What kind of movies do you like?
Did you like Caspian better in PC or VDT?
Why did you join NWeb?
How old were you when you first read the books?
Are you excited now that you hit question #800?!
Favorite food?
Favorite beverage?
Do you like country?
What is your opinion of snow?
What's your dream car?
How many times have you seen VDT?
Do you have a blog?
Have you ever considered blogging?
Do you ever write fiction?
Did you participate in NaNoWriMo this year?
Do you visit the G&B section of the forum at all?
Come to think of it, which section do you moderate?
Do you like dogs?
Green grass or blue skies?
What kind of a camera do you have?
Would you ever get an iPhone?
What's your favorite period in history?
Where are you typing this?
What's your favorite color?
av by dot
OK, then, what do your cats think of your blinds?
Did your cats celebrate when you went over 800 questions?
Did you scare them with a cry of delight?
What's the most cats you've had in your house at one time?
Would it be a tremendous boost to your cats' egos if they knew I was asking so many questions about them?
Can a cat's ego be boosted, or is it always maxed out?
Have you ever made a lolcat out of a picture of one of your cats?
Oooh, is there a picture of Luke dressed up as Santa?
Will you post it sometime?
What's the coolest trick you ever taught a cat?
Most useful trick?
Most useless trick?
Do you think cats are practically perfect in every way?
Can you imagine your life without cats?
Do you find yourself picking favorites, or do you love them all equally?
Did you have any idea there could be so many cat-related questions until this week?
How do you feel about dogs?
If you were going to name a pet after a LOTR character, which one would you pick?
What about a Narnia character?
If you saw a kitten named Aslan, would you think that's cute or kind of blasphemous?
Are crickets annoying or soothing?
Does this smilie make you feel like yawning when you look at it?
How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
Have you ever heard of a book called The World's Last Night?
What is your opinion of Left Behind?
Do you know what BBCode is?
What is it?
What graphics hosting website is best in your opinion?
What LOTR movie is best?
Will you ever cut your hair?
If you haven't cut your hair, does it surprise you that it doesn't go all the way to the ground or longer?
How many states have you been in?
Would you like to visit Australia?
Would you like to visit New Zealand?
Australia or New Zealand?
Who is the best movie director?
Can you guess my favorite movie director?
How many different versions have you seen of Phantom of the Opera?
Have you read the book it's based on?
What do you think of it?
Did you enjoy this Week of being Mod of the Week?
Which question made you laugh the most out of all of them?
Did you make your goal?
Will users ever get a thread to answer questions like this?
If you could change the NW boards to any color, which would you pick?
LWW or SC?
SC or LB?
LWW or LB?
Have you ever played Zoo Tycoon?
What do you think of it?
Are you a gamer?
Do you have LOTR games?
Do you like board games?
Which is your favorite board game?
Ever play Apples to Apples?
What do you think of it?
Would you ever dye your hair?
Are you calm during emergencies or do you freak out?
Which book of the Bible have you read the most times all the way through?
Do sunglasses make people look cool?
What makes people look cooler -- shades, or a sparkling smile?
Would you enjoy being stranded on an island?
What is your favorite number?
Is 439 one number, or three numbers?
What color is water?
What color should water be?
What is your honest opinion about sea serpents?
Did you answer the last question honestly?
Was it difficult to answer the last question honestly?
Do you have any reason not to answer it honestly?
Where were you last night at 6PM?
If a man wearing sunglasses drove up in a limo tomorrow at 10PM, would that surprise you?
If he did come, would his sunglasses make him look cool?
What if he didn't have a sparkling smile? Would he still look cool?
If you found the fountain of youth, would you drink from it?
Have you found the fountain of youth?
If you found the fountain of youth, would you tell anyone?
Why or why not?
Is today the Sabbath, or was yesterday?
Do scared people look scary?
Do worried people worry you?
Would you ever consider taking flying lessons?
Would you ever consider taking lessons on how to fly a plane? (which is something entirely different from the last question)
When typing things, after you finish typing, do you hit the submit button with your cursor, or do you hit enter on your keyboard?
And for the last 20 questions (courtesy of Starsy (who says Hi, btw))
1092. If a blue train is traveling north at 94 mph, and a giant tomato hits it at a forty-five degree angle, what would you say on a scale from 1 to 10? (Bonus points if you know where this is from and can guess correctly
1093. How many ABCs can you fit into a dresser drawer?
1094. What color would your hair be if you were playing the piano?
1095. What sound does orange make when it collides with a turnip?
1096. How many gallons of wind fit into a blender?
1097. Or a smoothie?
1098. If you were a hippopotamus, how long would it take you to dance The Electric Slide?
1099. If heffalumps are real, then why does E=MC2?
1100. If a lantern was a animal, would it be a mammal or a sea urchin?
1101. In the curious case of the puddleduck, who was to blame? The goose or the gander?
1102. True or False: If paper comes from trees, who needs anemones.
1103. Whatever happened to the pumpernickel?
1104. If you piled 78 boxes in various sizes how far would the raven have to fly?
1105. How tall would you have to be to eat 400 lemon bars?
1106. How many cacti does it take for the ostrich to run a marathon?
1107. What came first? The dream or the patio chairs?
1108. What was that?!
1109. How many dancing teddy bears would it take to fly to Never Never Land?
1110. Which of the many holes can light up a Christmas tree?
1111. And lastly but leastly: how did the dental floss do that thing that he did?
And...the grand finale!!
912. Are hobbits the 2nd coolest race in Middle Earth? Yep.
913. If you could have either an elf or a Hobbit as your neighbor, which would you pick? Elf.
914. What would you do if Elrond had been your father? My dad’s kinda like Elrond, except with a prominent funny streak. So I’d probably be close to the same, just less...snarky.
915. Would you marry Aragorn if you lived in Middle Earth? Prolly.
916. Would you ever consider taking Boromir bowling? No. I don’t care for temper tantrums when you don’t get your way.
917. If you only had one extra theater ticket, would you take Merry or Pippin? Merry.
918. Would Eustace make a good senator? Yes.
919. Who would you rather have turn into a dragon, if it had been up to you -- Eustace in VDT (which really hapenned) or Pippin in LOTR (which never hapenned)? Eustace, because it changed him.
920. Which of the LOTR characters looks most like Steve Carrell? (LOOKS, not acts) Uh. Merry?
921. Which of these books would you rather read -- Watermelon in My Shoes or Down to the Bayou My Poodle Goes? Prolly the first.
922. Have you ever read Brywahr Academy? Yep yep.
923. If so, what did you think of it? Really interesting. I like to watch the development.
924. If you were a kaleidoscope, what colors would you have? Reds.
925. If I told you I was "reading through The Sil", would you know what I was talking about? Silmarillion!
926. Do you ever fill out Facebook Notes? Sometimes.
927. Have you ever heard a song called This Is My Paradise? Nope.
928. Have you ever read Joshua Harriss' book Boy Meets Girl? Yep.
929. What did you think of it? Liked it.
930. Ever read or see A Series of Unfortunate Events? I never did much, didn’t care for them.
931. If people clap for you or compliment you alot, how do you react? Smile and thank them.
932. Did you react differently when your were younger? Yes.
933. Do you get embarrased? Not too often.
934. Sarcasm or snark? Snark!
935. Smartphone or flip phone? Smartphone.
936. Movie!Frodo or Book Frodo? Book.
937. How many times have you answered the question about your favorite smiley? Three times, I think.
938. Would you like for me to ask you again? No thanks.
939. I notice you've got quite the fascination with wedding dresses (which fact I did NOT know before this thread ): Is that because you see wedding dresses in your future? I think it would be amazing to be a wedding planner/designer.
940. Or does the idea of a once in a lifetime dress fascinate you? That does, too.
941. Or is it simply because they're so gorgeous? That too.
942. Have you figured out the meaning of "EVUL" yet? I think it means Booky is envious of my smarts.
943. Have you ever written a character that was so annoying in personality it made you wince as you wrote it? Yes.
944. When was the last time you had anchovies on your pizza? I don’t think I’ve ever had that.
945. Do you like feta cheese? No.
946. Have you ever had goat milk? Goat cheese, yes. Milk, no.
947. If so, did you like it? The cheese? Love it.
948. If not, would you like to try it? Yes.
949. Why do you prefer cats over dogs? Because dogs seem so dumb.
950. Do you have a favorite breed of horse? Yes.
951. If so, what is it and why? Arabian. I think Clydesdales are pretty, but impractical.
952. What is the best movie horse EVER? In your opinion of course. Second Chances.
953. If you were riding through a green meadow on your favorite horse and someone shot the horse out from under you, what would you do to that person? Well, if they shot my horse, they probably were aiming for me, so I’d shoot back.
954. Or should I not ask that question? Probably.
955. Do you like sushi? Yes, as long as it is cooked.
956. Have you ever been so blue you could almost see the color? My toe nails turn blue and purple on a regular basis.
957. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Right before Christmas.
958. When was the last time you were so embarrassed your cheeks burned? Not for a very long time. I don’t remember.
959. Do you like cows? They’re nice.
960. Have you ever pet one? Yes.
961. What style of horse riding is your favorite? Western.
962. What is the CUTEST animal you have EVER seen? Cat!
963. Do you like going to zoos? They’re ok.
964. What brand of computer do you have? HP. Bleh.
965. Do you like spending all day in your night clothes? Yeah.
966. Peanuts or pretzels? Peanuts.
967. Babies or toddlers? Both.
968. Black or blue? Black.
969. Green or red? Red.
970. Good or bad? Good.
971. Bright or dark? Dark.
972. Will you come to the dark side if they give you wookie cookies? Meh. Nah.
973. If I come at you with double lightsabers utilizing the Niman style and I block your offensive defensive blow with one saber, shove it aside and slash at your unprotected side with the other, what will you do? Follow my offensive blow with a force push.
974. Will you still be nice to me if I do that to you? You might get demoted to the dungeon, but yes, I would be decently nice.
975. If I bring my little dog to your house and he tries to say hello to Luke and Luke hisses and scratches him and Pippin gets angry and chases him around the house... What will you do to me? Tell you to catch your dog before I do.
976. What will you do to Pippin? Smack him.
977. If I did both of those things, survived and got down on my knees and begged forgiveness, what would you do? Forgive you.
978. Does thinking about Dono-Rev make your heart beat faster? Yeah.
979. what's your favorite book? Jane Eyre.
980. what's your favorite movie? P&P.
981. who's your favorite band? Blackmore’s Night.
982. What kind of movies do you like? Fantasy, Historical, most anything except suspense and horror.
983. Music? I have vary varied tastes.
984. Books? Mainly Fiction.
985. Did you like Caspian better in PC or VDT? VDT.
986. Why did you join NWeb? For the costume forums.
987. How old were you when you first read the books? Probably 8 or so.
988. Are you excited now that you hit question #800?! YES!
989. Favorite food? Rice.
990. Favorite beverage? Cinnamon Mocha Freeze.
991. Do you like country? Its okay.
992. What is your opinion of snow? Lovely stuff.
993. What's your dream car? A dark red mustang Shelby GT.
994. How many times have you seen VDT? Three.
995. Do you have a blog? Several.
996. Have you ever considered blogging? Yes.
997. Do you ever write fiction? Yes.
998. Did you participate in NaNoWriMo this year? No.
999. Do you visit the G&B section of the forum at all? Yes.
1000. Come to think of it, which section do you moderate? Ditto Town and the Reading Group.
1001. Do you like dogs? They’re okay.
1002. Green grass or blue skies? Green Grass.
1003. What kind of a camera do you have? An Olympus 500.
1004. Would you ever get an iPhone? I have one.
1005. What's your favorite period in history? Medieval. Kinda.
1006. Where are you typing this? At the computer.
1007. What's your favorite color? Dark red.
1008. OK, then, what do your cats think of your blinds? They love the cords.
1009. Did your cats celebrate when you went over 800 questions? I think they were asleep.
1010. Did you scare them with a cry of delight? Nope.
1011. What's the most cats you've had in your house at one time? Three.
1012. Would it be a tremendous boost to your cats' egos if they knew I was asking so many questions about them? Yes.
1013. When typing things, after you finish typing, do you hit the submit button with your cursor, or do you hit enter on your keyboard? Enter. I use the keyboard mainly, rarely mouse.
1014. Can a cat's ego be boosted, or is it always maxed out? No, it can be boosted.
1015. Have you ever made a lolcat out of a picture of one of your cats? Nope.
1016. Oooh, is there a picture of Luke dressed up as Santa? Not with the hat on, unfortunately. This is the last in the set of him with his collar on.
1017. Will you post it sometime? Right up there.
1018. What's the coolest trick you ever taught a cat? To climb a ladder, and then stand on her hind legs on it.
1019. Most useful trick? To jump on top of the fridge.
1020. Most useless trick? The ladder one.
1021. Do you think cats are practically perfect in every way? Yes.
1022. Can you imagine your life without cats? No.
1023. Do you find yourself picking favorites, or do you love them all equally? There are a few that I like less than others. Other than that, they’re pretty even.
1024. Did you have any idea there could be so many cat-related questions until this week? Nope.
1025. How do you feel about dogs? Meh.
1026. If you were going to name a pet after a LOTR character, which one would you pick? It really depends on the personality, or the appearance. Macready got her name because of her grouchy personality. Yoda got his because of his big ears.
1027. What about a Narnia character? Macready, ‘cause I already have her.
1028. If you saw a kitten named Aslan, would you think that's cute or kind of blasphemous? Cute.
1029. Are crickets annoying or soothing? If they are in the distance, soothing. If they’re close by, annoying.
1030. Does this smilie make you feel like yawning when you look at it? Yes.
1031. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? About 7.
1032. Have you ever heard of a book called The World's Last Night? No.
1033. What is your opinion of Left Behind? I don’t like it.
1034. Do you know what BBCode is? Yes.
1035. What is it? A formatting unit for posts on forums.
1036. What graphics hosting website is best in your opinion? I haven’t really compared them, but I use photobucket.
1037. What LOTR movie is best? Mm, I like TTT, but not the part with Frodo and Sam. That just seems to drag half the time for me.
1038. Will you ever cut your hair? Probably not.
1039. If you haven't cut your hair, does it surprise you that it doesn't go all the way to the ground or longer? No, because I loose a lot of hair, too.
1040. How many states have you been in? I think 20. Might be more.
1041. Would you like to visit Australia? Yes.
1042. Would you like to visit New Zealand? Yes.
1043. Australia or New Zealand? New Zealand.
1044. Who is the best movie director? I’m undecided.
1045. Can you guess my favorite movie director? PJ?
1046. How many different versions have you seen of Phantom of the Opera? I’ve never actually seen it.
1047. Have you read the book it's based on? Nope.
1048. What do you think of it? Spooky.
1049. Did you enjoy this Week of being Mod of the Week? Yes.
1050. Which question made you laugh the most out of all of them? Georgie’s dead questions.
1051. Did you make your goal? Yep!
1052. Will users ever get a thread to answer questions like this? Probably not.
1053. If you could change the NW boards to any color, which would you pick? I like how they look now.
1054. LWW or SC? SC
1055. SC or LB? SC.
1056. LWW or LB? LWW.
1057. Have you ever played Zoo Tycoon? No, it didn’t look interesting.
1058. What do you think of it? See 1057.
1059. Are you a gamer? Not really.
1060. Do you have LOTR games? No.
1061. Do you like board games? Yes.
1062. Which is your favorite board game? Right now, Scrabble. Love RISK, though.
1063. Ever play Apples to Apples? Yes.
1064. What do you think of it? Love it!
1065. Would you ever dye your hair? It is possible.
1066. Are you calm during emergencies or do you freak out? I sometime freak out inside, but I usually just start going through whatever the proper or logical procedure is.
1067. Which book of the Bible have you read the most times all the way through? I or II Timothy.
1068. Do sunglasses make people look cool? Yeah.
1069. What makes people look cooler -- shades, or a sparkling smile? A smile.
1070. Would you enjoy being stranded on an island? Mmm, for a while.
1071. What is your favorite number? 7.
1072. Is 439 one number, or three numbers? Logically, one.
1073. What color is water? Clear.
1074. What color should water be? Clear.
1075. What is your honest opinion about sea serpents? They’re freaky cool.
1076. Did you answer the last question honestly? Mostly.
1077. Was it difficult to answer the last question honestly? I had to think about it.
1078. Do you have any reason not to answer it honestly? Yes. “I dunno” just doesn’t sound good.
1079. Where were you last night at 6PM? In the kitchen.
1080. If a man wearing sunglasses drove up in a limo tomorrow at 10PM, would that surprise you? Yes.
1081. If he did come, would his sunglasses make him look cool? At 10PM, no.
1082. What if he didn't have a sparkling smile? Would he still look cool? N..o...?
1083. If you found the fountain of youth, would you drink from it? Probably not.
1084. Have you found the fountain of youth? No.
1085. If you found the fountain of youth, would you tell anyone? No.
1086. Why or why not? Because it isn’t for man to live that way.
1087. Is today the Sabbath, or was yesterday? “Sabbath” and day of rest are two different things. Technically, there is not a Sabbath weekly.
1088. Do scared people look scary? No?
1089. Do worried people worry you? No.
1090. Would you ever consider taking flying lessons? I wish I could.
1091. Would you ever consider taking lessons on how to fly a plane? (which is something entirely different from the last question) (BTW, your last question is now number 1013, as I skipped a number when numbering. ) Yeah.
1092. If a blue train is traveling north at 94 mph, and a giant tomato hits it at a forty-five degree angle, what would you say on a scale from 1 to 10? (Bonus points if you know where this is from and can guess correctly ) 7.
1093. How many ABCs can you fit into a dresser drawer? 9426. I’m a Sunday school teacher. I sort foamies.
1094. What color would your hair be if you were playing the piano? Grey.
1095. What sound does orange make when it collides with a turnip? Splurp!
1096. How many gallons of wind fit into a blender? 48.
1097. Or a smoothie? 0.
1098. If you were a hippopotamus, how long would it take you to dance The Electric Slide? Forever.
1099. If heffalumps are real, then why does E=MC2? Because reality is what is in your mind.
1100. If a lantern was a animal, would it be a mammal or a sea urchin? Sea urchin.
1101. In the curious case of the puddleduck, who was to blame? The goose or the gander? The gander.
1102. True or False: If paper comes from trees, who needs anemones. True.
1103. Whatever happened to the pumpernickel? Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater stole it. We know that because his sister, Jeanie Jeanie Eats Zucchini told us so.
1104. If you piled 78 boxes in various sizes how far would the raven have to fly? 1.8 miles.
1105. How tall would you have to be to eat 400 lemon bars? 4 feet.
1106. How many cacti does it take for the ostrich to run a marathon? 19.
1107. What came first? The dream or the patio chairs? The chairs.
1108. What was that?! Luke climbing my back and then shoving his face into mine.
1109. How many dancing teddy bears would it take to fly to Never Never Land? Just 1.
1110. Which of the many holes can light up a Christmas tree? The red one.
1111. And lastly but leastly: how did the dental floss do that thing that he did? By believing in himself.
Finally, thank you all for posting and making this an amazing week. Even though you all were asking me questions, I feel like I know you all better because of this. I look forward to spending more time with all of you in the future. And, finally, Cinnamon Mocha Freezes for everyone, on the house!!
Lady Arwen
Avatar thanks to AITB