWW or VDT? VDT
1116. LWW or SC? LWW
1117. LWW or LB? LB
1118. HHB or PC? HHB
1119. HHB or VDT? HHB
1120. HHB or SC? HHB
1121. HHB or LB? HHB by a nose
1122. PC or VDT? VDT
1123. PC or SC? SC
1124. PC or LB? LB
1125. VDT or SC? VDT
1126. VDT or LB? LB
1127. SC or LB? LB
1128. have I repeated any questions yet? Everyone has
1129. why haven't you read Perelandra or That Hideous Strength yet? A good question...I enjoyed Out of the Silent Planet, and I have all 3 in a boxed set (they're all paperbacks). I promise you that they're all on my future reading list though.
1130. snow or rain? When I don't have to work at all, snow. When I do, or if there's a chance I have to work, then rain.
1131. snow or sleet? Snow!
1132. rain or hail? Rain. Who likes hail?
1133. hot desert or frozen desert? Frozen desert...it's easier to warm up than it is to cool off.
1134. which of those questions was a trick question? The desert question? At first I thought you were asking me a food related question, but I noticed it wasn't spelled "dessert".
1135. am I allowed to edit more in? If your heart desires, then yes.
1136. do you realize nn "miscounted" on one of his posts? It is entirely possible
1137. what's your dogs name? This depends upon who you ask. If you were to ask my wife that name she would say that the dog's name is "Cyrah". Some fancy pants fantasy name she came up with from her EverQuest days. If you ask me then I say the dog's name is "Spazzoid McPoopster". I think mine's better.
1138. have you ever owned a cat? A long time ago when I was in my teens I did
1139. have you ever owned a husky? I haven't, but my wife's dog that passed away shortly before we got married was a Husky mix. Great dog and very pretty breed.
1140. have you ever seen a husky? Many times
1141. have you ever seen a wolf? Not in person. I've seen taxidermy mockups of them in various museums....the Timberwolf was enormous.
1142. have you ever been to another world? ( ) Everytime I read a new book or play a new game.
1143. if you had the chance, would you attend a LionCon event? Indeed, I think I would.
1144. how many questions have you answered so far? Well, this one is 1,144. Quite an achievement!
1145. when's the last time you went shopping? Thursday morning after work, but just for a couple of items.
1146. what did you buy? Gum, lens wipes, and a pair of sodas; one for me and one for my wife.
1147. did you read through all of the questions before you answered them? I read through some, but not all. The shopping question caught me off guard for a moment.
1148. did you see my edit? I did not...you did a seamless job. *bows*
Ah-ha! Rose Tree Dryad is back for more Tarheel antics, I see.
1149. How long have you been a Duke fan? 1985 was my first year as a fan.
1150. How did this terrible thing happen to you? Ha!
We moved to NC from NY in 1982 and we noticed right away that the locals here had two passions in the sports world. One was NASCAR and the other was college basketball. Almost all of them loved the Tarheels. In truth one day I figured I should go ahead and pick one ACC team to call my own and be done with it, so I picked Duke, namely because all the kids at school were kind of mean to me and they were largely Tarheels, plus I didn't like the baby blue color, so I skipped that. Didn't like red so NC State was out. Wake's mascot was just some angry looking guy, and Clemson was some stupid paw mark, so I skipped them too. That left UVA, Georgia Tech, and Duke. UVA and Georgia Tech were both out of state schools, and besides which I didn't care for their colors. But Duke's icon jumped out at me, a nice shade of blue, a grinning devil profile. But even then it didn't take until 1986 and I started playing basketball in 8th grade. I developed a real love for the game, far more interesting to me than any other I'd come across before or since, and that happened to be Coach K's first magic year, the year he went to the National Championship but lost by just a few points to Louisville (I've never forgiven Denny Crum for this). Johnny Dawkins was and is still my favorite Duke player of all time
. I also noticed post game that when interviewing Tarheel players (and a number of other schools) they sounded like lugheads, but when they interviewed Duke players it was like I was listening to a doctorate graduate speaking. Not only could they play some mean ball but they were geniuses...the perfect fusion of the two. Most important of all I noticed that all my tormentors would get irate about Duke and just whine about them incessantly, so 1986 marked the beginning of what I call the "Whining Phase", which runs on until this day.
Not to say you're a whiner personally, but good grief...if I hear one more Tarheel fan accuse Coach K of having paid the Refs off...*sigh*
A bit overlong as answers go, but there it is, the 100% unpolished, unvarnished truth of why I'm a Duke fan and how I came to be one.
1151. When you're watching a game at home, are you one of the screaming and ranting kinds, or do you watch quietly? Oh no, ma'am...I'm a screamer.
1152. Do you know how to spell Coach K's name without looking it up? I have a lot of trouble with it, which is why I (and millions of others) just call him Coach K.
1153. If you were placed in charge of organizing the Duke students', er, "creative" antics for the big game at Cameron Stadium, what would you have them do? There is nothing I could come up with that couldn't be outthought by that crew! They're nuts! One of my biggest dreams is to watch a Duke game while sitting in the student section, but unless I ever got into Duke I could never do that. And even if I did it'd just be for four years total and then I'd be off to the overflow area.
Heya De_De!!!
1154. Is Tolstoy the only Russian writer you read? Nope, I've read some Dostoevsky as well.
1155. Did you ever read Leskov's works? Negative
1156. Have you heard of Rolland and Heidi Baker? Negative
1157. Do you know that today is Mozart's birthday? I did not! In honor of this I will play some Mozart while I type.
1158. Do you know how old he is turning ? In his 400's somewhere if I'm calculating right. Funny to think this would be considered "middle aged" by folks living back during the Book of Genesis.
Imagine Mozart still alive (or Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, or countless others) and pumping out symphonies...it'd be wonderful...
1159. Did you watch the movie 16 Blocks? I'm not familiar with that one
1160. If you had a choice to wear a black coat that had a button missing or a pink coat that had all the buttons, what would you choose? I'd wear the black coat if it was missing all of it's buttons.
1161. Do you like art? If we're referring to portraits and paintings, then yes, provided it's not too weird and wacky.
1162. Do you like to take long walks in nature? When I can, which admittedly is not as often as I'd like to
1163. Did you watch the movie Arn? I'm not familiar with it...is that a Russian film?
1164. Did you ever watch Soviet cartoons? Nope, can't say I ever did
1165. What is your favorite Disney cartoon? Fantasia, the original one.
1166. Do you have any favorite bandsartists? The Police are #1. I also love Lynyrd Skynard, Rush, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, The Who, Pink Floyd, and a host of others, especially from the Classic Rock era.
1167. Do you believe in fairies? No, but perhaps if I saw one I might
1168. Do you think you will get to 1000 questions? <---- I already passed it
De-De, I do apologize, but I did have to remove one of your questions for its breaching an NWeb rule, specially pertaining to politics or very controversial subjects. I am sorry about that, but feel free to ask any other questions you want...well, before tomorrow at least.
Liberty Hoffman is back, and this time she means business!
1169. what's your favorite book? War & Peace
1170. who's your favorite author? Favorite author is a bit more tricky...*thinks* There's so many....I could say "R.A. Salvatore" or "Michael Stackpole" but everyone would say "Who is that?" ...Clancy is among my favorites, as is Crichton. Tolstoy is way up there...but if I have to pick only one I'll go with Clancy. At least his earlier stuff.
1171. what's your favorite color? Blue
1172. what's your favorite snack food? Chips and salsa! Best snack food on Earth! Woot!
1173. who is the character on your avatar? Vault Boy, of course.
This is so much fun! Thanks for answering all these questions.
You are very welcome! But why stick your tongue out at me? Hmmmm???
1174. What do you prefer: Cellphone or landline? Landline...a cell is like an electronic leash.
1175. Sun or moon? Sun
1176. What is your favorite element: water, wind, earth, or fire? Wind
1177. Have you ever fractured a bone? Nope, have had the good fortune to never break a bone before
1178. Singing or dancing? Both, although I think I like dancing better.
1179. What was your favorite T.V. show as a kid? Battlestar Galactica!!!
1180. Socks or gloves? Um...well, I suppose one could put socks on their hands to serve as impromptu gloves if needed, so I guess I'll go with socks.
1181. Do you like hot chocolate? Yup
1182. Do you like steak? How do you like your steak cooked? Medium Rare...lots of red on the inside, but not overwhelming.
1183. Spring or summer? Spring, by a country mile
1184. Fall or winter? Fall
narnianerd returns in "Dial N for Narnianerd"
1185. Are you ignoring my questions on purpose Nope, I am literally overwhelmed with questions...just this batch has taken me two hours (to this point) and I'm already winded but determined to go on
1186. If so, why? See above
1187. Don't you like me? I like you fine, sir, just I only get so much time a day to devote to this and it's at saturation point as it is
1188. Don't you know I asked 105 questions a few posts ago? Doesn't that mean I get cool points Yup, you're on the boards with 15 at the moment. Well done!
1189. What is your favorite NWeb username (other then yourself) I always liked Destined-To-Reign's username, although I just usually call her DTR.
1190. Which is better Old or New NWeb? I like them both about the same.
1191. Who is your historic role model (Mine is Ronald Reagan) I have two myself....Reagan is definitely one of them. The other is Hannibal, who with a small force, a pile of guts, and serious tactical genius brought the greatest empire in the world to its knees for almost two decades. Or as I put it in an Amazon review on a book about it, "Hannibal Barca's exploits in the Punic Wars and his long string of victories against overwhelming odds have permanently cemented him as the ultimate statement of the underdog taking it to the neighborhood bully.".
1192. Toby Keith or Toby Mac? Easy Mac
1193. Would you go exploring Narnia with Frodo and Lady Courage and De_De in Obi-Wan's spaceship? I suppose...do you have a window seat available? How many bags am I allowed to bring on?
1194. Lol or Lo0l? Um...lol? The latter sounds like l337-speak to me.
Eustacegirl has returned!!!
1195. And what, may I as is a questionable question? A questionable question would be one in which one got a question in answer.
1196. What is the question? To be or not to be. That is the question.
1197. Have you seen Inception? I have, just two weekends ago
1198. Did you like it? I did, although there were some confusing parts in it. I think I'll like it even more on repeat viewings...a number of others have stated that the movie grows better that way. The Matrix was like that too.
1199. Do you excersise? Yes, especially now that I'm on a diet. Aerobics on a DVD.
1200. For how long? About 30 minutes a day...I'm trying to up it to 45 minutes but if I do too much I'll just end up hurting myself (especially at my advanced old age of 38 ).
DING! DING! DING! Eustacegirl gets on the board by answering question #1200!
Wolfloversk - 45 pts.
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 30 pts.
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Eustacegirl - 10 pts. (welcome aboard!!!)
1201. Do you have kids? Nope
1202. Do they have cool points? If I had them they'd be heavily laden with Cool Points. They would be related to me after all.
1203. Do you feel fly like G6? Isn't a G6 a car? Reminds me of the Weird Al Yankovich song, "Pretty fly for a Rabbi".
1204. What Christian rock bands do you like? I don't listen to any Back in my teens I did rather take a liking to Amy Grant's music and still have her CD someplace. El Shaddai was my favorite.
* chews her nails and watches the number of questions asked *
Narnian-at-heart enters the fray once more!
1205. What is your favorite state other than the one you live in? I've always wanted to live in Wyoming actually. Every picture I've seen of it and every film I've seen it in has cemented my belief that it is truly one of the most beautiful and serene states in the Union.
1206. Favorite country other than the one you live in? Israel
1207. Favorite town/city other than the one you live in? I fell in love with the rustic beachiness (if that's even a word...hopefully wisewoman doesn't come in and correct me ) of Buxton, NC in the Outer Banks in my state. I'd love to live there. Cape Hatteras is there too.
1208. Digital camera or film? Digital, although I must submit that film does have a certain charm about it that is undeniable.
1209. Would you rather eat a bug or eat a worm? Oh man...I guess...a worm? Maybe if you fried it good and dumped 5 gallons of ketchup on it you wouldn't notice it as much. Bugs have too many moving parts and organs for me to stomach.
1210. What is your opinion on sushi? One of the things which elevates us above the animal kingdom is our ability to cook meat. It puzzles me why someone wouldn't.
1211. Would you rather be rear-ended by someone or rear-end someone? Be rear-ended. That way their insurance pays for my repairs, per state statute. Always thinking ahead is Shadowlander.
1212. Do you like swimming? Yes, although it has been an awfully long time since I last did it.
1213. What's your favorite quote? "Enemy-occupied territory--that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage." - CS Lewis - Mere Christianity
1214. Second favorite quote? "My center is giving way, my right is retreating, the situation is excellent. I attack!" - Marshall Foch at the Battle of the Marne, 1914
1215. Third favorite quote? "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and to fill him with a terrible resolve". Admiral Yamamoto (according to legend) after the attack on Pearl Harbor
1216. Fourth favorite quote? "Are you aware that I am just taking up space while trying to think of a new question?" - narnian_at_heart.
1217. Are you aware that I am just taking up space while trying to think of a new question? I definitely got that idea
1218. How long until your thread closes? Sunday afternoon I believe, and then Kate is up.
1219. What happens if no one gets 50 Cool Points? With close to 1300 questions asked at this point that would be a travesty. But I have a feeling we'll have a winner by morning.
Ithilwen the Interrogator returns with a fury (200 questions!! Lord help me! :)) )
1120. Are you blue? It is a little cold in the room right now, but I don't think I have hypothermia.
1121. Are you red? No, more of a peachy and pallid complexion.
1122. Are you green? Nope, no ingestion of green food dyes either. You'll not be talking me into that again.
1123. Do you want to be? No...it makes people think I have fungus.
1124. Is being called yellow an insult? I consider it one
1125. Have you ever seen Back to the Future? Many, many times!
1126. If you have, do you see what I've done there? "No one, and I mean no one calls me a chicken!"
1127. Do you write in notebooks or on the computer? I write on clay tablets with a stylus, then I hard bake the tablets until they are turned into stone, from whence I post them on people's doorsteps. "Dear sir or madam, I have written this tablet for you. How are you? I am fine. Well, just wanted to say hi! Signed SL"
1128. Have you ever written a novel? I've started several but they all die a death in the delete folder after the first chapter or two. My last one was about a girl who asked too many questions....*plays eerie music*
1129. How shall I compare thee to a Cool Point? There is no comparison. There is just Cool Points.
1130. Should I count the ways? *hands Ithilwen the Interrogator a notepad and pencil*
1131. Did you know that you should have taken up golf? I'm told I have the physique for it.
1132. Were you spoiled as a child? My sisters claim I was. But I think they're nuts.
1133. Is water ever scary? Sometimes
1134. What would make it scary? Mayonnaise. Mayonnaise makes everything scary.
1135. Did you know I'm trying to break a record here? You are well on your way!
1136. What record do you think I'm trying to break? Well, seeing as how I skipped ahead and looked, I know at this point in your questions you're going for most questions asked.
1137. If you met me in real life, what would you say to me when you found out I was the Interrogator? I would stand in awe of you and your ability to drive a man to an early grave with nonstop questions!
1138. Should Interrogator be capitilized? Of course, it's a Title, and Titles are always capitalized.
1139. Do I have a nice smile? You have an Interrogator's smile...
1140. Have you ever visited Uncle Tom's Cabin? Not unless it's near Taco Bell
1141. Have you ever read The Shack? Nope
1142. Why or why not? I've heard others make some not so flattering comments about it, namely about some faulty theology contained within. But you'd have to go to Doc Ransom for more details, he was the one whose advice I heeded on that one.
1143. What do you think of it? Why a Shack? Why not a Tent?
1144. Is "why or why not" one question or two? Technically it's two, but since you used them both in one question I'm only counting it as one.
1145. Google or Bing? Google
1146. Do you GIMP? I'm guessing I haven't.
1147. What is a Walton? They're mountain folk. They're a bit more civilized than one would think, too.
1148. What about John Boy is most like Frodo? I did not realize that they had anything in common...do share! I have a hard time getting past John Boy's enormous mole...
1149. In what way is Pippin like a blender? He's destructive, but not intentionally so. He just messes things up that are thrown at him.
1150. In what way is Pippin like a chainsaw? He's focused in his destructive capabilities, especially if it involves mushrooms.
1151. In what way is Pippin like a dolphin? Well, he's a Took, so that would mean he is able to swim? That is very uncommon among hobbits, or so I've been told.
1152. In what way is Pippin like a pebble? He's small, but like any comic destructive force even a pebble is able to start an avalanche.
1153. Aren't you glad this isn't a question about Pippin? Yes
1154. In what way is Pippin unlike Merry? He's an inch taller, courtesy of Treebeard's magic water.
1155. In what way is Pippin unlike a couch? He doesn't have a hide-a-bed under his tunic.
1156. Does Pippin have more in common with a hairbrush or a tissue? A hairbrush, but only when it's not got 500 pounds of someone's hair stuck in the bristles. By then one should just throw it away already and get a new one.
1157. In what way is Pippin like a tissue? In no way!
1158. Are you aware that your creative cleverness is what makes people ask you odd questions -- because they want to hear your creative answers to them? And you are the reigning Queen of Odd Questions. I salute you! Wait a minute, did you plan this?
1159. In what way is Pippin like this -- ? Well, he does wear a lot of bling, now that you mention it...I mean, if I went out wearing a leafy brooch people would pound me into submission. I mean it's just like a billboard "Please beat me...oh and compliment me on my leafy brooch before clubbing me to death with a wet noodle". Ahh....different times they were back in old Middle Earth. A manly man could walk about wearing his Elvish leafy brooch without fear of beatdowns.
1160. Am I still allowed on NarniaWeb after this? That depends on your next question...
1161. If whoever wins 50 cool points put "I love Jane Austen" as the text in your Space to Rent, what would you do? I would sob the tears of a man who has lost all, his sense of dignity, his manly-manliness, his Schwarzeneggar DVD collection...Why, you got some sort of plans there? *hides*
1162. Am I getting some kind of ideas from the last question? I can give you tons of super cool ideas, but I have a feeling you'll be doing that Austen thing. And then you'll see a man cry. And then there will be frolicking and scones and tea and proper Victorian language for everyone.
1163. Should we be worried? Why not? I sure am!
1164. Someone else has already won 50 cool points before you got a chance to answer this, huh? Nope, front runner Wolfloversk has 45 pts...I'm glad you're still at 30 right now!
1165. If not, should I celebrate? Not so fast, Grasshopper
1166. Is there such a word as "yawny"? Yes, and it describes my wife's reaction to my boardgame collection.
1167. How many books by Lewis have you read? 9 or so at last count
1168. What did Maisie know? I don't know...but now that you have my interest, who is Maisie and what did she know???
1169. Who is Andrew McPheerson? The inventor of Pop Tarts?
1170. Are you best mates with him? Only when he brings those frosted Strawberry flavored ones over.
1171. Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "Code" do? It's use is an arcane secret unknown to any but a single man who lives on the highest mountain peak in Nepal and is known only by the name of "Mr. Bojangles".
1172. Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "List" do? This one is known by another sagely person, an ancient crone of a woman, limbs atrophied by rheumatic arthritis, who resides deep within a forgotten Incan temple located high in the Andes Mountains, and who is known by very few as "Eunice".
1173. Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "List=" do? Ancient Egyptians covered their walls with hieroglyphs, and one of them was the fabled "List=". It is thought that the sun god Ra would bestow great blessings upon any who would unravel this cosmic mystery. So far no man can lay claim to the great prize....*dramatic music*
1174. Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "

1175. I wonder how much those buttons get used by members? We're all terrified of those buttons and the possible sinister purpose they may have...what evil they may manifest as a result! But in fact, no one knows for sure *continues dramatic music*
1176. What special meaning does the number 60 have? It is the number after 59 and the number before 61. Also it is a whole number.
1177. What special meaning does the number 61 have? It's a prime number?
1178. Guess how many questions I've asked you so far? No man can say but Mr. Bojangles in his temple home atop the tallest peak in Nepal. But he's eating fried chicken right now, so please leave a message at the sound of the tone and he'll get back to you at his earliest convenience. Thanks and have a nice day! *beeeeeeeeep*
1179. Should the previous statement end with a question mark? Technically for it to be considered a question, then yes...
1180. Are the woods romantic or scary or normal or something else? They're made of wood, I'm told.
1181. May I have this dance? Only if you promise not to step on my shoes.
1182. Do you know how to do the Jitterbug? No, though I'm told that it basically just looks like someone is doing synchronized shivering on the dancefloor
1183. Have you ever heard of the Ice Cream freeze? No...I've heard of Ice Cream Headaches before...is this related?
1194. Did you know that isn't something that you need to fear? Phew! I didn't know for sure...it could be some ice cream monster that comes at me in the middle of the night made of some gross flavor like Rum Raisin so I can't fight back! *sighs a deep breath of relief*
1195. Why am I still doing this? Because you're trying to break a record here! C'mon, you can do it!
1196. Does that answer my question? Does what answer...wait...what was the question again?
1197. Do you ever miss Mobile Texting? No...it's like playing with an NES controller except it's not fun.
1198. What should be done about the volcano? Oh, sorry Just a little indigestion there, no volcano.
1199. Does the last question count as a political question? Only if liquid hot mag-ma (pronounced like Dr. Evil) can vote, which I don't think it can do because it's technically not sentient. My shoe on the other hand...
1200 Will I be banned or only reprimanded? Worse...you will be given into the custody of a lumbering tall proto-sasquatch named Jimbo who will take you on a picnic in Serbia. Bring an umbrella!
DING! DING! DING! New points update!!!!
Wolfloversk - 45 pts.
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 40 pts. *starts sweating*
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Eustacegirl - 10 pts.
1201. Did you know that I'm silly? In a million years, not if Lady Arwen told me herself would I have ever guessed this.
1202. Are you silly? So my friends have told me
1203. Do you want me to order a pizza? Absolutely! You can pay for one with Cool Points.
1204. What toppings should it have? Pepperoni, jalapeno, and extra cheese. Oh, and get me a small Coke too, please.
1205. Is Canadian bacon really bacon? So I'm told...but only the mysterious Johobbit knows for sure....
1206. Is there such a thing as American bacon? Yup, and his name is Kevin.
1207. If American bacon is called "regular" bacon, and Canadian bacon is called "Canadian" bacon, is that prejudice? Only against the pig...to himself he's just Bacon.
1208. 😮 ?
1209. Why? Why not?
1210. Who? Not me!
1211. What? *thinks hard of watermelons*
1212. When? Noon tomorrow! Don't be late and remember to bring your jackhammer!
1213. How? Chuck Norris, in the Conservatory, with a Roundhouse Kick. I won again! *puts Clue away* What game next?
1214. Hmm? Penny for your thoughts
1215. Do I need a hearing aid? *static* wha--s it..? I coul--- ear yo---
1216. Should I hold my tongue? You could, but that won't help your hearing. And you definitely won't be able to eat your pizza.
1217. Should I hold the anchovies? If you'd like. But at some point you're going to have to put them down.
1218. Have you ever drank Ice on the rocks? Who hasn't? It's the hottest new drink in town!
1219. Is there such a thing as a real 555 number? There must be, it's in all the movies
1220. Do you know why I'm asking that? Because it's a thoroughly existential question
1221. Do I wear glasses? Only when you're driving.
1222. Do you wear glasses? Indeed I do!
1223. If you do/did, would you drink out of them? *rimshot* ok, you got me.
1224. Is that a stupid pun? Yup
1225. Are all puns stupid? Nope...you still holding those anchovies?
1226. Can you make a pun on the word pun? I might be able to, but that one would break my brain too, just like reciting the alphabet backwards did.
1227. Where does the word pun come from? It comes from the root Ithilwenese meaning 'To crack jokes on the Mod of the Week".
1228. Does it scare you to think that we are only half done with these questions? *looks at the Cool Points scoreboard and nods*
1229. Did Tolkien write a book called The Lost road, or am I inside my head? No, you're getting that confused with The Lost Marbles...*rimshot*
1230. Are you standing there beside myself? No....um...actually I'm sitting. Bu thanks for asking!
1231. Have you ever seen the movie Short Circuit? "Johnny 5 is alive!"
1232. If so, do you see what I've done there? Put those anchovies down...they're affecting your questions!
1233. What is your favorite quote by a wise person? "I am awesome" - SL
1234. What is your favorite quote by a dumb person? "I am awesome" - SL
1235. Am I a wise person? No...you strike me as more of a Frito Lay person
1236. Am I a dumb person? huh?
1237. Am I ? "No! No! I'll say whatever you want me to say, just please don't take my farm away! It's all I've go-hooo-hooot *dramatical yet hammy sobbing*
1238. What does a person have to do to be ? Consume a lot of mercury and then electrocute their earlobes.
1239. What would you never sell on e-bay? I would never sell my hat. I love my hat.
1240. Did you know that I am happy you are not trying to be a Beetle? Me too. Wait, bug or Volkswagen?
1241. If you're not trying to be a Beetle, would you consider being a Beatle? Fahrvergnoger...no...Fahrvergonger...hmmm
1242. You totally knew I was going to ask that, huh? Fahrvergnügen! That's it! WOOT! And to answer your question, I'm about 75% sure I would say...."I don't know".
1243. Does 's mouth look like a ~ ? I don't know...let's ask him. Hey tilde mouth! Yeah you! Does your mouth look like a tilde? *muffled sounds* "Huh? What??" *LOUDER muffled sounds* Ok, he says that it's the result of bad plastic surgery.
1244. Why is a raven like a raven desk? They're soooo Raven!
1245. Would you write on a raven desk? No! I would totally rather watch "Thats Sooooooo RAven!"
1246. Did Edgar Allen Poe write on a Raven desk or a Writing desk? I heard he wrote it on a Subway napkin after finishing a Spicy Italian with extra black olives. Why? What did you hear?
1247. Does that mean anything particularly significant? Yes...it means I'm not hungry for Subway. Thanks a lot!
1248. Are you going to gloat over Lady A? At every opportunity. To not do so would be something of a missed opportunity, would it not?
1249. Is that very polite? No, but that's never stopped me before.
1250. What should I do with my shoellace? Well, you could start by removing that extra L you have in there *points*
1251. Does ing give a person a warm, healthy complexion? My dermatologist says it's less harmful to the skin than a handlebar mustache.
1252. Why is Flash off and everything else is on? Because you didn't put batteries in it?
1253. Have you ever seen someone say lo0l? yes! Strangely enough narnianerd was asking me about that earlier *points up*. Weird coincidence!
1254. What did it look like? I don't know, but it looked like trouble, so I avoided it.
1255. Berries? Yes, thank you.
1256. Do you like berries? Absolutely I do, especially strawberries!
1257. Why not? Wait...did you just see me say I loved them?
1258. Am I presuming too much? As always, yes.
1259. Did you ever Upload Attachment? Nope, can't say that I have.
1260. What is the Upload you are most Attached to? When I sent forth into the air a glimmering hot air balloon, adorned with gold and silver and a giant placard upon its side which is engraved with wonderful text stating "Eat at Joes"
1261. Should I do my homework now? I don't know, but this should definitely count as a term paper!
1262. What if I don't have any? Then you are one lucky mama-jama
1263. What if I've already graduated? Well, just to test that theory out we'll try a simple test. Spell for me the word....chauvinist. *clocks Ithilwen the Interrogator*
1264. Is the letter Z a chauvenist? I'll give you a hint...no
1265. Did I spell that right? Nope...you were saying about graduation?
1266. Why can't ever seem to get all the sweat off of his head? *in booming infomercial voice* Because he's not holding the all new and improved...Sham-WOW! With Sham-WOW you can not only wipe off floors, countertops, and cars...but also your forehead! And if you order now you will receive the free Sham-Wow-headband! Joggers and people sweating in front of 200 question MotW interrogations will love it! But wait, there's mooooore!"
1267. Is talking about sweat permissable on NW? As far as I know, yes
1268. If it wasn't, should that smilie be banned? Only if he was sweating over politics.
1269. What's up with all these ducks? Yeah, I know! They're eeeeeverywhereeee!
1270. Are we going to break the Orange Millenia? Yes, and I'm starting by drinking lots of Tang! *blatant product promotion in progress* Tang! was drank by astronauts and is loaded with Vitamin C and has a wonderful orangey taste! I love it, and the orange mustache it leaves on my upper lip!"
1271. Are the ducks conspiring against us? Yes...there is no doubt in my mind. *hears tapping outside of every window*
1272. What does Topic Review do? It reviews topics! Silly question...Next!
1273. Is it useful? Yes...if you want to review topics...Otherwise it's useless.
1274. Should it be thrown off the edge of our world? Yes! Into the nether regions of time and space let us send it...sailing into oblivion! But first let's review it.
1275. Are Girl Scouts a blessing? Only during cookie season.
1276. So what are those cookies REALLY made of? Enriched flour, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, cane sugar, and yellow dye #5.
1277. Do I want to know? Not if you're on a diet.
1278. If not, why did I ask? Because it is the most existential of all questions...which came first? The Girl Scout or the awesome Thin Mint Cookie?
1279. Are you laughing right now? I am getting some good belly laughs in, yes.
1280. Are you angry right now? Nope, but I'm a bit worried...looking at the question number and then the Cool Points scoreboard...
1281. Should I hide? Negative
1282. What does one keep inside a green flamooza? Flamoozleoids?
1283. Did you know a flamooza is a kind of drawer? I had no idea!
1284. Am I telling the truth? I hope so...but I still think you should put down those anchovies.
1285. Am I a liar? I would never say that to your face! I would wait until you had walked away.
1286. What are you thinking right now? that if this continues on much longer I'm going to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome and I'll have to be spoon fed lime Jell-O by a large nurse named Gertrude until use of my arms and hands is restored.
1287. Do you think I already know what your thinking right now? Wait...is your name Gertrude??
1288. Do I think I know what you're thinking right now? I think I do, but if I thought that it would be a sign I hadn't thought at all, and then everyone would think that I didn't think it out in the first place.
1289. What would you think if I thought you were thinking that I thought I knew what you were thinking right now? Well, thoughtfully speaking if I tend to think of what you're thinking it might be thought that your thoughtful thoughts make me think of thoughts that would be better left to others to think about.
1290. Why does my capitization button stick so much? It's those anchovies! I'm telling you!
1291. Do I need to stop eating juice over my keyboard? It's not juice! It's anchovie slime! Stop slinging it around like that! *shields his eyes*
1292. Should I drink it instead? *shouts in slow motion* NooooOOOOOOOOO!
1293. Tell me, where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him? You're a day late and dollar short, Missy. He got passenger tickets for the SS OfftoElfvilleHeaven somewhere west of here, beyond those whitish towers there.
1294. Do you know what Po-tat-toes are?
1295. Have you ever boiled them, mashed them, or stuck them in a stew? Of course. This one time we were on a field trip to Mordor, and we stopped for lunch when our slimy looking guide (he kind of looks like an anchovie, actually) went off to get our boxed lunches...well, it's a long story, I'm sure you're not interested...
1296. How do you think that would make them feel? Depressed. There's nothing sadder than a depressed potato.
1297. Can I make my left ear vanish before your eye? What, are you Van Gogh all of the sudden?
1298. Why did I say "eye" instead of "eyes"? Because...you're not a pirate and you have both of them?
1299. What will happen at 4PM tomorrow? The bells will peal for the sound of SL's victory will be at hand, for that is the time that he hands the reigns of MotW over to poor, unsuspecting Kate. Mwahahaha!
1300. What does it mean when people say "Gah!"? It is the expression I make when I realize that this is question #1300...and that means the scoreboard must be updated...and that means....
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!!!!!
Ithilwen the Interrogator scores 10 pts. bringing her total up to 50! This means that she wins the competition to change my "This Space for Rent" text to that of her choice for one month!
The final tally!
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 50 pts
Wolfloversk - 45 pts.
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Eustacegirl - 10 pts.
Please congratulate the winner! (and please say a prayer for me...I have no clue what she's going to put up under my avatar for a month. )
1301. What does it mean when people say "Ack!"? It is the sound people make when they realize that they may just have to put some Jane Austen fanboy thing under their avatar for a month.
1302. What does it mean when people say "Aww"? That's the sound the other contestants are all making.
1303. Why? Because they didn't win, goofball.
1304. Have you ever seen a Youtube video called "The Fragrance of Narnia" Negative...does Polo market it?
1305. If not, are you going to look it up on Youtube? Possibly...any words of advice?
1306. How old were you when you were saved? Wow...that was a switch of topics . I was 13.
1307. How did it happen? I felt God talking to me and then the earnest need to let Him on in.
1308. Does this guy ever get tired? -- Yes...and tomorrow he has to fly to Tokyo, and his arms are sure gonna get tired.
1309. Do you wish you had his unwavering strength? Of course...but remember he has no food intake and is just a digital creation meant to convey a sense of emotion or an action, which means...well, yes.
1310. What should be done with and
? Ban him to the nether regions of time and space, along with Topic Review
1311. When do you want me to say Oceans Away? Huh?
1312. Did you invent bookmarks? Why yes! How thoughtful of you to get it right!
1313. How did you come up with the idea? Well, it all started when I was reading and my wife yelled at me for laying the books on my nightstand binding side up. So I figured I should stick something in there that would hold my place. I tried chewed gum first, but that didn't work. Then a sock. And then I finally settled on a thin piece of posterboard.
1314. Should I give you a bunch of money? All you can spare. My non-existent kids are starving!
1315. Is Neopets really still running? Yup
1316. Did you know I was on that site back in 2002? Well, if you have ownership of a green frog looking thing (nimmo? I don't know the names) named Frederick_the_Wise, please release him from the pound so my wife can get him back.
1317. Did you know that NW rocks? Yes...and I am the power behind that rock. I am the Monster of NWeb Rock *pulls out his guitar* "OOOOOoooOOOoooh Narnia! You gotta websiiiiite! I tried to answer a buncha questions, but then you locked up the siiiiiite! Oh whaaAAAAaaat am I gonna doooooo?! With a Jane Austen tag I'm a-thinkin' my rep is throooooough".
1318. What does Neopets do? From looking over my wife's shoulder a few times I think it's some kind of fashion website. Most of the time she just dresses them and stuff.
1319. What is the best color for a book cover? Burgundy
1320. Is teal a good color? For a swimming pool, yes. For a book cover, no.
1321. Why does everyone want to be either a rockstar or a vampire? Because they're both pale, vapid, and suck something out of their audience/victims.
1322. Is MTV to blame? Not for the music. I mean when's the last time they had any music on their channel?
1323. What is to blame? I blame the school lunches
1324. Should I just be myself? Yes. So speaketh Mr. Bojangles.
1325. What I let the real me shine through? Did you swallow a flashlight? That's why Flash is off.
1326. What if the real me is a jerk? then you should swallow this flashlight, and let it shine out.
1327. Do you wear wigs? Nope
1328. Have you worn wigs? Nope
1329. Will you wear wigs? For men, they're called toupee's. Aaand, no.
1330. When will you wear wigs? I'll put on the wig, just put those anchovies down!
1331. Does The Great Divorce sound like a court drama? Indeed, yes it does! "The Great Divorce...Judge Judy presiding".
1332. How often do you ? Everytime I log answers into this list.
1333. Would you say this is a good sign or a bad sign? I don't know, but if I'm not done answering all these questions by dawn my wife will kill me, and that will be a bad thing.
1334. Why does the Chrome logo look like some evil thing from the Incredibles? Really? I kind of thought it looked like a psychotic version of Simon...
1335. Do you like Youtube? Indeed I do
1336. Do you have a Twitter? Negative
1337. Why do they call it Twitter? I don't know...who comes up with this stuff?
1338. Do you like birds? When they're not pooping on my vehicle, yes
1339. Did you know I have birds? I mean when they do that and you switch on your windshield wipers it always looks like it's going to get it off, but instead leaves this icky white smudge trail.
1340. Do I seem like a bird person? And then the only way to remove it is to simply take out a washcloth and wipe it down with soapy water. I mean, who do those birds think they are, anwyays? But I digress...what were you saying?
1341. Does ing make a person dizzy? I just tried and can confirm that it does.
1342. What makes a man? Bone, muscle matter, and a penchant for sports and monster trucks.
1343. What breaks a man? Any sufficiently hardened material with enough potential energy to kinetically impact the man hard enough to break bones. Technically speaking, of course.
1344. Does the same go for women? No, their weakness if chocolate mousse
1345. What about children? Actually they do most of the breaking of things
1346. If there is a Mothers Day and Fathers Day, what about Kid's Day? A question still unanswered from when I was 7. If you ever find out please don't hesitate to let me know!
1347. Are you aware that I have asked over 200 questions and hold the record again? Yes, and you're still holding those anchovies!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I know I'm posting back to back, but I got 350 more questions or so that I'll be answering until sunup, so I'm sure the rest of the mods will be willing to overlook this, just this one time.
And now wolfloversk returns to the den...get it? *rimshot* somebody stop me!
Um I got it....I think.
Well, wolves live in dens, right? At least I think they do...my Cub Scouts leader was called a Den Mother, so I kind of made an assumption.
Good. That makes me happy, you get 50 happy wolf points!
Out of curiousity what is the exchange rate from Happy Wolf Points to Cool Points, and vice versa? Or should I start a savings account?
975. what's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
Because it's the first day that I'm totally off from work. I could count Fridays, but I do work those until around 7:00am, so I can hardly consider it a full off day.
How many questions will be asked altogether?
*sighs exhaustedly* I'm not sure...I'm guessing around 1500, but it might be more than that. LA alone has 300 questions for me that I have to answer before my wife wakes up.
1348. Most hilarious question asked thus far? When SnowAngel asked me why I didn't have a Mod Air Force in lieu of a Mod Army, but that one is up and coming.
1349. Strangest question asked thus far? Someone asked me how I'd off someone, in so many words.
1350. Will I be able to beat Ithilwen, Djaq, and Flambeau Nope, I'm afraid not. Ithilwen the Interrogator beat everyone to it. What a come from behind victory that was! She was 20 points behind and pulled it off with a massive 200 question post. You were sooooo close Wolf, I half expected you were going to really pull it off.
1351. Why do you like chainsaws?! (They scare me!) I don't know that I like chainsaws so much as that very tart smell that's created when they're sawing up wood. That oily woody smell...it stinks and yet I love the smell of it. Why is that?
1352. Have you ever participated in a roleplay? Yes....sorta. I did a few roleplaying games when I was a dorm nerd in the Air Force. I even ran some Star Wars RPG for a while, but I was never very good at it. If you're talking about the RP on NWeb, then no I haven't.
1353. Do you know the story behind "lo0l?" I am so very afraid to ask. I imagine it is pronounced, "Lowell".
1354. what's the best invention of all times? The airplane
1355. what's the worst invention of all times? The cotton gin. I've read in a place or two that the south was slowly phasing slavery out but that the cotton gin actually ramped slavery usage back up again. Without the cotton gin it's unlikely there would have been a Civil War in the first place. Other than that, for what it is, it does work on cotton marvelously.
1356. have you ever seen an airship? I've seen a blimp before from a distance...an airship is more like a zeppelin though, and those I have not seen.
1357. why aren't there any airships around anymore? I don't know...I think they'd have been a lot of fun to travel in.
1358. what's the one thing you wish the next generation could have seen or experienced, but will never be able to? snail mail
1359. what's the one thing you wish you could have seen or experienced, but will never be able to? the Moon landings
1360. what will the world be like next century? If my guess is right, most of the world will likely be in bedlam, but if we're not I'd love it if we had a Moon colony and perhaps even one on Mars. Perhaps even get some probes off to explore our closest interstellar neighbors. And I'm sure that the more technology makes people's lives easier the more they'll find life difficult, as technology oftentimes does if you don't treat it with respect.
1361. can we learn too much? Never
1362. ask a random question. Why am I asking a random question?
1363. answer the random question. Because Wolfy asked me to.
1364. how do you think the jackalope myth was started? If you've ever seen a Texas jackrabbit you'll understand they're already legends in their own right I imagine it built on from there.
1365. define lagomorph. (yes, you can look it up, if you must ) Rabbits
1366. least favorite math problem? y = mx + b (slope intercept)...who actually used that formula in their life? Why did the teacher spend so much time on it?
1367. what's 5 squared, times 2, plus 600, minus 25, divided by 125? (perform the operations in the order I gave them to you, not by using PEMDAS) You get what you start with
1368. Do you know what PEMDAS stands for? I'm not sure of the PE, but MDAS I take to mean Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Am I right? Huh? Huhhhh?!
1369. what's your favorite timezone? EST, where I live
1370. Space or the Deep Ocean? Space
1371. True or False: There are foodchains that do not rely on photosynthesis, or photosynthesising organisms to get nutrients?. False. I imagine that when it all boils down to it everything eventually consumes some form of plant life, ultimately. Herbivores eat the plants, carnivores eat the herbivores, etc. The circle of life.
1372. why does it say Re:Q at the top of my page? A good question!...Star Trek fan?
1373. who switched it? I'm not sure...
1374. or
I'm going to go with
1375. is this smilie, scary Scary? No...weird and a little creepy? Yes.
1376. how many typos did I make in this post? Don't think I've seen any yet
1377. will I ever learn to type properly? "A question concerned viewers wanted a direct answer to. Gallup released a poll indicating that 57% of respondents stated that Wolfloversk likely would not be able to type properly, while 38% said she would, with 5% indicating they weren't sure who she was. News at 11".
1378. college hockey or college football? I don't watch either, but if I had to pick I'd go with the hockey
1379. who's your favorite college hockey team? The Wolfloversk University "Happy Yet Typo-induced Wolves". Instead of scoring baskets they score Happy Wolf Points.
1380. how long will it take you to catch up? I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to...this is daunting stuff! I started at 9:30-10pm last night, took a 1 hour break, came back and it feels like I haven't made a scratch in this thing yet!
1390. what question should I ask you next? Ask me how I feel about the possibility of sending mankind to the moon again.
1391. what question should I never ask you? when I'll finally be able to get some sleep
1392. am I right in recalling that normal members used to be able to delete their own posts? To be honest I'm not really sure...I've never deleted one of my posts, only edited it...
1393. if you don't know would you ask Tirian, please Aw, he doesn't bite...you can ask him.
Or if I see him first I can ask.
1394. New York City or the Adirondacks State Park? I haven't been to Adirondacks State Park...I have been to the Catskills in early Fall and it was absolutely gorgeous. So I'm going with Adirondacks here.
1395. Have you ever been to NYC? Yes, when I was around 5-6 or so, my Paternal Figurehead took me to the Bronx Zoo. It's the only time I was ever in the city.
1396. Have you ever been to the Adirondacks? Nope
1397. Manhattan or Mannahatta? Manhattan I guess...I'm not familiar with the second one. But I know Manhattan will have good pizza and that's always and easy sell with me
De_De returns from whence she came!
1398. or
1399. How many times did you watch Titanic? I've seen it perhaps...4 times, roundabouts
1400. Did you cry the first time you saw it? Only when I saw Kate Winslet spitting. She was doing it all wrong!
1401. Disney or Dreamworks? Dreamworks
1402. New Line Cinema or 20th Centery Fox? No real preference, truth be told.
Team Flam-Jaq return from their two page hiatus! Where have you ladies been????
1403. Have you ever listened to Owl City? No, been sticking with Pigeon City most of my life. Lots of cooing songs.
1404. Ever heard of a band called 'Harvest'? (they were a Christian band that was a hit back in the 70s or 80s, I think. My parents like them.) Not familiar with them, no...
1405. Have you ever wanted to be able to play a stringed instrument (guitar, violin, etc.)? Piano, but if I couldn't have that then Cello.
1406. Do you know what a loop pedal is? Negative
1407. Do you know what a mandolin is? Yup, it's this weird little guitar thing that makes this high twangy noise. I call em' Chinese Banjos.
1408. Have you ever visited our photobucket? Nope
1409. Have you ever worn a turban? On occasion when I'm finished showering I'll put my hair up in a turban and walk around the house to make my wife laugh.
1410. Do you know CPR? I used to...I think I could figure it out if it came down to it and an emergency was happening. Neck back, airway open, two breaths in, 5 pumps on the chest, rinse/repeat.
1411. Do you have any quirky habits (biting your fingernails, etc.)? I bounce my leg a lot. I don't even realize when I'm doing it until my wife says something along the lines of, "You're shaking the house down!". Fortunately we have no priceless Ming vases to fall down.
1412. Are you shocked by the number of questions you have received? I'm absolutely stunned...and I owe it all due to the impromptu addition of the Cool Point gimmick.
1413. How many times have you been asked that question? I think you two are the first ones to ask it, actually
1414. Can you spell supercalafragalisticexpialidocious off the top of your head (I totally botched the spelling there, so don't go by me. )? If one threatened to tickle me until my feet swelled up to the size of watermelons, then I could probably do it.
1415. Are you intrigued by the word 'intriguing'? Yes...intriguing, is it not?
1416. Do you have a favorite kind of flower? yes
1417. If so, what is it? Honeysuckle
1418. ¿sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐɔ Yes..if I stand on my head, but then my face is in my seat and I'm probably having difficulty seeing the screen. *ponders* on the other hand I could turn the monitor upside down, but that'd be too easy.
1419. How did we do that? Changed the laws of physics, is my guess. Of course you could have typed in some whacky code, but again that would be too easy of an explanation
1420. Do you believe Narnia really exists? Yes, I kinda do. I will occasionally hope I find it when I open up my bedroom closet door, but thus far I haven't seen anything except that my clothes really need to be ironed.
1421. Favorite book in the Old Testament? Genesis
1422. Favorite book in the New Testament? Luke
1423. If given the choice, would you rather pet a dolphin or a dog? Dog
1424. Favorite sea creature? Manta Rays...I think they're graceful and beautiful
1425. Great white shark or hammerhead shark? Hammerhead...I've eaten one of those, you know.
1426. Do you like cream soda? Yup
1427. Why is the sky blue? Contrary to what RoseTreeDryad might tell you it's not because God is a Tarheel fan . I'm not sure why it is...I think it has to do with particles in the atmosphere absorbing certain colors of the incoming light from the sun and leaving mostly blue, but I could be wrong.
1428. Favorite western film? Tombstone. "I'm your huckleberry".
1429. Do you sing? Yes, but only in mockery
1430. Have you ever seen Rigoletto? Yes...it's between the Vermicelli, Fettucini, and Marinara sauce at the store.
1431. Have you ever seen Coyote County Loser? Negative
1432. Do you have a favorite coffee mug? Yup, just got it for Christmas too.
1433. What is up with our fascination with raccoons? Well, they're cute looking, have bandit masks, and this latter fits perfectly with their penchant for knocking over trash cans and stealing food out of it. Then again they're supposed to be quite vicious if cornered...
1434. Have you ever seen The Importance of Being Earnest? Negative
1435. Do you like muffins? Yup!
1436. Do you have a favorite kind of muffins? Yup, Banana Nut is #1, while Blueberry is a somewhat distant 2nd.
1437. Do you like bagels? Yup
1438. What time is it? 6:27am
1439. Do you have a southern accent? No..in fact most folks assume that I do when they learn that I've lived in NC since I was 8 or 9 years old. But I never developed one. I can switch to a flimsy southern accent on demand, however.
1440. Will you do a celebratory dance if you beat Wren's record? I will do the Happy Dance of Eternal Flabbergastery, which looks like a kind of cross between The Robot and the Electric Slide. Plus it has lots of Jazz Hands involved.
1441. Will you film it, if you do? Sorry, no camcorder
1442. If not, will you describe it for us? See above
1443. Are you somewhat nervous about who wins the cool points battle and what they choose to put in the rental space? Yes...one might say I'm a bit terrified at this point.
1444. If I told you to "take it", what would you do? I would put it in a safety deposit box and swallow the key
1445. Have you ever laughed so hard that you spit your drink out? Indeed I have
1446. Have you ever laughed so hard that you've had your drink come out your nose? (it's quite painful, btw.) Not quite that hard, no.
1447. Is the Flamvee indestructible? For purposes of story continuity, yes. Although at some point there will need to be a Flamvee Mk. II with numerous improvements.
1448. Provided that you break the current record, do you think it likely that one of the other mods will break your record in the near future? If they do I truly feel for their sanity
1449. Have you seen Secretariat? I haven't, but my wife has and she loved it
1450. Have you heard any music by Celtic Woman? Nope
1451. Have you ever heard of David Klinkenberg? Didn't he invent Q-tips?
1452. Have you ever had a Peanut Butter Bar? (It's like a Reese's, but homemade!) I've had something very much like it and thought it was one of the most rocking things I've ever eaten. Why, you sending me some?
1453. Does someone automatically receive 50 points if they ask you the 1112th question? Nope, I awarded them 5 Cool Points, but they didn't win in the end.
1454. Are you hungry? Nope, actually I'm quite full!
1455. Would you like a cookie? Absolutely, yes.
1456. What's the weather like down there right now? It's cold out, but this afternoon it's supposed to reach 60 degrees...that's pretty uncommon for late January. Me and the wife want to go bike riding, however I may still be here answering questions
1457. Do you use a GPS? When we're on long road trips, or when I'm out garage saling and don't know where the sales are at I'll bring it along. The rest of the time it stays in our food pantry/cloak room.
*rubs his temples and yawns*
Lady Arwen arrives as promised to exact her own brand of retribution.
1458. Have you ever lived somewhere where woodchucks are natives? Not to my knowledge, no
1459. What State were you born in? New York
1460. Were you born in a barn? No, but my mom would ask me that a lot when I was growing up. Who knew open doors were so offensive?
1461. Were you raised in a barn? Nope, but my wife asks me this quite often.
1462. Did your mother ever ask you either of the above questions? Yup
1463. Has your wife? Yup
1464. How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got board? To answer this question would be to unravel the strings which hold the physical universe together. I must, within my power, prevent that from happening, and thus I must refrain from answering this question.
1465. What's the name of the little thingy that hangs at the back of the mouth? I think it's called a uvula, but I always just called it the body's punching bag.
1466. How many years were you an airman? A little bit over 7 years
1467. Did you go to the Academy? Nope, that's for officers. I worked for a living *rimshot*
1468. Have you ever watched police squad? Goodness, who in their right mind hasn't????
1469. What is your favorite scene in Spaceballs? When Michael Winslow is doing all those sound effects with the radar
1470. Does she look Druish? No, but she surely acts like it
1471. Why or why not? Why ask why? She's Druish.
1472. The little guys that dink all the time--what song are they dinking when they find Lone Star and his companions? It sounds like the same tune that the British POW's are whistling from the movie Bridge on the River Kwai, which itself is some tune whose name I'm not famliar with.
1473. Whose toe does Yogurt step on? Barf!
1474. Where did Yogurt find his ring? In a Cracker Jacks box
1475. Do you remember the brand of air the president breathed? Perri-Air
1476. Have you watched Men in Tights? A long time ago
1477. Do you like the rap intro and outro? I rather did, actually
1478. Have you ever read any books from the Tintin series? Negative
1479. Did you know that your avatar reminds me of Tintin? Ask W4J, he's huge into Tintin, so he'd be the ultimate authority on it.
1480. Did you know they are making a Tintin movie? I heard something to that effect, yes
1481. Do you care? Since I've not read any of the original comic books and am largely unfamiliar with the plot lines, not particularly
1482. Team Edward or Jacob? Neither
1483. Or James? Team Van Helsing. I see a whole lot of critters that need staking.
1484. Or do you even care? Not really
1485. Team Booky or Lady A? I'm Commanding Officer of SL's Mod Army, my allegiance is to them
1486. What is your dream vehicle? A fully functional 3 masted schooner
1487. Would you get on a motorcycle even though it is a "death trap" and a "widow maker"? I would have to be extremely desperate to do so, truth be told. If the situation warranted it I might, but unless there's an enormous emergency chances are near nil.
1488. Have you ever heard those terms before? Not for motorcycles, no
1489. What are rounded pistons? I'm not sure...pistons are already round by default, aren't they?
1490. Why do some cars have glass over the engine? *thinks* maybe something like a Lamborghini, but I've never seen a regular car have that feature..
1491. What is the ugliest thing someone can do to a car for custom modeling? Spray paint it with off the shelf Testor's paint.
1492. What is your opinion of chrome accents on cars? I tend to think the more chrome the better, but it requires careful aesthetic placement. Too much makes it look kind of chintzy.
1493. Does it look better on a black car or a white car? Red or blue actually, but for purposes of this question black.
1494. What was your first car? a 1979 red Pinto station wagon with an 8-track player. I kid you not.
1495. Did you buy it, or did you parents? My parents lent it to me
1496. You once said you tried to talk your wife into having her bridesmaids wear dresses reminiscent of jerseys, complete with numbers. What numbers? Well, they could pick the numbers of their bridesjerseys, but I wanted em' Duke blue.
1497. Whose names correspond to those numbers? See above
1498. Did your wife at least make a grand slam with the bouquet? Nope. I wanted a hoop over the altar, but everyone said "noooooo". Bunch of killjoys.
1499. Who would win at basketball--you or your wife? We're both without any kind of athletic ability...I haven't picked up a basketball in several years, but she's as tall as I am. I think it'd be a pretty close match but I have no idea who would win.
1500. A man wants to make sure there are TVs at his and his fiancées wedding reception, so he can watch the game if his team gets into playoffs. Is that rude? It kind of is. He can just tivo that....well, I guess if it's the playoffs there might be an excuse. But even then he knew the playoffs were coming and could have scheduled around it.
1501. Is it proper? lol not particularly
1502. Would it be better to just have the DJ announce the score throughout the evening? That is one plausible solution, yes
1503. Can we see a picture from your wedding? Ask and you shall receive.
1504. Plain salsa or salsa with cream cheese? Plain salsa...cream cheese is for bagels
1505. Salsa or foxtrot? I've never tried either
1506. Or are you equally clumsy at both? I imagine that would be the case, yes
1507. What is your wife's favorite flower? Lavendar
1508. What is your favorite flower? Honeysuckle
1509. Chinese food or Japanese? Chinese. General Tso's Chunky Chicken for the win!
1510. Deep fried or grilled? Everything, and I mean everything tastes better when it's been grilled.
1511. Would you rather have only meat for a week or only veggies? Meat
1512. Why? It tastes better, it's more satisfying, it keeps you full for longer, and is generally more pleasing to the palate.
1513. Speaking of veggies, what is your opinion on VeggieTales? I've heard of it but I've never seen it
1514. Do you like VeggieTales? Since I've never seen it you can guess the answer here
1515. Best character in VeggieTales? See above
1516. Worst character? And see above that
1517. Adam Boy Charles David Edward Frank George Henry Ida...am I being unorthodox? No, those all seem like fairly conventional and traditional names
1518. Will you go to a mod moot this year? I'd really love to, but it's doubtful at this time
1519. Have you ever listened to Unorthodox Celts? Negative
1520. Have you ever listened to Blackmore's Night? Negative
1521. What do you think of them? No official opinion...they Irish music groups I'm assuming?
1522. Are you aware that Richie Blackmore was one of the founders of Deep Purple? I thought his name sounded familiar...
1523. Are you at all familiar with Deep Purple? Creators of one of the single greatest, most recognizable guitar riffs in history????
1524. Do you even care? Absolutely I do, I love Smoke on the Water
1525. Have you ever been to a state fair? Yup, although ironically not the State Fair for my own state. Weird, huh?
1526. Do you prefer sevens or eights? sevens
1527. What sport do you hate the most? Probably soccer, and I don't say that lightly.
1528. What would you think if I told you I live in a huge soccer ball with two other people? I'd ask if you get kicked around a lot...get it? *rimshot* Ah me, I'm tired
1529. What do you think of vuvuzelas? Not really sure what they are
1530. Does this alter your opinion at all? Which video should I be clicking on here?
1531. Would you laugh if I told you me keyboard kept changing from an English keyboard to a French one while I was typing? That is rather amusing...what happens if it goes to Spanish?
1532. Would you believe me? I could be convinced
1533. Is this not one of the saddest music videos you've ever seen? As before it goes to a list of seemingly unrelated videos ranging from video games to Vanessa Hudgens...
1534. Are white lies okay if they avoid a lot of trouble for everyone? Sometimes they are necessary to keep the peace, I'll admit. I use them extensively as a supervisor.
1535. What would you call your own personal spaceship? SS Essess
1536. If I snuck on and changed your username to Stealth Donut, and informed you of it, would you take the time to change it back? I wouldn't know how to, so you'd really have me in something of a bind
1537. How many shadows have you landed lately? Just my own. For some reason it won't stop following me...
1538. Are you on Facebook? Yup
1539. How many mods are you friends with? *does some mental arithmatic* I think somewhere in the realm of 7...
1540. How many mods would you never friend unless they ask you? Not sure
1541. Do you ever just leave friend requests sitting, because you don't want them on your Facebook, but you also don't particularly want to offend that person? Or have them offend me. Yes
1542. Or am I the only person who does that? Nope, not the only one!
1543. Frog legs or escargot? Frog legs...they taste like chicken
1544. Or scorpion lollipops? Nope, no bugs
1545. Or just plain chocolate dipped insects? No insects period.
1546. Do you like the statefarm ads? I like the Geico ones better
1547. Cheese from a can or sliced? Sliced!
1548. What is your opinion on cheese made from rice milk? I would be very apprehensive eating it as rice isn't exactly milky, at least not Uncle Ben's
1549. Where should Bugs Bunny have turned left? Albuequerqe...dang, never can spell that town
1550. Are you familiar with the evil overlord list? I'm afraid I'm not
1551. Is maniacal laughter stress relieving? Yes, which is why God invented it.
1552. If our society quit operating on a base of ten, would you prefer using sevens, nines or twelves as a replacement? None...straight barter. Let's hope that doesn't happen
1553. Have you ever considered smacking someone with a coconut? More times than I can count
1554. Have you ever watched Wackiest Ship in the Army? Negative
1555. How about Operation Petticoat? I vaguely recall that one...that the one with the pink submarine?
1556. Or The Great Race? Not familiar with that one either
1557. What is your opinion on Jack Lemmon? A great, great actor. Paired with Walter Matthau he was genius and comedy gold.
Welcome Back DJAQ! *plays the Welcome Back Kotter them song*
Hi! Just me this time.
Awww...where's flam??? Glad to see you though, LT! *snaps a salute*
1558. What is your dog's name? She is known by many names My wife calls her "Cyrah". I call her "Spazzoid McPoopster". Then we called her "Cyrah Bean" or "Poopster Bean", or a lot of times just plain "Poopster", and sometimes "Bean".
1559. What kind of dog is she? (I know you just told me on the mod chat, but I'll ask here anyway ) Rat terrier
1560. How old is she? *thinks* around 3 years I believe...we got her in the last of her puppy stage, so we're not 100% sure how old she is
1561. Can she do any tricks? If you're holding food she'll sit, and sometimes lay down on command. Other than that she refuses to learn anything else
1562. Could you post a picture of her? Ask and you shall receive.
This is the only photo I have readily available right now
1563. What is it about video games that makes you like them? I don't know that I could ever really answer that question in a single sentence or two. I just love em', and have ever since I was a little kid and played Pong for the first time.
1564. Do you ever wish that you could somehow transport yourself to where you were in the video game instead of simply playing it? Yes, although a lot of the best video games I regularly get killed on, so that would be quite risky!
1565. What, in your opinion, is the ultimate video game? I can't think of any specific title to answer the question . Different video games are going to appeal to different types of people. And there's a gazillion different games to choose from!
1566. Does your wife enjoy playing video games? She does, although she only has two or three types of games she likes to play.
1567. What is your favorite video game? (I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question ) *really thinks* That is such a tough question...*exhales and thinks* If I was on a desert island and had only one game to bring with me...I'm going to have to go with Civlization IV, followed by Star Control II and and maybe Orange Box.
1568. What is your favorite thing to do with any free time you might have? Sleep.
1569. Do you think you will ever write a book about our Mod Army? Well, we've got a comic book series, a TV show, and possibly a movie....why not have a book???
1570. What is your favorite part about the Mod Army? Why my troops of course
That's all for now...I have to catch a short nap, but I'll do my diligent best to get on later and answer more questions! This is work!!!!!!!!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
1134. which of those questions was a trick question? The desert question? At first I thought you were asking me a food related question, but I noticed it wasn't spelled "dessert".
Actually the correct answer is question 1102... which brings us to question 1102...
1102. which order do you think I read them in first? That would depend heavily upon your age. Most new readers only know the Chronological order...you strike me as one who might be in their 20's, so I'm guessing Chronological. I could be wrong though.
Incorrect (although you were close with the age, I'm 18 and a half.) I first read them severely out of order, either order. I read LWW first in elementary school, but I could only remember the basic plot by the time I learned there were other books in 2004 and 2005, when I was thrirteen. I ordered the other 6 from the library and read them in what ever order they came in. After that I reread LWW. So it would have been something like, LWW, PC, HHB, MN, SC, VDT, LB. (At least I read LB last ) Right now I'm rereading them in both orders...to see which one I like better. (*Is very good at reading series out of order*)
I know I'm posting back to back, but I got 350 more questions or so that I'll be answering until sunup, so I'm sure the rest of the mods will be willing to overlook this, just this one time.
And now wolfloversk returns to the den...get it? *rimshot* somebody stop me!
Um I got it....I think.
Well, wolves live in dens, right? At least I think they do...my Cub Scouts leader was called a Den Mother, so I kind of made an assumption.
Ahh good, then I wasn't that far off.
Out of curiousity what is the exchange rate from Happy Wolf Points to Cool Points, and vice versa? Or should I start a savings account?
Um that's a good question, just watch that you don't get negative happy wolf points!!!
1350. Will I be able to beat Ithilwen, Djaq, and Flambeau Nope, I'm afraid not. Ithilwen the Interrogator beat everyone to it. What a come from behind victory that was! She was 20 points behind and pulled it off with a massive 200 question post. You were sooooo close Wolf, I half expected you were going to really pull it off.
I got second Woot!!! I was sure Flam and Djaq would win And that EJ would be in second. Way to go EJ!!!
1353. Do you know the story behind "lo0l?" I am so very afraid to ask. I imagine it is pronounced, "Lowell".
Ah no worries, it's nothing bad. *wonders if she should let nn explain this, but decides to go ahead since the thread will close soon.* It's basically a NW variation of lol. If you were in the chat room you'd see it more. But it all started with one of my infamous typos. I acidentally hit the zero when typing lol, then corrected it. nn responded in saying something along the lines of "lo0l works too" and since then we've both been using it on and off. Mostly I use it when responding to really funny stuff.
1364. how do you think the jackalope myth was started? If you've ever seen a Texas jackrabbit you'll understand they're already legends in their own right
I imagine it built on from there.
Maybe. There's also a theory that it's based on some disease which causes growths. *is to lazy to get link* plus the pictures are kindof scrary. It can be easily found with some internet research however.
1368. Do you know what PEMDAS stands for? I'm not sure of the PE, but MDAS I take to mean Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Am I right? Huh? Huhhhh?!
I believe it's Parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. It's to help us remember order of operations. One of my teachers subbed in Grouping for Parentheses, making it GEMDAS, which I like better
1369. what's your favorite timezone? EST, where I live
3 Happy wolf points!!!
1371. True or False: There are foodchains that do not rely on photosynthesis, or photosynthesising organisms to get nutrients?. False. I imagine that when it all boils down to it everything eventually consumes some form of plant life, ultimately. Herbivores eat the plants, carnivores eat the herbivores, etc. The circle of life.
Incorrect, at least I'm pretty sure it is, in the deep ocean chemosynthesis replaces photosythesis as the means of getting energy since no sunlight penetrates the oceans that deep. Organisms derive there energy from chemicals such as, I believe, methane (I could be wrong about which chemicals).
1377. will I ever learn to type properly? "A question concerned viewers wanted a direct answer to. Gallup released a poll indicating that 57% of respondents stated that Wolfloversk likely would not be able to type properly, while 38% said she would, with 5% indicating they weren't sure who she was. News at 11".
*Imagines her RA bursting into her room, wondering if she's alright because she's laughing so hard*
I shall only ask one more to let you catch up
- How do you feel about the possibility of sending mankind to the moon again?
I just realized did I ever explain what my sig means? You were getting there in saying that I'm implying that they have things in common, but those things aren't related to the plot (though Narnian dinosaurs would be awsome ) Rather, I'm saying that the situations the movies series are in are extremely similar. For example, Between PC and VDT there was a change in directors from Adamson, to Apted- Same thing happened between TLW and JP3 (except from Steven Speilberg to Joe Johnston). Secondly, we don't know yet if either SC or JP4 will be made- SC is currently hanging on the Box Office, and JP4 was delayed multiple times, and has gone through countless script rewrites. And although I don't really count this, it's interesting to note that if JP had continued the 4 year between streak JP4 would have been released in 2005- The same year LWW was released (it was later to be expected to be released in 2008 as well
) And of course there's me who has no idea if her two favorite movie series in the world will be continued...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I know I'm posting back to back, but I got 350 more questions or so that I'll be answering until sunup, so I'm sure the rest of the mods will be willing to overlook this, just this one time.
* puts a User Note and a Warning on SL's profile *
Good. That makes me happy, you get 50 happy wolf points!
Out of curiousity what is the exchange rate from Happy Wolf Points to Cool Points, and vice versa? Or should I start a savings account?
And what is the conversion rate to Castle Brownie Points?
How many questions will be asked altogether?
*sighs exhaustedly* I'm not sure...I'm guessing around 1500, but it might be more than that. LA alone has 300 questions for me that I have to answer before my wife wakes up.
And of which there would be more, if you didn't keep telling me not to post them!!! I've been thinking up questions all week, and they want answers!
Lady Arwen arrives as promised to exact her own brand of retribution.
retribution, is it? Didn't quite think of it that way, but now that you mention it...
1459. What State were you born in? New York
Ooo, where? And do you prefer Syracuse or Schenectady?
1462. Did your mother ever ask you either of the above questions? Yup
1463. Has your wife? Yup
1469. What is your favorite scene in Spaceballs? When Michael Winslow is doing all those sound effects with the radar
Haha!!! I'd forgotten about that one!!!! Jammed!!! And Raspberry, too!!!
1483. Or James? Team Van Helsing. I see a whole lot of critters that need staking.
1485. Team Booky or Lady A? I'm Commanding Officer of SL's Mod Army, my allegiance is to them
If you HAD to choose?
1486. What is your dream vehicle? A fully functional 3 masted schooner
You really, really, REALLY should watch Wackiest Ship In The Army. It even has Jack Lemmon in it.
1487. Would you get on a motorcycle even though it is a "death trap" and a "widow maker"? I would have to be extremely desperate to do so, truth be told. If the situation warranted it I might, but unless there's an enormous emergency chances are near nil.
lol, and I really want one, the only reason I haven't gotten one is because my poor mother would probably die of a heart attack once she found out I had one.
1489. What are rounded pistons? I'm not sure...pistons are already round by default, aren't they?
I thought you were a car aficionado!!
1500. A man wants to make sure there are TVs at his and his fiancées wedding reception, so he can watch the game if his team gets into playoffs. Is that rude? It kind of is. He can just tivo that....well, I guess if it's the playoffs there might be an excuse. But even then he knew the playoffs were coming and could have scheduled around it.
That really happened to a couple. She said absolutely not.
1523. Are you at all familiar with Deep Purple? Creators of one of the single greatest, most recognizable guitar riffs in history????
*youtube link *
And your link doesn't work, either.
1529. What do you think of vuvuzelas? Not really sure what they are
1530. Does this alter your opinion at all? Which video should I be clicking on here?![]()
I guess because I took the link from my phone, it went bad. Does this one work?
1531. Would you laugh if I told you me keyboard kept changing from an English keyboard to a French one while I was typing? That is rather amusing...what happens if it goes to Spanish?
I would really freak out if it went to Spanish--there is nothing Spanish on my phone!
1533. Is this not one of the saddest music videos you've ever seen? As before it goes to a list of seemingly unrelated videos ranging from video games to Vanessa Hudgens...
Does this one work?
1536. If I snuck on and changed your username to Stealth Donut, and informed you of it, would you take the time to change it back? I wouldn't know how to, so you'd really have me in something of a bind
So....how mad would you get if someone did that?
1548. What is your opinion on cheese made from rice milk? I would be very apprehensive eating it as rice isn't exactly milky, at least not Uncle Ben's
So I guess you've never drunk rice milk?
1555. How about Operation Petticoat? I vaguely recall that one...that the one with the pink submarine?
Yep yep.
1556. Or The Great Race? Not familiar with that one either
Jack Lemmon is Prof. Fate in this.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Shadowlander, haha, you turned that chauvinist question around on me!
Wow, so I won? Cool! I never thought I would catch up. So... do I decide what your text should say now? Or do I wait until the end?
1459. What State were you born in? New York
Oh I missed that one! that's 100 Happy Wolf Points for being born in the same state as me
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I hate being in a rush like this, but I have only a short time left before my tenure as MotW passes, so I have to go double time on answering questions. Not really my style, but it's necessity now .
Lady Arwen with even more questions!
1571. Which vowel is your favorite? E
1572. What day is your anniversary on? August 12th
1573. What grocery chain do you work for? I probably shouldn't say, suffice it to say that it's East coast and you've probably not heard of it
1574. Should I now boycott that company?
1575. Or should I transfer all of my business to it? Yes. That means I get more pay.
1576. Do you realize that the answers to the three previous questions will probably not impact my purchasing behavior whatsoever? I realize this
1577. Converting your shoe size to women's sizes, what size do you wear? I think women for some reason have their shoe sizes one above mens...that said in women's classification I'm a size 13, roundabouts
1578. Are you EXACTLY 5'11", or do you just say that because it is close enough? I'm a hair over 5'11", but not quite to 6'.
1579. What is your favorite part of LOTR? The Ride of the Rohirrim and the subsequent Battle of Pelennor Fields. I love war elephants
1580. Were you offended that they did not put Tom and Goldberry in the films? No...I understood why they didn't, but because they omitted them they left out the Barrow Downs scene which is one of my favorite in the books
1581. Do you think Miranda Otto could have made a magnificent Goldberry? No, she was exactly who she needed to be
1582. When you think of Goldberry, how does she look? Tall, slender, blonde, and attractive.
1583. What does Tom look like? John Goodman
1584. Would you go visit Tom and Goldberry? Sure
1585. What about the Barrow Downs? Yes, if Tom was nearby I would. Plus I'd get a super cool sword out of the deal.
1586. How much money would you have to be paid to be a tour guide at the Downs? $100 per trip, plus tips
1587. Favorite character in the books? Gandalf
1588. Favorite character in the movies? Pippin
1589. Unfavorite character in the books? Gollum
1590. Unfavorite character in the movies? I really rather liked them all
1591. Did you ever attain rank? Yup
1592. To what? E-4
1593. Is the Air Force the best? That goes without saying
1594. Why? Because they have B-1's, B-52's, and A-10's.
1595. What is your opinion on the TV series Police Squad (the precursor to Naked Gun)? I really liked it. It was a good show gone before its time.
1596. What is Leslie Nielsen best performance? I'm told he was excellent in Forbidden Planet, but I've yet to see the whole thing and can't make that kind of judgement call.
1597. Do you ever wish for little tranquilizers that you can shoot out of your cuff links? Who doesn't?
1598. Could you aim them correctly? Nope
1599. What, in your opinion, defines a loaded baked potato? Butter, sour cream, bacon bits, chives, and salt and pepper.
1600. You seem to have a slight obsession with food. Are you a hobbit? Yes...a hobbit with a pituitary growth problem.
1601. Favorite item to have for breakfast? Biscuits and gravy
1602. For second breakfast? Cheese grits
1603. Elevensies? Black coffee and some coffee cakes
1604. Luncheon? Roast beef or Pastrami sandwich with salt and vinegar potato chips
1605. Tea? More coffee
1606. Dinner? Steak and a loaded baked potato
1607. Supper? Leftovers
1608. Midnight snack? Chips and salsa
1609. Did I miss any? Nope
1610. What is your favorite drinking song? Show me the way to go home
1611. Is your sig specifically there to remind you to not go off topic? Yes
1612. What is your middle name? Daniel
1613. Do you know what it means? I've read the meaning before but it doesn't come to mind right at the moment
1614. What does Ethan mean? It's Hebrew for "strength"...so I've read
1615. What is your opinion of Ireland? It's pretty, it's green, and they make really good stouts.
1616. What nationalities are in your ancestry? Dutch and Irish mostly. I think there's some German in there somewhere and legend has it even a slight pinch of Jewish way back.
1617. What foreign nationality do you identify with most? Britain
1618. What is your opinion of curry? I don't know that I've ever had it
1619. Do you like hot food? Absolutely, yes
1620. What is your opinion on cardamom? I don't know what it is
1621. Favorite spice? Black peppercorn, followed by garlic
1622. Microwavable or fresh? fresh
1623. Memorex--what is it? A brand of VHS and cassette tape..."Is it real, or is it Memorex?"
1624. Favorite old hymn? Onward Christian Soldiers
1625. Favorite Christmas song? O' Holy Night
1626. Favorite new Christmas song? Don't really have any
1627. What is your opinion of Straight No Chaser? One must be serious about their love of drink to try it
1628. If you ever had the opportunity to be part of a flash mob, would you do it? Yes, I suppose so.
1629. What is your own personal theme song? The Knight Rider theme
1630. What song do you want played at your 50th anniversary celebration? "I Had the Time of My Life" from Dirty Dancing. And I want to put my walker down and catch my wife in a mid-air leap and spin her around in the air before my legs give and we crumple to the ground.
1631. Or is that too far ahead to think? Maybe just a hair
1632. What is your opinion on dog slobber? Gross
1633. Doggy kisses? Ok for 10 seconds, then gross
1634. Doggy halitosis? Gross
1635. Sealyham Terriers? Not familiar with them
1636. Greyhounds? They're very big
1637. Did you answer the above thinking of the bus or the animal? Wait...so a Sealyham Terrier is actually a bus? Who'd have thunk?
1638. What is your opinion on the other one? The other what?
1639. Which MST3K is the best? The greatest of all time? *clicks his tongue* I'm going with Manos: The Hands of Fate
1640. Are you aware that I don't care for MST3K at all? A shame...you've no idea what you're missing out on.
1641. And I've only watched the first one, where Santa is kidnapped? Ahhh! Santa Claus Conquers the Martians! That's my personal favorite one of all, although Mitchell is really good too. But it's not the first one...actually that was like 3rd Season.
1642. If it was re-written into a comedy mocking Star Trek and other spacy movies, would it be a good film? (The Santa Kidnapping story, not MST3K). Nope, it'd still be a stinkbomb
1643. What is your wife's opinion of MST3K? She doesn't get it
1644. Favorite cut of steak? NY Strip
1645. Why? Because the meat is tender, lean, and there's a lot of it
1646. Are spas a waste of time? Yes
1647. Have you ever been to one? No
1648. If someone gave you a gift card to a spa, would you use it? Yes
1649. Or would you give it to your wife? Nope
1650. Or would she not use it, either? She wouldn't use it and it would go into our ever growing pile of unused gift cards
1651. How proud of yourself are you for passing me up? Pretty proud, actually
1652. Are you going to aim for a cool number, or are you just going to be happy of passing me up? I'm happy just to get a number this high...I remember back when MotW's seldom got more than 500-600 questions over a week
1653. Do you know what the used gift cert is for? Huh?
1654. Or can you not discern the writing, either? um...Huh?
1655. Mahershalalhashbaz. Where is it from? I don't know...I can't discern the writing
1656. What does it mean? I have no idea, but it has a frightening amount of consonants
1657. Or do you even care? I wouldn't say that I don't care, but unless I know who Consonant Person is it doesn't interest me as much
1658. Do you remember who Mahershalalhashbaz was a child of? No...
1659. What would you do if your name was Mahershalalhashbaz? Change it to Bob
1660. If you were invited on an archaeological expedition, would you go? Egypt
1661. Why or why not? Because who doesn't want to explore the Pyramids or find a missing tomb?
1662. Do you miss the Air Force? Yes
1663. How did you meet Laura? On Everquest...long story, but in so many words we met there, hit it off, and have been together since. Here's a picture of she and I back in our EQ days...
1664. How did you get involved with the Air Force? Was it a childhood dream? Yes, since I was a little kid I was fascinated with airplanes and wanted to fly, and thus wanted to be in the Air Force.
1665. Can I bribe you to join my "team?" Nope...I, and my loyal troops, are all unbribeable.
1666. Would that bribe include all your minions, or just you? All of us
1667. Do you think Booky would mind? *shrugs*
1668. Do you think he's even reading this? Nope
1669. Or are we just blowing something out of proportion? Yup
1670. What is your opinion of old blind dogs? No official position...
1671. Are you aware that is a band? Nope
1672. When did Djaq become an LT? Just this week! Go congratulate her!
1673. Do you try to divide things evenly between The Modding Sisters? Absolutely I do
1674. Or do you care? I always care about members of my ad hoc mod army
1675. Do you know what EVUL means? I didn't know it had a meaning...I thought it was more of a pronunciation
1676. I'm having the hardest time figuring out a craft for my class tomorrow. What would you do as a craft for The Ten Commandments? I would build a scale replica of the Ark of the Covenant and then when you open it up lightning bolts will shoot out and a bunch of angels will start flying all over the place. And then some guy's face may melt off.
1677. Is that craft fitting for Pre-K children? Come to think of it...no
1678. What is your opinion on Nerf Balls? They rock!
1679. What is your opinion of naming animals after characters? I think it's kind of goofy, but it doesn't hurt anyone so live and let live
1680. Will you please write my papers for Monday and Tuesday? What are they on?
1681. What is your opinion of my job? What? Leading a faction of moderators in a neverending battle against Booky?
1682. Do you remember what my job is? I'm j/k Yes I do.
1683. How much coffee do you think I drink while working? a pot?
1684. Longest workday ever for you? 41.5 hours straight. It was absolutely horrible.
1685. Have you ever listened to Paul Cardall? Nope
1686. When you see "Djaq" do you think Dah-Jjjack" or "Jaque?" Dee-Jjjock...it's very French sounding. Oui! Oui!
1687. Are you a procrastinator? Chronically
1688. Favorite type of doughnut? Jelly
1689. Do you ever think of Jelly Doughnuts as deep fried bugs that, when you bite into them, their guts spill out the other end? Nope
1690. Have I now ruined jelly doughnuts for you? Never!
1691. Am I weird? I can answer unequivocally and without hesitation...yes
1692. Did you answer that honestly? Yup
1693. Did you answer THAT honestly? Absolutely!
1694. How can I trust you? Because I have the Good Housekeeping seal of approval
1695. What did you wear to your Senior Prom? I didn't go
1696. Prom or anti-prom? Prom
1697. Have you ever stalked someone? Uh...no?
1698. Has anyone ever stalked you? Not to my knowledge, no...but it'd be nice to have a little fan club like that
1699. What is the girliest movie you have ever watched? Message In a Bottle
1700. Were you forced to watch it, or did you do it willingly? There was nothing else on, and I mocked the film mercilessley the entire time
1701. Would you do it again? Absolutely not
1702. What movie best illustrates you? Star Wars
1703. How many times have you read War and Peace? 3
1704. Or do you just carry it around so people are impressed? Heh...it started out I wanted to impress people by having read it, but then as I was reading it I fell in love with the book. My friends to this day think I'm joking about it.
1705. Did you ever want to be president? Yup
1706. Did you ever want to grow up and be Santa? Nope
1707. What was your farthest-out-there wish as a child? I didn't want to clean my room, so I wished I was in the French Foreign Legion far away and when I returned my family would all be lamenting that I was ever forced into such a life of danger and adventure.
1708. Silver or Gold? Silver
1709. Or platinum? Well...platinum is a natural choice
1710. If you like Robinson Crusoe, what is your opinion of Swiss Family Robinson? The book was ok. This is one of those rare instances where once again the movie is better than the book. Crusoe is better.
1711. Geekings Earthlinks or Greetings Earthlings? Geekings Earthlinks
1712. Garfield or Hobbes? Hobbes!
1713. Calvin and Hobbes or The Far Side? That's an unfair question!!!!! They're both my favorites! *sigh* I'm going to go with Calvin and Hobbes
1714. Or Peanuts? Peanuts isn't really my thing
1715. Favorite Peanuts character? Linus
1716. Least favorite Peanuts character? Lucy
1717. Clue or Risk? *thinks* I love both, but I'm going to go with Risk
1718. Headache or backache? Headaches
1719. Boggle or Scrabble? Scrabble
1720. All time favorite game? Axis & Allies...but Battletech is a close second
1721. All time most hated game? Monopoly. I loathe the game.
1722. What is your opinion on the New Alice in Wonderland movie? Didn't care for it
1723. Should they make a sequel, set in China? If it makes Tim Burton stop making more films, then I'm all for it.
1724. What is your opinion on Say Yes to the Dress? I say no
1725. Are we all a little...odd to like it? I'm not really sure what it is other than a thread in SO
1726. Do you know what the Obelisk of Slumber is? it's what I call my headboard on my bed.
1727. When are you going to start playing mousehunt? Everyone has such a headstart...what's the point doing it now?
1728. OR are you going to be a rebel and not join the rest of us? Undecided
1729. How old do you want to live to? Well into my 100's
1730. Why? Imagine what it would be like to witness the events of an entire century...that would be very cool.
1731. Pirates vs. Zombies--who wins? Zombies
1732. Are you looking forward to Pirates of the Caribbean: Pirates vs. Zombies? No, but my wife is...she's a huge fan of PotC
1733. Do you feel that this is simply a rehash of the first three films? It likely will be
1734. How many films do you think they can squeeze out of POTC? Many more...look what they did with the Rocky series
1735. Do you ever confuse POTC with POTO? What's POTO?
1736. Who is the alpha dog in your house--you, or the dog? Me, although the dog thinks otherwise
1737. Do you have allergies? Yup...pollen
1738. Most used over-the-counter medicine? Goody's headache powder
1739. Do you think I'm asking all these questions to be annoying? It is a distinct possibility that I have not ruled out
1740. Or am I just too nosy? There could be that too...
1741. Favorite brand of tissues? Kleenex...in honor of LT Djaq
1742. If you had to dye your hair an unnatural color, what would you choose? Electric blue with white highlights
1743. Would you dye all of it, or just put in highlights? The whole thing
1744. Do you know what I mean by highlights? yes...I do have 3 older sisters
1745. Will you cut your hair extremely close so you don't have to have it cut for a very long time? Every time!
1746. Do you have your hair cut at home, by a chain store, or by a local business? chain store, usually
1747. What is 818 the area code to? Not sure...
1748. Is the Dumpling Chef Mouse not the cutest thing ever? ?
1749. Would you let him stay in your kitchen if he made really good dumplings? Yes, although that might make complications with my dog
1750. Or would you kick him out? He can stay
1751. How's your accent? I don't really have one
1752. Favorite insect? Praying mantis
1753. Favorite reptile? Komodo dragon
1754. Favorite brain cell? All of them that are left
1755. Hem. Sorry, just checking to make sure you're still paying attention. Were you? Yup! I'm on my A Game.
1756. What member do you write back-and-forth with the most on the forum? Johobbit
1757. Will you tell the Stealth Donut story again? Because of time constraints, no
1758. Do you ever feel like this: Quite often, usually at work
1759. What is most likely to make you look that way? False burglary alarms
Pattertwig returns!!!
I've seen the whole [The Incredibles] now. I wouldn't have chosen just to see the last few minutes of a movie, but when one babysits one must watch whatever the kids happen to be watching.
It is a very good movie.
I'm glad you liked it!!!! What did the babysitted kids think of it?
1760. What is your dog's name? Spazzoid McPoopster. Say that 3 times fast and I'll give you 5 Cool Points.
SnowAngel makes her first appearance! Welcome to the mad house!
1761. Hey Shadowlander, enjoying all of the questions? I am, although it is rather exhausting!
1762. Do you like cheesecake? I'm ambivalent about cheesecake...can take it or leave it
1763. If, so what kind? If it has strawberries on top then I'm all over it
1764. Do you like milkshakes? Of course
1765. What is your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk chocolate
1766. Do you like fried chicken? It's kind of a mood food for me...I usually get a hankering for it once a month
1767. Do you like scrambled eggs or fried eggs? Scrambled, although I'd eat a lot more sunny side up if I could figure out how to cook them better
1768. How do you like your grilled steak? Medium rare, with just a little bit of red in the middle.
1769. What is your favorite berry? Strawberry!
1770. What was the first Tom Clancy book you read? The Hunt for Red October
1771. Which of the Jack Ryan movies is your favorite? The Hunt for Red October
1772. Since I already know you like Band of Brothers(the miniseries), do you like the book? Yes, the book was excellent as well
1773. What is your favorite episode of the miniseries? Day of Days, where they jump into Normandy
1774. Do you own any firearms? Just a pellet rifle
1775. What is your favorite battle of WWII? Midway
1776. What is your favorite book about WWII? A Bridge Too Far by Cornelius Ryan
1777. What is your favorite movie about WWII? Tora! Tora! Tora!
1778. Have you ever watched Hogan’s Heroes? Not exhaustively
1779. Have you ever watched The Great Race? Negative
1780. Have you ever watched The Thin Man movies? Negative
1781. Have you ever watched The Bourne Trilogy? Affirmative
1782. Have you seen the new True Grit (2010)? Nope
1783. Do you like western movies? As a rule I don't really enjoy Westerns, unless they're over the top or have elements of Sci-Fi or Fantasy in them.
1784. Do you play Medal of Honor: Frontline? I haven't played that particular MoH yet, no
1785. Do you play Call of Duty(1 & 2)? Absolutely, yes
1786. What was your rank in the Air Force? E4
1787. Why did you join the Air Force? I felt it was my civic duty to serve, and it's something of a family tradition as well that dates back well before the Civil War
1788. How did you survive New Jersey? I ask myself this question often, and it remains a mystery
1789. If, you could do anything to New Jersey, what would it be? Send all of its residents to New York and replace them with North Carolinians.
1790. Would you like to visit Alaska someday? Absolutely, yes
1791. How is it you’ve never been to Missouri? Actually I have! How did I forget that one?
1792. What is your favorite kind of plane? Of all time? Ju-87 Stuka. Close second....A-10 Thunderbolt II
1793. Why do you have a Mod Army instead of a Mod Air Force?
Great question! I give you an honorary 20 Cool Points! Of course they're not redeemable now, but still that was the best question asked for this whole MotW session
Due to your very question I'll be expanding into other Mod Service Branches!
1794. What is your rank in the Mod Army? My official title is Master. I ride a war elephant. The equivalent rank would be...5 star General.
1795. Why do you like basketball? Because it's a fast paced game of finesse and precision. And it is never dull!
Welcome back Adeona!
1796. Can we have another crazy on-the-job story please? There was once a suspect who climbed up into the ductwork of the store by entering the empty building next door. He climbed around for a while and finally dropped through the ceiling tiles onto register #1 (it was like something out of an action movie!). Then he wigged out because he realized the alarm was now going off and forgot to get anything and escaped the store. There's also the time someone drove a truck through the front glass, but you don't want to hear about that
1797. Do you wish you could sleep at normal hours, or do you like being nocturnal? I earnestly wish I could be a day shifter, but I have a sleep disorder which messes me up and makes it difficult for me to get to sleep before 3-4am.
1798. Flannel sheets or regular? Regular
1799. Does listening to music help you fall asleep or not? Nope. White noise does though...
1800. Do you like classical music? I love classical music!
1801. A vacation in Alaska or Hawaii? I've been to Hawaii, so we'll try Alaska this time.
1802. You say Italian is your favorite food ethnicity. Very good! Now, what is your favorite Italian dish? Spaghetti with marinara sauce and Italian sausages
1803. Favorite Italian dessert? Canolli
1804. Have you eaten tiramisu? If so, what did you think? (if not, do find some to try!) I've never had it
1805. Do you ever buy your wife flowers? yes, usually on Valentine's Day
Wolfloversk with one last question!
1806. How do you feel about the possibility of sending mankind to the moon again? I am thoroughly in support of the idea. Our first step towards becoming a starfaring species! Considering that we could conceivable cure the Earth's energy ills by having a colony there we should get to it and stop lollygagging about it.
LA back for a few final jabs
1807. Ooo, where? And do you prefer Syracuse or Schenectady? Syracuse. They have a good basketball team.
1808. I guess because I took the link from my phone, it went bad. Does this one work?
And favorited!!!!
1809. I guess because I took the link from my phone, it went bad. Does this one work? Yes...um, who exactly is she talking about/to?
1810. So....how mad would you get if someone did that [changed your username]? Eh...I'd be ok with it as long as it wasn't changed to Mayonnaise
1811. So I guess you've never drunk rice milk? Nope, it sounds gross. That's like eating Peanut Butter Juice, or Broccoli milk. Blech.
Ithilwen the Interrogator, back to rub in her glorious victory!
1812. Wow, so I won? Cool! I never thought I would catch up. So... do I decide what your text should say now? Or do I wait until the end? You get to decide what the text says, and I will put it under my avatar starting February 1st at midnight (provided I'm not at work that night) or the following morning at the latest. You'll need to PM me with the message info. Also it obviously has to fall within NWeb's established rules. Congratulations!!!!!!
Oh I missed that one! that's 100 Happy Wolf Points for being born in the same state as me
I am now a man rich in Happy Wolf Points! I'm going to HappyWolfPoints.com and buying some bling .
That's it!!!! I have gotten to 1,812 questions, a number which shattered the previous record of 1,111 questions! I thank everyone who participated and please remember to go and check out Super Kate's up and coming MotW thread!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf