Have you seen the BBC's CoN?
If yes, do you like them? If no, why haven't you seen them?
If you were in a situation where the only way you would live was by eating Mayo from the jar, would you do it?
What is your favorite part of The Incredibles?
What is your favorite character in The Incredibles?
Is there any chance you'll start the "From the Desk of Shadowlander" thread?
How do you feel when looking at raw meat?
Are bonus points different than cool points? (because I have bonus points from agreeing with you that mayonnaise is evil)
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I have to catch some shuteye before work tonight, but I've got time to answer a few more.
Love your sense of humor, Shadowlander. I think it'd be a hoot to meet you in real life.
Yes, in real life I'm like high-impact aerobics crossed with a high saturated fat and cholesterol diet.
324. Do you like snow? That's a loaded question . I personally love snow but at the same time I hate it because when it snows it's a guarantee I have to go to work, even on off days.
325. Does it regularly snow where you live? We can count on getting snow every year although typically 2-3 inches at the most over the whole of the winter. But you'd be surprised how much chaos that creates in NC! This year has been something of an anomaly...we've had 2-3 snowfalls in December alone and probably more will be on the way before too long.
326. What is the coldest temperature you've experienced? When my wife and I were still courting I went up to Wisconsin where she lived in December and it was -40 deg. F (with wind chill). I did everything the military taught me to do...layered clothes; shirt, flannel shirt, sweatshirt, and then on top of that my old Air Force extreme cold weather parka. And the wind blew right through all of it. I could barely speak...sucked the wind out of me. My wife just cackled and cackled, that troublemaker . And yet she gets the chills if it's less than 60 degrees in the house. Weird...
327. What is the hottest? Kuwait City, 1995. It was 136 degrees F when we stepped off of a 70 degree aircraft. I have never experienced a temperature shift like that in my life...fortunately it was a dry heat. With humidity included that'd probably be fatal.
328. What is your favorite dessert? Strawberry pie. I cannot get enough of the stuff.
329. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate Chocolate Chip. If that's not available then Rocky Road.
330. What is your favorite kind of pie? Strawberry, but I gotta give a shout out to Apple Pie and Mince Pie, from my Yankee upbringing.
And my friend Jo returns!
331. Would you like to live in a part of the world that had perpetual snow? No! *holds up a cross and garlic cloves*
332. Do you try and stargaze most clear nights? I have been in many different places across the country but it forever amazes me how much light pollution my region has. There's Greensboro to the north and Charlotte to the south and lots of towns and cities in between, and all of them throw up this unbelievable amount of light pollution. You can see more in Winter but even so the stuff I want to see is quite invisible.
333. What kind of telescope do you have? Newtonian reflector with a 6" aperature, with some very strange little gimmick (the eyepiece has 3 lenses you can put in and they rotate around the eyehole much like the lenses on a microscope). It gets the job done so I can't complain.
334. How long have you had it for? Going on about 6 or 7 years now.
335. Did you share any [Aero Bar] with your Wifey Unit? Yup, she had half and I had half (although I ate it over 3 days or so...I'm on a diet! ).
336. Do you think I will respond to your latest PM this week? (Yes, I hope to: sorry, it's been rather busy. ) You already did! Twice!
337. Would you be willing to host [a Mod Moot]? (I'd be delighted to come.) I'd have to talk with the Spousal Support Unit...she's very shy around new people, but I wouldn't see any problem with it, actually. I think the reason the current Moots work so well though is because they're always operated out of a more or less centralized location...North Carolina's all the way over on the East coast, so probably very few people would be able to come.
But I'd grill steak and potatoes for everyone who did.
*in booming movie announcer voice* The Return of Ithelwen...coming soon to a theater near you. Rated I for intense Ithelwen questioning.
338. Do you prefer motorcycles or motor scooters? I've never ridden any...can I say go-cart?
339. Do you wear a helmet while you bicycle? I don't need no stinkin' helmet.
340. Have you ever been to San Francisco? Nope. Been to LAX once (those bald guys in the robes tried to give me a flower) and Travis AFB, for a grand total of 5 hours in the state.
341. What is your opinion of eels? Not too terribly fond of them. I was down in Cuba back in 91'. Gitmo had this section of beach they blasted out so as to make a giant ocean swimming area. Basically it was a bowl shaped area surrounded by reef, and we went snorkeling there all the time. I was slowly snorkeling around one of the reefs when I came face to face with a Moray eel who was poking his head out of a hole. We looked at each other for about 3 seconds, I wet myself, and then slowly backed away. No thanks, eels aren't for me.
342. What is your opinion of dragons? I'll have to ask the one in my basement.
343. What do you fear most? Heights
344. What's the funniest dream you ever had? I remember waking up from sleep and laughing hard. But so many dreams are lost in the ether of sleepiness that I can never remember them again, or if I do at all, years later when all the pertinent info from the dream is rendered useless.
345. What's the scariest dream you ever had? I'll never forget this one as long as I live. The morning of my first day of Senior year in high school I woke up in my bed and my mom was standing in the doorway telling me to get up, that something was wrong and there was someone behind the house. I get up and walk through the house...I knew something was up when I was walking through the dining room and my dad was loading a shotgun (which is odd because we don't own one). My mom was panicking and repeatedly saying there was someone behind the house...so I look out the back window and see nothing...and then very subtly I see a figure walk out from the treeline. I can't make out any details because the figure is too far away, but they're just standing there, and then quick as a flash they stoop over pick up a rock, and throw it at me (50 feet distant) and it crashes through the window inches from my face. I duck behind the wall and my parents are really freaking out now. My mom is trying to call the police, and I dare to peek out the window again. This time the figure is about 25 ft. away and dressed in what looks like a grey hoodie and light colored pants, but I still can't see details on the person's face. They just stand there stock still staring at me, and then just as before, in the blink of an eye they stoop down and grab a rock and throw it at me again. It once again barely misses my face, so I run to the dining room and grab my pellet gun (I always have wimpy weapons in dreams for some reason). While I'm loading it I hear a shotgun blast and my mom scream and run back into the kitchen. They're both completely gone and the phone is hanging from the receiver. I'm thoroughly terrified now and I slowly walk to the back window and peek outside again. This time the figure is right there, not 3 feet away, standing stock still and looking directly at me. It has no facial features...just blank skin. No eyes, no mouth, no nose. Then as quick as a flash it stoops over and grabs a rock and throws it through the window and this one is going to connect with my face. Just before it does I wake up screaming, and my mom is standing in the doorway (just like in the dream) telling me to wake up.
I didn't sleep again for a week and spent years worried I would have that dream again.
346. Have you read Till We Have Faces? Negative (funny this book title should pop up after the story above )
347. Have you really read War and Peace -- cover to cover?
Three times, two different translations.
348. How long did it take you to read it? The first time about 3 weeks. The book was slow at the beginning but once it hit the Battle of Austerlitz it picked up steam dramatically and never let go. At that point I couldn't put it down.
349. Is it the longest book you ever read? At 1400-1500 pages, I believe it is.
350. What's the shortest book you ever read? It'd have to be a Dr. Seuss title
351. What's the silliest character you ever met in a book? Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. He's comic gold!
352. Who is your all-time favorite character from anything, book, movie, etc.? From books, Count Pierre Bezuhov from War & Peace. From a movie, don't know if this counts, but Errol Flynn. If I could be anyone I'd want to be Errol Flynn.
353. Have you ever read or seen A Series of Unfortunate Events? Yeah, it's called my family history. Seriously.
354. Ever read books by Henry James I started to read Wings of the Dove, but just could not get into it. I gave up after a few chapters. I personally think dive bomber attack planes would have livened it up a bit, but no one ever asks me, so...
355. Do you want to read them/more of them? Nope, afraid not. Well...if someone was offering me money to read them though...
356. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
357. Paper or plastic? Plastic
358. Do you like Jane Austen? *makes a face*
359. Do you like trucks? Yes. Do I like Monster Trucks? ABSOLUTELY YES!
360. If you found out Jane Austen rode trucks, what would you say? Hmm...that depends. Is there a shotgun rack in her rear window?
361. Have you ever seen the show 24? Yes. Jack Bauer for President!
362. Have you ever laughed so hard you were literally on the floor? Yes, when you asked if I liked Jane Austen.
363. What is the best thing God has ever done for you (besides sending his son to die for you, saving you, etc.) I could not begin to list everything, but I will say that giving me my wife Laura is at the top as well as keeping me financially secure and with a solid roof over my head. I ask for nothing more.
364. What is your opinion of the Screwtape Letters? Believe it or not I've never read them. *hears gasps from all around* Hey! I heard that!
365. Do you believe in Santa? yes
366. Should you believe in Santa? Sure, why not? A little Christmas magic never hurt anyone.
367. Will you believe in Santa? Always
368. Have you ever believed in Santa? Since I was knee high to a grasshopper
369. What is your honest, personal opinion of Santa? I know that Santa is not the reason for the season, so to speak. But I love the magic involved with him and the mythology. There's something there that is so magnetic to little kids and I'm glad I never lost it.
370. How did you come to this conclusion about Santa? I see people who don't believe in Santa and they're typically unhappy people around Christmas time for one reason or another. I never want that to be me.
371. Have you ever met Santa? Macy's in NYC in 1975 or 76. I screamed like a banshee with a stubbed toe
372. Do you know anyone who might have a grudge against Santa? The elves. But I hear they have an excellent dental plan.
373. Does it creep you out that I keep asking questions about Santa? Not creeping me out, just wondering where you're going with it.
374. Ever tried to sleep in a hammock? I have slept in a hammock, actually! St. Croix, 1993. Perhaps 40 feet from the beach with a warm, delicious tropical breeze blowing from off of a clear, aqua/teal blue shore across me...palm leaf shadows dancing around my face, and the soft tinkling of a far off steel drum band playing "Hot! Hot! Hot!" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. There is nothing like it in the world.
375. Is it hard? Deceptively easy, actually.
376. Is there a monster in Loch Ness? I honestly don't know, but I don't discount it. If you saw some of the wildlife growing in my fridge you'd believe in just about anything.
377. Does Big Foot exist? Yes. He came out of hiding a while back but lost it all in the big dot com bust in 99. Amazon bought his company out and he was a travelling yodeller for a while. His first album "Squealin' with Squatch!" flopped on the charts, so he tried his hand at being a lint roller salesman. But the rollers kept getting stuck to his fur, so he ended up back in the woods where he came out of. And no man has seen him since.
378. Who is Howard? He's a duck
379. What is the longest your hair has ever been? When I was a year or two old my parents decided to let it grow out some. It wasn't quite shoulder length, and it was wretched and silly looking. Purportedly at a later age upon viewing a picture of myself at the time I pointed out to my mom that "that was me when I was a girl". I keep my hair short almost all the time, usually military length (#1 on the sides and back, leave an inch on top, blocked in the back, and no sideburns, please).
380. Have you ever made a public speech? Yes...I've even been on TV, although not giving a public speech
381. Are you afraid of sharks? I saw Jaws...of course I'm afraid of sharks! Funny story with that if anyone wants to hear it sometime.
382. Have you ever been stranded somewhere by accident? I once thought I was stranded in a foreign country and that my squadron mates had left me behind by myself. But it turns out they were just somewhere else in the facility. Phew!
382. Have you ever been stranded somewhere on purpose? Nope
383. Do you like pirates? Generally speaking, yes. Piracy, no.
384. What is your opinion of Twilight? It's trash. Vampires don't sparkle. Where was Van Helsing for all of this? All I saw was a whole lot staking that needed doing. What is it with the Pacific Northwest and pale people? Was there an explosion at the glitter factory? Why does Kristin Stewart look nauseous in every shot of the film? Why? Why? Why?!?!
385. Have you ever tried Mineral Water? I have and it is delicious!
386. Are sunglasses cool? Absolutely, yes. Alas, I cannot wear them as I already wear glasses...and the clip on deals make me look like some dweeboid, so I don't dare go out in public with them on.
387. What was it you said about people reaching 50 questions? I didn't say anything about people asking me 50 questions, but I did say that whoever got 50 Cool Points first would get to change my "This Space for Rent" avatar text for a month to the slogan of their choice.
388. Did you know that I've asked over 50 questions? You surely did. I award you *with booming trumpets* 5 Cool Points! Now you have 10 and are tied for 2nd place!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Have you ever cleaned a fridge?
Are you generally a messy person, or a very neat person?
What smiley do you use the most? (hope this hasn't been asked already)
What's your "guilty pleasure" movie/TV show?
Do you wear socks to bed? (Apparently hardly anyone does except for wisewoman and me. And we both tuck our PJ pants into our socks so the legs don't get rolled up )
How do you feel about llama kisses?
Do you talk through movies or mind people who do?
What's been the best present you've ever received?
I'm giving you a present: Do you choose the large box (like the size of a computer printer), or the small box (the size of a coffee mug)? Why?
That's all for now....
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Do you eat popcorn with the nacho cheese?
Do you like your water (drinking) ice cold, room temperature, warm, or hot?
Have you ever smashed a watermelon?
Do you every want to throw your computer out the window?
Have you ever watched an opera?
What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
Limes or lemons? Why?
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
287. Have you ever heard of a parasaurolophus? Who hasn't? I rode one to high school back in the 80's. Great fuel mileage, but personally I really would have rather had a Triceratops with boss racing stripes and mag wheels.
*is in pain from laughing to hard*
319. what's your favorite location that another NWer has used? Huh?
on the side bar thing under your avie, rank, and such
323. have you ever seen a pika? I'm afraid not...is that like a hairless, odorless rabbit of some type?
Close. It's a type of lagomorph, therefore related to rabbits and hairs, but it has fur, and I'm sure it smells pikaish http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pika
ok sorry if I repeat some again:
-your top three favorite websites?
-favorite month?
-why is it your favorite month?
-favorite plant?
-favorite tree?
-favorite flower?
-digital clock or a clock with hands?
-roman numerals or regular numbers?
-decimals or fractions?
-why don't you go on the chat?
-what smilie do you most want to use here, but never got a chance to?
-if you could invent a smile for NW what would it be/look like?
-pc games or videogame consuls?
-have you ever used a wii?
-Complete the sentence: "The color purple makes me..."
-do you like writing?
-do you like reading?
-how were you first introduced to Narnia?
-First C.S. Lewis book you ever read?
-how were you first introduced to NW?
-old NW or new NW?
-post it notes or index cards?
-highlighters or permanent markers?
-dry erase, smart boards, or chalk boards?
-complete the sentence: "wolves are..."
-hockey or football?
-have you ever watched a NASCAR race? (includes tv broadcast)
-have you ever attended a sports event?
-favorite type of music?
-do you like to read short stories?
-what's the best short story you ever read?
-what short story do you like the least?
-what's one piece of advice that you'd give someone?
-complete the sentence: "Always...but never..."
-least favorite smilie?
-least favorite plant?
-least favorite tree?
-least favorite flower?
-bow or gun?
-sword or spear?
-dragon or pterosaur?
-do you know the difference between a pterosaur and a dinosaur?
-favorite subject in the classroom?
-outdoors or indoors?
-favorite decade?
-first lullaby that pops into your head?
-what's the "code" button for under "post reply" and in the chat room?
-boldface, underline, or italics?
-what's the "list=" button for
-complete the sentence: "gremlins are..."
-do you have a youtube account?
-favorite font size?
-least favorite month of the year?
-infinity or negative infinity?
-calculus or trigonometry?
-algebra or geometry?
-biology or geology?
-favorite country?
-favorite language?
-poetry or stories?
-least boring thing in the world?
-most boring thing in the world?
-complete the sentence: "answering these questions makes me..."
- ,XD or lol
-favorite dinosaur?
-list the first 5 numbers that come to your head
-best spoiler ever?
-strangest object you've ever seen?
-worst spoiler ever?
-coolest object you've ever seen?
-favorite word?
-least favorite word?
-complete the sentence: "scholarships are..."
-complete the sentence: "money is..."
-list the first five words that come to your head
-make a sentence using all five of those words (you may use other words too)
-favorite girls name?
-favorite boys name?
-if you could ask me a question what would it be?
-secret passage ways or trapdoors?
-favorite precious stone?
-what's your birthstone?
-have you ever gone bird watching?
-what's your favorite bird?
-what's your least favorite bird?
-complete the sentence: "movie reviews are..."
-complete the sentence: "Narnia is..."
-would you be shocked if I told you I never read LotR?
-favorite quote from anywhere and anyone on NW?
-favorite picture?
-painting or drawing?
-photo or video?
-black and white or color?
-colored pencil or crayon?
-paint or pastel?
-marker or pen?
-favorite colored chalk?
-least favorite colored chalk?
-did you know that you could upload an attachment to a word document on NW?
-excel or word?
-powerpoint or paint?
-do you plan on reading Perelandra or That Hideous Strength
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Are you bad at being good or good at being bad?
Do you believe a person becomes a Christian at the moment they are Baptised for the forgiveness of sins and Gift of Holy Spirit, as preached in Acts 2:38?
Are you more like Edmund or Eustace?
Who is your favorite-Edmund or Eustace?
Did you like the new Narnia movie?
Are you one who tries to do what's right?
Would you rather fail at being good or fail at being bad?
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
To be cool ( ) I am going to attempt to ask you 26 questions, each one beginning with a different letter of the alphabet, in order.
*Takes a deep breath*...
As we begin the new year of 2011, what new years resolutions have you made?
Because of pollution, would you ever consider selling your car?
Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
Do you know how to speak or read Latin?
Even if the moon were made of cheese, would it be edible?
For whom would you consider eating live worms, if you knew it would help them?
Grass is green, roses are red, what is yellow?
How many eskimos does it take to build an igloo?
If I told you Jane Austen was at your door, would you let her in?
Just because a monkey knows how to use a cellphone, does that mean he can order a pizza?
Kings' reigns are very high and honorable postitions, but are you fit to lead a country, young man?
Let's pretend for a moment that you are a watermelon -- Would you be the kind with the big black seeds, or the supposedly "seedless" kind that has the little white seeds in it?
Monster trucks are all cool, but which ones are the coolest?
Nations rise against nations and destory; enemies rise against enemies and destroy; but what about magnets and other magnets?
On what grounds would you send a sea lion to prison?
Please, would you tell me, what you get when you cross a flamingo with a pitbull?
Questions are fun to answer, but which one will make you laugh the hardest if I ask it?
Returning to those Santa questions I asked a few posts back, do you think Santa will ever reveal himself fully to the world so there is no longer any question about his existance?
Supposing I were to switch places with your shoe, would you walk all over me, or respect me as a human (shoe) being?
To whom do your allegiances lie?
Under what law do we practice the art of matchmaking?
Very soon, an earthquake will rattle the entire tri-state area -- are you prepared?
Why do dalmations like to ride on fire trucks so much?
Xylophones are cool, aren't they?
You said you would tell me the shark story if I asked, so could you tell me?
Zebras are striped and horse-like, so why are real horses either plain or spotted?
Whew! That was tough. but I did it... and now I feel all accomplished-like.
~Riella (<--Yeah he still holds the secrets to the universe)
*Corporal flambeau reports in with some more questions*
*salutes* As you were, ladies.
389. Do you read books very often? Not nearly as much as I used to.
390. I recall we had a slight disagreement in the books thread regarding A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens (I liked it, you didn't). What was your biggest reason for disliking that book? I thought Dickens fluffed his story up unnecessarily with needless text. I accuse Silas Marner of this too, which I consider overlong for what it is. A short story trapped in a novel's body. The Scarlet Pimpernel (which covers the same period and even some of the same events) does the same job as A Tale of Two Cities but does it in a much more efficient and entertaining way and in a tiny fraction of the time. And it was a fun read.
391. What is you favorite book by C.S. Lewis? The Horse and His Boy
392. Have you ever read Cheaper by the Dozen? Negative...nor have I seen the movie, although I saw bits and pieces of the touching sequel; Cheaper by the Dozen 2: Electric Boogaloo.
393. How about Bells on Their Toes? No...out of curiousity why are there bells on their toes?
394. Have you ever read The Virginian by Owen Wister? Negative
395. Have you ever read the Attolia series by Megan Whalen Turner? Negative, however the library (which didn't have it for a very long time) finally does have it in stock, so I'm strongly considering borrowing it.
396. Have you ever read Manalive by Chesterton? I know of Chesterton (largely because TBG is always quoting him) but I've never read him.
397. If not, do you want to? I'm willing to give any book a shake
398. Have you ever read The Man Who Was Thursday? Excerpts...um...there's this PC game called Deus Ex from back in the late 90's. During the course of the players' journey they'll find excerpts in various places (on desks, tables, etc.) and I got a noir kind of feel from the text I did read, but then again the game was noir, so that might have been bleeding through.
399. Have you every read anything by...
-G.K. Chesterton? Negative
-Frank Peretti? Negative
-Dee Henderson? Negative
-Jane Austen? I tried to read Sense and Sensibility, but had a terrible time getting into it. I know...I know...
-Louisa May Alcott? Little Women, and I found it to be a good, decent book
-Ted Dekker? Negative
400. Have you ever made a graphic? Not on NWeb, no.
DING! DING! DING! Team Flam-Jaq wins an additional 10 points for reaching question 400!
Team Flam-Jaq - 30 pts.
Wolfloversk - 10 pts.
Ithelwen the Interogator - 10 pts.
401. If not, have you ever wanted to? I wouldn't mind giving it a go
402. Are you computer savvy? I know just enough to make me dangerous!
403. Would you classify me as a nerd? (don't worry if the answer is yes, I classify myself as one. ) *ponders* If you're a social outcast and can name at least 10 Star Trek characters by memory then yes, I'll admit you're a nerd.
404. What is your favorite kind of music? (I can't recall if this has been asked before. If it has, I apologize) It's been a few pages back and no one has asked about it since, so I'll let it slide ). Classical music, Classic Rock, and 80's, roughly in that order.
(I'm listening to Classical as I write this, actually
405. Favorite song ever? Tom Sawyer by Rush
406. Favorite hymn ever? Onward Christian Soldiers
407. Have you ever played the piano? Very, very briefly when I was in 5th grade...I had a sorta PT instructor and when I played my first tune it was like magic. Pianos can be very intimidating, which is why I'm sure more people don't know how to play.
408. If not, have you ever wanted to? It is the one instrument far and away above all others that I'd love to learn. And when I'm a master at it I want to go hit a pipe organ and play Tocata and Fugue in D like the Phantom of the Opera.
409. How fast can you recite the alphabet? I just timed myself at 4.5 seconds. Thank goodness you didn't ask me to recite the Norwegian alphabet.
410. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Yes, but that summons the dark Sesame Street entities known as Dark Big Bird, who, along with Dark Snuffalupagous, terrifiy me by making me play Scrabble for 72 hours straight while listening to Tiny Tim music repeatedly.
411. You like basketball, correct? Do you enjoy playing it? I really do, actually. I never do though because I have no skill, and furthermore no hoop. Basketball is a game of precision and finesse and not really brute force. I admire that.
412. Have you ever seen The Man From Snowy River? A very long time ago...I remember liking it, but I haven't seen it since.
413. Have you ever read the poem that it was based on? I had no idea it was based on a poem. Then again I don't really get into poetry much beyond "Roses are red, violets are blue..."
414. Do you like horses? I do, although they frighten me a bit. Things are massive!
Super Kate! Welcome!
415. What's your bowling record? Ahem...129? The only thing safe in the bowling alley when I'm there are the pins. Normally I just go play the Ms. Pac Man machine and let everyone else slide around on those weird looking shoes
416. How do you feel about line dancing? I don't have the coordination to do it. They did it at my wedding reception and I gave up trying to mimic everyone else during the Electric Slide and just did the cabbage patch followed by the robot in the middle of the floor.
417. Jack or Sawyer? I identify more with Jack and he's my favorite between the two, but Sawyer is hilarious...a nickname for everyone. "Oh happy day, here comes Dr. Giggles".
418. Juliet or Kate? Kate. No contest.
419. What is your favorite Hitchcock film? Vertigo
420. Have you ever been in a Hot Air Balloon? Negative
421. How did you meet your wife? Long story short, we met on the old MMORPG Everquest. Shhh...don't tell anyone.
422. If you could visit any planet in our solar system without dying and without the several year shuttle ride, which would you choose? Hmm...so many are hostile to life, but if I'm immortal for the trip....I'll go Neptune. Everytime I see pictures of Neptune I'm completely taken by how beautiful it is, like a giant blue marble.
423. You seem to have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of almost everything. Is that true? I watch a lot of History Channel and have a shelf full of history books and a few science ones as well. For some reason I can't remember people's names that I've just met but if you tell me such and such a battle happened on such and such a date or that Hendrix played such and such location in whatever country, I will remember it. *shrugs* It served me well when I was on the Quiz Bowl team.
424. I liked your Edgar Allan Poe reference. What's your favorite work of his? For sheer horror value, nothing surpasses A Cask of Amontillado. It hits every horror inducing pressure point, with a strong focus on being buried alive, as well as claustraphobia.
And greetings to georgiefan1!
425. Do you have a NW BFF? Nope.
426. If so who is it? See above
427. Do you have a IRL BFF? A couple or three
428. Did you have a favorite movie as a kid? Star Wars! There was no other movie that could surpass it in sheer size, scope, and coolness. And I wanted to be an X-Wing pilot.
429. Your favorite grade in school? Senior year...it's almost over
430. Public schooled or home schooled? Public
431. When it comes to eating food, I'm a lefty as well, and whenever I go out to eat with my family and I sit next to my dad, I always hit him with my elbow and he always gets annoyed. Has anything like this ever happened to you? Yeah, we always have to arrange out tables like that. Fortunately my Maternal Unit and my sister Liz are both lefties too, so we can all sit next to each other. But those other people in my family...*sigh* wanting to bump elbows, food shooting up people's noses, Aunt Vida getting macaroni in her perm.
432. If you could be in anyone's shoes for a day who would it be? Any astronaut...how awesome would it be to get into space??
433. What are your views on Justin Bieber? Believe it or not before a month or so ago I didn't know who he was. I'm still not fully sure. I think he's famous for tweeting or something.
434. Do you visit NW member chat often? Negative. Don't think I've ever been there actually
435. Who, if you met them, would completely make you starstruck? Coach K (head coach at Duke U.)
436. Favorite subject in school? History and Govt.
437. Least favorite subject? Math of any type! I did decent in Geometry because I could visualize the shapes they were talking about in my head and see them on the board, but the rest of that stuff was goofy. Proofs? Evil. More evil than mayonaisse? No, but way up there.
438. Favorite exotic animal? The fire-breathing Mega Koala, available now at your local Wal-Mart.
439. Have you had any repeat questions? Several times, but I know it's a lot of stuff to sift through to see if someone's asked, so I don't mind.
440. Do you have a favorite smilie? Well, it would be the fire-breathing Mega Koala, but they don't have one yet. Till then it's
441. Are you afraid of heights? My single biggest phobia. I can't go up past 3 rungs on a ladder without starting to freeze and panic a little. And then I joined the Air Force. If you can explain that one to me I'll award you 10 Cool Points.
442. Are you afraid of spiders? I'm respectful of them. It's my wife that's terrified of them...she'll run screaming from a daddy longlegs....a DADDY LONG LEGS! The thing is as harmful as a wet paper towel.
443. Do you enjoy amusement parks? In my youth...I think I'm just getting too old for em' now, but I still enjoy the occasional venture onto a rollercoaster. Plus the cotton candy is the proverbial bomb diggity, in the parlance of the modern generation.
444. If so, what is usually your favorite ride at the park? If they have a giant wooden coaster, those are my preferred. That first hill going down where your stomach is sitting in the lap of the person behind you is a sensation not to be topped.
445. Favorite amusement park food? Candy apples...addicitive little things.
446. Pencils or pens? Pens, even when I'm doing crosswords.
447. Do you text message? I used to, but I found it was just easier to call people rather than wear my thumbs out. It's a phone, not a Nintendo.
448. Have you ever rode a horse? Once when I was very young....might be where I got my fear of them from. It seemed at the time like I was a mile off the ground and that triggered my acrophobia. Strange...
449. Have you ever pet a dolphin? Negative
450. Do you scuba dive? No, although I do snorkel when I'm in a location suitable for it. It's like scuba but without the committment.
451. Do you like the ocean? I love the ocean. I suspect there's a sailor's heart in me somewhere as one of my dreams is to sail a schooner around the world. Hey, a guy can dream, right?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
441. Are you afraid of heights? My single biggest phobia. I can't go up past 3 rungs on a ladder without starting to freeze and panic a little. And then I joined the Air Force. If you can explain that one to me I'll award you 10 Cool Points.
Well I don't know if I can necessarily explain it, but that's kinda the same for me, when I'm climbing something and get half way I get freaked out, or if I'm on a blacony I won't get too close to the edge, but when I'm on an airplane (which is rare) or on a top floor of a building I'm not as scared. Personally I think it's cuz if I fall from a short distance I'll injure myself, it'll hurt, and it's likely that I'd break something. But if I'm up really high, then I can see everything for a far ways and I forget how high up I am and just enjoy the view. Also, I'm not as scared because if you fall from a skyskraper or from x stories high, you'll die before you hit the ground. Don't know if that explains your case, but it does for mine the cool points would be cool too.
Anyways, a few questions:
Favorite part about HHB?
Is your wife noctural too?
Sci-fi or fantasy?
What's your favorite cut of steak?
Baked or fried?
Favorite type of pasta?
Best ice cream flavor?
Favorite soda?
What kind of milk do you drink (2%, 1%, lactose intolerant...)?
What's your comfort food?
^Sorry, I got a little hungry towards the end
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
1. Have you ever worn armor?
2. What do your friends in real life think about NarniaWeb?
3. What does your wife think of NarniaWeb?
4. What do you think of NarniaWeb?
5. Do you prefer the new NarniaWeb or the old NarniaWeb?
6. Out of all the people questioning you, why did you give me the title of "Interrogator?"
7. Is it a compliment?
8. What should I do if it's not a compliment?
9. What should I do if it is?
10. Do you like giving advice to strangers?
11. What advice would you give me if I was a stranger?
12. Am I a stranger?
13. Do you like peant butter?
14. Are you aware that some people despise the stuff?
15. What do you think I just ate?
16. How much does a person have to like LOTR before it's considered unhealthy?
17. If Pippin was your son, what advice would you give him?
18. If Pippin was real and lived in the real world, what job would he have?
19. If Gollum was president, would we go to war?
20. If we did go to war, what country would we go to war with?
21. If you were a reptile, what kind would you be?
22. Can you say your name backwards?
23. If one person called you by your real name, and someone else called you Shadowlander at the same time, which person would you reflexively look at first?
24. Ever watch NCIS?
25. What is your opinion of NCIS?
26. Have you ever heard of a big pink sea serpent named Serendipity?
27. What does the term Serendipity mean to you personally?
28. If the number 8 had a human name, what would it be?
29. Who is George Jacob Dorferman?
30. If you were half-way through a sandwhich, would you call your niece on the phone, if you have/had a niece?
31. What is my real name?
32. What color is my hair?
33. What about myself do I value most, would you say?
34. If it was a contest between me and George Bush, who would you rather dance with at a Haloween costume ball?
35. Have you ever met Christopher Colombus?
36. Can you say something right now that will make me do a double-take?
37. If there was such a thing as triple-mint gum, would it break the sound barrier?
38. What do you hope to never accomplish?
39. If Narnia was called Ainran, would you still love it just the same?
40. If your avatar spoke to you, and told you to assassinate the ice cream man, would you do it?
41. If not, what kind of explanation would you give your avvy?
42. Would you rather have a NW Avatar, or an "Avatar" Avatar?
43. Did you see that one coming?
44. What was that noise?
45. What lives under your bed?
46. What do the people in 2nd place or 3rd place get in the contest of cool points?
47. Am I too obsessed with cool points?
48. You must have a lot of cool points yourself, if your willing to give them out so freely. How many do you have?
49. What is the ultimate Christmas present?
50. We are officially half done with these questions, okay?
51. Have you ever read Thomas Hardy books?
52. What do you think of Thomas Hardy?
53. What is your opinion of Shakespeare?
54. What is your opinion of Gnomeo and Juliet?
55. Did you ever climb a balcony to see your wife?
56. Would you?
57. How many candles can you light in one room before the rising smoke burns a hole in the ceiling?
58. How do you know?
59. Am I awesome?
60. Are you awesome?
61. Does the term "Awesome" have some existential meaning behind it?
62. What does existential mean?
63. Does the term "Existential" have some awesome meaning behind it?
64. Does it have something to do with aliens?
65. Would you like it more or less if it had something to do with aliens?
66. Have you ever been attacked by a dog?
67. Do you want to be?
68. Did you know I was attacked by a pack of dogs when I was 3?
69. Do you know how fun that was?
70. Are you aware that I am not very fond of dogs?
71. Did you know this is evil? --
72. Did you know you don't have to worry about that?
73. Are you aware that asking and answering questions like this is bringing us all closer together?
74. Should we sing songs?
75. How many songs should we sing before we realize we're all being a bit silly?
76. Is being silly a good thing or a bad thing?
77. If it was a bad thing, should we do it anyway?
78. Are you aware that trees contain wood?
79. Does this cause any risk due to allergies or medication?
80. Do you see any spots in front of your eyes?
81. Do you have a fever?
82. Would you like me to call an ambulence?
83. How many cursors am I holding up?
84. The night has a thousand eyes; and the day but one; yet, what does the light of the whole world do?
85. Some guys wear pink. What do you think of this?
86. If I told you that I was Bilbo Baggins, would you believe me?
87. What would you do to me?
88. Are there any famous people -- past, present, (or future ) -- that you are related to?
89. What is the greatest thing about Laura?
90. What is the oddest thing that's ever hapenned to you?
91. What does this mean? --
92. Is it going to hurt us?
93. If I laughed, what do you think my laugh would sound like?
94. What does your laugh sound like?
95. If we heard you laugh, would it bring us closer together, or would it make us all die with the dying of the sun?
96. Are you aware that I keep quoting a poem?
97. Do you know what poem it is?
98. Do you know who wrote it?
99. What is your opinion of poetry?
100. Are you aware that I just asked you 100 questions?
381. Are you afraid of sharks? I saw Jaws...of course I'm afraid of sharks! Funny story with that if anyone wants to hear it sometime.
Would you tell us that story?
1. Do you like Bananas?
2. If not. Why not?
3. What comes after "I like bananas?"
4. Why did the chicken cross the road?
5. What is the story behind "Stealth Doughnut"
6. Starbucks or Dunkin Doughnuts?
7. Krispy Creams or Mr. Sticky's?
8. Lowes or Home Depot
9. Hammers or Wrenches?
10. Table Saw or Chainsaw?
11. Maple or Oak?
12. USS Enterprise or USS Yorktown?
13. Star Trek or Star Wars?
14. Luke or Han?
15. C3-P0 or R2-D2?
16. Vacuum or SHAM-WOW!
17. Do you miss Steve Irwin?
18. Would you rather tackle a Bear or and Gator?
19. Ever killed a Bear?
20. Favorite Handgun?
21. Favorite target?
22. Favorite Jet?
23. Ideal Military Job?
24. Do you like your current job?
25. Russian Mafia or Italian Mafia?
26. Which would you join if you had to?
27. Do you think we can clone the Dino?
28. Favorite War movie?
29. Coconuts or Pineapples?
30. Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew?
31. What is your favorite candybar?
32. Favorite Gatorade?
33. Do you like building things with Dominos?
34. Dominos or Pizza Hut?
35. Mcdonalds or Wendy's?
36. Burger King or White Castle?
37. Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
38. Favorite thing to do at a fair?
39. Cotton Candy or Candy Apple?
40. Pepsi or Coke?
41. Teacups or Roller Coasters?
42. Chocolate or Peanut butter?
43. Jelly or Jam?
44. Ever had vegemite?
45. Did you get to go to Israel?
46. What did you do in the Air Force?
47. What Force power do you wish you had?
48. What color lightsaber would you want?
49. What style would it be?
50. Bounty Hunter or Smuggler?
51. Shepherd or Nerf Herder?
52. Husky or German Shepherds?
53. Ideal place to live?
54. Racing or Shooting games?
55. X-box or Wii?
56. Hot pink or Light pink?
57. Blue or Orange?
58. Black or white?
59. Why the heck did the chicken cross the road?
60. Challenger, Mustang or Camaro?
61. Formula 1 or NASCAR?
62. Survivor or John and Kate + 8? (I’ll bet even he couldn’t survive through one day with that family)
63. Fluffy or Hard pillows?
64. Cor or Corin?
65. Mr. or Mrs. Beaver?
66. What was the best way to enter Narnia?
67. Are you insane?
68. Am I insane?
69. Could you help me find my marbles?
70. Ever play Marbles?
71. Do you know why they are called marbles when they are made out of glass?
72. Water or Land?
73. Air or Water?
74. Air or Land?
75. PC’s or Mac’s?
76. Carrots or Lettuce?
77. Ever play minigolf?
78. Did you like it?
79. Did it have a windmill?
80. What do you think of windmill power to replace fossil fuels?
81. Paintball or Airsoft?
82. Nerf or Laser Tag?
83. What do you think of Ditto Town?
84. Ever consider giving RPing a try?
85. What does this mean >.
86. Is it really 5 AM!?
87. Is my mom going to kill me?
88. Wow, can you believe that only 12 more questions and I’m at 100?
89. Do you like Submette (The submit button)? Rumor has it that 12 has a crush on her.
90. Can you believe that this takes up 3 word document pages?
91. Insane right?
92. Am I tired?
93. Narniaweb or Narniafans?
94. What is your favorite tie that you currently own?
95. Favorite cereal?
96. Am I running out of questions?
97. Baseball or Soccer?
98. Football or Hockey?
99. Does basket ball stink?
100. Can you believe I just asked you 100 questions?
Shadowlander, the reason you joined the airforce was to prove to yourself that you could overcome your fear of highs, that is why you joined. It was a matter of duty to yourself (to overcome your fear of highs) and to your country.
(Is trying to catch up as far as cool points go
101. Are you aware that I just beat the record for most questions asked in a single post?
102. Btw, did you know that you currently have 663 questions?
203. And another thing, did you know that 203 of them came from me and Izzy's last two posts
204. Isn't that awesome?
205. Should I stop now?
If you ain't first, you're last.
More questions from the Mod Sisters!!
Uh oh
452. Have you ever seen Despicable Me? Negative
453. Have you ever seen Sky High? Negative
454. Would you mind creating a superhero whose power allows him/her to clean the kitchen with the snap of his/her fingers? Absolutely, yes. I would then dub them....Palmolive Man/Woman. Not only can they clean the kitchen at the snap of their fingers but they keep their skin soft while they do dishes. "Maaadge! I soaked in it!"
455. Which mod would receive those powers? The Black Glove. Then he wouldn't have to take off his glove.
456. What is your favorite font? I'm a sucker for Times New Roman, but Arial is another favorite.
457. Cursive or print? Print...in fact I stopped writing cursive back in middle school. If you asked me today to do anything in cursive (other than my signature) I'd really have to think about it before I could do it.
458. What's your favorite food item on a Thanksgiving menu? Candied yams. They are the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Noble yam. Delicious yam. And they're not even yams, they're sweet potatoes. Who'd have thunk?
459. Why do you blame Djaq for redundant acronym syndrome (ATM machine, PIN number, etc)? Because she's bucking for promotion to Lieutenant. You know what, let's settle this here and now.
By my hand I promote Sgt. Djaq, member of SL's Mod Army, in accordance with the highest traditions of said Mod Army, in that she has displayed thorough gallantry and conspicuous bravery in the face of spammers, squealing fangurls, Booky's rants, mayonaisse, Ultimate Burritos, crawdad wrangling, etc. and has brought honor upon herself and the Mod Army. She is hereby promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant with the rights and privileges that accompany it. *salutes* You earned it, Sgt. *hands 2Lt. Djaq her butter bars*
460. Favorite Star Wars film? Empire Strikes Back, which is pretty much everyone's favorite.
461. Are you horrified that we have not seen the Indiana Jones movies? Not horrified, but admittedly kind of surprised. It's got Indiana Jones, giant rolling boulders, ancient treasures, snakes (on a plane!), and over the top action sequences. You ladies would love it!
462. Favorite Narnian character? Oooh...tough question! I'm going to have to go with Puddleglum
463. How many times have you seen VDT in theaters? Just the one time, but I'll be seeing more of it when it comes out on DVD.
464. How many times did you see PC in theaters? Once
465. How many times did you see LWW in theaters? 5 times
466. Is there any movie that makes you cry when you watch it? There are two. One is Blackhawk Down. There comes a point when the two Delta Force snipers go in to keep the downed chopper pilot alive and put up a major scrap against overwhelming odds. I sob loudly when it gets to that point because I remember when it happened. The other (to VL's horror probably ) is at the end of Saving Private Ryan. When Tom Hanks is shot and just laying there bleeding and he starts picking away at the oncoming Tiger tank as though that's going to stop it and then suddenly...well, just watch the film.
467. Is there any book that makes you cry when you read it? When I was younger I cried a bit when I read A Separate Peace and a certain part of Lord of the Flies. It takes a lot to get me sprinkling.
468. Have you ever truly rolled on the floor laughing? Can't say that I have, unless I'm already on the floor when the laughter commences.
469. How fast can you count to 100? Just timed myself at 35 seconds...the forties and fifties get me tongue tied.
470. What is the highest you have ever counted? 10000. My mom made me write sentences as punishment when I was much younger, 10,000 lines of it. I don't even remember what my infraction was, but I can tell you that the worst writer's cramp you've ever experienced paled in comparison to mine.
471. If the hot air balloon is traveling through the sky at a speed of 12 mph, what time will the passengers be hungry? *does some mental calculations* I submit that they won't get hungry because they'll hit Blimpie's on the way. *rimshot* It's a sub restaurant...and a pun on...oh nevermind.
472. What are the odds that they brought a lunch with them? Low, but hopefully someone brought some Jolly Ranchers with them. Dibs on green apple!
473. What are the odds that an army of ants will still wreck the picnic if they did? Fortunately they won't have to wait that long, for you see, a colony of termites has taken up residence in the basket and as we speak the bottom is preparing to disintegrate! *drama builds*
474. How long will it take the raccoon to spot the balloon? The raccoon isn't concerned with such trivial things. He's more interested in knocking over trash cans.
475. What will he do when he does spot it? He will assume is the The Most Holy High Trash Can of All and attempt to climb a tall tree and get inside for the good pickings. But he'll only find a bottomless balloon basket and some Jolly Ranchers wrappers, so it'll end up being a bust. Wow...this sounds like an Animal Planet special.
476. Do you own a camera? Me personally? No. My wife has a digital vampire camera...it sucks the life out of AA batteries after 10 pictures or less.
477. Do you have any interest in photography? When I was younger I took lots of pictures...I still have some upstairs someplace, might scan em' for the occasion. Laura's great uncle won a Pulitzer prize for a photo he took in the 50's or 60's I think.
478. Have you ever heard anything by Josh Wilson? *confusion* I have an AF buddy whose last name is Wilson and his son is named Josh. And I have read his posts on Facebook, and they're typical angsty statements one might expect from a teenager. But otherwise he's a good kid. Thanks for asking!
479. How about Josh Turner? Negative
480. Josh Groban? I know of him, but I thought he was just a singer or something. My wife picked him as our wedding dance song at the reception. Admittedly if you played the same song now I couldn't tell you if it was the one we danced to. I wanted The Twist.
481. Have you ever seen the BBC Robin Hood series? I haven't watched BBC in a very long time. The last time I saw anything on it was back in the late 90's...Absolutely Fabulous and Keeping up With Appearances. They were funny! So...no.
482. Have you ever attempted to write a book? Yes, but it was a stinkbomb so I tossed it. Sometimes I write a few starting chapters for a book idea I have but usually shelve it because I'm not really that good at it.
483. What is your favorite book genre? Probably fantasy, but I also love historical fiction and most of all adventure books, as well as the occasional techno-thriller.
484. What writing styles do you most admire? I like it when the author is descriptive. I didn't much care for the first Harry Potter book but I marveled at how well J.K. Rowling could weave together the scenery. The secret of good writing is all in the adjective. Remember that!
485. What celebrity does DJ look like? Working on that
486. What celebrity does flam look like? Personally I think she most closely resembles Rachel Weisz, but I only saw the one picture so I can't make a total judgment based on that.
487. Does Hannah Montana annoy you? Her lack of good judgment does
488. What do you think of Justin Bieber's hair? It looks like he got into an epic battle with a Flowbee and lost.
489. What is your favorite word? I don't have any one favorite, but I'm quite partial to recalcitrant, ostentatious, surreptitious, and vernacular.
490. Have you ever said "LOL" in an offline conversation instead of actually laughing? No, and if I ever do you ladies have permission to beat me over the head with my keyboard until I stop.
491. How do you read "LOL" when you see it? El-oh-El or Loll? El-oh-El
492. Do you have a favorite kind of fish? Swordfish! Bluefish is also delicious
493. Do you like seafood? Fish yes, shellfish no. Well, except for shrimp...I can eat those all day long.
494. Favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni and Jalapeno
495. In your opinion, what is the best sandwich in the world? The Reuben, but only if they substitute spicy brown mustard on it in lieu of thousand island, which is like chunky flavored mayonaisse. Blech
496. Do you like Subway? It's my home away from home! Footlong Spicy Italian on white with provolone, lettuce, onion, tomato, green bell peppers, extra black olives, extra jalapenos, spicy brown mustard, salt and pepper, and vinegar (no oil). Works every time.
497. Ever eaten at Cracker Barrel? Yup! Last time I went I had country fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, collards, mac n' cheese, and as much sweet tea as my body could hold. Oh man....
498. Have you ever found the Ultimate Burrito? No...I know of it only from legend. *blows off an ancient Aztec scroll* It is said that the Ultimate Burrito bestows certain magical properties upon....well, you'll see.
499. Do you think it likely that DJ and I will ever discover it? Yes, but remember to bring Mylanta
500. What is your opinion of Taco Bell? It. Is. Awesome. I don't care if it is fake or filler, it's the proverbial bomb-diggity. Volcano nachos with a Volcano Taco on the side and a large Baja Blast (low ice, please) always leaves me smiling and yet in intense pain. I imagine it's much like swallowing liquid hot magma.
DING! DING! DING! More Cool Points awarded!
Team Flam-Jaq - 40 pts.
Wolfloversk - 10 pts.
Ithelwen the Interrogator - 10 pts.
Sooo close...can they do it?
501. Have you ever eaten squid? Negative
501. Have you ever been skiing? Yes...it was a comic disaster
502. Sledding? Affirmative
503. Snowshoeing? Negative
504. Have you ever had a bike wreck? When I was about 8 and still living in NY me and my friend were riding down a steep hill. Apparently I hit a rock or something and the bike flipped end over end a few times and took me with it. I ended up with two mild concussions and was seeing blurry for a few weeks. But I got pampered like you wouldn't believe...cartoons everyday, cocoa, and Battlestar Galactica reruns. Come to think of it...maybe I should go find my bike...
505. How about a sledding accident? Nope
506. Worst injury as a child? (don't feel obligated to go into detail ) Hehe...see above.
507. What was your favorite birthday memory? At age 7 or 8 when I got my Huffy Thunder road. This was the coolest set of wheels (after a Green Machine big wheel) a kid could get in the late 70's. I still have it down in the basement, although it's in rough shape.
(Not mine, but what it looked like brand new )
508. Favorite birthday cake that you've had? When I was a pre-teen and my 13th or 14th birthday was imminent my mom (at my request) made a homemade chocolate cake (chocolate cake with homemade chocolate icing with chocolate chips all through it). My grandmother (read: my mom's mother in law) came to visit about that time and made it clear that she disapproved of how big the cake was (as well as her usual disapproval of my mom in general). My mom would add another level to it each time my grandmother would complain about it just to irritate her. Bear in mind she was using basting pans...this thing was mammoth! When all was said and done it ended up being 7 levels high (with my grandmother in horror the whole time) and we dubbed it the Septuple Chocolate Coma Cake. "Coma cake" because my mom joked that just one plate would put one into diabetic shock. Comes with insulin syringes. You should try it.
509. Favorite kind of cake? Chocolate is my traditional favorite, but I have a terrible weakness for carrot cake too.
510. What do you think of iPhones? I don't own one...I have a Tracfone because I'm a cheapskate. They look cool but I can't justify spending that kind of money for a device I'm only going to play video games on. I might as well just grab my wife's DS.
511. Do you ever venture into our Domain (aka, the Fan Art section)? On rare occasion. I wish I had the gift!
512. How about GMD? Very, very rarely
513. TAN? Negative
514. PR? Not as much as I probably should
515. NM? Negative
516. Rumors? Negative (hopes Fantasia Kitty is not looking at this right now )
517. Given that the door is blue, what kind of fruit would be contained behind it? Blueberries, of course.
518. What is in Vault 13? Survivors from WW3. See here. It may be a bit unsettling for a few, but you'll get the gist of my avatar once you see it. One of my very, very, very favorite video games of all time.
519. Have you ever seen the Ocean's movies (11, 12, and 13)? I saw 11 and liked it, but haven't seen the others.
520. What is your favorite sport in the Winter Olympics? Bobsledding. I always pull for Jamaica! I just wish they'd get back in it again.
521. Have you ever seen Sense and Sensibility? I got it for my wife for this past Christmas, actually. I've seen most of it.
522. How about Pride and Prejudice? Which of the 19 different versions?
Ithilwen the Interrogator!!!!! Welcome back.
523. What do you consider to be the single greatest arcade coin-op machine of all time? Galaga, of course! An arcade is not an arcade unless it has a Galaga machine in it.
524. Did you remember that that question was the one that should make you remember me? I surely did.
525. Will it make you remember me? It already has.
526. How does one get cool points? Each 100 questions I'm asked I award 10 Cool Points to the person who asked it. I will award 5 pts. at a time if I see good questions that warrant special attention.
527. What exactly are cool points? Cool Points are the currency of this very thread! They are that which you can use to rent space out for a month under my avatar with the flavor text of your choice. What other mod would be willing to take the risk of having "Justin Bieber is sooo cool!1!!1 under their avatar? Uh huh.
528. Do I get cool points for posting cool smilies? It's doubtful
529. I'm going to stop asking you questions about cool points now, okay? Okay.
530. If you were a dentist, what would your name be? Dr. Giggles, DDE
531. Did you ever fall asleep standing up? No, but I've come close before
532. What is the one thing in this world you would never eat? Bugs. Well, maybe bugs...as long as they weren't slathered with mayo.
533. What does the phrase QED stand for? Not quite sure, really...I've always wondered though
534. Have you ever used the phrase QED in a sentence in real life? I would if I knew what it meant.
535. Will you be a better person if you use it more? Probably, but I find using "indubitably" works fine too.
536. What does blarghefur mean? Shhhh! That is the forbidden word. It brings down the wrath of Mod-dom on ones head, as well as drought, famine, pestilence, and upset stomachs.
537. Are dolphins evil? Not to my knowledge, no.
538. If dolphins were going to take over the world, how would they do it? Well, they'd probably start showing up in places like Seaworld, performing harmless tricks like jumping out of the water to snag a fish out of a trainer's hand. Wait...they're already doing that!
539. What is the meaning of life? Peanut butter.
540. Do you kill the bug or set it free outside? That depends upon the bug. If it's a beetle, praying mantis, or even certain types of spiders I'll let em' loose outside. Flies and centipedes get a Viking funeral (ie; flushed down the toilet)
541. Do you take to be your lawfully wedded smilie? No...I take it to be a star, silly.
542. Were you on any side during the Spoiler Wars? Technically I was Spoiler Free, but I was largely a non-combatant.
543. Is a sin? I'm not sure, but he definitely looks like he's up to no good
544. Are you a gamer? I came out of the womb clutching an Atari 2600 controller, kid.
545. Why does so often lead to
? One is a natural consequence of the other.
546. How can we prevent this? By switching to pagers
547. Do you believe that it will have any long lasting -- even permanent -- effects on society? Potentially, at least until they get the bill.
548. Which would you rather have for president? -- or
Well, presidents are politicians, and they live on pork, so I'm going to vote for the cow. It's time for change!
549. Is voting a necessary civic duty or is it merely an option for civillians should they so choose to take advantage of it? I don't know that I'd call it a civic duty so much as it is a basic right. I'd much rather someone think about the issues rather than just going in and voting willy nilly.
550. Why might someone judge ? Who would judge a nerd?! Well...actually...other nerds do.
551. Have you ever tried to touch your brain? Nope, my fingers aren't long enough.
552. Does it look like it would be painful to try? -- Yeah...I mean you'd...wait, where are you going with this?
553. You know he holds the secrets to the universe, right? -- Yes...he can teleport into sealed light fixtures. That makes him pretty powerful in my book.
554. What should we, as individuals, do to overcome the oppression against humanity that rises up within us, even beginning as early as the day of our birth? So long as humanity is in its current sinful state there will always be oppression, war, disease, and general unhappiness. To think otherwise would be a pipe dream. Only through Christ can any different result ever be achieved. Take solace in that.
555. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. *rimshot* Thanks ladies and gentlemen! I'm in town all week!
556. Are chickens vegetarians? I sure hope so! Can you imagine carnivorous chickens?!
557. If chickens are/were not vegetarians, would that make them cannibals? Only if they couldn't get pizza
558. What question, out of all the questions you've been asked on this thread so far, has made you laugh the most? When I was asked if I was a Jane Austen fan.
The return of Pattertwig! Welcome back!
559. Have you seen the BBC's CoN? I saw some of it back in the late 80's, as I recall.
560. If yes, do you like them? If no, why haven't you seen them? I liked them and thought they were extremely faithful to the books, but the technology just wasn't in place at the time to facilitate the story to screen adaptation. So unfortunately, good as it is, it'd never appeal to a non-Narnia fan. :/
561. If you were in a situation where the only way you would live was by eating Mayo from the jar, would you do it? Oh my...breaking out the heavy artillery, are we? I suppose...if I squinted real hard and imagined I was eating peanut butter. Eww...power eating mayo out of the jar...is there something worse in the world? *tries to banish the imagery from his noggin*
562. What is your favorite part of The Incredibles? I loved the whole movie so much it's hard to pick one part of it, but I did like Edna's little hideout.
563. What is your favorite character in The Incredibles? Frozone!
564. Is there any chance you'll start the "From the Desk of Shadowlander" thread? I can't believe you remember that! I'd have to get the idea past Jo, stargazer, and Kate. It might be a bit too self-aggrandizing to some.
565. How do you feel when looking at raw meat? Hungry
566. Are bonus points different than cool points? (because I have bonus points from agreeing with you that mayonnaise is evil) Bonus points are of lesser monetary value than Cool Points, although they're no less important. They're more like medals rather than money.
And here comes Valiant_Lucy, all gangbusters on me...
567. Have you ever cleaned a fridge? I think so...it's been a while
568. Are you generally a messy person, or a very neat person? I'm not a total slob, but I'm also not a neat freak. I'm more...neat and orderly?
569. What smiley do you use the most? (hope this hasn't been asked already) Probably this one...
570. What's your "guilty pleasure" movie/TV show? Movies: Most of Sandra Bullock's stuff. TV? Nothing really comes to mind...
571. Do you wear socks to bed? (Apparently hardly anyone does except for wisewoman and me. And we both tuck our PJ pants into our socks so the legs don't get rolled up ) I only wear socks to bed when it is bitterly cold. More often than not, even in the dead of winter I'll have a fan on and my feet will be sticking out of the bottom of the blankets. I cannot sleep without air blowing across my feet and face. I think it's a combination of the white noise (which I find more relaxing than the sound of a waterfall) or the positive air flow, but it always puts me right out and makes me sleep like Rip Van Winkle.
572. How do you feel about llama kisses? Probably less risky than ferret kisses.
573. Do you talk through movies or mind people who do? I have to really hate a movie to get to the point of talking through it, and then I'm usually mocking it openly, ala MST3K.
574. What's been the best present you've ever received? My Green Machine, Christmas morning of 1979 or so.
575. I'm giving you a present: Do you choose the large box (like the size of a computer printer), or the small box (the size of a coffee mug)? The large box
576. Why? Because bigger is better! *does the giant present dance*
That's it for now...almost 3 hours to respond to all these! I'll do some more when I wake up. I was dreaming of this thread last night, believe it or not.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
1. Is question 666 a creepy number?
2. Did you know that the big box is completely empty?
3. Do you know that you just got scammed?
4. What is behind curtain number three?
5. Did you like “The Blind Side?” (Sandra Bullock played in that movie)
6. If so, who was your favorite character?
7. Kleenex or Tylex
8. If you are Doctor Giggles… Would you be related to the Wiggles?!
9. Aren’t those guys creepy?
10. Muppets or Sesame Street?
11. Bert or Ernie?
12. Ponds or lakes?
If you ain't first, you're last.
Edmund or Eustace?
Do you have hair at the back if your neck?
Do you call yourself attractive?
Are you in physical pain?
Is your hair wavy, curly or straight?
Do you like Sillet?
Are you a Disciple fan?
Are you mysterious?
Are you delierious?
Do you run into walls?
Do you skatebaord?
Can you skateboard after 5 P.M. (8 P.M in early summer)
Do you like sports?
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1