Are you ignoring my questions on purpose
If so, why?
Don't you like me?
Don't you know I asked 105 questions a few posts ago? Doesn't that mean I get cool points
What is your favorite NWeb username (other then yourself)
Which is better Old or New NWeb?
Who is your historic role model (Mine is Ronald Reagan)
Toby Keith or Toby Mac?
Would you go exploring Narnia with Frodo and Lady Courage and De_De in Obi-Wan's spaceship?
Lol or Lo0l?
If you ain't first, you're last.
Hello outlier! And good morning!
Well I don't know if I can necessarily explain it, but that's kinda the same for me, when I'm climbing something and get half way I get freaked out, or if I'm on a blacony I won't get too close to the edge, but when I'm on an airplane (which is rare) or on a top floor of a building I'm not as scared. Personally I think it's cuz if I fall from a short distance I'll injure myself, it'll hurt, and it's likely that I'd break something. But if I'm up really high, then I can see everything for a far ways and I forget how high up I am and just enjoy the view. Also, I'm not as scared because if you fall from a skyskraper or from x stories high, you'll die before you hit the ground. Don't know if that explains your case, but it does for mine
the cool points would be cool too.
I'm kind of the same way, myself. I'm ok when I'm flying if I have a window seat, but if I'm in the aisle it makes me fidgety and nervous because I can't see anything. Put me on a ladder though and I turn into Mr. Shakey. I'm not sure if it's the explanation I'm looking for, but it's certainly a reasonable one and I'll give you 10 Cool Points for that.
720. Favorite part about HHB? The Battle at Anvard. Poor Shasta didn't have a clue what he was doing, did he? . I also like when Aslan is walking by him in the fog and guiding him over the mountains into Narnia. And I personally happen to feel that Shasta and Aravis were a pretty good match.
721. Is your wife noctural too? She's quasi-nocturnal. If left to her own devices and work wasn't an issue she'd probably stay up until 1-2am every night. For me I'd stay up until about 4am, but the job makes me stay awake until 7am every morning, so that's the schedule I keep. It makes like interesting.
722. Sci-fi or fantasy? For movies, Sci-Fi. For books, Fantasy. It's a strange dichotomy, I think, and I admit it.
723. What's your favorite cut of steak? NY Strip. If I can't get that I'll usually settle for a sirloin.
724. Baked or fried? I love food questions! *rubs hands together* It really depends on the food, but typically fried foods have the definite taste advantage. But for the time being I'm doing baked.
725. Favorite type of pasta? Spaghetti
726. Best ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chocolate Chip. That's exceedingly rare in my neck of the woods nowadays (I see Breyer's carries it on occasion, but very seldom), so I usually resort to #2, which is Rocky Road.
727. Favorite soda? Cheerwine. If I can't have that then Mountain Dew Voltage...the blue stuff with the ginseng in it. Rose Tree Dryad will have heard of Cheerwine, I'm certain, and may even like it.
728. What kind of milk do you drink (2%, 1%, lactose intolerant...)? I am rather intolerant, actually. It helps that I don't actively drink milk except when I'm eating cereal.
729. What's your comfort food? Chips and Salsa! Greatest snack food on Earth! I love tomatoes (ripe, stewed, it doesn't matter to me) and salsa is the perfect fusion of tomatoes and spices, so when the urge hits SL runs and grabs his tortilla chips and salsa. Have no doubt.
Ithilwen the Interrogator returns!!! My, you are a question asking maniac, you know that? Keep firing away!
730. Have you ever worn armor? Bullet resistant armor once, but not the whole chain mail thing.
731. What do your friends in real life think about NarniaWeb? They think it's part of my eccentricity and just let it be.
732. What does your wife think of NarniaWeb? We have an unspoken agreement. She says nothing about my NWeb habit if I don't bring up her NeoPets habit.
733. What do you think of NarniaWeb? Perhaps it sounds maudlin but NWeb (specifically the folks on it) have changed my life in several ways, which I won't go into here, but suffice it to say I love it. Sometimes I feel a bit like the odd man out given my love of Schwarzeneggar movies on a website full of Jane Austen fans, but still...
734. Do you prefer the new NarniaWeb or the old NarniaWeb? No real opinion on this one, truth be told.
735. Out of all the people questioning you, why did you give me the title of "Interrogator?" Because by far you are asking the most questions . Oddly enough you don't have more Cool Points than you do because the batch of questions you ask seem to fall between the century marks (ie; 100, 200, etc). I've a feeling this batch will definitely net you 10 more though.
736. Is it a compliment? Let's put it this way. You are a dream come true for a MotW person trying to break Lady Arwen's seeming insurmountable record.
737. What should I do if it's not a compliment? Don't worry, it is.
738. What should I do if it is? Revel in your own accomplishment, of course!
739. Do you like giving advice to strangers? Not particularly
740. What advice would you give me if I was a stranger? Not to take advice from strangers.
741. Am I a stranger? No, you're the Interrogator!
742. Do you like peanut butter? I love it!
743. Are you aware that some people despise the stuff? There's people in the world that eat bugs too if given the choice. Who's the one with the broken taste buds here?
744. What do you think I just ate? Hopefully not bugs!
745. How much does a person have to like LOTR before it's considered unhealthy? When they buy fake pointy ears, a plastic Glamdring, and put a "My other car is Shadowfax" bumper sticker on their car. Oh, hey there Johobbit!
746. If Pippin was your son, what advice would you give him? That perhaps he wasn't meant to be an adventurer but rather a stand up comic
747. If Pippin was real and lived in the real world, what job would he have? Night shift manager at Taco Bell
748. If Gollum was president, would we go to war? Only if some other country encroached on our territorial raw fish waters
749. If we did go to war, what country would we go to war with? San Marino
750. If you were a reptile, what kind would you be? Komodo dragon
751. Can you say your name backwards? yes, but it sounds like I'm saying "Nattee" which is not endearing at all.
752. If one person called you by your real name, and someone else called you Shadowlander at the same time, which person would you reflexively look at first? The person who called me by my real name, probably because the other person acquired my address via cyber stalking and meant to harm me in some fashion. probably by putting fake Elf ears on me and slapping a "My other car is Shadowfax" bumper sticker on my truck.
753. Ever watch NCIS? Nope
754. What is your opinion of NCIS? See above.
755. Have you ever heard of a big pink sea serpent named Serendipity? Nope, although I'm a little afraid you're going to tell me though...
756. What does the term Serendipity mean to you personally? Something someone has encountered or found that wasn't expected but turns out to be something of a blessing.
757. If the number 8 had a human name, what would it be? Mr. Eight, Esquire.
758. Who is George Jacob Dorferman? He's the kid in high school that was way too cheery all the time and sold the most candy bars for the band.
759. If you were half-way through a sandwhich, would you call your niece on the phone, if you have/had a niece? *ponders* Only if I stole it from her, and then only to taunt her.
760. What is my real name? It's not Ithilwen???? *pulls his hair and moans* What is this world coming to?!?!?
761. What color is my hair? Hmm...shouldn't this be a multiple choice question?
762. What about myself do I value most, would you say? Your most unique and amazing ability at asking way off the wall and yet entertaining questions!
763. If it was a contest between me and George Bush, who would you rather dance with at a Haloween costume ball? The guy dressed up as Michael Jackson. *dances like the Gloved One a bit before settling back down* Wooo HOOO! WOOO! *puts on a jacket with too many zippers on it*
764. Have you ever met Christopher Colombus? My time machine broke before I could go back that far. I did meet Joe Columbus though, his estranged nephew, as well as his roommate.
765. Can you say something right now that will make me do a double-take? You are aware that for this entire conversation your shoelace has been untied, right?
766. If there was such a thing as triple-mint gum, would it break the sound barrier? Perhaps, and then Starbucks would start selling it.
767. What do you hope to never accomplish? Turning into a beetle. It's painful, I'm told. And then a bird eats you. Not the way to go, in my book.
768. If Narnia was called Ainran, would you still love it just the same? Yes, although all the characters would speak backwards and you'd start at the back of the book and work forwards to the front.
769. If your avatar spoke to you, and told you to assassinate the ice cream man, would you do it? That depends...does he have those awesome orange Push Up pops?
770. If not, what kind of explanation would you give your avvy? I would tell him to pipe down and that he's an avatar, not a guidance counselor.
771. Would you rather have a NW Avatar, or an "Avatar" Avatar? NWeb, methinks
772. Did you see that one coming? Nope, you got me!
773. What was that noise? Oh that? That was just my stomach growling. Pay it no mind. Say, is that peanut butter you have? *peers closely at Ithilwen's sandwich*
774. What lives under your bed? The world's largest collection of dust bunnies
775. What do the people in 2nd place or 3rd place get in the contest of cool points? The satisfaction of knowing they gave it the old college try.
776. Am I too obsessed with cool points? No, as long as you're not dreaming about them and writing cheesy poetry about it..."How shall I compare thee to a Cool Point? Let me count the ways..."
777. You must have a lot of cool points yourself, if your willing to give them out so freely. How many do you have? Well, when I started the Cool Point program back in the 80's I had a measly 2. I invested in CD's, Roth IRA's, and played the Stock Market so that now I'm practically bursting with Cool Points.
778. What is the ultimate Christmas present? A tropical island
779. We are officially half done with these questions, okay? Ok!
780. Have you ever read Thomas Hardy books? Nope...Hardy Boys, yes.
781. What do you think of Thomas Hardy? Is he related to the Hardy Boys?
782. What is your opinion of Shakespeare? A great playwright with a knack for making memorable lines and being overly incomprehensible unless one has a degree in Olde English.
783. What is your opinion of Gnomeo and Juliet? I've heard he's short.
784. Did you ever climb a balcony to see your wife? Nope, just her front steps.
785. Would you? I don't there a safety net?
786. How many candles can you light in one room before the rising smoke burns a hole in the ceiling? I'm not sure candles would do that. A flamethrower on the other hand...
787. How do you know? Sometimes you just know these things.
788. Am I awesome? Spectacularly awesome!
789. Are you awesome? Not particularly, but I hide behind a veil of humor so everyone thinks so.
790. Does the term "Awesome" have some existential meaning behind it? For that matter does "existential"?
791. What does existential mean? It's a fancy, made up word to convey a sense of unnecessary complexity.
792. Does the term "Existential" have some awesome meaning behind it? See above
793. Does it have something to do with aliens? I do not rule this out!
794. Would you like it more or less if it had something to do with aliens? It would certainly make it more existential, right?
795. Have you ever been attacked by a dog? yes, every day my dog attempts to eat me, we wrestle for a bit, and then zonk out on the couch together.
796. Do you want to be? Not particularly
797. Did you know I was attacked by a pack of dogs when I was 3? I had no idea, actually...
798. Do you know how fun that was? That depends...if it's a pack of Rottweilers it could be quite bad. If it's a pack of teacup poodles that might actually be pretty amusing
799. Are you aware that I am not very fond of dogs? Still, all's well that ends well. It could have been landsharks. Those things are evil.
800. Did you know this is evil? -- Only if you're holding a treat that they really, really want.
DING! DING! DING! New Cool Points awarded!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts (so close and yet so far!)
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 30 pts
Wolfloversk - 20 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
801. Did you know you don't have to worry about that? That I am glad to hear!
802. Are you aware that asking and answering questions like this is bringing us all closer together? Yes, it's extremely existential
803. Should we sing songs? Yes. I say we sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. It's a crowd pleaser.
803. How many songs should we sing before we realize we're all being a bit silly? That limit is usually around the 100 song mark. I'm part Irish ya' know.
804. Is being silly a good thing or a bad thing? It is the BEST of things
805. If it was a bad thing, should we do it anyway? See above
806. Are you aware that trees contain wood? This is extremely existential
807. Does this cause any risk due to allergies or medication? Nothing a little Alavert couldn't handle.
808. Do you see any spots in front of your eyes? Yes, from sleep deprivation.
809. Do you have a fever? I do have a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell!
810. Would you like me to call an ambulance? Only if they fluff my pillows and leave a mint on them.
811. How many cursors am I holding up? wait...6. Wait, you're not being existential again, are you?
812. The night has a thousand eyes; and the day but one; yet, what does the light of the whole world do? Puts on sunglasses
813. Some guys wear pink. What do you think of this? I think that this is not at all existential. It's simply weird.
814. If I told you that I was Bilbo Baggins, would you believe me? Can I have your autograph?!?!?
815. What would you do to me? I'd invite you on a quest with a bunch of drunken Dwarf hooligans through dangerous Orc infested areas all in a harebrained scheme to score some loot out of my dad's former living room. By the way, there's a dragon, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
816. Are there any famous people -- past, present, (or future ) -- that you are related to? Strangely enough my great, great, great uncle (something like that) was Gen. Dan Butterfield, a Union general during the Civil War. You might know him as the guy who composed Taps.
817. What is the greatest thing about Laura? Her kind heart and total lack of coordination. Ok, that's two things, but it's my list.
818. What is the oddest thing that's ever happened to you? There's so much stuff I could answer that I may one day write a book.
819. What does this mean? -- It's an NWeb secret. I am not allowed to divulge this information in public.
820. Is it going to hurt us? I have been assured by Fantasia Kitty that it will not.
821. If I laughed, what do you think my laugh would sound like? Hopefully not like you were sucking down helium all night long.
822. What does your laugh sound like? I belly laugh, and I do it a lot.
823. If we heard you laugh, would it bring us closer together, or would it make us all die with the dying of the sun? Then it would be a Death Laugh, which wouldn't be a matter for laughing at all. the sun dying?
824. Are you aware that I keep quoting a poem? Nope. My you are deep, Ithilwen...
825. Do you know what poem it is? It is entitled "Requiem for a Cheese Danish"
826. Do you know who wrote it? Herbert G. Schmeltzer
827. What is your opinion of poetry? Poetry isn't really my cup of tea, but for you I'll put on a fake goatee and beret.
828. Are you aware that I just asked you 100 questions? Yes...I feel like I've been on a treadmill going top speed for the past 2 hours!
Narnian at Heart with a sole question!
829. Would you tell us that story? Ahem...actually I already did....look up a few posts.
The return of Narnianerd, the Incorrigible! (I give everyone a secondary title )
830. Do you like Bananas? Indeed I do!
831. If not. Why not? See above
832. What comes after "I like bananas?" A period.
833. Why did the chicken cross the road? The bigger question is why the chicken wanted to cross the road. What was across that road that the chicken wanted so badly that it was willing to become a road pizza? Once that question is answered then we will have unraveled the secrets of the universe
834. What is the story behind "Stealth Doughnut" When I was in the AF years back my squadron had a house rule which stated that whoever was last into the shop every morning had to provide donuts for everyone else. I was chronically late , so everyone began referring me to Donut Boy and eventually just Donut. Then later on we started playing wargames, and while my comrades would go in guns ablazing with the massive frontal assaults I liked to sneak in undetected, so they started calling me "Stealth". Eventually they merged the two together and I became known (in the AF) as "Stealth Donut".
835. Starbucks or Dunkin Doughnuts? Dunkin' Donuts. They have great coffee and I can get a toasted pumpernickel bagel with extra cream cheese. What's not to like here?
836. Krispy Creams or Mr. Sticky's? Krispy Kreme, which was founded about 35 minutes north of me, FYI.
837. Lowes or Home Depot Lowes...but only because we don't have a Home Despot in town.
838. Hammers or Wrenches? Hammers. Elegant in their simplicity. Just whack on stuff till' it works again.
839. Table Saw or Chainsaw? Chainsaw
840. Maple or Oak? Oak. The stuff lasts forever and is super strong
841. USS Enterprise or USS Yorktown? Well, if it's CV-6 Enterprise and CV-5 Yorktown then I'll have to go narrowly with CV-6.
842. Star Trek or Star Wars? I love both...this is an unfair question. Stop twisting my arm!!!! Oh ok....Star Wars.
843. Luke or Han? Han, although Luke does get to fly an X-Wing
844. C3-P0 or R2-D2? R2...he's like a walking toolbox/laptop/hologram guy
845. Vacuum or SHAM-WOW! Vacuum
846. Do you miss Steve Irwin? I do, although I still think he was kind of a nut
847. Would you rather tackle a Bear or and Gator? A bear...if you manage to wrestle free from the gator you're still in the water and he's going to catch you again anyways. With the bear you stand a fighting chance.
848. Ever killed a Bear? Nope, can't say that I have.
849. Favorite Handgun? Luger 9mm
850. Favorite target? Just like R. Lee Ermey, watermelons.
851. Favorite Jet? A-10 Warthog
852. Ideal Military Job? Tailgunner on a B-52
853. Do you like your current job? Overall I do, although the aggravation sometimes overrides the sense of satisfaction I get. But I suppose that's true of most jobs.
854. Russian Mafia or Italian Mafia? Italian. Makes me wanna watch Goodfellas again. "Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to be a gangster"...*sings* You know I've gone from raaaaaaaaaaags to riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiches....
855. Which would you join if you had to? Well, I'm sorta related to someone in the Italian Mafia, so I guess that'd be a foot in the door.
856. Do you think we can clone the Dino? You mean we haven't?? And here I always thought Jurassic Park was a documentary...
857. Favorite War movie? Tora, Tora, Tora
858. Coconuts or Pineapples? Aww...that's just not fair! *sigh* Coconuts...but Pineapple's right there too!
859. Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew? Mountain Dew, although in my youth I was a huge fan of Dr. Pepper
860. What is your favorite candybar? the good ol' reliable Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar
861. Favorite Gatorade? Grape
862. Do you like building things with Dominos? Just those things where you drop one domino and it sets off a chain reaction. But this is difficult to pull off in grand fashion when one only owns 20 dominoes.
863. Dominos or Pizza Hut? Dominoes
864. Mcdonalds or Wendy's? Wendy's, of course! #2 w/ Cheese, large fries, and a cup of chili to dip em' in.
865. Burger King or White Castle? Though I've only ever had it once I really liked it....White Castle
866. Hotdogs or Hamburgers? Hot dogs! My love for them is legendary
867. Favorite thing to do at a fair? Eat corn dogs
868. Cotton Candy or Candy Apple? Candy apples...I'm addicted to those things.
869. Pepsi or Coke? Coke!
870. Teacups or Roller Coasters? Pshaw! Roller Coasters...who over 10 rides teacups?
871. Chocolate or Peanut butter? *contemplates this question while munching on a Reese's cup*
872. Jelly or Jam? Jam, although preserves are even better.
873. Ever had vegemite? Nope...perhaps if I nag our Aussie friends enough they'll mail me a jar though.
874. Did you get to go to Israel? of these days though...
875. What did you do in the Air Force? *contemplates how to explain* Well, long story short, I was sort of a ground radio operator, and we'd fly into areas of countries that needed airlifts in but didn't have the local facilities to handle said influx of supplies. So we'd show up, set up a big comm shelter, and orchestrate the whole thing. When the airlift was done we'd pack up and leave.
876. What Force power do you wish you had? Force Peanut Butter
877. What color lightsaber would you want? Blue initially, originally left to me by my dear dad (who some say fought in the Clone Wars, but my uncle always said was just a lousy spice trader). but then I'd lose it when my hand got whacked off by a big hulking guy in black (who sounds curiously like James Earl Jones) and so I'd eventually settle on a green one I could smuggle inside R2 units.
878. What style would it be? Curved, like a scimitar
879. Bounty Hunter or Smuggler? Smuggler
880. Shepherd or Nerf Herder? Well, seeing as how I need a haircut pretty bad now and am looking rather scruffy looking, I think you can guess this answer.
881. Husky or German Shepherds? Shepherd
882. Ideal place to live? St. Croix in my own personal bungalow
883. Racing or Shooting games? Shooting
884. X-box or Wii? X-Box
885. Hot pink or Light pink? Ugh! Neither!
886. Blue or Orange? Blue
887. Black or white? But Michael Jackson sang, "It don't matter if you're black or white" *does a little spin dance* WOooOO! Ok, to answer the question. Red.
888. Why the heck did the chicken cross the road? There's an existential explanation to this.
889. Challenger, Mustang or Camaro? Mustang, but it would kill me to have to leave the Challenger behind.
890. Formula 1 or NASCAR? Neither. I go for ostrich racing.
891. Survivor or John and Kate + 8? (I’ll bet even he couldn’t survive through one day with that family) Ugh...Survivor is the lesser of the two evils. I view Jon and Kate + 8 as a cautionary tale.
892. Fluffy or Hard pillows? Fluffy, so fluffy in fact that when you lay your head in it an outside observer would only see a nose sticking out.
893. Cor or Corin? Cor
894. Mr. or Mrs. Beaver? Mr. Beaver
895. What was the best way to enter Narnia? via wardrobe. And if I can figure out how to do that I'm going to be converting my closet into a portal.
896. Are you insane? I prefer the term "eccentric".
897. Am I insane? Nope, just eccentric.
898. Could you help me find my marbles? They're in the Hungry, Hungry Hippos tray. Look! *points*
899. Ever play Marbles? Negative
900. Do you know why they are called marbles when they are made out of glass? An enduring mystery that baffles scientists to this very day.
DING! DING! DING! And yet more Cool Points awarded!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 30 pts.
Wolfloversk - 20 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Narnianerd - 10 pts.
901. Water or Land? Water!
902. Air or Water? Air!
903. Air or Land? Air!
904. PC’s or Mac’s? PC. No MacIntrash for me.
905. Carrots or Lettuce? Lettuce
906. Ever play minigolf? Many, many times
907. Did you like it? Indeed I did!
908. Did it have a windmill? Nations may rise and fall, waters may rise and recede, but one thing in life is for certain, and that is that a mini-golf course is going to have a windmill hazard somewhere.
909. What do you think of windmill power to replace fossil fuels? I'm ok with it provided they don't stick on in my backyard. It's supposed to sound like a coffee grinder gone mad.
910. Paintball or Airsoft? Paintball.
911. Nerf or Laser Tag? Laser tag!
912. What do you think of Ditto Town? I have seen some crazy and scary things in my life, but nothing quite like DT.
913. Ever consider giving RPing a try? Perhaps...
914. What does this mean >. It means that the humble decimal point is both greater than and less than anything else. You've just discovered a mathematical paradox! I shall dub it....The Narnianerd Effect".
915. Is it really 5 AM!? Nope, it's actually 11am.
916. Is my mom going to kill me? Nope, but torture is a definite possibility. A lifetime of dishes and pruny fingers. I feel for you, sir!
917. Wow, can you believe that only 12 more questions and I’m at 100? *sees an X-Box Achievement pop under narnianerd's name* (The Questioner. Ask SL 100 Questions - 50 Gamer Points).
918. Do you like Submette (The submit button)? Rumor has it that 12 has a crush on four. I'm going to leave numeric romance in your court.
919. Can you believe that this takes up 3 word document pages? That depends....what size font are you using? If it's 8 or less I'm getting a bit frightened!
920. Insane right? Or something very close to it!
921. Am I tired? Nope, just exhausted.
922. Narniaweb or Narniafans? Narniaweb
923. What is your favorite tie that you currently own? It's solid dark blue with lighter blue stripes running diagonally across it at evenly spaced intervals.
924. Favorite cereal? Golden Grahams, with a special shout out to Frosted Mini Wheats!
925. Am I running out of questions? Is this a rhetorical question?
926. Baseball or Soccer? Badminton
927. Football or Hockey? Hockey
928. Does basket ball stink? Only if one rubs their nose against the basketball repeatedly
929. Can you believe I just asked you 100 questions? Yes! Way to go!
930. Are you aware that I just beat the record for most questions asked in a single post? Indeed, and for doing that I award you 5 Cool Points. Well done!
931. Btw, did you know that you currently have 663 questions? Not by my count <-----
932. And another thing, did you know that 203 of them came from me and Izzy's last two posts Yes, and I feel like my brain got punched by Mike Tyson!
933. Isn't that awesome? Indeed it is!
934. Should I stop now? Yes, or your mom will ground you!
Ok, 3 1/2 hours of answering questions is enough for anyone. Please excuse me while I lapse into a coma. And one further note, please remember to keep all questions here within the established guidelines of Narniaweb, meaning no questionable or politically charged questions. Kosher? Good!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
And what, may I as is a questionable question?
What is the question?
Have you seen Inception?
Did you like it?
Do you excersise?
For how long?
Do you have kids?
Do they have cool points?
Do you feel fly like G6?
What Christian rock bands do you like?
My book on Amazon Kindle ... 572&sr=8-1
* chews her nails and watches the number of questions asked *
Well, I think I will NOT be asking mine...unless, that is, SL is sure to clear my record. I truly was hoping to hold the title for more than a week.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Ithilwen, that was so clever and funny about the alphabet questions! Shadowlander, great witty comebacks!!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
1. What is your favorite state other than the one you live in?
2. Favorite country other than the one you live in?
3. Favorite town/city other than the one you live in?
4. Digital camera or film?
5. Would you rather eat a bug or eat a worm?
6. What is your opinion on sushi?
7. Would you rather be rear-ended by someone or rear-end someone?
8. Do you like swimming?
9. What's your favorite quote?
10. Second favorite quote?
11. Third favorite quote?
12. Fourth favorite quote?
13. Are you aware that I am just taking up space while trying to think of a new question?
14. How long until your thread closes?
15. What happens if no one gets 50 Cool Points?
Are you blue?
Are you red?
Are you green?
Do you want to be?
Is being called yellow an insult?
Have you ever seen Back to the Future?
If you have, do you see what I've done there?
Do you write in notebooks or on the computer?
Have you ever written a novel?
How shall I compare thee to a Cool Point?
Should I count the ways?
Did you know that you should have taken up golf?
Were you spoiled as a child?
Is water ever scary?
What would make it scary?
Did you know I'm trying to break a record here?
What record do you think I'm trying to break?
If you met me in real life, what would you say to me when you found out I was the Interrogator?
Should Interrogator be capitilized?
Do I have a nice smile?
Have you ever visited Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Have you ever read The Shack?
Why or why not?
What do you think of it?
Is "why or why not" one question or two?
Google or Bing?
Do you GIMP?
What is a Walton?
What about John Boy is most like Frodo?
In what way is Pippin like a blender?
In what way is Pippin like a chainsaw?
In what way is Pippin like a dolphin?
In what way is Pippin like a pebble?
Aren't you glad this isn't a question about Pippin?
In what way is Pippin unlike Merry?
In what way is Pippin unlike a couch?
Does Pippin have more in common with a hairbrush or a tissue?
In what way is Pippin like a tissue?
Are you aware that your creative cleverness is what makes people ask you odd questions -- because they want to hear your creative answers to them?
In what way is Pippin like this -- ?
Am I still allowed on NarniaWeb after this?
If whoever wins 50 cool points put "I love Jane Austen" as the text in your Space to Rent, what would you do?
Am I getting some kind of ideas from the last question?
Should we be worried?
Someone else has already won 50 cool points before you got a chance to answer this, huh?
If not, should I celebrate?
Is there such a word as "yawny"?
How many books by Lewis have you read?
What did Maisie know?
Who is Andrew McPheerson?
Are you best mates with him?
Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "Code" do?
Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "List" do?
Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "List=" do?
Up in the buttons of this "Post a Reply" page, what does "
I wonder how much those buttons get used by members?
What special meaning does the number 60 have?
What special meaning does the number 61 have?
Guess how many questions I've asked you so far?
Should the previous statement end with a question mark?
Are the woods romantic or scary or normal or something else?
May I have this dance?
Do you know how to do the Jitterbug?
Have you ever heard of the Ice Cream freeze?
Did you know that isn't something that you need to fear?
Why am I still doing this?
Does that answer my question?
Do you ever miss Mobile Texting?
What should be done about the volcano?
Does the last question count as a political question?
Will I be banned or only reprimanded?
Did you know that I'm silly?
Are you silly?
Do you want me to order a pizza?
What toppings should it have?
Is Canadian bacon really bacon?
Is there such a thing as American bacon?
If American bacon is called "regular" bacon, and Canadian bacon is called "Canadian" bacon, is that prejudice?
Do I need a hearing aid?
Should I hold my tongue?
Should I hold the anchovies?
Have you ever drank Ice on the rocks?
Is there such a thing as a real 555 number?
Do you know why I'm asking that?
Do I wear glasses?
Do you wear glasses?
If you do/did, would you drink out of them?
Is that a stupid pun?
Are all puns stupid?
Can you make a pun on the word pun?
Where does the word pun come from?
Does it scare you to think that we are only half done with these questions?
Did Tolkien write a book called The Lost road, or am I inside my head?
Are you standing there beside myself?
Have you ever seen the movie Short Circuit?
If so, do you see what I've done there?
What is your favorite quote by a wise person?
What is your favorite quote by a dumb person?
Am I a wise person?
Am I a dumb person?
Am I ?
What does a person have to do to be ?
What would you never sell on e-bay?
Did you know that I am happy you are not trying to be a Beetle?
If you're not trying to be a Beetle, would you consider being a Beatle?
You totally knew I was going to ask that, huh?
Does 's mouth look like a ~ ?
Why is a raven like a raven desk?
Would you write on a raven desk?
Did Edgar Allen Poe write on a Raven desk or a Writing desk?
Does that mean anything particularly significant?
Are you going to gloat over Lady A?
Is that very polite?
What should I do with my shoellace?
Does ing give a person a warm, healthy complexion?
Why is Flash off and everything else is on?
Have you ever seen someone say lo0l?
What did it look like?
Do you like berries?
Why not?
Am I presuming too much?
Did you ever Upload Attachment?
What is the Upload you are most Attached to?
Should I do my homework now?
What if I don't have any?
What if I've already graduated?
Is the letter Z a chauvenist?
Did I spell that right?
Why can't ever seem to get all the sweat off of his head?
Is talking about sweat permissable on NW?
If it wassn't, should that smilie be banned?
What's up with all these ducks?
Are we going to break the Orange Millenia?
Are the ducks conspiring against us?
What does Topic Review do?
Is it useful?
Should it be thrown off the edge of our world?
Are Girl Scouts a blessing?
So what are those cookies REALLY made of?
Do I want to know?
If not, why did I ask?
Are you laughing right now?
Are you angry right now?
Should I hide?
What does one keep inside a green flamooza?
Did you know a flamooza is a kind of drawer?
Am I telling the truth?
Am I a liar?
What are you thinking right now?
Do you think I already know what your thinking right now?
Do I think I know what you're thinking right now?
What would you think if I thought you were thinking that I thought I knew what you were thinking right now?
Why does my capitization button stick so much?
Do I need to stop eating juice over my keyboard?
Should I drink it instead?
Tell me, where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him?
Do you know what Po-tat-toes are?
Have you ever boiled them, mashed them, or stuck them in a stew?
How do you think that would make them feel?
Can I make my left ear vanish before your eye?
Why did I say "eye" instead of "eyes"?
What will happen at 4PM tomorrow?
What does it mean when people say "Gah!"?
What does it mean when people say "Ack!"?
What does it mean when people say "Aww"?
Have you ever seen a Youtube video called "The Fragrance of Narnia"
If not, are you going to look it up on Youtube?
How old were you when you were saved?
How did it happen?
Does this guy ever get tired? --
Do you wish you had his unwavering strength?
What should be done with and
When do you want me to say Oceans Away?
Did you invent bookmarks?
How did you come up with the idea?
Should I give you a bunch of money?
Is Neopets really still running?
Did you know I was on that site back in 2002?
Did you know that NW rocks?
What does Neopets do?
What is the best color for a book cover?
Is teal a good color?
Why does everyone want to be either a rockstar or a vampire?
Is MTV to blame?
What is to blame?
Should I just be myself?
What I let the real me shine through?
What if the real me is a jerk?
Do you wear wigs?
Have you worn wigs?
Will you wear wigs?
When will you wear wigs?
Does The Great Divorce sound like a court drama?
How often do you ?
Would you say this is a good sign or a bad sign?
Why does the Chrome logo look like some evil thing from the Incredibles?
Do you like Youtube?
Do you have a Twitter?
Why do they call it Twitter?
Do you like birds?
Did you know I have birds?
Do I seem like a bird person?
Does ing make a person dizzy?
What makes a man?
What breaks a man?
Does the same go for women?
What about children?
If there is a Mothers Day and Fathers Day, what about Kid's Day?
Are you aware that I have asked over 200 questions and hold the record again?
Narnianerd returns!
935. Is question 666 a creepy number? Given its inherent sinister purpose I'm going to answer yes. Quite.
936. Did you know that the big box is completely empty? Wait! How do you know that?! What happened to it?!
937. Do you know that you just got scammed? Yeah yeah yeah. But don't tell everyone, I'll lose my reputation.
938. What is behind curtain number three? *in best Monty Hall voice* A braaAAAANnnd new caaaaaaar!* *crowd cheers*
939. Did you like “The Blind Side?” (Sandra Bullock played in that movie) I did.
940. If so, who was your favorite character? Sandra Bullock, of course.
941. Kleenex or Tylex Kleenex. It's cold and flu season
942. If you are Doctor Giggles… Would you be related to the Wiggles?! Only through marriage.
943. Aren’t those guys creepy? When a band's members are dressed in primary colors one should always have their guard up! Life experience has taught me this, and now I pass my wisdom on to you.
944. Muppets or Sesame Street? Muppets
945. Bert or Ernie? Ernie...Bert is evil.
See? (all images courtesy of )
946. Ponds or lakes? Lakes
Eustacegirl returns!
947. Edmund or Eustace? Wait, didn't you ask this the first time?
948. Do you have hair at the back if your neck? Yes. It is scruffy looking (I am a nerfherder, after all )
949. Do you call yourself attractive? In a million years I could not lay claim to that adjective
950. Are you in physical pain? Just my head. This too shall pass.
951. Is your hair wavy, curly or straight? straight. Boring straight.
952. Do you like Skillet? Nope...more into Grillit *rimshot*
953. Are you a Disciple fan? I'm admittedly not familiar with them...
954. Are you mysterious? life is an open book, pretty much
955. Are you delirious? Yes...oh yes.
956. Do you run into walls? Only when I'm delirious
957. Do you skatebaord? My one skateboarding foray resulted in a trip of 5 feet, me falling on my hinder, and a week before I could sit down again. Tony Hawk I'm not.
958. Can you skateboard after 5 P.M. (8 P.M in early summer) Yup
959. Do you like sports? Generally speaking yes, although basketball and hockey are the only two I really enjoy. Well, outside of the Olympics maybe.
* is wondering if she'll have to hand over her commemorative plaque, crown and used gift certificate after having them for only a week *
It's slowing down now, so I'm not so sure But I'm going to give it the old college try! Mwahahaha!
And Ceppault appears for the first time!!
960. Favorite era of military aircraft. (i.e. WWI, WW2, Cold War) Far and away it'd be World War II...beautiful airplanes of a bygone era. And they're still around. They knew how to build em' back then, didn't they?
961. Favorite branch of military service. Air Force, of course!
962. Favorite plastic model kit airplane. (mine was the 1/48th scale B-17G) I have a 1/48th scale B-17E or F upstairs as well as a B-29 and PBY Catalina. I really think 1/48th is the best scale since it's not too large, but you can still focus on small details that make the model look detailed and it even fits on most bookshelves. To answer your question my favorite was the old Monogram 1/48th scale Douglas TBD Devastator. It had two paint schemes, one pre-war and the other Ens. George Gay's plane from the Battle of Midway. I did the latter scheme.
Greatest model kit I have ever come across and by far the most fun to build.
And now wolfloversk returns to the den...get it? *rimshot* somebody stop me!
963. What page was the last question you answered posted on? Page 4. I am waaaay behind, though I hope to catch up tonight.
964. Rhetorical Questions or Question's that are impossible to answer? Impossible to answer. Rhetorical questions just make the asker look snarky.
965. tap water or bottled water? Tap. And it's much cheaper.
966. what's your favorite car? (year and model, please) 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang in fire engine red with a white interior, black convertible top, 289 4-speed manual transmission, A/C, disc brakes, and a personalized license plate that reads "SL's Pony".
967. what's your least favorite car? Ford Festiva. I used to drive one back in the day and it had constant mechanical issues, mostly with the oil. But even then I could deal with it. The deciding factor came one day when I was driving around town and pulled up alongside a Yugo. Here it was...the two wimpiest cars on the road (at the time...remember, this is before Smart Cars ) and so I look over at the guy in the Yugo and he looks over at me, we both nod, and rev our little two-bangers up and prepare to race once the light turned green. When it turned green the Yugo took off and left me in the dust. The next weekend I went out to get a new vehicle.
968. how many pets have you owned over the course of your life span? Hmmm...*counts* Between personally owned and family owned probably in the 20-25 range.
969. what's your favorite memory? So many to pick from...the Christmas I got my first real bicycle, my first time in love, the day I swore into the AF (although I had reverse feelings when I went to Basic the next day ), the day I got married. There's a lot to pick from.
970. what's your least favorite memory? unrequited love. There is nothing worse.
971. dream or memory? dream
972. what's the best thing about NW? The people of course
973. what's the worst thing about NW? (Sorry Tirian) *ponders* Probably that I'm one of the very, very few who enjoys 80's Schwarzeneggar movies on a site filled with Jane Austen fans.
974. will you be able to answer all these questions by the end of the week? That's what I'm aiming for.
975. what's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
976. how many motorized vehicles have you owned over the course of your life? *does some mental arithmetic* 5
977. What were they? My first was at 79' Pinto station wagon, which I used temporarily. My school friends called it the "War Wagon". It had an 8-track player in the dash *shields his eyes*. My second was my 68' Mustang (which I still own). Third was a 92' Chevy Cavalier. Fourth was an 89' Ford Festiva, and the fifth was my current vehicle, a 2000 Ford Ranger pickup.
978. do you think owls are wise? Yes. And Wise makes a great salt and vinegar potato chip too.
979. why did the chicken cross the road, if it wasn't to get to the other side? Well, first we must assign the chicken a variable, say C. Then the road must be assigned one as well, we'll call it R. If C X R = XY (representing reason for crossing times chances of survival crossing) we come up with a value of Z. Z is the answer you're looking for.
980. coyotes or road runners? Cartoons: Coyotes. Real Life: Road runners.
981. coyotes or rabbits? Rabbits
982. rabbits or ducks? Ducks...they float!
983. can you figure out what show the last three questions were inspired by? The A-Team
984. define your favorite word Recalcitrant - adj. Resistant
985. define your least favorite word Eclectic - adj. Covering a wide variety of topics, preferences, or likes
986. light or dark? Light. I'm afraid of the dark, but don't tell anyone.
987. night or day? Night, even though I'm afraid of the dark.
988. dawn or dusk? Dawn...time to go to bed!
989. are you nocturnal? Absolutely, yes
990. did you have to look up the word nocturnal? Yes, and then I saw my picture in the definition.
991. do my questions so far make sense? Yes, so far
992. complete the sentence: "Wildlife is..." "...something which occasionally grows in my fridge if I don't monitor it closely".
993. Nature or Technology? Nature
994. list your 5 favorite things about nature
- Unspoiled beauty
- Trees
- Mountains
- Tropical islands
- Away from the things of man
995. list your five favorite things about technology
- It propels us farther than we could ever go on our own
- It protects us
- It lengthens our lives
- It allows us to accumulate our knowledge so that the next generation will be able to go even further than we did
- It makes like easier
996. take this question number, subtract three, add 5, multiply by 4, square it, divide y 6, add 12, take the cube root, then divide by 0 Nothing can be divided by zero . Trick question!
997. how long did it take you to get the answer to the last question? 10 seconds, more or less
998. do you think that answer was correct? I have absolutely no doubt.
999. what would you say if I told you the answer is not that hard to figure out, and does not require much, if any, math? I figured it out
1000. do you like math? Not particularly
DING! DING! DING! New Cool Points Update!!!!!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator 30 pts.
Wolfloversk - 30 pts
Narnianerd - 15 pts.
Outlier - 10 pts.
Keep those questions coming!
1001. how many questions do you think you'll have to answer on here? I'm guessing around 200-300 at the absolute most. I think folks are running out of questions to ask.
1002. fans or air conditioners? Except during mid summer you'll never find a bigger fan of fans. Fan of fans...I'm a hoot. I can't sleep without em'.
1003. what do you think of calculators? One of the most underrated inventions of all time
1004. define "Shadowlander" He who dwells in the Shadowlands.
1005. look around you what's the first family friendly word you see that's not on the computer? Pain reliever...from the bottle of generic tylenol I have sitting on my desk.
1006. define that word That which relieves pain?
1007. complete the sentence: "Grass is..." " to mow up until about September, and then I'm just plain worn out."
1008. What's your favorite question that we've asked so far? Why the chicken crossed the road...I've been asked it 4 or 5 times and I managed a different, unique answer each time
1009. how long do you think it took me to type this post? 30 minutes?
1010. do you play MouseHunt? Nope
1011. how fast can you type? When I first learned to type in high school they clocked me at 65 wpm. In my early 20's I managed to eke out 70 wpm. Nowadays probably around 45-50, unless I'm loaded with caffiene, in which case probably 100.
1012. rash or flu? As in which do I prefer? flu...I get time off from work and can play on my X-Box or read a book all day, all while being pampered by my lovely wife.
1013. what's your opinion on nuclear power? I think it's a perfectly viable and super efficient power system. The catch is that it must be monitored and maintained with top precision by folks who have not a slacker bone in their body or bad things ensue, which is why most people shy away from it.
And back to narnian at heart!
1014. Do you enjoy answering all these questions? I find I rather do, although I have to tell you it is rather exhausting when you're on a tight schedule.
1015. Who is the guy in your sig? He's Vault Boy, the iconic cartoon character from the Fallout series of video games. He's retro-futuristic styling at its finest!
1016. Why do you think Fenris Ulf is better than Maugrim? Because he's got a far more sinister and "I mean business" name and bearing than generic bad guy Maugrim.
1017. Do you like coleslaw? In moderation. I much prefer red slaw, like what one puts on BBQ.
1018. What is your favorite hockey team? NY Rangers
Pattertwig is back!
1019. How did I do at making the Rolled Sugar Cookies recipe interesting? My wife loves sugar cookies, so rest assured I'll be trying this out soon enough.
1020. If I told you that for a while I had only seen the last 10 minutes or so of the Incredibles, what would your reaction be? That's like reading the last chapter of the book before even attempting to start it. Still, I think if you watch it you'll likely enjoy it.
1021. If I told you I had only seen bits and pieces of Star Wars, what would your reaction be? Well, Team Flam-Jaq haven't seen any of the Indiana Jones movies either, but they're cool too . Give it a shot...if you don't like the first one or two no one will think any less of you for it.
More answers later!!!!!!!!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Lol or Lo0l?
And now wolfloversk returns to the den...get it? *rimshot* somebody stop me!
Um I got it....I think.
965. tap water or bottled water? Tap. And it's much cheaper.
Good. That makes me happy, you get 50 happy wolf points!
975. what's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
983. can you figure out what show the last three questions were inspired by? The A-Team
No, the correct answer is: "Looney Tunes"
992. complete the sentence: "Wildlife is..." "...something which occasionally grows in my fridge if I don't monitor it closely".
I feel your pain.
993. Nature or Technology? Nature
10 happy wolf points!
1001. how many questions do you think you'll have to answer on here? I'm guessing around 200-300 at the absolute most. I think folks are running out of questions to ask.
-How many questions will be asked altogether?
1009. how long do you think it took me to type this post? 30 minutes?
ok I didn't keep track, but your probably right. Either that or it was longer
-Most hilarious question asked thus far?
-Strangest question asked thus far?
-Will I be able to beat Ithilwen, Djaq, and Flambeau
-Why do you like chainsaws?! (They scare me!)
-Have you ever participated in a roleplay?
-Do you know the story behind "lo0l?"
-what's the best invention of all times?
-what's the worst invention of all times?
-have you ever seen an airship?
-why aren't there any airships around anymore?
-what's the one thing you wish the next generation could have seen or experienced, but will never be able to?
-what's the one thing you wish you could have seen or experienced, but will never be able to?
-what will the world be like next century?
-can we learn too much?
-ask a random question.
-answer the random question.
-how do you think the jackalope myth was started?
-define lagomorph. (yes, you can look it up, if you must )
-least favorite math problem?
-what's 5 squared, times 2, plus 600, minus 25, divided by 125? (perform the operations in the order I gave them to you, not by using PEMDAS)
-Do you know what PEMDAS stands for?
-what's your favorite timezone?
-Space or the Deep Ocean?
-True or False: There are foodchains that do not rely on photosynthesis, or photosynthesising organisms to get nutrients?.
-why does it say R:Q at the top of my page?
-who switched it?
- or
-is this smilie, scary
-how many typos did I make in this post?
-will I ever learn to type properly?
-college hockey or college football?
-who's your favorite college hockey team?
-how long will it take you to catch up?
-what question should I ask you next?
-what question should I never ask you?
EJ, I asked two of those questions already XD
-am I right in recalling that normal members used to be able to delete their own posts?
-if you don't know would you ask Tirian, please
-New York City or the Adirondacks State Park?
-Have you ever been to NYC?
-Have you ever been to the Adirondacks?
-Manhattan or Mannahatta?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
EJ, I asked two of those questions already XD
Woops! Which ones? I haven't kept track of who's asked what...
~Riella definitely are trying. If you do pass 1111, be aware I have a list of questions twice as long as your arm. and they go up if you beat me.
I'm sure I could find the answers out in the lounge, but still....
Avatar thanks to AITB
Would you go exploring Narnia with Frodo and Lady Courage and De_De in Obi-Wan's spaceship?
Libby is with us too
Here are some more Qs
- or
-How many times did you watch Titanic?
-Did you cry the first time you saw it?
-Disney or Dreamworks?
-New Line Cinema or 20th Centery Fox?
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
*flambeau and Djaq appear*
-Have you ever listened to Owl City?
-Ever heard of a band called 'Harvest'? (they were a Christian band that was a hit back in the 70s or 80s, I think. My parents like them.)
-Have you ever wanted to be able to play a stringed instrument (guitar, violin, etc.)?
-Do you know what a loop pedal is?
-Do you know what a mandolin is?
-Have you ever visited our photobucket?
-Have you ever worn a turban?
-Do you know CPR?
-Do you have any quirky habits (biting your fingernails, etc.)?
-Are you shocked by the number of questions you have received?
-How many times have you been asked that question?
-Can you spell supercalafragalisticexpialidocious off the top of your head (I totally botched the spelling there, so don't go by me. )?
-Are you intrigued by the word 'intriguing'?
-Do you have a favorite kind of flower?
-If so, what is it?
-¿sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐɔ
-How did we do that?
-Do you believe Narnia really exists?
-Favorite book in the Old Testament?
-Favorite book in the New Testament?
-If given the choice, would you rather pet a dolphin or a dog?
-Favorite sea creature?
-Great white shark or hammerhead shark?
-Do you like cream soda?
-Why is the sky blue?
-Favorite western film?
-Do you sing?
-Have you ever seen Rigoletto?
-Have you ever seen Coyote County Loser?
-Do you have a favorite coffee mug?
-What is up with our fascination with raccoons?
-Have you ever seen The Importance of Being Earnest?
-Do you like muffins?
-Do you have a favorite kind of muffins?
-Do you like bagels?
-What time is it?
-Do you have a southern accent?
-Will you do a celebratory dance if you beat Wren's record?
-Will you film it, if you do?
-If not, will you describe it for us?
-Are you somewhat nervous about who wins the cool points battle and what they choose to put in the rental space?
-If I told you to "take it", what would you do?
-Have you ever laughed so hard that you spit your drink out?
-Have you ever laughed so hard that you've had your drink come out your nose? (it's quite painful, btw.)
-Is the Flamvee indestructible?
-Provided that you break the current record, do you think it likely that one of the other mods will break your record in the near future?
-Have you seen Secretariat?
-Have you heard any music by Celtic Woman?
-Have you ever heard of David Klinkenberg?
-Have you ever had a Peanut Butter Bar? (It's like a Reese's, but homemade!)
-Does someone automatically receive 50 points if they ask you the 1112th question?
-Are you hungry?
-Would you like a cookie?
-What's the weather like down there right now?
-Do you use a GPS?
*salutes the Master*
--- Corporal Flambeau & 2 Lt. DJ
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
With flam's questions, you passed me up. Congrats. But I must say, my end number is cooler--1111. I only have a few questions on my phone, so I'll post those now.
1. Have you ever lived somewhere where woodchucks are natives?
2. What State were you born in?
3. Were you born in a barn?
4. Were you raised in a barn?
5. Did your mother ever ask you either of the above questions?
6. Has your wife?
7. How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got board?
8. What's the name of the little thingy that hangs at the back of the mouth?
9. How many years were you an airman?
10. Did you go to the Academy?
11. Have you ever watched police squad?
12. What is your favorite scene in Spaceballs?
13. Does she look Druish?
14. Why or why not?
15. The little guys that dink all the time--what song are they dinking when they find Lone Star and his companions?
16. Whose toe does Yogurt step on?
17. Where did Yogurt find his ring?
18. Do you remember the brand of air the president breathed?
19. Have you watched Men in Tights?
20. Do you like the rap intro and outro?
21. Have you ever read any books from the Tintin series?
22. Did you know that your avatar reminds me of Tintin?
23. Did you know they are making a Tintin movie?
24. Do you care?
25. Team Edward or Jacob?
26. Or James?
27. Or do you even care?
28. Team Booky or Lady A?
29. What is your dream vehicle?
30. Would you get on a motorcycle even though it is a "death trap" and a "widow maker"?
31. Have you ever heard those terms before?
32. What are rounded pistons?
33. Why do some cars have glass over the engine?
34. What is the ugliest thing someone can do to a car for custom modeling?
35. What is your opinion of chrome accents on cars?
36. Does it look better on a black car or a white car?
37. What was your first car?
38. Did you buy it, or did you parents?
39. You once said you tried to talk your wife into having her bridesmaids wear dresses reminiscent of jerseys, complete with numbers. What numbers?
40. Whose names correspond to those numbers?
41. Did your wife at least make a grand slam with the bouquet?
42. Who would win at basketball--you or your wife?
43. A man wants to make sure there are TVs at his and his fiancées wedding reception, so he can watch the game if his team gets into playoffs. Is that rude?
44. Is it proper?
45. Would it be better to just have the DJ announce the score throughout the evening?
46. Can we see a picture from your wedding?
47. Plain salsa or salsa with cream cheese?
48. Salsa or foxtrot?
49. Or are you equally clumsy at both?
50. What is your wife's favorite flower?
51. What is your favorite flower?
52. Chinese food or Japanese?
53. Deep fried or grilled?
54. Would you rather have only meat for a week or only veggies?
55. Why?
56. Speaking of veggies, what is your opinion on VeggieTales?
57. Do you like VeggieTales?
58. Best character in VeggieTales?
59. Worst character?
60. Adam Boy Charles David Edward Frank George Henry I being unorthodox?
61. Will you go to a mod moot this year?
62. Have you ever listened to Unorthodox Celts?
63. Have you ever listened to Blackmore's Night?
64. What do you think of them?
65. Are you aware that Richie Blackmore was one of the founders of Deep Purple?
66. Are you at all familiar with Deep Purple?
67. Do you even care?
68. Have you ever been to a state fair?
69. Do you prefer sevens or eights?
70. What sport do you hate the most?
71. What would you think if I told you I live in a huge soccer ball with two other people?
72. What do you think of vuvuzelas?
73. Does this alter your opinion at all?
74. Would you laugh if I told you me keyboard kept changing from an English keyboard to a French one while I was typing?
75. Would you believe me?
76. Is this not one of the saddest music videos you've ever seen?
77. Are white lies okay if they avoid a lot of trouble for everyone?
78. What would you call your own personal spaceship?
79. If I snuck on and changed your username to Stealth Donut, and informed you of it, would you take the time to change it back?
80. How many shadows have you landed lately?
81. Are you on Facebook?
82. How many mods are you friends with?
83. How many mods would you never friend unless they ask you?
84. Do you ever just leave friend requests sitting, because you don't want them on your Facebook, but you also don't particularly want to offend that person?
85. Or am I the only person who does that?
86. Frog legs or escargot?
87. Or scorpion lollipops?
88. Or just plain chocolate dipped insects?
89. Do you like the statefarm ads?
90. Cheese from a can or sliced?
91. What is your opinion on cheese made from rice milk?
92. Where should Bugs Bunny have turned left?
93. Are you familiar with the evil overlord list?
94. Is maniacal laughter stress relieving?
95. If our society quit operating on a base of ten, would you prefer using sevens, nines or twelves as a replacement?
96. Have you ever considered smacking someone with a coconut?
97. Have you ever watched Wackiest Ship in the Army?
98. How about Operation Petticoat?
99. Or The Great Race?
100. What is your opinion on Jack Lemmon?
More from my desktop later....
Avatar thanks to AITB
Wolfloversk returns from the NWeb wilderness!
You never saw the button on the upper left hand corner of the index page that says, "Member Chat?" (Does that count?) Click it and it'll take you there, but beware of gremlins!!!
I honestly had no idea that was there . I usually just hit the forums and more rarely the front page.
1022. What question have you been asked the most? Why did the chicken cross the road...5 times and counting.
1023. favorite colored lightbulb? I'm thinking a plain incandescent bulk does it for me. Shy of that I do have to admit I like black lights
1024. scrolls or books? Books...ever tried to store scrolls on a bookshelf? They actually need a Scroll-shelf, and they don't sell those at the furniture store. Believe me, I've looked.
1025. if you could travel back in time, when would you go? Creation, although this would require very careful planning. The time machine would have to be set within an airtight and temperature controlled airframe (sort of like the space shuttle, but smaller) and one would have to bring lots of oxygen, water, and Pop Tarts. Strawberry, to be specific.
1026. how would you overcome the resulting timeloop? It's too early in the afternoon for such a question.
1027. Have you ever seen or read Jurassic Park or it's sequel(s)? I read Jurassic Park and The Lost World, and I've seen all three movies. I think the first Jurassic Park film is one of those very rare occasions where the movie is actually better than the book. Not that the book is bad, but the movie streamlines it quite a bit and the end result is faster paced and much more intense because of it. And there's even a Triceratops in it. Bonus points!
1028. do you know what my sig means? After viewing it I can surmise that you are implying that CoN and Jurassic Park have enough similarities as to be roughly analogous to one another? *ponders* I've got to admit I'm struggling to see it....still, if CoN had Talking T-Rexes that would be rather cool.
1029. what's the least healthy thing you've ever eaten That's tough...I've eaten some pretty unhealthy things *pats his belly*. Ok, at my peak...several chili cheese dogs, chased by chili cheese fries, and a thoroughly unhealthy Cheerwine and then a chocolate shake for desert.
1030. gardens or grocery stores? I think stuff tastes better out of a garden, but one can't beat a grocery store for the variety
1031. do you like Star Trek or any of it's spinoffs? I least favorite was DS9. They seldom went anywhere interesting, which is like having a sci-fi show about one's apartment.
1032. staples or tape? tape
1033. did you know they made purple staples? I think I've seen they make lime green ones as well?
1034. bermuda triangle or the twilight zone? Bermuda Triangle! They even made a pretty good boardgame out of it. Someone found a copy in Goodwill and is sending it to me next week! *does the happy dance*
1035. favorite insect? Praying mantis
1036. least favorite insect? Bedbugs...*shivers* the very idea of the things skeeve me out. Special shout out to cockroaches, which are a close second.
1037. do you know what an arachnid is? Indeed, it's a spider.
1038. am I allowed to post more than once in between your posts? If you so desire, I'm not going to yell at you about it.
1039. do you like french fries? Like them? I LOVE them! And tater tots too.
1040. can you speak french? Nope
1041. can you speak spanish? A few common phrases and random words. And that after two years of Spanish in high school and several trips to Central America.
1042. what language do you most want to learn? I'd love to learn Russian, then I can read War & Peace in its original language.
1043. what languages have you learned? Well, English obviously . I also know a little bit of BASIC, but since that's a programming language (and an early one at that) I'm not sure that counts.
1044. curly fries or straight fries? Curly, although straight fries are (ironically) more flexible
1045. what kind of computer do you own? This thing? *kicks his PC unrespectfully* It's some hand-me-down from my brother. It's a Dell, which means it doesn't work completely right, and it's just a single core processor, which means it's not the greatest at playing newer games despite my having stuck a really good video card in there. One of these days I'll get a new one, but the Wifester is up next for an upgrade. Her PC is almost 10 years old.
Mountain Fire Flower returns, armed with lots of questions! These questions were posted on Thursday...I'm waaaaay behind!
1046. PC or Mac? PC. Mac users come across a little like cult members. There's not many of them and they all hang out together and talk about how wonderful it is to be a Mac user.
1047. Would you let me rent the space where your amazingly awesome mod-title would normally be but instead says, "This Space for Rent"? Yes, if your heart so desired and you had the 50 Cool Points. But you've got lots of catching up to do first!
1048. If I can rent it, may I pay for it in virtual chocolate? Nope, we'd have to work out a deal where we cross-advertised. You'd have to let me alter your sig so that it said something like "SL is the coolest ever!!!1!1" and then I'd let you rent it for a month. Oh, and it'd need a graphic, preferably one that didn't involve mayo.
1049. Did you realize I was joking about the above two questions? I figured as much
1050. What merits 'cool points'? Two main criteria;
1. Whoever posts on a "century" question (ie; 100, 200, 900, etc) gets 10 Cool Points.
2. If I see you ask a very good question, or if you do something unique with your questions I may see fit to award you 5 Cool Points. And yes, they're cumulative!
1051. Did you view any spoilers before VDT? Nope, was spoiler free
1052. Did you like VDT? Overall yes, but had some reservations about it
1053. Favorite band ever? The Police
1054. Math or English? English...I'm absolutely worthless at math
1055. Do you like Algebra? Nope, even though alegebra often involves variables, which I personally love
1056. Have you ever started a fire with a magnifying glass? Very briefly once when I was 10. But who owns magnifying glasses anymore?
1057. What's your most favorite quote? "Enemy-occupied territory--that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage." - CS Lewis - Mere Christianity
1058. Do you like coffee? Absolutely, yes!
1059. What about cookies? Absolutely, yes!
1060. Cupcakes? Absolutely, yes!
1061. Did you ever watch Sesame Street as a child? fact I'm pleased to say I was pre-Elmo and back in my day Snuffalupogous was invisible to kids and only Big Bird could see him.
1062. What's one place you've always wanted to visit? Israel
1063. What's your favorite thread on NarniaWeb? Past Movies thread. I'd say Video Games, but it usually just devolves into a Zelda discussion. bleh...
1064. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook.
1065. Have you ever been to the Town Square in Ditto Town? Once...I was so frightened I scampered off like a whipped pup.
1066. How did you come up with your username? It was a Narnia, and thus Lewis, based site. I live in what Lewis called the "Shadowlands" (as does everyone else here), so I decided to call myself Shadowlander.
1067. What's your favorite thing about Aslan? For lack of a better word (and I understand Aslan is a fictional book creation), his...divinity?
1068. What do you think about the Pythagorean Theorum?
1069. Do you/did you ever like Disney movies? I really rather like them, believe it or not. Even the old ones...I loved Perri when I was younger (good luck finding that one) and even the old Hayley Mills stuff.
1070. What's your favorite color? Blue
1071. Have you ever been to England? No, although while en route back from Africa back in 93 our plane had some malfunction and was supposed to divert to England (I think Mildenhall or Lakenheath), but they ended up landing in Germany. Not that I'm complaining one bit...Germany was great!
1072. What's one instrument you wish you could play? Piano. Barring that, harmonica
1073. What's your favorite day of the week?!!!!
1074. Have you seen Toy Story 3? Negative, although I have seen the first two and really liked them
1075. Do you like slinkies? What child of the 70's and 80's doesn't? *sings the commercial jingle* "The Sliiiinkeee, the Sliiiiiinkeee...what a wonderful toy! It's fun for girls and boys".
1076. Let's say you're up late for a midnight snack. You have the option of eating pudding or Jell-O. Which one do you choose? OOOhh...tough one...I'll go with Jell-O, but only if there's fruit in it.
1077. Have you ever been to Boston in the fall? I haven't been to Boston ever
1078. Who's your favorite character from Star Wars? Han Solo, of course.
1079. Do you approve of the newer Star Wars movies (episodes 1-3)? They're ok, I guess. They lack the spirit of the first three and Lucas' reliance totally on digital effects over models takes some of the heart out of it. The dialogue was horrible...but if you can get past all that they're not bad.
1080. Do you prefer soda or water? Soda...enough so that if I could change my kitchen sink to squirt out soda in lieu of water it'd be a very tempting thing.
1081. Let's say you're running away from Darth Vader. You have the option of using a motorcycle or a Ford truck. Which do you choose? The have a least some modicum of protection, you can carry smuggled cargo, there's room for Chewy in the front seat and R2 in the back, and it can take a little bit of damage before it dies. If one sneezes on a motorcycle the wrong way it'll crash.
1082. Why? See above
1083. What's the best book you've ever read? War & Peace
1084. Have you ever sniffed a stinkbug? Yes...those things are awful, aren't they? P-ewwwwwww
1085. What do you like to do when you're not modding? Sleeping...eating...playing video games...avoiding housework. The usual stuff.
1086. Is there anything in your pockets? My truck keys, a half-used Chapstick tube, and a Kleenex
1087. Where are you typing this? In front of my computer, silly!
1088. What is your BIGGEST pet peeve? When CD's or DVD's are taken out of the DVD player (or CD player) and put into incorrect cases....drives me absolutely bonkers.
1089. Did I ask any questions that have already been asked? Not too many. In fact you asked some pretty good questions!
More later!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf