* is wondering if she'll have to hand over her commemorative plaque, crown and used gift certificate after having them for only a week *
You're speeding right ahead, SL! And, despite all of that, I still enjoy working on the mod squad with you.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Questions? ... Drawing a blank.
Hint: Ask me about aircraft, especially of the military variety.
Favorite era of military aircraft. (i.e. WWI, WW2, Cold War)
Favorite branch of military service.
Favorite plastic model kit airplane. (mine was the 1/48th scale B-17G)
This could go on.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
-What page was the last question you answered posted on?
-Rhetorical Questions or Question's that are impossible to answer?
-tap water or bottled water?
-what's your favorite car? (year and model, please)
-what's your least favorite car?
-how many pets have you owned over the course of your life span?
-what's your favorite memory?
-what's your least favorite memory?
-dream or memory?
-what's the best thing about NW?
-what's the worst thing about NW? (Sorry Tirian)
-will you be able to answer all these questions by the end of the week?
-what's your favorite day of the week?
-how many motorized vehicles have you owned over the course of your life?
-What were they?
-do you think owls are wise?
-why did the chicken cross the road, if it wasn't to get to the other side?
-coyotes or road runners?
-coyotes or rabbits?
-rabbits or ducks?
-can you figure out what show the last three questions were inspired by?
-define your favorite word
-define your least favorite word
-light or dark?
-night or day?
-dawn or dusk?
-are you nocturnal?
-did you have to look up the word nocturnal?
-do my questions so far make sense?
-complete the sentence: "Wildlife is..."
-Nature or Technology?
-list your 5 favorite things about nature
-list your five favorite things about technology
-take this question number, subtract three, add 5, multiply by 4, square it, divide by 6, add 12, take the cube root, then divide by 0
-how long did it take you to get the answer to the last question?
-do you think that answer was correct?
-what would you say if I told you the answer is not that hard to figure out, and does not require much, if any, math?
-do you like math?
-how many questions do you think you'll have to answer on here?
-fans or air conditioners?
-what do you think of calculators?
-define "Shadowlander"
-look around you what's the first family friendly word you see that's not on the computer?
-define that word
-complete the sentence: "Grass is..."
-What's your favorite question that we've asked so far?
-how long do you think it took me to type this post?
-do you play MouseHunt?
-how fast can you type?
-rash or flu?
-what's your opinion on nuclear power?
I can't think of anymore right now
Edit:I just read question 555, good thing I added that last bit on mine before.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Not a whole lot of time before I have to go exercise and make dinner and then get ready for work, but I'll answer what I can.
Hello Valiant!
577. Do you eat popcorn with the nacho cheese? Nope, usually just butter and salt.
578. Do you like your water (drinking) ice cold, room temperature, warm, or hot? Ice cold
579. Have you ever smashed a watermelon? Nope. Gallagher I am not.
580. Do you every want to throw your computer out the window? Every day. My computer is a real crate, a hand me down from my brother with 7-8 year old technology. I threaten it every now and then that if it doesn't straighten up it's going to end up as a coral reef in the Atlantic ocean. So far it's unimpressed.
581. Have you ever watched an opera? Not live. Back in the late 80's PBS aired the whole of Wagner's Ring cycle (all 26 hours of it) over four nights and I watched a goodly portion of that.
582. What time do you usually wake up in the morning? Well, I work nights so your "nights" are actually like my "mornings", and to answer that question, it varies greatly. Usually between 4pm and 6pm depending upon what time I went to bed.
583. Limes or lemons? Why? Limes! Because they taste better, of course. I'd love to try my hand at homemade limeade. Oh, and key lime pies are awesome too. Forgot to mention that in my "Favorite pies" question earlier...oops.
Return of the Wolf(loversk)!!!!
Pikas are like rabbity hamsters...I've never heard of those before!
584. your top three favorite websites?
1. NWeb, of course
2. Boardgamegeek.com
3. Amazon.com
585. favorite month? Hmmm...*scratches his chin* I'm going to have to go with December.
586. why is it your favorite month? It's not been cold for too long and Christmas is coming.
587. favorite plant? Venus Trap, the plant that works for its own food.
588. favorite tree? The Dogwood. They're in bloom only two weeks out of the year but they are just beautiful. We have a few on our property and I'm thinking of adding some more.
589. favorite flower? Honeysuckle. I know it's a weed...I know it's invasive. But they smell heavenly. When a cool night breeze hits and passes through a honeysuckle vine there is no more serene scent on planet Earth, I say.
590. digital clock or a clock with hands? Digital. Those hand clocks are sooo old school.
591. roman numerals or regular numbers? Regular numbers. Who has the time to decipher Roman numerals like that? Wouldn't it be funny if I paid my bills in Roman numerals though...I'll try that, let you know what comes of it.
592. decimals or fractions? Decimals
593 why don't you go on the chat? I'm not really sure where it is
594. what smilie do you most want to use here, but never got a chance to? This one
595. if you could invent a smile for NW what would it be/look like? It'd be a smiley eating pellets like Pac Man. I mean after all, they look alike, don't they?
596. pc games or videogame consuls? That's a super tough question! I tend to play console games nowadays although the larger bulk of my collection is for PC. I think PC games are done nicer and have a wider variety of games one can play but they're finicky and expensive. Console games are pretty and accessible, although I think many more games for consoles are rather mindless with a strong focus on it being pretty rather than playable.
597. have you ever used a wii? My sister Kathy had a Wii, but I never played it
598. Complete the sentence: "The color purple makes me..." ..."want to install air conditioners in everyone's house in the south". Movie reference, btw.
599. do you like writing? Yes, though I'm no good at it
600. do you like reading? Affirmative
DING! DING! DING! The Cool Point listing has now been updated!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Wolfloversk - 20 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 10 pts.
601. how were you first introduced to Narnia? Back in the mid to late 70's my sister Liz showed me the animated Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe on TV. I remember it quite fondly, although I still think the animators made Aslan look like he had an afro.
602. First C.S. Lewis book you ever read? LWW. I have an uncommon American set, and they were done in publication order, so LWW is the first one.
603. how were you first introduced to NW? Back in the day I was looking for trailers for LWW and I stumbled across NWeb then.
604. old NW or new NW? New
607. post it notes or index cards? Believe it or not, index cards. Post-it glue doesn't last long, so it ends up falling off. But notecards always look nice.
608. highlighters or permanent markers? For sheer utility value the permanent marker is not to be underestimated!
609. dry erase, smart boards, or chalk boards? Chalk *pulls his nails across the board and looks to see if anyone is cringing and laughs maniacally*
610. complete the sentence: "wolves are..." "...dancing with Kevin Costner".
611. hockey or football? Hockey
612. have you ever watched a NASCAR race? (includes tv broadcast) I have, I'm in the southeastern US after all . Not really my cup of tea...a sport filled with nothing but left turns.
613. have you ever attended a sports event? Yes, several times. They're fun! Plus you can buy bling!
614. favorite type of music? If you held me down and smacked me repeatedly about the face and hands with a piece of cold string cheese and demanded to know, I would say...Classical.
615. do you like to read short stories? Yes...they're works of art in their own right.
616. what's the best short story you ever read? Hrm...good grief, you ask some tough questions! *really thinks* I'm not much into depressing stories, but To Build a Fire was excellent. Leiningen Versus the Ants was also outstanding. But I'm going to have to go with The Most Dangerous Game.
617. what short story do you like the least? None really come to mind
618. what's one piece of advice that you'd give someone? Always make sure you're insured.
619. complete the sentence: "Always...but never..." Always a bridesmaid but never a bride. Did I win?!!!
620. least favorite smilie? Such a pretentious smilie..I just wanna smack it
621. least favorite plant? Poison Ivy
622. least favorite tree? Pine. They look like big toilet bowl brushes.
623. least favorite flower? Carnations...they're always at funerals.
624. bow or gun? Gun.
625. sword or spear? Sword...more versatile
626. dragon or pterosaur? Dragon, although I suspect the pterosaur would put up a scrap if it came down to it
627. do you know the difference between a pterosaur and a dinosaur? I had no idea that they weren't dinosaurs...do tell!
628. favorite subject in the classroom? History and Government
629. outdoors or indoors? Indoors
630. favorite decade? 1950's. I like Ike!
631. first lullaby that pops into your head? Rockabye baby, in the tree top...speaking of which, how'd the kid get up there? Shouldn't someone call the fire department? Why is the person just singing to them?
632. what's the "code" button for under "post reply" and in the chat room? I don't know, I've not been in the chatroom. I don't know where it is, remember?
633. boldface, underline, or italics? I like all three!
634. what's the "list=" button for I don't know. I honestly don't. I just work here.
635. complete the sentence: "gremlins are..." "...lucky. They get to star in a movie with Phoebe Cates."
636. do you have a youtube account? Affirmative
637. favorite font size? I remember back in the day when there were only two: Pica (12) and Elite (10). I tend to go for 12...it's the most versatile.
638. least favorite month of the year? February. It's just dull. At least it's short.
639. infinity or negative infinity? Infinity...and beyond!
640. calculus or trigonometry? Can I call out sick for this question?
641. algebra or geometry? Geometry
642. biology or geology? Geology
643. favorite country? The US, of course.
644. favorite language? Jawa...."oootidi!"
645. poetry or stories? Stories...poetry isn't my cup of tea. Wish the author/s would just stop beating around the bush and say what they need to say.
646. least boring thing in the world? College basketball
647. most boring thing in the world? VCR instruction manuals
648. complete the sentence: "answering these questions makes me..." "...late for work"
649. ,XD or lol
650. favorite dinosaur? Triceratops. He's always been my favorite! He wasn't taking any nonsense from T-Rex, that's for sure.
651. list the first 5 numbers that come to your head 4 8 15 16 23 42
652. best spoiler ever? None come to mind
653. strangest object you've ever seen? Many months ago I saw someone had made a robotic machine where an arm would stick out of this big box and would pet a dog. It was creepy and can only see dogs trying to maul it.
654. worst spoiler ever? For the movie Quarantine they included the final scene of the movie in the trailer. Very unusual choice.
655. coolest object you've ever seen? The Great Orion Nebula
656. favorite word? Surreptitious - "obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine."
657. least favorite word? Eclectic. This word is way overused, often by folks who want to make themselves appear more sophisticated than they usually are. "I have an eclectic taste in music", or "My collection of books is eclectic...pass me those delightful scones please". Oh bruther. "Whilst" is a distant second.
658. complete the sentence: "scholarships are..." "...way out of my ability".
659. complete the sentence: "money is..." "...that which makes the world go round'".
660. list the first five words that come to your head Gotta get ready for work
661. make a sentence using all five of those words (you may use other words too) I just did.
662. favorite girls name? Sarah
663. favorite boys name? David
664. if you could ask me a question what would it be? What does the "sk" at the end of your name mean? Inquiring minds want to know!
665. secret passage ways or trapdoors? Secret passageways. I'm thinking of putting one in my house leading to the refrigerator.
666. favorite precious stone? Sapphire
667. what's your birthstone? Peridot
668. have you ever gone bird watching? Negative
669. what's your favorite bird? Bald Eagle
670. what's your least favorite bird? the Crow
671. complete the sentence: "movie reviews are..." "...fun and informational to read"
672. complete the sentence: "Narnia is..." "...my favorite fantasy setting".
673. would you be shocked if I told you I never read LotR? Not totally...it's a big undertaking, but I suspect you'd like it. Just remember to start with The Hobbit.
674. favorite quote from anywhere and anyone on NW? There are many but none come immediately to mind.
675. favorite picture? Earthrise, taken by the Apollo astronauts
676. painting or drawing? American Gothic by Grant Wood. Does this picture scream Iowa or what?
677. photo or video? Photo
678. black and white or color? Color!
679. colored pencil or crayon? Crayon! Plus the box has a built in sharpener!
680. paint or pastel? Paint
681. marker or pen? Pen
682. favorite colored chalk? White...for nostalgiac purposes
683. least favorite colored chalk? Pink
684. did you know that you could upload an attachment to a word document on NW? Nope
685. excel or word? Excel, of course
686. powerpoint or paint? Paint. Would that I kept my little portfolio of Paint drawings I'd done...was rather proud of them.
I gotta eat dinner and get ready for work. Will answer more tomorrow!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
611. hockey or football? Hockey
You receive five Cool Points for that!!!
1. Do you enjoy answering all these questions?
2. Who is the guy in your sig?
3. Why do you think Fenris Ulf is better than Maugrim?
4. Do you like coleslaw?
5. What is your favorite hockey team?
564. Is there any chance you'll start the "From the Desk of Shadowlander" thread?
I can't believe you remember that! I'd have to get the idea past Jo, stargazer, and Kate. It might be a bit too self-aggrandizing to some.
Yep, I do. I think it would be a great read. Most of your posts are so entertaining and funny. I haven't been around the SpareOom a lot lately and have rather missed your posts. Maybe you could bribe the other mods with cool points or it could be from the Office of the Mods, so they wouldn't feel left out.
565. How do you feel when looking at raw meat? Hungry
Hmmm. You're supposed to fell mellow. (See here to figure out what I'm talking about)
Bonus points are of lesser monetary value than Cool Points, although they're no less important. They're more like medals rather than money.
Okay. Metals are better anyway. I had a hard enough time deciding what my own title should be so I'm not all that interested in renting your space.
How did I do at making the Rolled Sugar Cookies recipe interesting?
If I told you that for a while I had only seen the last 10 minutes or so of the Incredibles, what would your reaction be?
If I told you I had only seen bits and pieces of Star Wars, what would your reaction be?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
593 why don't you go on the chat? I'm not really sure where it is
627. do you know the difference between a pterosaur and a dinosaur? I had no idea that they weren't dinosaurs...do tell! ...
664. if you could ask me a question what would it be? What does the "sk" at the end of your name mean? Inquiring minds want to know!
You never saw the button on the upper left hand corner of the index page that says, "Member Chat?" (Does that count?) Click it and it'll take you there, but beware of gremlins!!!
There classified differently, I'd have to look it up again, but they're considered cousins, not the same group however. Pleisiosaurs weren't dinosaurs either.
the "sk" in my name stands for my initials, you're not the first NWer to ask me that... which brings us too...
-What question have you been asked the most?
-favorite colored lightbulb?
-scrolls or books?
-if you could travel back in time, when would you go?
-how would you overcome the resulting timeloop?
-Have you ever seen or read Jurassic Park or it's sequel(s)?
-do you know what my sig means?
-what's the least healthy thing you've ever eaten
-gardens or grocery stores?
-do you like Star Trek or any of it's spinoffs?
-staples or tape?
-did you know they made purple staples?
-bermuda triangle or the twilight zone?
-favorite insect?
-least favorite insect?
-do you know what an arachnid is?
-am I allowed to post more than once in between your posts?
Ok I need to make a list... my brain is fried...oh!
-do you like french fries?
-can you speak french?
-can you speak spanish?
-what language do you most want to learn?
-what languages have you learned?
-curly fries or straight fries?
-what kind of computer do you own?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
a hearty hello to Mountainfireflower!
A hearty hello to you too! I haven't met you before now, so this is a pleasure!
I am thoroughly carnivore
Oh, good. I share the same sentiments, you see.
(Math and Science are my Achilles heel).
Oh, I totally agree. Science to a lesser agree, but Math... bleh.
I've been known to belt out a song or two from time to time. My wife hates it when I sing impromptu, made up songs when we're shopping. (to the tune of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody) "Laura....just got some soap. Put the bar inside the cart, cuz' we're shopping in Wal-Mart. Lauraaaaa, get more shampooooooo. Cuz' I've got a big coupon for Selsun Bluuuuuue" *bows*
*claps enthusiastically* Wow, what a show! That is very impressive! (And it made me laugh. )
PC or Mac?
Would you let me rent the space where your amazingly awesome mod-title would normally be but instead says, "This Space for Rent"?
If I can rent it, may I pay for it in virtual chocolate?
Did you realize I was joking about the above two questions?
What merits 'cool points'?
Did you view any spoilers before VDT?
Did you like VDT?
Favorite band ever?
Math or English?
Do you like Algebra?
Have you ever started a fire with a magnifying glass?
What's your most favorite quote?
Do you like coffee?
What about cookies?
Did you ever watch Sesame Street as a child?
What's one place you've always wanted to visit?
What's your favorite thread on NarniaWeb?
Facebook or Twitter?
Have you ever been to the Town Square in Ditto Town?
How did you come up with your username?
What's your favorite thing about Aslan?
What do you think about the Pythagorean Theorum?
Do you/did you ever like Disney movies?
What's your favorite color?
Have you ever been to England?
What's one instrument you wish you could play?
What's your favorite day of the week?
Have you seen Toy Story 3?
Do you like slinkies?
Let's say you're up late for a midnight snack. You have the option of eating pudding or Jell-O. Which one do you choose?
Have you ever been to Boston in the fall?
Who's your favorite character from Star Wars?
Do you approve of the newer Star Wars movies (episodes 1-3)?
Do you prefer soda or water?
Let's say you're running away from Darth Vader. You have the option of using a motorcycle or a Ford truck. Which do you choose?
What's the best book you've ever read?
Have you ever sniffed a stinkbug?
What do you like to do when you're not modding?
Is there anything in your pockets?
Where are you typing this?
What is your BIGGEST pet peeve?
Did I ask any questions that have already been asked?
av by dot
I'm just going to do a few...it was a long night and I'm bushed.
Hello eustacegirl! Wait...eustace wasn't a girl! Wait..was he? *ponders*
687. Are you bad at being good or good at being bad? I suppose I'm bad at being good, but aren't we all?
688. Do you believe a person becomes a Christian at the moment they are Baptised for the forgiveness of sins and Gift of Holy Spirit, as preached in Acts 2:38? Yes
689. Are you more like Edmund or Eustace? Eustace
690. Who is your favorite-Edmund or Eustace? Between the two, Edmund
691. Did you like the new Narnia movie? Overall I have mixed feelings...I loved some parts of it and didn't like others at all. But I understand it's an adaptation and they're going to change many things to fit it into a two hour movie. I just don't understand totally why they made the fundamental changes they did.
692. Are you one who tries to do what's right? I do try, although I tend to fail miserably.
693. Would you rather fail at being good or fail at being bad? Deep question! I would rather fail at being good, although the latter makes it sound like one would be incapable of sinning. God often uses that sin to bring you closer to Him (since we are incapable of dealing with it on our own), thus I'd rather fail at being good.
"And we now return to our regularly scheduled program, "Ithilwen The Interrogator: Crisis on NWeb", brought to you by the good folks at Yugo."
To be cool (
) I am going to attempt to ask you 26 questions, each one beginning with a different letter of the alphabet, in order.
Now this is a novel approach! *chuckles*
694. As we begin the new year of 2011, what new years resolutions have you made? Well...I don't typically make resolutions because they always tend to fail, although a very short term I'm trying to lose some weight. And it's going better than I expected.
695. Because of pollution, would you ever consider selling your car?
Nope, although my truck is just a 4 cylinder and is pretty efficient, I must admit.
696. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Perhaps if I had a pot of coffee in my stomach, but to attempt it right now might make my brain break. And then something like this might unfold....
The Scene: SL's Wife comes home and neurosurgeons are everywhere...
Wife: "Oh my! What happened?!?!"
Doctor: "Ma'am, your husband's brain....well....it broke".
Wife, sobbing "What?! How?!"
Doctor: "I don't know how to say this Mrs. SL, so I'll be frank. He tried to recite the alphabet backwards"
Wife: "Oh why?!! Why would he do such a thing?!"
Doctor: "According to our records your husband was involved in some Narnian web cult and one of its members dared him to try the alphabet backwards. His brain couldn't handle it and inflated to the size of a beach ball"
Wife: "Oh noooooooo! *lamentations and wailing and gnashing of teeth"
Doctor: "I know ma'am. There's one other thing....your husband has recovered consciousness but...*looks around*...he...um...he speaks backwards now"
Wife: "Oooooh nooooo! *rending garments* Who could do such a thing?!"
Doctor: "We don't know who she is....she is known only by her calling card: 'Ithilwen the Interrogator'".
See how dangerous this kind of thing can be? You must ask questions responsibly or terrible events may unfold. In my brain.
697. Do you know how to speak or read Latin? E Pluribus Unum, Esse Quam Verde, Hannibal ad portas, Vini Vidi Vici, Semper Fidelis, and per diem are all the Latin I know. The coolest part about potentially learning Latin isn't that you can learn a dead language, but rather than one can wear a toga.
698. Even if the moon were made of cheese, would it be edible? Given the extreme hot temperatures on the light side and the extreme cold temperatures on the dark side I suspect the moon might end up looking like a big dollop of easy cheese (the stuff in the can) before anyone would get a chance to munch on it.
699. For whom would you consider eating live worms, if you knew it would help them? Martin Luther. He's heavily involved in a Diet of Worms. *rimshot*
700. Grass is green, roses are red, what is yellow? Vivarin
DING! DING! DING! New Cool Points score update!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Wolfloversk - 20 pts.
Ithilwen the Interrogator - 20 pts.
It's getting close! Who will win the ultimate prize? Tune in Tuesdays on NWBS and find out!
701. How many eskimos does it take to build an igloo? I suppose one could do it if they had enough time
702. If I told you Jane Austen was at your door, would you let her in? I'd probably think she was a home security salesperson and hide in the other room and make pretend I wasn't home. Then I'd find out afterwards it was her when I read the little pamphlet she slid under my door.
703. Just because a monkey knows how to use a cellphone, does that mean he can order a pizza? Only if he randomly hits the speed-dial. The question is what kind of pizza would the monkey order?
704. Kings' reigns are very high and honorable postitions, but are you fit to lead a country, young man? Put me in coach! I'm ready to play!
705. Let's pretend for a moment that you are a watermelon -- Would you be the kind with the big black seeds, or the supposedly "seedless" kind that has the little white seeds in it? I'd be the kind with seeds, but I'd be more concerned that I was headed to a picnic in July and my end was imminent.
706. Monster trucks are all cool, but which ones are the coolest? Bigfoot. He's the coolest.
707. Nations rise against nations and destory; enemies rise against enemies and destroy; but what about magnets and other magnets?
Well...if they're refrigerator magnets they lose their zest after 2 weeks and fall on the floor. And no one uses those old horseshoe magnets anymore, so it's a moot question.
708. On what grounds would you send a sea lion to prison? Eating cod. You know England and Iceland got into a big scuffle over that a number of years back, so the sea lion was obviously using the opportunity to sow seeds of distrust. This sea lion is a menace!
709. Please, would you tell me, what you get when you cross a flamingo with a pitbull? Wow...going a little Isle of Dr. Moreau here, are we? You'd get a pink dog that can stand on one leg for hours at a time, and upon closer inspection is revealed to be cheap plastic.
710. Questions are fun to answer, but which one will make you laugh the hardest if I ask it? If you asked me if I would rather have a light brunch with the UNC Tarheel basketball team and several hundred fans or be stuck in a locked bowling alley with the Team Al-Queda Bowling League. I'll pick the second one every time.
711. Returning to those Santa questions I asked a few posts back, do you think Santa will ever reveal himself fully to the world so there is no longer any question about his existance? That would destroy the magic of Santa...not knowing for sure is half the fun, right?
712. Supposing I were to switch places with your shoe, would you walk all over me, or respect me as a human (shoe) being? I would wonder why my shoe started making squishy noises all of the sudden, and upon realizing that my shoe was sentient would put it on the end table next to my Lazyboy and watch action movies with it, and perhaps even feed it popcorn. And since you'd be the sentient shoe, please know you'll be expected to help me with the dishes every now and then.
713. To whom do your allegiances lie? God, country, family.
714. Under what law do we practice the art of matchmaking? I use a lighter.
715. Very soon, an earthquake will rattle the entire tri-state area -- are you prepared? I might be...lemme check
Flashlight - check
First aid kit - check
Change of clothes - check
Sentient shoe - check
Arnold Schwarzeneggar collection on DVD - check
Beanie cap - check
Broken shoelace - check
Duct tape - check
Yup, I'm all set!
716. Why do dalmatians like to ride on fire trucks so much? Because they'd get tired of running all that distance. You don't run alongside the taxicab to get where you're going, do ya?
717. Xylophones are cool, aren't they? Indeed! I used to be able to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on mine. I was like Yanni...well, if he was blind, in a wheelchair, and had sentient shoes, that is.
718. You said you would tell me the shark story if I asked, so could you tell me?
My mom tells this story better since she witnessed the whole thing and has a way with telling stories . In 1986 my parents took it upon themselves to invite over an exchange student from Denmark named Christopher. He was kind of a geek like me (he taught me how to play Stratego and Risk, so he wasn't uncool) and my Parental Figures were determined to show him as much of the US as they could, which culminated in a road trip to Florida. We were at Bahia Honda (one of the Keys) swimming in the surf when I suddenly saw something sharp and black bobbing in the water about 50 feet away, behind two old ladies playing with a beach ball. I stood stock still in horror and Christopher turned and looked and saw it too, and we skedaddled out of the water in a near panic. It turns out there was someone flying a black kite and it had hit the water and the guy was pulling it back in (hence our mistake at believing it was a shark on the cruise for a hot lunch). My mom laughed for a good 20 minutes and accused us both of being abject cowards for leaving the two old ladies to their fate without even shouting out a warning. Yeah...whatever.
719. Zebras are striped and horse-like, so why are real horses either plain or spotted? I'm more concerned why they don't come in paisley or plaid.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
How old are you?
Peanut butter and jelly- toasted or not toasted?
Do you have any kids?
What is your opinion on people in their 20s?
What is your opinion on teens?
What type of clothes do you like?
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
-what time is it?
-could you explain this whole points thing again?
-when's the last time you read a book?
-when's the last time you read a book by C.S. Lewis?
-what book was it?
-which order do you prefer to read the CoN in?
-which order did you read them in first?
-which order do you think I read them in first?
-what smiley do you use the most?
-what smilie do you use the least?
-have you ever been ice skating?
-have you ever been rollerkating?
-MN or LWW?
-MN or HHB?
-MN or PC?
-MN or VDT?
-MN or SC?
-MN or LB?
-LWW or HHB?
-LWW or PC?
-LWW or VDT?
-LWW or SC?
-LWW or LB?
-HHB or PC?
-HHB or VDT?
-HHB or SC?
-HHB or LB?
-PC or VDT?
-PC or SC?
-PC or LB?
-VDT or SC?
-VDT or LB?
-SC or LB?
-have I repeated any questions yet?
-why haven't you read Perelandra or That Hideous Strength yet?
-snow or rain?
-snow or sleet?
-rain or hail?
-hot desert or frozen desert?
-which of those questions was a trick question?
-am I allowed to edit more in?
-do you realize nn "miscounted" on one of his posts?
-what's your dogs name?
-have you ever owned a cat?
-have you ever owned a husky?
-have you ever seen a husky?
-have you ever seen a wolf?
-have you ever been to another world? ( )
-if you had the chance, would you attend a LionCon event?
-how many questions have you answered so far?
-when's the last time you went shopping?
-what did you buy?
-did you read through all of the questions before you answered them?
-did you see my edit?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
If you asked me if I would rather have a light brunch with the UNC Tarheel basketball team and several hundred fans or be stuck in a locked bowling alley with the Team Al-Queda Bowling League. I'll pick the second one every time.
How long have you been a Duke fan?
How did this terrible thing happen to you?
When you're watching a game at home, are you one of the screaming and ranting kinds, or do you watch quietly?
Do you know how to spell Coach K's name without looking it up?
If you were placed in charge of organizing the Duke students', er, "creative" antics for the big game at Cameron Stadium, what would you have them do?
Back with more questions
785. Is Tolstoy the only Russian writer you read?
786. Did you ever read Leskov's works?
787. Have you heard of Rolland and Heidi Baker?
788. Do you know that today is Motzart's birthday?
789. Do you know how old he is turning ?
790. Did you watch the movie 16 Blocks?
791. If you had a choice to wear a black coat that had a button missing or a pink coat that had all the buttons, what would you choose?
792. Do you like art?
793. Do you like to take long walks in nature?
794. What do you think of abortion?
795. Did you watch the movie Arn?
796. Did you ever watch Soviet cartoons?
797. What is your favorite Disney cartoon?
798. Do you have any favorite bandsartists?
799. Do you believe in fairies?
800. Do you think you will get to 1000 questions?
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
what's your favorite book?
who's your favorite author?
what's your favorite color?
what's your favorite snack food?
who is the character on your avatar?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
This is so much fun! Thanks for answering all these questions.
What do you prefer: Cellphone or landline?
Sun or moon?
What is your favorite element: water, wind, earth, or fire?
Have you ever fractured a bone?
Singing or dancing?
What was your favorite T.V. show as a kid?
Socks or gloves?
Do you like hot chocolate?
Do you like steak? How do you like your steak cooked?
Spring or summer?
Fall or winter?
That's all for now!
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic