Most embarrassing moment in last 12 months: While playing broom hockey this past week, I was standing completely still on the ice and all of a sudden I was on my back. I feel quite often, but had a good time still. Favorites: Books: I prefer biographies, but do enjoy fantasy and science fiction. Movies: I love westerns, especially those starring John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart. Most any Jimmy Stewart movie. Top 5 would include The Searchers, It's a Wonderful Life, Eldorado, the Patriot, and the Harry Potter series.(I know, it's a series, not a movie, counts!:P) Overall: My favorite movie of all time??? I don't think I can answer that, but it probably stars John Wayne. Epic: The Searchers. Teen: The Outsiders. Drama: We Were Soldiers. 2D Animation: Aladdin 3D Animation: Toy Story Rom-com: If it counts, Steel Magnolias. Comedy: Haunted Honeymoon, Young Frankenstein. Musicals: Fiddler on the Roof TV shows: Monk, Psych, The Crocodile Hunter, and almost anything on the Outdoor Channel. Food: Almost any Mexican dish made. Animal: The North American Wild Turkey. Music:Compemporary Christian, especially Christian Rock. Southern Rock, classic rock. Bluegrass, the best music in the world, and Country. Narnia Book: Favorite Narnia book.....would have to be the Magicians Nephew, followed by the Silver Chair and the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. History on Narniaweb: I joined in August of 2005 at the advice of my brother who had joined a few months prior. I was drawn in by the community here, and that has been a driving factor in keeping me involved. What I like best about NarniaWeb: The great "online" relationships I have made with some very godly people. Rule most often forgotten by me: At least early on, I tended to double post at times in the Games & Blogs section. Favorite NW memory: When I was still a newer member in the Games & Blogs section, the games were some of the funnest I have ever played here on Narniaweb. Comments by other Mods: Johobbit: I think Kingskid and I first 'met' in the Ditto Town Square a few years back. Ahh, the memories. Fun times.
My all-time favorite books are as follows: God and Ronald Reagan, That Printer of Udells, John Adams, 1776, The Lord of the Rings, Deerslayer, and the Last of the Mohicans. And with both of us on the Hospitality Committees, that rounded out our connection even more. Then, a wondrous treat: meeting Kingskid at the Ohio Mod Moot last July. He is just as I thought he'd be: kind, fun, a passionate hunter who loves being out in nature, considerate, a good conversationalist. But what struck me above all was his strong, serving, Godly heart. He is most attentive to being aware of needs and offering to help. His outward focus remains to this day a Christ-like example to me. And it's great having him on the Mod Squad. Our mutual love for food is rather cool too.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
What is your favorite color?
What denomination are you?
What is your favorite character in LOTR?
How long ago did you read LOTR?
Why isn't this thread attached at the top of the section as a "sticky" like all the other MotW threads were?
What does existential mean?
What is the best way to carve a turkey?
Are you a vegetarian?
If you are/were, did/would the turkey question offend you?
What is the most serindipitous thing that has ever hapenned to you?
Is a Netflix ad on the side of your screen?
Do you have any posters?
What kind of posters?
you like the Outsiders *squeal*
-Whose your favorite Character?
-Least favorite?
-Favorite scene?
-Favorite actor in the movie?
-Have you read the book?
you like Harry Potter *squeal*
-Favorite character (movie and/or book?)
-Favorite book of the series
-Favorite movie of the series
-Favorite actor?
-Favorite good guy?
-Favorite bad guy?
-Which Dumbledore do you like better?
ok now more random questions
-have you ever been surfing?
-have you ever been skiing?
-whats your favorite sport
-is history your favorite subject(you seem to enjoy alot of history books )
-if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
-if you could be anyone for a day- who would it be?
-whats your favorite NW topic?
-which Toy Story is your favorite?
-pencil or pen?
-do you have any guilty pleasures?
-pet peeves?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
-Why isn't this topic a sticky?
-If you lived in the 1700's would you agree with Ben Franklin in thinking the Turkey should be the national bird?
-what do you think of wolves?
-what do you think of gremlins?
-what do you think of the Jurassic Park series?
-What will you do if/when SC is greenlit?
-Do you like Star Trek?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
1. Green, and usually a darker green.
2. Southern Baptist
3. Aragorn
4. The last time I read the entire book would probably be four years ago, maybe five.
5. Because, I'm not entirely sure how to do that.
6. Existential refers to just existence itself.
7. I would say to slice the breast meat first since it's the easiest to get to, and then take off the legs with the thighs, as well as the wings. You can use an electric carver if you like, but a good carving knife and a large fork do nicely as well.
8. Absolutely not.
9. I'm not sure if it would or not, it depends on my reason for being a vegetarian.
10. Finding 5 dollars in my pocket on the way to lunch one day at school.
11. No, it's at the top.
12. Yes
13. Star Wars, Alice in Wonderland, and the Atlanta Braves.
14. Johnny
15. Darry
16. When Pony Boy and Johnny are on the run and they talk about the poem.
17. Ralph Macchio
I'll be back for more later.
18. Yes, I have.
19. Mad-Eye Moody
20. The Goblet of Fire
21. That's a tough one. It would probably have to be Alan Rickman
22. Lupin
23. The Dark Lord
24. I prefer Richard Harris as Dumbledore.
25. No.
26. No.
27. Baseball
28. Second favorite, Biology being my favorite.
29. To the British Isles
30. I would like to be a Founding Father, preferably John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, or Dr. Benjamin Rush.
31. When I visited the other forum sections more often, it would have to be the Town Square
32. The Toy Story
33. Pencil
34. I love to eat tupelo honey on a hot homeade biscuit that's covered in butter.
35. I do not like people smacking their food.
Again, more to come...
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
I really enjoyed meeting you at the Ohio Moot last summer, Kingskid. Fun times! Time to round up the usual suspects, er, questions:
43. Sunrise or sunset?
44. Crescent or full moon?
45. Do you have a favorite constellation?
46. What is your favorite season?
47. Does it ever snow where you live?
48. Do you like snow?
49. Oceans or mountains?
50. Which US states have you visited?
51. Which Canadian provinces have you visited?
52. Which countries (other than the US and Canada) have you visited?
53. What is your favorite vacation spot?
54. What is your ideal vacation spot (that you haven't yet visited)?
55. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
56. What is your favorite dessert?
57. What's your favorite kind of pie?
58. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
59. What's your favorite kind of cake?
60. What is/are your favorite pizza toppings?
61. Are the Braves your favorite major league baseball team?
62. Have you been able to attend many of their games in person?
63. Did you watch the Super Bowl this year?
64. Did you have a preference as to which team won?
65. Did any of the commercials strike you as really good ones?
66. Do you like to write?
67. If so, what genre(s) are your favorites in which to write?
68. Have you ever participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)?
69. Do you like any of those Geico ads?
70. If so, which is your favorite?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
[/COLOR=#008040]And off we go!
36. It is now, and it wasn't because I sadly was unaware of how to make it so.
37. I would definitely not!:P
38. I think they are beautiful animals, and am very glad that their populations are rising in the upper west.
39. I do not like them.
40. I've only seen all of the first movie, I have not finished the others. I do like the first one though.
41. I would be very happy to hear it, and would hope that they do the book justice and would be greatly excited to see the movie.
42.I do indeed like Star Trek.
43. Sunrise, preferably in the woods.
44. Crescent....The Hungry Moon... @ SG
45. That would have to be the Hunter.
46. Fall
47. It does indeed, though more during the last couple of years than has been the norm.
48. Most definitely!
49. Mountains
50. I have visited, Ohio:D, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Viriginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri...yep, that's it.
51. None.
52. None as well.
53. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
54. Canada
55. Milk
56. Bread Pudding
57. Sweet Potato
58. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
59. Chilled chocolate cake with buttercream icing
60. Tomatoes, pepperoni, and feta cheese. Oh, and broccoli, but not on the same pizza with the other three.
61. Yes sir, absolutely.
62. I have been blessed to attend 3 of the Atlanta Braves games in person.
63. Partly
64. I mostly wanted the Packers to win, but I have been a Steelers fan for years as well, so that was a tough pick.
65. The doritos commercial in which the roommate revives his roommates dead plant, fish, and grandfather with the doritos crumbs. That was pretty dang awesome.
66. Not particularly, no.
67. X
68. I have not, though I was encouraged to do so.
69. Yes.
70. I liked the old ones with the squirrels and the geico who didn't talk, they were the best. The cavemen...not so much.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
71. Hows life?
72. Did you ever read War and Peace?
73. Potatos or rice?
74. Mozart or Bach?
75. Do you play a musical instrument?
76. What do you think is the world's biggest problem?
77. Do you think pride is a virture or a vice?
78. Did you watch the movie Pride and Prejuidice?
79. On a scale of 1 to 10 how comunicative do you think you are?
80. Odd or even numbers?
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
71. Life is going fairly well, thankyou.
72. I have not.
73. Potatoes
74. Bach
75. I do indeed.
76. A lack of workers for the harvest, or workers who are willing to do the work for the harvest.
77. It can be both. You can be proud of an achievement, or proud of someone, but if you have pride, then you are elevating yourself above what you really are.
78. Yes, I did.
79. 6
80. Both:P
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Hello, here are a few questions from me:
How many socks do you think you have lostin your life so far?
What size of pizza do you normally order?
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Do you dance when no one is looking?
Have you ever bought the same item of clothing twice?
Have you ever gotten lost in a store?
Do you like to take naps?
Do you snore?
What is your favorite type of smoothie?
What is you drink water (or other beverage) during your meal or after?
Ice cream or apple pie?
Coffee or tea?
Ok that's all for now.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
what's your favorite Narnia book?
what's your favorite Narnia movie?
where would you like to visit?
do you like watching nature shows?
VotDT or PC (movie)?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Here are several questions from me:
1. Snow or rain?
2. West coast or East coast?
3. Pancakes or waffles?
4. Pumpkin or apple pie?
5. Cookie dough or mint chocolate chip ice cream?
6. Museums or libraries?
7. Prisoner of Azkaban or Deathly Hallows? (book-wise)
8. Fred or George Weasley?
9. Instrumental or vocal music?
10. Have you ever visited a country outside of the United States? If so, where?
11. Do you enjoy history? Art?
12. An artificial or real Christmas tree? White or colored lights?
13. Cheddar or provolone cheese?
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
113. Hardcover or softcover books?
114. How many Narnia related items do you own?
115. What is your favorite DVD extra on LWW? On PC?
116. What is your favorite brand of cereal?
117. Skim milk, 1%, or 2%?
118. What's your most favorite quote?
119. Have you ever eaten shark meat?
120. What is the last thing you ate?
121. What is your favorite salad dressing?
122. What is the most daring thing you have done?
123. Peacocks or ostriches?
124. What kind of a car do you drive?
125. How much music do you own?
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
What's the silliest thing you've ever done?
Have you ever heard of a bookseries called Serendipity?
Do you like Keira Knightley?
What is your favorite song?
How many people are you currently praying for?
Do you like owls?
What is your favorite kind of owl?
Have you ever tried Mineral Water?
Sweet, more questions!:D
Beginning with Valiant...
81. Probably about 10...not too bad I'd say.
82. Medium
83. Feta, pepperoni, and tomatoes.
84. .....sometimes....
86. No
87. Yes
88. Most definitely.
89. As much as possible.
90. Strawberry and banana
91. Usually blue powerade
92. Both!
93. That depends on if the tea is sweet tea.
94. The Magicians Nephew
95. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
96. The British Isles, Canada, Colorado.
97. Somewhat, but not if the people on the nature shows are tree huggers or ultra environmentalists.
98. Voyage of the Dawn Treader
99. Snow
100. East Coast
101. Waffles
102. Apple pie
103. Cookie dough
104. Museums
105. Deathly Hallows
106. George
107. Instrumental
108. No.
109. Yes. Somewhat.
110. Real.
111. White
112. Cheddar
113. Hardcover.
114. Four or five.
115. I have to say, I'm not sure. Probably deleted scenes.
116. I haven't actually looked at the extras on the PC DVD.
117. Honey Nut Cheerios
118. 2%
119. I have not, but I've heard that it's good.
120. Pasta with red sauce and a piece of tomato pizza.
121. Italian
122. Hmm...I've chased down a turkey that I shot and wouldn't die. He was a dadgum annoying turkey. The feat is daring due to the one and one-half inch spurs that he possessed.
123. Peacocks.
124. An SUV.
125. A good bit.
126. Hmm...Last fall I was making breakfast and I cracked an egg directly into the sink instead of the bowl...
127. I have not.
128. It depends on the movie, but mostly yes.
129. Amazing Grace
130. I honestly can't answer that, I don't keep track of how many people I do or do not pray for. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's not, it depends on who God brings to mind.
131. YES!!!!!!
132. The Barred Owl
133. No.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God