Lefty's rule!!! * thinks there should be a south paw club on here *
In memorium of Briggs...
What is your opinion of woodchucks?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Have you ever seen a woodchuck?
If you have, what was it like?
If you haven't, do you want to?
Do woodchucks look like beavers?
Do you think there'd be talking woodchucks in Narnia?
If there are where do you think they live?
Are they cousins of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver?
Are woodchucks native to California?
Are you tired of the woodchuck questions yet?
Avatar thanks to AITB
what's your favorite Narnia movie?
have you seen Dawn Treader?
if so, what was your favorite part?
did you like Dawn Treader movie?
Skandar or Will Poulter?
who's your favorite actor?
who's your favorite actress?
what's your favorite season (spring, summer, fall, winter)?
what's your favorite sport?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Which US states have you visited?
Which Canadian provinces have you visited?
Which countries other than the US and Canada have you visited?
Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Where would your dream vacation take you?
Favorite national park?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Hey PA!!! *waves*
61. What season do you like best [of the A-Team], and what is your favourite episode? Why? It's admittedly been a while since I watched but I remember really liking Season 1.
62. Who's your favourite character? (and why) I'm gonna have to go with Howling Mad Murdock, like everyone else. I liked Hannibal too.
Who do you identify with the most? (again, why?) Hannibal. You ought to see the zoo I work in and you'll understand why the guy is always in disguise.
63. Which one do you think I am most like? (and why. are you sensing a pattern?) Triple A? The intrepid news reporter?
64. Do you think it'd be fun to have our own version of the A-team? YES, but I get to drive the A-Team van.
65. Why is it that Decker had such trouble catching them? (in your opinion) Because the show would end very quickly and the writers didn't want that too early or it'd be the shortest series in history.
J/K! I don't know why, because Decker was played by the super awesome Lance LeGault, the owner of one of the coolest voices in Hollywood. His voice is somewhere between James Earl Jones and Christopher Walken on the Cool Meter.
66. Have you seen the movie? If so, how does it compare to the show? I have not seen the movie, believe it or not. Fret not, my wife will bring it home from the library as soon as its acquired.
67. And should I see the movie? Having not seen it myself I can't really give you a recommendation not to.
Oh, and it's been a pleasure being a mod with you, and getting to know you better. I wanted to say thanks for your part in maintaining this forum.
Well thank you ma'am! *in best Lance LeGault voice* I expect you back here before too long, and I want some answers, ma'am."
I'm left hand too.
Hi! See, we should all start some secret NWeb society. I'm tellin' ya...
68. Do you do everything left hand or just somethings? (for example, I write left-handed but cut right handed.) I write left handed, of course. I throw left handed and catch left handed. Strangely enough I have trouble batting lefty and usually do it righty. Same with golf.
69. What are your top three favorite restaurants? In order
1. Outback Steakhouse "No rules, just roight"
2. O'Charley's
3. Pancho Villas (Mexican place in my town)
70. Thin crust or thick crust pizza? Thin crust. I'm a New Yorker at heart. *in best NY accent* Whadya gonna do?
71. How much do you charge to rent out that space under your avatar? Fee is 50 Cool Points/month. If one can cough that up (or bribe me) I'll put whatever message they want under there.
A few questions from Sgt. DJ and Corporal Flambeau. *salutes*
As you were, ladies. *salutes*
72. What are your thoughts on Dr. Suess? It's been a while since I read Seuss, but I loved his books when I was a kid.
73. What is your favorite Dr. Suess book? The Cat in the Hat, of course!
74. Do you find his books difficult to read aloud? I've never tried it before
75. Have you seen this video? I have not! Whoa...next she'll be running a Dr. Seuss auction.
76. Assuming that you have now watched the video, what did you think of it? It was hilarious!
77. If the ostrich egg is rolling at a speed of 5 mph, how long would it take the raccoon to catch it? *knows this is one of those trick questions, but having reviewed the question several times can't figure it out, and yet knows if he gives anything other than the exact answer he'll look like a doofus* Can we come back to this one? I'd like to run it by a panel of scientist friends.
78. Have you ever contemplated running a marathon? Even way back when I was in the AF and in decent shape I had trouble tackling anything more than 3 miles (shin splints). One time though I thought about doing one of those 10k runs (which I think equates to 6 miles, or maybe it's the other way around), chiefly because they were giving away free t-shirts.
79. Was it a good contemplation, or a bad one? It was a good one, just unrealistic.
80. What's your favorite mod chat memory? The time Djaq got her own comic book under the banner of "Kleenex Woman".
81. What is the hardest that you have laughed recently? Last week my supervisor said something very funny about a difficult manager at one of the stores. I wish that I could relate the details.
82. Have you ever heard of geocaching? I have heard of it but I do not know what it is
83. If so, have you ever gone? Negative
84. If so, what do you think of it? Can't answer that.
85. If not, are you interested in it now? Sure, but only if we get to take the Flamvee!
86. Are you daunted by the prospect of answering so many questions in only one week? It can be a bit overwhelming, yes.
87. Are you plagued by typos? Yes...I get really bad cases of SFS (Stupid Finger Syndrome) which makes it look like I'm typing cyrillic at times. If not for the typos I'd probably be clocking 70 wpm.
88. Do you have a favorite type of hat? For everyday use, the common ballcap. For special occasions, the WW1 German helmet (the one with the spike on top)
89. If yes, what kind? See above
90. Did you know that your first name is the same as our oldest nephew (he's 12)? Really? I like to consider myself a pioneer of names. I was Ethan before it was cool to be named Ethan. Of course don't blame me when your nephew goes to school in the 4th grade and gets hazed and called "Ethan the Wheat-thin". Don't say I didn't warn ya'!
91. For the sake of this next question, please forget that you are a superhero. Now, if you were a superhero, who would you be? Well, my favorite is the Punisher, but given that'd be too dark for NWeb, I'll go with a generic Spiderman.
92. Why would you choose that particular one? Because he's kinda dorky/nerdy like me but now he's supercool.
93. If you could create your own superhero for yourself, what would you come up with? I would be....Freezer Door! I would wear ice blue clothes (with cape) and have the ability to give people ice cream headaches at will. Also I could never get my tongue stuck to frozen metal.
94. Is your fascination with food due to the fact that you are a male? It's possible, but then again my mom loves food like I do and she's female.
95. You've been given power to eliminate the evil of mayonaisse from the world with the simple press of a button. Do you? (recycling this question from you from MY MotW thread.
) Obviously yes. mayo...ick
96. Why do you dislike mayonnaise? It's gooey and white, looks and smells nothing like eggs, turns brown when left out longer than 10 minutes, and generally looks putrid. What's to like here?
97. Favorite boardgame? Axis & Allies
98. If you were trapped on an isolated island by yourself what three items would you bring with you? Hmm...good question! *thinks* Well, a Bible, a really good Swiss Army Knife, and an axe.
99. Cats, dogs, fish, hamster/gerbils, snakes, or parakeets: Which would you choose as the best pet? Dogs, of course. Can a gerbil save you from a burning building? Ha! As if!
100. Have you ever desired to set a world record? Yes. Most popcorn shrimp eaten in one sitting. With our without cocktail sauce.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Question 100! Sgt. Djaq and Corp. Flambeau awarded 10 Cool Points. Remember kids, with 50 Cool Points I'll change the For Rent space under my avatar to the customized comment of your choice for one month! (I love promotions )
101. This one won't be understood by many people: why potato guns? Because they can make a guy look so spudly. *rimshot*
102. As loyal soldiers in your mod army, we will do our best to help you break the current question record. What do you say to that? Let it be known from this day forward: SL's Mod Army rules with an iron fist! And they're cool to boot. *pumps fist in the air* Boo-yah! Oh, and to answer your question, I would dig that very much!
Hey there gazer!
103. Who is your favorite character in LOST? Hurley
104. What was your favorite season in LOST? Season 2
105. What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Does it smell like carrots? *rimshot*
106. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
107. Oceans or mountains? Oceans, of course. Give me a tall ship and a star to steer her by.
108. Full moon or crescent? In reality I prefer a new moon because you can see more of the stars. But I'll go with full moon here because I'm kind of a lunatic (get it? luna tic? *rimshot*)
109. What is your favorite season? Spring. It's finally warming up after a cold, wet, icy, unpleasant winter, I can finally turn off my heat, and there's no mosquitoes out yet. Plus the dogwoods are in bloom and that always makes me happy.
110. What is your favorite constellation? Lyra
111. What (if any) is your favorite field in astronomy (such as cosmology, stellar evolution, planetary astronomy, etc)? I'm more into just general astronomy. I can't help but want to go explore the stars I see in my binoculars and check for planets to make planetfall on. What that falls under I haven't a clue.
Hello De_De!
112. One of your favorite books was War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Have you read any more of his works? I read and very much enjoyed Anna Karenina, although I still like the epic scope of War & Peace more. Goodness, the man could write! I felt like I was in that cavalry charge at Austerlitz. And when Prince Andrei is laying there after the battle, injured and looking at the sky and contemplating it for really the first time, I had a moment where I spoke out loud to him, "I know, sir. I know...I understand exactly what you're saying".
113. If you HAD to kill someone, how would you do it? Tickle their armpits until their lips exploded
114. What do you think is the world's biggest problem? Mayonaisse. At the root of all revolutions, communist expansions, terrorism, and economic struggle, it can always be traced back to mayonaisse.
115. Do you like travelling? I do! I've been to quite a few places, but have many more on my personal checklist.
116. What's it like being a mod? Scary at times. It's a big responsibility. Sort of like being a website sherriff I suppose. Ask Pattertwig's Pal, she's a Narnia Officer, so she can answer this for you too.
117. Pizza or sushi? Pizza!
118. Do you get annoyed with people asking you so many questions? Absolutely not! I'm rather enjoying it! No one has asked me so many questions since my parole officer last June.
119. If you had a chioce to go see an archery tournament, or a sword fighting tournament which would you choose? Sword fighting
And hello Rose_Tree!
120. What do you think of this color? It is a wicked, evil color, chosen hue of hooligans, I tell you.
121. What would you do if someone offered you a cookie that looked like this? I'd rather eat mayonaisse.
122. Favorite Blue Devils moment? 1992, Duke vs. Kentucky in the Semifinals of the NCAA tournament. The greatest college basketball game of all time. There's a hair over 2 seconds left in the game and Kentucky is up by one. Grant Hill throws a football pass to Christian Laettner and....well, view the rest yourself.
123. Most hated Tar Heels moment? I have so many...must I choose just one?
124. What's the greatest rivalry in sports? Puh-leeeeeze. Duke and Carolina, of course! There's a statewide brawl that erupts regardless of who wins.
125. What do you think my favorite college basketball team is? NC State?
Lefty's rule!!! * thinks there should be a south paw club on here
Amen sister!
126. What is your opinion of woodchucks? I never met a woodchuck I didn't like. The catch is I've never actually met a woodchuck.
127. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Well, mathematically speaking, if Woodchuck = X, and wood = Y, and the action of the woodchuck chucking wood could be assigned the variable of ab, then the answer is simple. *does some math in his head* 1,226.
128. Have you ever seen a woodchuck? Only on TV.
129. If you have, what was it like? They're nature's comedians!
130. If you haven't, do you want to? I plead the Fifth
131. Do woodchucks look like beavers? Yes. They're like two peas in a pod.
132. Do you think there'd be talking woodchucks in Narnia? Yes, but the Naiads would be terrified of them, what with their chucking all wood in sight issue.
133. If there are where do you think they live? Funny you should ask. There's some sort of critter that lives in my backyard that I can't identify. It might well be a woodchuck. It lives in one of the storm drains towards the back of my property and is larger than a cat and stands up in its hind legs.
134. Are they cousins of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver? You'd have to ask Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. They keep track of their family relations more than I do.
135. Are woodchucks native to California? Hey now, you're from California! You should be telling me!
136. Are you tired of the woodchuck questions yet? Nope, you keep chucking those questions at me as long as you feel the need.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
It has been great to have you aboard as a moderator. Love your sense of humor.
Questions? Questions. Think of a question.
Drawing a blank.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Here, here! SL, you bring such wonderful life to forum and the mod squad: I simply crack up at your witty lines. And your love of food even beats mine.
I'm impressed! *looks forward to our exchange of foodstuffs parcels*
137: Who do you get your sense of humour from: your mom? your dad? both?
138: What does your wife think of your humour?
139: Do you bandy back-and-forth periodically?
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Hi Shadowlander!!!
Sorry if I repeat one, but I haven't read all of the posts yet.
If I give you the link (which lon graciously gave to me) of the old forum, would you find your first post? <-Link to old forum
How often do you visit NW?
Where would you travel if you got a free vacation to anywhere?
What's your favorite smilie?
Have you always used the same avi and sig? If not what's your favorite avi and sig that you used?
List 5 of your favorite quotes
List 3 of your favorite foods
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Hey Liberty!
137. what's your favorite Narnia movie? LWW
138. have you seen Dawn Treader? Yes
139. if so, what was your favorite part? The scene in which Aslan tells the Pevensies that He is known by another name in our world.
140. did you like Dawn Treader movie? Overall I did, although I do take issue with a few liberties (ha! you're Liberty! Oh, nevermind) the producers took with the source material. Most of the important stuff is still there though, so that's good.
141. Skandar or Will Poulter? Ok, you have to refine your question a bit, say something like "Skandar or Will Poulter: Which would you rather hang out with?" or "Which would you rather arm wrestle?"
142. who's your favorite actor? Tom Hanks
143. who's your favorite actress? That's tough to answer...this one is always in a state of flux. For the moment it's Meg Ryan
144. what's your favorite season (spring, summer, fall, winter)? Spring
145. what's your favorite sport? College basketball
Welcome back gazer!
146. Which US states have you visited? *thinks* Hmm...NY, NJ, PA, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, KY, TN, AL, MS, TX, CA, WI, MN, OH, IN, AR, OK, WA, Iowa, and Hawaii.
147. Which Canadian provinces have you visited? None, although while I was in the Air Force we were supposed to refuel once at Goose Bay in Labrador, but the flight got rerouted elsewhere.
148. Which countries other than the US and Canada have you visited? Hmm...in no particular order...
-Kenya (twice, and I went fishing in the Indian Ocean )
-Congo (for an hour)
-Germany (twice)
-Puerto Rico
-St. Croix
-Honduras (twice)
I'm sure there's others that I'm forgetting but those are the biggies.
149. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Outer Banks, NC
150. Where would your dream vacation take you? Terrestrial, St. Croix. Off-planet I'd like to go to the Moon. There's only been 12 human beings there and I think it'd make for some awesome post cards. Don't forget to visit the gift shop!
151. Favorite national park? I have none, but I've always wanted to visit Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon.
Hey cep!
Questions? Questions. Think of a question.
Drawing a blank.
Hint: Ask me about aircraft, especially of the military variety.
Here, here!
SL, you bring such wonderful life to forum and the mod squad: I simply crack up at your witty lines. And your love of food even beats mine.
I'm impressed! *looks forward to our exchange of foodstuffs parcels*
Oh, speaking of which...you'd never believe what I got in the mail Friday! Wagon Wheels and even a Aero Bar! Woot! Especially now that I'm on a diet.
152. Who do you get your sense of humour from: your mom? your dad? both? Almost entirely from my mom. My dad calls her "Comic Relief" as a nickname. My dad is very staid and conservative, but can launch some funny lines from time to time. We were driving to Office Depot one day and while we were pulling into the parking lot he says, "Well, we're at the Office Despot". I laughed so hard I almost fell out of the car. I've called it Office Despot ever since .
153. What does your wife think of your humour? She doesn't get it and looks at me like I'm a loon when I start randomly using my signature humor. Oy vey.
154. Do you bandy back-and-forth periodically? No...mostly she talks about home repair or getting the dog washed, and those aren't typically funny things (although the dog does look hilarious when she's getting washed. But you need 10 strong men to hold her down. The dog, not my wife. *rimshot*
Oh, and Jo, folks here are wanting to see that thingie that GB and I wrote...the Lewis/Tolkien crossover things. Would you be able to provide those? Their will be no peace until you do.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
okay: Skandar or Will Poulter (who would you rather hang out with)?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hi! See, we should all start some secret NWeb society. I'm tellin' ya...
That we should.
How do you come up with all those creative posts / answers?
Has DiGs ever turned you into anything?
What is your favorite kind of cookie?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Hello again Shadowlander!
A great time to do a mod-of-the-week thing on you, as I had a few questions!
156.) Of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, what is your favorite book of the three?
157.) Of all of the books you have read, what character do you think you connect with or relate to the most?
158.) Chesterton or Lewis?
159.) Provided that x is the one that you chose from the previous question: Tolkien or x ?
Don't want to flood you with too many questions!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
- The Doctor.
Right! Thanks for the reminder. I meant to link to those brilliant bits that you and Gandalfs Beard wrote. *clunks head* Will do that tomorrow at latest.
Oooh, you received my wee package, hurrah! So, a few questions, to make this post legit:
*How do you like the Aero bar?
*Are our Wagon Wheels the same as your Moonpies?
*Can you please come to a Moot sometime?
*Do you have the effects of DiGs' smoke blasts memorized?
'Tis fun to hear about the humour in your family. And I am really glad you clarified who it was that needs ten men to hold her down.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
This is great fun!
164: Have you ever eaten pretzel M&M's?
165: What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
166: What is your favorite holiday?
167: Favorite color? (you may have already answered this, but I'm not remembering it...)
168: How long did you serve in the Air Force?
169: Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the Army?
170: Do you believe that chicken noodle soup has magical healing powers?
171: Have you ever seen "You've Got Mail"?
172: If so, do you like it?
173: Favorite Tom Hanks movie?
174: Favorite Meg Ryan movie?
175: Favorite kind of car? (the Flamvee doesn't count, btw )
176: Favorite chapter in the Bible?
177: Can you whistle?
178: What was your favorite subject in school?
179: Do you play an instrument?
180: What is your favorite smiley?
181: Have you seen Gods and Generals?
182: If so, what do you think of it.
183: Would you consider yourself a Yankee or a Confederate?
184: Favorite period in history?
185: Favorite country other than the USA?
186: Favorite legend?
187: Favorite number?
188: Have you ever seen the TV show Early Edition?
189: Have you ever heard the radio show "Adventures in Odyssey"?
190: Have you ever seen Red Green?
191: Favorite childhood memory?
This or that...
192: Strawberries or apples?
193: PB&J or meat and cheese (sammiches)?
194: or
195: or
196: or
197: or
198: Glasses or contacts?
199: Red or blue?
200: Pink or purple?
I hope I got the numbers right, I think I'm off though.
I made Chicken Divan for dinner tonight, and the recipe called for mayonnaise. (It was sooo gross to scoop out of the container. The consistency is awful!) Anyway, as I was eating it, I decided that I had used too much, even though I kind of shorted the amount the recipe said to use, and pointed out that fact accompanied with "Shadowlander would NOT approve." /random story that has nothing to do with questions...
EDIT: To save Jo some time and bring an end to everyone's suspense, I'll post the links to the Lewis/Tolkien bits that everyone is interested in.
Lewis-ized Tolkien page 1 courtesy of Shadowlander
Lewis-ized Tolkien page 2 by Shadowlander
Tolkien-ized Lewis by Gandalfs Beard
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Okay, as promised. Ready for belly-aching laughter?
~Shadowlander Page 1 - Lewis-ized Tolkien
~Shadowlander Page 2 - Lewis-ized Tolkien
~Gandalfs Beard - Tolkien-ized Lewis
Brilliant: absolutely brilliant!
And now, a question: was that enormous fun to write, SL?
EDIT: Djaq. Thank you! I must have been posting as you were editing.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
A few questions from me, Master Shadowlander!
Am I in your Mod Army?
Or am I merely a civilian contractor or something?
How's the potato gun working out for the Flamvee?
Have you ever thought about writing children's books?
How about comic books?
Or finding someone to chronicle the mighty adventures of Kleenex Woman, Thera-Flam, Ouch-Man, Montezuma, Spud Woman, and all the others in that world?
Are you still reluctant to make biscuits and gravy?
How about cornbread?
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.