My turn
What is your favorite Motorcycle?
Favorite brand of car?
Favorite Gun?
Favorite Pie?
Ideal mancave?
Ideal lounge chair?
Coffee or Tea?
Fold or Crumple?
Favorite Part about your service in the military?
What do you think of my nickname "Evil Doctor Joe Weirdsworth the II"
If you ain't first, you're last.
Ooh, I love asking people questions, but I'll have to think of more when it's not so late and my brain isn't fried.
Are you a vegetarian?
Did you enjoy your high school years?
Do you like football?
Are you in any way musical?
Have you ever been out of the country?
If so, where did you go?
av by dot
Ooh, I want to ask some!
-In your last post, why did you put the abbreviations for all the states except the last two (you spelled out Iowa and Hawaii)?
-How did you choose your username?
-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
-Why do people constantly return to the fridge in hopes that something new would have materialized to eat?
-How do dead bugs get into enclosed light fixtures?
-Why do people press harder on the remote buttons when they know the battery is going dead?
-Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
-How does the guy who runs the snowplows get to work in the mornings?
-If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
-If the black box in a plane is indestructible, why don't think make the plane out of it?
-Why is it called a TV set when you only get one?
-Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
-If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how do they make Teflon stick to the pan?
-Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing?
-Why does "cleave" mean both split apart and stick together?
-Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same?
-Why call it a building if it's already been built?
-What do sheep count when they can't get to sleep?
-What was the best thing before sliced bread?
-If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?
-Is the color orange called that because it's the color of the fruit of the same name, or was the fruit called orange because that's its color? Which came first, the color or the fruit?
-How can there be self-help "groups"?
-If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?
-Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?
-Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
-When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?
-If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
-What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
-If ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, why do we call it an ATM machine? And if PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, why do we call it a PIN number?
What is the best LOTR character?
Have you ever read any of the RPs here on NW?
Which ones?
How was your day?
Did anyone else ask you that today?
Does it make me special if I'm the only one?
Is a Netflix ad showing on the side of your screen right now?
How many questions do you hope to answer?
Do you ever remember seeing me on the boards before?
What question can I ask that will make you remember me?
Do you prefer serious questions or silly, nonsensical ones?
Is nonsensical a word, or did I accidentally make it up, trying to think of another word?
Did you use floaties in pools when you were little?
If I told you I was holding "The Sil", would you know what I was talking about?
Do you make graphics?
Do boys listen to fairy-tales like Cinderella when they're little, or is that just a girl's thing?
What is your opinion of Pippin?
This is going to be my last question for right now, okay?
Hello wolf
155. If I give you the link (which lon graciously gave to me) of the old forum, would you find your first post? I looked and what's there of the archives is greatly reduced and doesn't go back to the time in question. I'm sure Fantasia-Kitty could probably find em', but it's not like it was a great 1st post I made, so that's that.
156. How often do you visit NW? It varies, but typically between 2-5 times a day. Some visits aren't very long while others are.
157. Where would you travel if you got a free vacation to anywhere? *ponders* Israel, methinks.
158. What's your favorite smilie? This one Probably because it's the response I see the most when I show people my family album.
159. Have you always used the same avi and sig? If not what's your favorite avi and sig that you used? Well, when I first joined NWeb waaaay back in the day (blows off the calendar) I used a simple full moon avi. Half the people on the website had it, so I figured it was time for something new. Then for about...(thinks) maybe a year or so I had the old USAAC WW2 roundel...And then I finally settled on the iconic Pip Boy from the Fallout series of video games about...maybe 3 years ago? Can't remember...and maybe it was 2 years ago. You should talk to ILF, she changed her avatars on an almost weekly basis for a while and always kept us all guessing.
160. List 5 of your favorite quotes
1. "My center is giving way, my right is retreating, the situation is excellent. I attack!" - Marshal Foch at the Battle of the Marne, 1914
2. "Enemy-occupied territory--that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage." - CS Lewis, Mere Christianity
3. "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Admiral Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbor (according to legend)
4. "Are you really going to eat that!?" my wife, after seeing me order a massive steak at Outback
5. "I can't believe you at that whole thing!" - my wife, a short while later.
161. List 3 of your favorite foods
1. Steak and potatoes! Woot!
2. Spaghetti
3. Hot dogs (preferably with chili and cheese)
162. okay: Skandar or Will Poulter (who would you rather hang out with)? Well, I already hang out with both of them quite a bit, but Will is a better arm wrestler.
163. How do you come up with all those creative posts / answers? It is the product of a demented mind, let me tell you. In truth usually it's off the top of my head, believe it or not.
164. Has DiGs ever turned you into anything? He turned me in to the police, but that's a long story, and my lawyers are telling me not to talk about it until the hearing.
165. What is your favorite kind of cookie? The standard chocolate chip cookie. A close second is peanut butter...I don't know what it is about those fork marks on the top but they're half of the experience of eating a peanut butter cookie.
Hello FoodForThought!
166. Of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, what is your favorite book of the three? Return of the King. I mean c'mon! It has war elephants in it!
167. Of all of the books you have read, what character do you think you connect with or relate to the most? *really thinks about this one* A few years ago it'd have been Pierre Bezukhov from War & Peace, but a number of folks here explained to me that they thought Pierre was kinda psycho, so despite my love for the character I tend to veer away from him now. Oh, who am I kidding? Pierre.
168. Chesterton or Lewis? Lewis, of course.
169. Provided that x is the one that you chose from the previous question: Tolkien or x ? Ahh, you used a variable! I like you already . Lewis, if only for his conversational style and his ability to make complex ideas seem so easy.
Don't want to flood you with too many questions!
No worries! It makes a nice switch from my ordinarily boring mornings.
And back to my friend Jo.
170. How do you like the Aero bar? It definitely lived up to the hype! I've never seen a candy bar so porous before (did you notice all the little air bubbles inside? ) but it was absolutely delicious!
171. Are our Wagon Wheels the same as your Moonpies? They were practically separated at birth! Mmmm...they're delish.
172. Can you please come to a Moot sometime? One of these days
. I can't financially justify travelling more than 2 states away except in family emergencies. So I'm stuck with my 2 state radius (and that's stretching it!). We should throw a Moot in the Outer Banks. *hint hint*
173. Do you have the effects of DiGs' smoke blasts memorized? I've only ever seen him disappear in puffs of orange smoke. I know he changes those depending upon his mood, but I've only ever seen him in an orange mood I guess.
Hey Sgt. DJ! *snaps a salute*
174. Have you ever eaten pretzel M&M's? No, but I did have some weirdo seasonal M&M that was infused with coconut around Christmas. It was...strange.
175. What is your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk Chocolate!
176. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas!
177. Favorite color? (you may have already answered this, but I'm not remembering it...) Believe it or not no one has asked me that . Blue. If asked to be more specific, Royal Blue.
178. How long did you serve in the Air Force? 7 years, 2 months, and 20 something days.
179. Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the Army? No, because I was in the Air Force! Not the Army, you goober. And actually yes I do
. I was in Nairobi, Kenya helping the SP watch aircraft at night (I know I've related this story somewhere else, so please forgive me if you've heard it already!). We had a little pup tent set up with a single cot and a table in it, so the sun goes down and I turn off my Gameboy and decide to go to sleep. So just as I'm drifting off to sleep I hear this shuffling by my head (only a foot or two away) just outside the tent. So I jump up and walk outside to see what it is...I see nothing, so I figure I'm imagining it and go back inside. Just as I'm starting to drift off to sleep again I hear the noise again, and this time it's closer and accompanied by some weird chittering noise (I'm in Africa...stuff there will eat you without a second thought, so I'm now nervous). I go back outside again armed with my 4 D-cell Maglight (tm) and look around and see absolutely nothing. Thoroughly perplexed I lay awake for a while and listen but hear nothing, and finally drift off to sleep again. Once again, just as I'm about to blank out I hear the shuffling/chittering noise again, and this time it sounds like it's practically in my scalp. Now I'm in a total panic and run outside with my Maglight and run around to the other side of the tent. I see there a strange little puddle which has dripped down the side of the tent and formed at the bottom. I'm puzzled and hear chittering noises all of the sudden from the soccer field next to the tent and look up (it is absolutely pitch black outside) and shine my light up on the field. I see about 15 sets of glowing eyes looking back at me and all in unison I hear these things shrieking at me. I almost died of a heart attack and I'm pretty sure I might have wet myself. I definitely screamed like a little girl
. It turns out it was a troop of babboons passing through, and the alpha male decided to come over and mark the tent (inches from my head) as his "territory". I'll have to tell you about African bats next time...they're...big.
180. Do you believe that chicken noodle soup has magical healing powers? In some undocumented cases it has been known to grant super powers to its consumers.
181. Have you ever seen "You've Got Mail"? Many times.
182. If so, do you like it? Actually yes I do. You know, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have incredible on screen chemistry. Everyone agrees. The amazing thing to me is that they only ever made 3 movies together. Kind of a crime, really.
183. Favorite Tom Hanks movie? Joe vs. The Volcano. Saving Private Ryan is a close second, although I think Hanks really excels at mildly comic performances. I also loved Castaway, although sometimes I think I'm the only person alive that did.
184. Favorite Meg Ryan movie? Sleepless in Seattle. Meg Ryan excels at quirky, comedic characters...which I guess is why she meshes so well on screen with Tom Hanks.
185. Favorite kind of car? (the Flamvee doesn't count, btw ) Heh, no Flamvee? Oh c'mon!
Ok, 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang, candy apple red with black ragtop, white interior, 289 cubic inch engine with wire frame wheel covers. That specific enough?
186. Favorite chapter in the Bible? Genesis 1.
187. Can you whistle? Yes. I can also sing and dance, but I wanna direct.
188. What was your favorite subject in school? History and Government
189. Do you play an instrument? Way back when I was a Shadowling (heh...Shadowling) I played trombone. I stopped in 8th grade. Now I just play hand whistle. *gives a demo* I can almost do the Super Mario Brothers tune!
190. What is your favorite smiley? This one
191. Have you seen Gods and Generals? Yup, I own it.
192. If so, what do you think of it. I liked it and think it gets an unfair rap. The Battle of Chancelorsville was definitely the highlight of the film, although I think Stephen Lang plays a better General Pickett than Stonewall Jackson. He kind of acted like a lunatic in the movie.
193. Would you consider yourself a Yankee or a Confederate? My ancestors were all Yankees and if the Civil War were fought today I'd be a Yankee. But (slavery aside) I have a lot of sympathy for the Confederate cause and their reasons for war.
194. Favorite period in history? The DJaquian Era, when Sgt. DJaq ascended to the High Throne of DJaqiland and ordered the extinction of every jar of mayonaisse throughout the world, and then broke for a light lunch followed by a foray on her Super Nintendo to play Pilotwings for 8 hours straight. Ok, actually the Punic Wars.
WW2 is a close second.
195. Favorite country other than the USA? Hmmm....*really thinks about this one*. I'll have to go with Israel, though Great Britain is close behind.
196. Favorite legend? The Legend of Shadowlander: Scourge of the Donuts.
197. Favorite number? 7
198. Have you ever seen the TV show Early Edition? Hmm...I've heard of it but I don't think I've ever actually seen it
199. Have you ever heard the radio show "Adventures in Odyssey"? Negative
200. Have you ever seen Red Green? No, but I have seen the turgid sequel, Mauve Cerulean, a forbidden love story between two lesser used Crayola crayons.
DING! DING! DING! Question 200! The DJaq/Flambeau team wins an additional 10 Cool Points! Remember, folks...whoever gets 50 total and I'll custom change my Avatar message with the text of their choice!
201. Favorite childhood memory? Christmas in the late 70's and I was a young and impressionable 6 year old. The night before my Maternal Unit had taken some potting soil and rubbed hoof marks across the kitchen floor from the back door to a little table we had set up with the milk and cookies (and carrots for the reindeer). I was so flabbergasted when I woke up that I called all my friends over to have a look (they were equally amazed). My Maternal Figurehead says that I wouldn't let her mop that part of the floor for something like 6 months.
202. Strawberries or apples? Strawberries. Absolutely no contest.
203. PB&J or meat and cheese (sammiches)? Meat and cheese! Oooooh Pastrami and provolone...roast beef and swiss...*mouth waters*
204. 🙂 or
205. =)) or
(see, now you think I don't know what you're up to intentionally went out and filled out a bunch of questions so you could get the extra 10 Cool Points!
206. 😐 or
207. 8-} or
208. Glasses or contacts? Glasses, although I'd wear contacts if I could.
209. Red or blue? Blue
210. Pink or purple? Not a very good choice...bah, I'll go with purple.
Phew! Sgt. DJaq ran me out of breath there!
I made Chicken Divan for dinner tonight, and the recipe called for mayonnaise. (It was sooo gross to scoop out of the container. The consistency is awful!) Anyway, as I was eating it, I decided that I had used too much, even though I kind of shorted the amount the recipe said to use, and pointed out that fact accompanied with "Shadowlander would NOT approve." /random story that has nothing to do with questions...
You know, it wouldn't surprise me if the fruit of the tree that Adam and Eve ate of and evil spilled wholesale into the world was probably a little jar of mayonaisse. I wonder if the serpent gave them a spoon or if they just winged it and dived in with their fingers. Blech...what am I saying?!?! *shuts off image from mind*
And Jo
211. was that enormous fun to write, SL? You have no idea!
And now for Valia!
212. Am I in your Mod Army? You're not an official member although you are affiliated and thus gain many of the same benefits (spaghetti dinners on Tuesdays and Thursdays and free Bingo on Saturday nights, among many other exciting bonuses)
213. Or am I merely a civilian contractor or something? Exactly! You're our Army weapons developer/contractor/designer...person. Who else would we get the Spud Cannon from? Or the Marshmallow Machine Guns (TM).
214. How's the potato gun working out for the Flamvee? Sgt. Djaq broke it and now it fires au gratin.
215. Have you ever thought about writing children's books? Once upon a time, but parents would forbid their kids from reading them because I would depict graphic scenes of mayonaisse immolation.
216. How about comic books? To be serious for a moment, if I had the artistic ability I would love to write comic books. They are a blank canvas that one can paint amazing adventures on that not even a movie can really capture sometimes.
217. Or finding someone to chronicle the mighty adventures of Kleenex Woman, Thera-Flam, Ouch-Man, Montezuma, Spud Woman, and all the others in that world? You know...Shantih is an artist...Hmmm...*wheels spinning* I have an idea, and it just might work! Mwahahaahaahahcough...excuse me for a moment.
218. Are you still reluctant to make biscuits and gravy? yeah...gravy is a specialized thing and it's easy to mess up with. It's the ultimate test of my culinary skill (which is right now confined to following directions from the side of the Kraft Dinner box).
219. How about cornbread? Now that I'm more willing to give a there's directions on the side of the box.
And greetings to narnianerd!
220. What is your favorite Motorcycle? I'm not big into motorcycles, but if I had to pick one I'd want one of those old US Army versions from WW2 with the sidecar
221. Favorite brand of car? Generally speaking I'm a Ford man
222. Favorite Gun? M1 Garand. If that's not available, give me a Spud Cannon and we can haggle.
223. Favorite Pie? Strawberry
224. Ideal mancave? *inhales deeply* Basement room painted black and blue with neon lighting, half a dozen 80's era coin-op arcade machines (including but not limited to Galaga, Dig Dug, Xevious, Dragon's Lair, Gauntlet, Afterburner, and a few others), with an enormous wide screen TV set in one wall over a polished wood floor painted like the half court at Cameron Indoor Stadium, as well as a cabinet to hold every video game console ever designed, a foosball table, ping-pong table, pool table, dart board, pachinko machine, a Whack-a-Mole unit, a small one lane bowling alley, and a small bar at the end with a mirror behind where the bartender would stand. *exhales* Phew!
225. Ideal lounge chair? Black leather and so deep that when one sits in it all you can see are their Nikes poking out the end.
226. Coffee or Tea? Coffee, although I'm not averse to the occasional cup of tea (Earl Grey, no milk, no sugar, please)
227. Fold or Crumple? In my bachelor days it was definitely crumple. Now that I'm married it's still crumple.
228. Favorite Part about your service in the military? By far the sense of comraderie. I have never experienced anything like the bond before or after my military service.
229. What do you think of my nickname "Evil Doctor Joe Weirdsworth the II" There was a Evil Doctor Joe Weirdsworth the I??
And a hearty hello to Mountainfireflower!
230. Are you a vegetarian? I am thoroughly carnivore
231. Did you enjoy your high school years? Hmmm...that's a tough question. I enjoyed certain classes (History, Govt., and to a slightly lesser extent English) but hated others (Math and Science are my Achilles heel). I didn't like being ignored by the aesthetically pleasing girls, but I do fondly remember the great friendships I had at school. I just wish they had never invented homework. Bleh.
232. Do you like football? Despite my best efforts I have never been able to connect with the sport. And I genuinely wish I could. Basketball, on the other hand...
233. Are you in any way musical? I've been known to belt out a song or two from time to time. My wife hates it when I sing impromptu, made up songs when we're shopping. (to the tune of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody) "Laura....just got some soap. Put the bar inside the cart, cuz' we're shopping in Wal-Mart. Lauraaaaa, get more shampooooooo. Cuz' I've got a big coupon for Selsun Bluuuuuue" *bows*
234. Have you ever been out of the country? Many times (see a few posts above)
235. If so, where did you go? See list isn't as dramatic as some of my friends (seriously, who gets to go to Egypt 3 times? C'mon!) but still it was a lot of fun.
Good morning, Narnian-at-heart!
236. In your last post, why did you put the abbreviations for all the states except the last two (you spelled out Iowa and Hawaii)? I was tired and couldn't remember the two letter abbreviations for Iowa and Hawaii.
237. How did you choose your username? Well, when I first came to NWeb I wanted to pick something fancy and Lewisey (if that is in fact a word. I tend to doubt it.) so I picked Shadowlander, since hey....we're in the Shadowlands.
238. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? From a Biblical standpoint, the chicken. Then came the Buffalo wing.
239. Why do people constantly return to the fridge in hopes that something new would have materialized to eat? A definite question for Mrs. Shadowlander. When she gets hungry she wanders the house like Madeline from Fall of the House of Usher and moans "I'm sooooo hungry". Then after repeat visits to the fridge she realizes no new food is spawning there and settles for my Frosted Mini Wheats. Right out of the box, even.
240. How do dead bugs get into enclosed light fixtures? I suspect that bugs have acquired beaming technology from Star Trek. There is no other explanation that I know.
241. Why do people press harder on the remote buttons when they know the battery is going dead? Because they fear getting up and going physically to the TV to change the channel.
242. Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? Fat Chance and Slim Chance were two brothers who lived in Wyoming a long time ago. I heard they got a record contract back in the 70's.
243. How does the guy who runs the snowplows get to work in the mornings? I strongly suspect that the bugs who get into sealed lights shared their technologies with Plow Man, allowing him to suddenly appear in the cabin of the plow.
244. If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights? You blow a tire and end up having to stop at a service station in Dubuque. While there, ask for cheese curds. They're awesome.
245. If the black box in a plane is indestructible, why don't think make the plane out of it? I'm not sure, but I can tell you they're about the size of cinderblocks and sometimes aren't black at all. They're also super heavy.
246. Why is it called a TV set when you only get one? I don't know, but they should sell TV's in 3's, shouldn't they? Like one's own personal IMAX.
247. Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo? Goodness, that is a good question...never thought of that before. Sort of like the driving on a Parkway and parking on a Driveway analogy, I suppose.
248. If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how do they make Teflon stick to the pan? Through sheer force of will.
249. Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing? What's worse if when it goes off and you can hear it in your dream.
250. Why does "cleave" mean both split apart and stick together? Did you get these from an email forward? I would swear I've seen some of these before.
251. Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same? Well, for me they both mean a slouched position, especially if there is food on the table in front of me. It's a miracle I don't look like Quasimodo.
252. Why call it a building if it's already been built? You're right...from now on I'm going to refer to buildings as "Builtlings"
253. What do sheep count when they can't get to sleep? No idea
254. What was the best thing before sliced bread? Sliced peanut butter. The idea didn't pan out, so they went on to bread, and it's been a hit ever since.
255. If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from? Is this a trick question? It comes from baby corn, silly.
256. Is the color orange called that because it's the color of the fruit of the same name, or was the fruit called orange because that's its color? Which came first, the color or the fruit? I have it on good authority that the original name for the orange was the "Mega-juicy fun ball!!!!!". Yes, with all those extra exclamation marks. Orange was easier to say. It always comes down to laziness.
257. How can there be self-help "groups"? Because misery loves company
258. If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi? Short answer, yes.
259. Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"? Yes, quite. But I still want to know why they make you wait an hour even if the waiting room is empty. What are they doing in the back? And is anyone else curious about what the insides of their ears look like when the doctor sticks that giant plastic flashlight in there? Enquiring minds wanna know!
260. Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? They tried "buildings" but that didn't work out.
261. When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs? "This space for rent".
262. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? I tried this once and failed. Which made me feel like something of a success.
263. What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Call PETA and watch them detonate on the spot. *grabs his camcorder*
264. If ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, why do we call it an ATM machine? And if PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, why do we call it a PIN number? I blame Djaq. She had a hand in this somehow! I just know it.
That's all for now. I have to hit the hay and will grab some more questions later, time permitting.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I'm back with more questions
-What have you read by CS Lewis?
-Sci fi or Fantasy?
-Book or Film?
-If you had to choose between reading the book or watching the movie adaptation of it, which would you do first?
-Have you ever seen a silent movie?
-Have you ever heard of a parasaurolophus?
-Do you ever go on to the NW chat? If so how often?
-Maugrim or Fenris Ulf?
-how many NWers have you met in person?
-Do you stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve?
-list 3 of your favorite candies
-wolf or fox?
-dog or dingo?
-what's your highest level of education?
-what's the worst thing that ever happenned to you?
-what's the best thing that ever happenned to you?
-what's your favorite letter of the alphabet?
-what's your least favorite letter of the alphabet?
-do you believe in luck?
-what's your favorite number?
-what's your favorite board game?
-computer, typewriter, or handwritten?
-what's your favorite lake?
-have you ever been fishing?
-river or lake?
-summer, fall, spring, or winter?
-earth, air, water, or fire?
-what's your favorite Narnia film adaptation to date?
-what's your least favorite Narnia film adaptation to date?
-city or country?
-Have you ever seen a western movie?
-what's your favorite phone?
-cassette tape or cd?
-record or ipod?
-name the first year that comes to your head?
-why was in the first year that came to your head?
-what's the best method of saving computer files?
-what's your favorite location that another NWer has used?
-list five people you want to meet
-cat, dog, or rabbit?
-rabbit, hare, or pika?
-have you ever seen a pika?
Sorry I'm very random
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Love your sense of humor, Shadowlander. I think it'd be a hoot to meet you in real life.
That woodchuck commercial is my favorite of the Geico ads.
Do you like snow?
Does it regularly snow where you live?
What is the coldest temperature you've experienced?
What is the hottest?
What is your favorite dessert?
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is your favorite kind of pie?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Aha, stargazer got to the 'do you like snow' question first. So, I'll add ...
~Would you like to live in a part of the world that had perpetual snow?
~Do you try and stargaze most clear nights?
~What kind of telescope do you have?
~How long have you had it for?
*giggles at SL's favourite Army memory* Whoa!
Yep, those little bubbly bubbles are the iconic feature of an Aero bar. Glad you enjoyed it!
~Did you share any with your Wifey Unit? (Yes, that counts as a MotW question, as do the next couple.)
~Do you think I will respond to your latest PM this week? (Yes, I hope to: sorry, it's been rather busy. )
172. Can you please come to a Moot sometime?
One of these days
. I can't financially justify travelling more than 2 states away except in family emergencies. So I'm stuck with my 2 state radius (and that's stretching it!). We should throw a Moot in the Outer Banks. *hint hint*
~Would you be willing to host it? (I'd be delighted to come.)
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Do you prefer motorcycles or motor scooters?
Do you wear a helmet while you bicycle?
Have you ever been to San Francisco?
What is your opinion of eels?
What is your opinion of dragons?
What do you fear most?
What's the funniest dream you ever had?
What's the scariest dream you ever had?
Have you read Till We Have Faces?
Have you really read War and Peace -- cover to cover?
How long did it take you to read it?
Is it the longest book you ever read?
What's the shortest book you ever read?
What's the silliest character you ever met in a book?
Who is your all-time favorite character from anything, book, movie, etc.?
Have you ever read or seen A Series of Unfortunate Events?
Ever read books by Henry James
Do you want to read them/more of them?
Coke or Pepsi?
Paper or plastic?
Do you like Jane Austen?
Do you like trucks?
If you found out Jane Austen rode trucks, what would you say?
Have you ever seen the show 24?
Have you ever laughed so hard you were literally on the floor?
What is the best thing God has ever done for you (besides sending his son to die for you, saving you, etc.)
What is your opinion of the Screwtape Letters?
Do you believe in Santa?
Should you believe in Santa?
Will you believe in Santa?
Have you ever believed in Santa?
What is your honest, personal opinion of Santa?
How did you come to this conclusion about Santa?
Have you ever met Santa?
Do you know anyone who might have a grudge against Santa?
Does it creep you out that I keep asking questions about Santa?
Ever tried to sleep in a hammock?
Is it hard?
Is there a monster in Loch Ness?
Does Big Foot exist?
Who is Howard?
What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Have you ever made a public speech?
Are you afraid of sharks?
Have you ever been stranded somewhere by accident?
Have you ever been stranded somewhere on purpose?
Do you like pirates?
What is your opinion of Twilight?
Have you ever tried Mineral Water?
Are sunglasses cool?
Did you say something about people reaching 50 questions?
Did you know that I've asked over 50 questions?
*Corporal flambeau reports in with some more questions*
Do you read books very often?
I recall we had a slight disagreement in the books thread regarding A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens (I liked it, you didn't). What was your biggest reason for disliking that book?
What is you favorite book by C.S. Lewis?
Have you ever read Cheaper by the Dozen?
How about Bells on Their Toes?
Have you ever read The Virginian by Owen Wister?
Have you ever read the Attolia series by Megan Whalen Turner?
Have you ever read Manalive by Chesterton?
If not, do you want to?
Have you ever read The Man Who Was Thursday?
Have you every read anything by...
-G.K. Chesterton?
-Frank Peretti?
-Dee Henderson?
-Jane Austen?
-Louisa May Alcott?
-Ted Dekker?
Have you ever made a graphic?
If not, have you ever wanted to?
Are you computer savvy?
Would you classify me as a nerd? (don't worry if the answer is yes, I classify myself as one. )
What is your favorite kind of music? (I can't recall if this has been asked before. If it has, I apologize)
Favorite song ever?
Favorite hymn ever?
Have you ever played the piano?
If not, have you ever wanted to?
How fast can you recite the alphabet?
Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
You like basketball, correct? Do you enjoy playing it?
Have you ever seen The Man From Snowy River?
Have you ever read the poem that it was based on?
Do you like horses?
That's all for now.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
What's your bowling record?
How do you feel about line dancing?
Jack or Sawyer?
Juliet or Kate?
What is your favorite Hitchcock film?
Have you ever been in a Hot Air Balloon?
How did you meet your wife?
If you could visit any planet in our solar system without dying and without the several year shuttle ride, which would you choose?
You seem to have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of almost everything. Is that true?
I liked your Edgar Allan Poe reference. What's your favorite work of his?
Big greetings to Ithelwen!
265. What is the best LOTR character? For sheer screen presence, Gandalf. For comic value, Pippin.
266. Have you ever read any of the RPs here on NW? Nope. I'm actually a little scared of DT, believe it or not.
267. Which ones? See above
268. How was your day? Well...had a long day thus far. Just as I was leaving work there was an armed robbery at one of our stores. Then I got home and the house contractors were working all over the place, which made the dog go crazy . I dropped off some mail and picked up a package from my Alternate Maternal Unit (read: mother in law) and she sent me a super cool Duke Blue Devils coffee mug...bonus points, it's cobalt blue glass (my favorite!). Then I tried to drop some medicine off at the pharmacy, but discovered that the bottles were marked as no refill. I then discovered (among many other things) that my truck needs new shocks. Then I finally got home and laid on the couch and slept for a few hours. And in about 30 minutes I have another guy coming in and replacing our defunct dishwasher with a brand new one. Then it's back to bed and heading back to work for the rest of the night.
I miss being a kid.
269. Did anyone else ask you that today? Nope, just you.
270. Does it make me special if I'm the only one? Yes. In fact I dub thee, "Cool Person of the Day". Here's 5 Cool Points.
271. Is a Netflix ad showing on the side of your screen right now? did you know that exactly? *looks over his shoulder to see if Ithelwen is standing there*
272. How many questions do you hope to answer? 1300, roundabouts. I'd be happy with 500 though.
273. Do you ever remember seeing me on the boards before? Yes indeed.
274. What question can I ask that will make you remember me? "What do you consider to be the single greatest arcade coin-op machine of all time?"
275. Do you prefer serious questions or silly, nonsensical ones? Both, actually. I just answer the serious questions in a nonsensical fashion, and the nonsensical ones in a serious fashion. That makes everyone do a double-take.
276. Is nonsensical a word, or did I accidentally make it up, trying to think of another word? Nope, it's an actual word.
277. Did you use floaties in pools when you were little? Nope. I just stayed in the shallow end.
278. If I told you I was holding "The Sil", would you know what I was talking about? Well, either you're holding Tolkien's Silmariliion, or you're holding some Silly Putty but got cut off before you could finish your question when a band of roving woodchucks came in and started chucking all your wood.
279. Do you make graphics? I have in the past, believe it or not. My weapon of choice was Paint, that little art program that comes with Windows.
280. Do boys listen to fairy-tales like Cinderella when they're little, or is that just a girl's thing? I can't speak for all boys, but I didn't.
281. What is your opinion of Pippin? Pippin is the glue which holds the entire movie trilogy together. In the books it's Fatty Bolger, whom I consider to be Tolkien's greatest literary achievement.
Welcome back, Wolf!
282. What have you read by CS Lewis? Admittedly not as much as I'd like. Mere Christianity, The Chronicles, and Out of the Silent Planet, starring our very own Doc Ransom.
283. Sci fi or Fantasy? Depends on the format, actually. Books I prefer Fantasy. Movies I definitely prefer sci-fi. Weird, eh?
284. Book or Film? Books tend to be better, although movies are often more streamlined.
285. If you had to choose between reading the book or watching the movie adaptation of it, which would you do first? Read the book!
286. Have you ever seen a silent movie? Of Maternal Unit always mutes the TV and puts on closed captioning. After a while it's like you never get to hear anyone speak on TV.
287. Have you ever heard of a parasaurolophus? Who hasn't? I rode one to high school back in the 80's. Great fuel mileage, but personally I really would have rather had a Triceratops with boss racing stripes and mag wheels.
288. Do you ever go on to the NW chat? If so how often? I can't say as I ever have
289. Maugrim or Fenris Ulf? Fenris Ulf. As if! Who is this Maugrim imposter?
290. how many NWers have you met in person? Zilch. Zero. Nil. Nada. None.
291. Do you stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve? I seem to recall I was lights out by 10pm'ish. Once you hit 30 of those things they get kind of boring, and the house always smells of stale potato chips, dip gone bad, and bitter feelings the next morning.
292. list 3 of your favorite candies
1. The good ol' Hershey's milk choclate
2. Chunky
3. Cadbury Cream Eggs
293. wolf or fox? Fox
294. dog or dingo? Dog
295. what's your highest level of education? High school diploma with some vocational college education, plus a pile of worthless military classes.
296. what's the worst thing that ever happenned to you? Unrequited love. I loved her and she didn't love me and I suffered terribly for long time.
297. what's the best thing that ever happenned to you? God picking me to be one of His before the world was even made. It is absolutely staggering when one thinks about it.
298. what's your favorite letter of the alphabet? S. Smarmy, Stupendous, many great S words.
299. what's your least favorite letter of the alphabet? G. It's just...boring. And except for Gregarious, there's just not many great words for it.
300. do you believe in luck? Nope, although I do believe in fortune.
DING! DING! DING! Question 300 answered! And 10 Cool Points go to wolfloversk! So the current tally is:
Team Flam-jaq - 20 pts.
Wolfloversk - 10 pts.
Ithelwen - 5 pts.
301. what's your favorite number? 7
302. what's your favorite board game? Axis & Allies
303. computer, typewriter, or handwritten? I'm going to shock you and say typewriter. There's a certain charm in hearing those keys clank against the paper. Of course I don't miss those goofy white-out strips when one made a typo.
304. what's your favorite lake? Lake Boogoowadoo, whence I crawled forth as a young lad peering at the world through algae filled eyelids and commenced to wrestling alligators for a living with an army of noble crawdads at my side.
305. have you ever been fishing? Couple of times. Fishing is stressful.
306. river or lake?'s always going somewhere!
307. summer, fall, spring, or winter? Spring!
308. earth, air, water, or fire? Earth, Wind, and Fire. They had some cool tunes.
309. what's your favorite Narnia film adaptation to date? LWW
310. what's your least favorite Narnia film adaptation to date? Oh, that's a tough one. PC has always been my least favorite book and I thought the film adaptation was a stinker, but VotDT had the goofy green mist thing....I'm going to go with PC.
311. city or country? Country
312. Have you ever seen a western movie? Yes, many times
313. what's your favorite phone? One whose number is not known by my workplace.
314. cassette tape or cd? CD, although cassettes do have a certain charm about em'.
315. record or ipod? Records, of course. You can speed up records and make everyone sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Or you can play Beatles songs backwards.
316. name the first year that comes to your head? 1972
317. why was in the first year that came to your head? It was the year Shadowlander was unleashed on an unsuspecting world...
318. what's the best method of saving computer files? 3 1/4" floppies
319. what's your favorite location that another NWer has used? Huh?
320. list five people you want to meet
1. Christ (yes, I already know Him, but I want to meet Him too. )
2. Ronald Reagan
3. CS Lewis
4. Coach K
5. Winston Churchill
321. cat, dog, or rabbit? Dog, of course.
322. rabbit, hare, or pika? Rabbit
323. have you ever seen a pika? I'm afraid that like a hairless, odorless rabbit of some type?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
323. Do you have a NW BFF?
324. If so who is it?
325. Do you have a IRL BFF?
326. Did you have a favorite movie as a kid?
327. Your favorite grade in school?
328. Public schooled or home schooled?
329. When it comes to eating food, I'm a lefty as well, and whenever I go out to eat with my family and I sit next to my dad, I always hit him with my elbow and he always gets annoyed. Has anything like this ever happened to you?
330. If you could be in anyone's shoes for a day who would it be?
331. What are your views on Justin Bieber?
332. Do you visit NW member chat often?
333. Who, if you met them, would completely make you starstruck?
334. Favorite subject in school?
335. Least favorite subject?
336. Favorite exotic animal?
337. Have you had any repeat questions?
338. Do you have a favorite smilie?
339. Are you afraid of heights?
340. Are you afraid of spiders?
341. Do you enjoy amusement parks?
342. If so, what is usually your favorite ride at the park?
343. Favorite amusement park food?
345. Pencils or pens?
346. Do you text message?
347. Have you ever rode a horse?
348. Have you ever pet a dolphin?
349. Do you scuba dive?
350. Do you like the ocean?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
More questions from the Mod Sisters!!
-Have you ever seen Despicable Me?
-Have you ever seen Sky High?
-Would you mind creating a superhero whose power allows him/her to clean the kitchen with the snap of his/her fingers?
-Which mod would receive those powers?
-What is your favorite font?
-Cursive or print?
-What's your favorite food item on a Thanksgiving menu?
-Why do you blame Djaq for redundant acronym syndrome (ATM machine, PIN number, etc)?
-Favorite Star Wars film?
-Are you horrified that we have not seen the Indiana Jones movies?
-Favorite Narnian character?
-How many times have you seen VDT in theaters?
-How many times did you see PC in theaters?
-How many times did you see LWW in theaters?
-Is there any movie that makes you cry when you watch it?
-Is there any book that makes you cry when you read it?
-Have you ever truly rolled on the floor laughing?
-How fast can you count to 100?
-What is the highest you have ever counted?
-If the hot air balloon is traveling through the sky at a speed of 12 mph, what time will the passengers be hungry?
-What are the odds that they brought a lunch with them?
-What are the odds that an army of ants will still wreck the picnic if they did?
-How long will it take the raccoon to spot the balloon?
-What will he do when he does spot it?
-Do you own a camera?
-Do you have any interest in photography?
-Have you ever heard anything by Josh Wilson?
-How about Josh Turner?
-Josh Groban?
-Have you ever seen the BBC Robin Hood series?
-Have you ever attempted to write a book?
-What is your favorite book genre?
-What writing styles do you most admire?
-What celebrity does DJ look like?
-What celebrity does flam look like?
-Does Hannah Montana annoy you?
-What do you think of Justin Bieber's hair?
-What is your favorite word?
-Have you ever said "LOL" in an offline conversation instead of actually laughing?
-How do you read "LOL" when you see it? El-oh-El or Loll?
-Do you have a favorite kind of fish?
-Do you like seafood?
-Favorite pizza toppings?
-In your opinion, what is the best sandwich in the world?
-Do you like Subway?
-Ever eaten at Cracker Barrel?
-Have you ever found the Ultimate Burrito?
-Do you think it likely that DJ and I will ever discover it?
-What is your opinion of Taco Bell?
-Have you ever eaten squid?
-Have you ever been skiing?
-Have you ever had a bike wreck?
-How about a sledding accident?
-Worst injury as a child? (don't feel obligated to go into detail )
-What was your favorite birthday memory?
-Favorite birthday cake that you've had?
-Favorite kind of cake?
-What do you think of iPhones?
-Do you ever venture into our Domain (aka, the Fan Art section)?
-How about GMD?
-Given that the door is blue, what kind of fruit would be contained behind it?
-What is in Vault 13?
-Have you ever seen the Ocean's movies (11, 12, and 13)?
-What is your favorite sport in the Winter Olympics?
-Have you ever seen Sense and Sensibility?
-How about Pride and Prejudice?
*double salute*
--- Corp. flambeau & Sgt. DJ
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
What do you consider to be the single greatest arcade coin-op machine of all time?
Did you remember that that question was the one that should make you remember me?
Will it make you remember me?
How does one get cool points?
What exactly are cool points?
Do I get cool points for posting cool smilies?
I'm going to stop asking you questions about cool points now, okay?
If you were a dentist, what would you're name be?
Did you ever fall asleep standing up?
What is the one thing in this world you would never eat?
What does the phrase QED stand for?
Have you ever used the phrase QED in a sentence in real life?
Will you be a better person if you use it more?
What does blarghefur mean?
Are dolphins evil?
If dolphins were going to take over the world, how would they do it?
What is the meaning of life?
Do you kill the bug or set it free outside?
Do you take to be your lawfully wedded smilie?
Were you on any side during the Spoiler Wars?
Is a sin?
Are you a gamer?
Why does so often lead to
How can we prevent this?
Do you believe that it will have any long lasting -- even permanent -- effects on society?
Which would you rather have for president? -- or
Is voting a necessary civic duty or is it merely an option for civillians should they so choose to take advantage of it?
Why might someone judge ?
Have you ever tried to touch your brain?
Does it look like it would be painful to try? --
You know he holds the secrets to the universe, right? --
What should we, as individuals, do to overcome the oppression against humanity that rises up within us, even beginning as early as the day of our birth?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Are chickens vegetarians?
If chickens are/were not vegetarians, would that make them cannibals?
What question, out of all the questions you've been asked on this thread so far, has made you laugh the most?