Name: Guess.
Nickname(s): Well, Kate is already a nickname for the full Katherine. I don’t have too many nicknames, but lately SL has been calling me Super Kate. Ryan calls me Other Kate to differentiate between QWERTYkate88 and myself. A lot of my non-NarniaWeb friends call me by my last name. Or “The (Last name).”
Country:The US of A.
Age: 20
Personal info: I’m a college student and I’m pretty normal. I’m the oldest of 3 girls which has probably shaped my tendencies to be a pretty traditional responsible and high-achieving oldest sibling. I’m one of NarniaWeb’s rare extroverts. I love my family bunches and miss them terribly most of the time since I live 5 hours away. Hobbies include reading, chillin’ with friends, drinking coffee, playing guitar, and singing.
Professional info: I’m a 3rd year student seeking a degree in English with a minor in Spanish. I’ve just started a stint as a volunteer DJ for my school’s radio station. I just realized that this means getting a part time job is nearly impossible.
Physical Stats: I'm 5'7” with semi-long-ish blond hair that I usually wear straight. I have hazel eyes. I have perfect vision (so no glasses). Fun fact: my left eyebrow has a cowlick. It’s genetic apparently, because my sister has one too.
Most embarrassing moment in last 12 months: I’ll have to think about this because I can’t come up with one off the top of my head.
Books: Well, since I’m an English major, I could go for days on this subject. Left to my own devices, I’ll read mostly British writers from the early 19th to early 20th century. My favorite books of all time are probably Les Miserables, Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. My favorite books in the last year were Brideshead Revisited and Cold Comfort Farm. I also enjoy light fantasy including the writings of Patricia McKillip, Arthurian legend, Lewis, Tolkien, and Susanna Clarke. Being an English major has exposed me to other genres like Russian Realism, Shakespeare, and Greek Drama, all of which I enjoyed very much. I consider myself a John Keats fangurl.
Movies: I’m a sucker for historical dramas and adaptations of novels (read: I heart the BBC). My favorite film of all time is Amazing Grace . I watched The Lord of the Rings so many times I got tired of it, which I didn’t know was possible. I also enjoy dystopic movies like V for Vendetta.
TV shows: I watch too much TV. I hardly watched any at all while I was growing up so I’ve sort of overdosed since I left home. My favorite shows are Lost and Friends. I very much enjoyed the first season of Heroes and all of the show Merlin, among other shows.
Food: I’m a foodie. I recently realized that one of my favorite things about foods are condiments and sauces. I put plain non-fat yogurt on just about everything as a mayonnaise or sour cream. I love a good burrito (I’m from California) and really tricked out sandwiches are my thing. My favorite single food item is cheddar cheese.
Animal: My favorite animal is the sea anemone. My sister claims this is not an animal. It is. And they are awesome. Honestly, I’m not really an animal person (though I do adore my family’s cat) and I love the ocean, so ocean creatures are my favorites.
Music: Oh dear, music is ‘mi gran pasión.’ I could go on and on. I listen to mostly melodic indie and mellow pop/rock. I’m recently very much enjoying indie-folk. My favorites include Lakes, Mumford & Sons, Anberlin, Copeland, Mae, Deas Vail, The Civil Wars, MuteMath, Eisley, Coldplay, etc.
Narnia Book: I think that as far as plot, significance, atmosphere, character, and everything goes, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is Lewis’ greatest masterpiece. My favorite was always The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as a child though. Great swashbuckling fun!
History on Narniaweb: I think I first visited NarniaWeb around the time of the casting of the 4 children for LWW. I did some digging and that puts my visit in the summer of 2004. I would have been about 13 or 14. I started visiting NarniaWeb regularly as a lurker around September of 2005 and finally created an account a little over a month after the movie came out. My first post is actually very comic. I joined because I read several reviews that claimed to see a golden Buddha in Aslan’s army during the battle scene and I sincerely doubted those reports. I started a thread in GMD to discuss the matter. It was finally revealed that all the reviews had been written by the same person as a semi-mean spirited prank. The thread was closed, the user faced mod-action for lying, and I moved on. I joined the Welcoming Committee in 2007 and stepped down after 3 years in Spring of 2010 because I kept forgetting to send my PMs. I was promptly asked about a week later to join the mod team. The rest is history.
What I like best about NarniaWeb: The people!!! I love the spirit of NarniaWeb, the comfort of the family friendly atmosphere, and the BOOKS THREAD! I also love all of the wonderful people on the mod team.
Rule most often forgotten by me: I blend books and their adaptations in the books and movies threads which is technically going off topic. The only mod PM I ever got was for substance in the old Cup & Platter.
Favorite NW memory: I have very fond memories of joining the Les Miserables book club because reading that book changed my perspective on literature and drove me to become an English major.
Comments by other mods:
Kate...what can be said about Kate, beside that I love her to pieces? I didn't know her pretty much at ALL before she became a mod...and now, I know her very well! (Or, at least, I know her internet persona very well.
) Kate, I'm very glad to be able to work with you--the only thing I have against you is we haven't been able to Mod Moot.
Kate is a wonderful mod!
She became a mod not too long after I did, and I remember noticing how easily she adjusted to being a mod in the Spare Oom, and how professional and put-together she was about everything. And she still does a great job, btw!
It's great to have you on the mod squad, Kate!!
-What's a cowlick?
-who's your favorite author?
-what's your favorite genre of music?
-what's your favorte book genre?
-movie genre?
-anny genres that I missed?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Heya Super Kate! Just a few to start you out on!
What's the format going to be for your radio station?
Are you willing to adopt the on air persona of Super Kate?
What is your favorite steak?
Do you like A1 sauce or Worcestershire sauce?
Since you are a self proclaimed afficianado of condiments, which do you like better? Yellow mustard or spicy brown?
Jack or Sawyer?
What was your favorite Dharma station?
If you could have your own Dharma station what would you name it and what would its symbol be?
More later!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
-Pencil or pen?
-Hair down or hair up?
-Do you have a favorite sport?
-Do you have a favorite board game?
-Do you text message?
-Yay for fellow Californians! whats your favorite part about California?
-Do you have any guilty pleasures?
-Have you ever been to Disneyland?
-If so do you have a favorite ride?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
What are you planning to do with your English Degree, and are you considering getting a Master's or even a Doctorate?
What is your opinion on G.K. Chesterton?
Do you think Gandalf was meant to be any sort of analogy towards Christ?
When I say "The Shire", what sort of emotion, thoughts, sounds, or scenery comes into your head?
If you could only recommend one book (or perhaps series of books) to someone, which book (or series) would that be? And just to make the answer a bit more interesting, exclude the Bible!
That's all I've got for now! Nice to meet you, Kate!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
- The Doctor.
*says hi because she didn't last time *
Hi Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-what would you say if I started nicknaming you "The Last Name?"
-how often do you get on NW?
-do you play MH?
-what's the most miraculous thing that ever happenned to you or someone you know?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Are you a Northern, Central, or Southern Californian?
Are there times when you wish you weren't the oldest of three girls?
Who is your most favourite Shakespearean movie actor?
Have you ever been to a tea party? (I mean food....not political)
Have you ever travelled to England?
What do you think of Dickens as a writer?
Do you have a favorite Jane Austen novel?
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I've enjoyed working with you on the SO moderator team.
Another LOST fan! So without further ado:
Who is your favorite character from LOST?
Favorite season?
Did you watch any of the later seasons of Heroes?
Sunrise or sunset?
Crescent or full moon?
Do you have a favorite constellation?
What is your favorite season?
Does it ever snow where you live?
Do you like snow?
Oceans or mountains?
I loved those old conversations about Les Mis. So, who is your favorite character in that book?
Have you read any other works by Victor Hugo?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer?
books or magazines?
what's your favorite snack food?
who's your favorite actor?
who's your favorite actress?
were you homeschooled?
do you have pets?
if so, what kind?
who's your favorite band?
what's your favorite kind of music?
have you ever been to a zoo?
what is your favorite place on earth?
where would you love to visit?
LWW or PC (movie)?
PC or VotDT (movie)?
LWW or VotDT (movie)?
what's your favorite Narnia book?
C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hi there first questioner!
1.What's a cowlick? When different parts of your hair grow in different directions and make funny ridges where they meet.
2. who's your favorite author? *ponders* …Austen is probably the most consistent. Or maybe Wodehouse.
3. what's your favorite genre of music? Indie rock
4. what's your favorte book genre? Classic, particularly British Victorian and early modern
5. movie genre? Period drama
6. anny genres that I missed? Um, TV? I like a good sitcom and a complicated drama.
Hi there Shadowlander!
7. What's the format going to be for your radio station? I’m not totally sure what this question means, but I think it’s too early to tell. I don’t really know what’s going on yet. There will, however, be a segment of 2 minutes dedicated to, “Things I like about Shadowlander.”
8. Are you willing to adopt the on air persona of Super Kate? Willing yes, however, I worry it may come over as arrogant.
9. What is your favorite steak? I’m not a big meat person, but probably my Grandpa’s barbqued steak.
10. Do you like A1 sauce or Worcestershire sauce? I’m not a big steak or BBQ sauce person either, but probably A1.
11. Since you are a self proclaimed afficianado of condiments, which do you like better? Yellow mustard or spicy brown? Spicy Brown! No contest.
12. Jack or Sawyer? Jack. Even though he’s a bit unstable.
13. What was your favorite Dharma station? Hmmm, I can’t really remember them all, but after checking LostPedia, probably the good old Swan station, followed by the Orchid and The Looking Glass.
14. If you could have your own Dharma station what would you name it and what would its symbol be? I’m sad The Tempest is already taken, because I love that play, but probably The Leaf. The symbol would be a good old cup of steaming peppermint tea.
*waves to the fellow Californian*
15. Pencil or pen? Pen.
16. Hair down or hair up? Down. I would wear my hair down every day, but it takes a lot of work to make it presentable.
17. Do you have a favorite sport? Soccer!!!
18. Do you have a favorite board game? Oh dear. I’m probably second only to SL here for love of board games. Probably either Settlers of Catan, Balderdash, or 221B Baker Street.
19. Do you text message? Yes.
20. Yay for fellow Californians! whats your favorite part about California? Where I live currently I live 10 minutes from the beach and 5 minutes from countless wonderful hiking trails. It’s paradise. (Also, it’s been 75 all week here!)
21. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Uh, food?
22. Have you ever been to Disneyland? Yes, I believe 3 times
23. If so do you have a favorite ride? Every time I go I have a different one. I would probably have to go with Indiana Jones though. Dee dee dee dee!
Hi FoodForThought! Nice to meet you. I can tell you're going to fit in on NarniaWeb so well.
24. What are you planning to do with your English Degree, and are you considering getting a Master's or even a Doctorate? Good question! I’m not sure yet, though right now I’m considering Law School.
25. What is your opinion on G.K. Chesterton? I have the utmost respect for his wit! I read The Man Who Was Thursday and I thought it was very clever, but very strange.
26. Do you think Gandalf was meant to be any sort of analogy towards Christ? I don’t think he was meant to be by Tolkien really, but there are certainly parallels to Christ’s role as the great shepherd and guide. I think a Christ-figure would be less susceptible to mistakes.
27. When I say "The Shire", what sort of emotion, thoughts, sounds, or scenery comes into your head? Well, mostly the rolling green and sweet air depicted in the Jackson films, but I remember my own encounter with the shire when I visited England and realized that Tolkien had written a Shire that could very well have existed in his backyeard! The magic became more potent when I realized that stumbling upon a round door in the side of a hill was as accessible as opening a wardrobe and finding a wood.
29. If you could only recommend one book (or perhaps series of books) to someone, which book (or series) would that be? And just to make the answer a bit more interesting, exclude the Bible! Yes, this is so predictable, but I’ll have to go with The Chronicles of Narnia. I love Lewis’ willingness to be “Surprised by Joy” and I think his Chronicles embody that spirit perfectly. I wish everyone had his childlike spirit.
Hello again!
30. what would you say if I started nicknaming you "The Last Name?" That’s actually a pretty cool nickname. I’d feel intimidated to live up to it.
31. how often do you get on NW? Several times every day.
32. do you play MH? No. With NarniaWeb, I don’t need any other online activities to distract me from homework.
33. what's the most miraculous thing that ever happenned to you or someone you know? Um, well, I know one of my friends was able to heal another woman through the Holy Spirit, but I consider my own every day transformation through the power of the gospel to be the most miraculous thing in my life.
34. Are you a Northern, Central, or Southern Californian? Norcal born and raised, though I currently live in Central.
35. Are there times when you wish you weren't the oldest of three girls? Not really, though I suppose there have been times when I thought it would be nice to have a brother or someone older to be the guinea pig instead of me.
36. Who is your most favourite Shakespearean movie actor? Umm, not sure. Probably Judi Dench.
37. Have you ever been to a tea party? (I mean food....not political) Of course! I love tea. I’ve had tea with stuffed animals, family, friends, strangers…
38. Have you ever travelled to England? Yes, once.
39. What do you think of Dickens as a writer? Oh dear, you hit the jackpot. I don’t really like him. I find him very long winded and drawn out and I assume he uses this to attain drama and suspense, but it just bores me. I’ve read The Pickwick Papers which I found charming and humorous at times and boring for the rest and Great Expectations which I did not like at all. I do admire his ability to narrate a hundred unrelated elements and then tie them up neatly at the end, but it just takes him way too long to get there.
40. Do you have a favorite Jane Austen novel? Hmmm, I think I find Northanger Abbey the most enjoyable overall, though it is definitely less mature than some of her others. Mansfield Park is my second.
Hi there Gazer! You know, I just watched The Incredibles the other day and I think we should call you Gazerbeam. It’s a pretty awesome name.
41. Who is your favorite character from LOST? Tough question, but either Jack or Charlie.
42. Favorite season? 4!
43. Did you watch any of the later seasons of Heroes? Yup, I watched up through about one third of the way through season 4.
44. Sunrise or sunset? As a west coaster, sunsets are magnificent over the Pacific.
45. Crescent or full moon? Full.
46. Do you have a favorite constellation? Hmmm, not really. Cassiopeia is a cool name.
47. What is your favorite season? Summer! I like being warm.
48. Does it ever snow where you live? Never. Not ever.
49. Do you like snow? Actually, not really. It makes me all wet and sweaty and cold at the same time. And then I got into a really bad accident on a Snow Mobile.
50. Oceans or mountains? Oceans.
51. I loved those old conversations about Les Mis. So, who is your favorite character in that book? Tough question, but probably Javert or the Bishop.
52. Have you read any other works by Victor Hugo? No, but I’d like to.
Hi Liberty!
53. Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer? Huck, for sure.
54. books or magazines? Books, no contest.
55. what's your favorite snack food? Toast!
56. who's your favorite actor? Hmmm, probably James McAvoy, but Andrew Garfield is threatening that position.
57. who's your favorite actress? Romola Garai or Carrie Mulligan
58. were you homeschooled? Nope! Public.
59. do you have pets? Yes.
60. if so, what kind? My family has one precious kitty.
61. who's your favorite band? Ugggh, that’s impossible to answer, but for consistency’s sake, probably Anberlin.
62. what's your favorite kind of music? Indie rock.
63. have you ever been to a zoo? Yup, several.
64. what is your favorite place on earth? Probably Vancouver, BC or my house.
65. where would you love to visit? Scotland.
66. LWW or PC (movie)? LWW
67. PC or VotDT (movie)? VotDT
68. LWW or VotDT (movie)? LWW
69. what's your favorite Narnia book? LWW or VDT
70. C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien? C.S. Lewis.
Whew! *wipes brow*
What's the format going to be for your radio station? I’m not totally sure what this question means, but I think it’s too early to tell. I don’t really know what’s going on yet. There will, however, be a segment of 2 minutes dedicated to, “Things I like about Shadowlander.”
(in best Barry White voice) "This is the Shadow...bringing you a solid hour of that fabulous lass who's bringing you alllllll the oldies, Super Kate....yeah baby, she's super fly. And here's Earth, Wind, and Fire".
By format I was wondering what kind of things the station would be doing (ie; talk radio, music, etc.) and further what kind of music it'd play (rock, top 40, country, etc).
Do you have a favorite board game? Oh dear. I’m probably second only to SL here for love of board games. Probably either Settlers of Catan, Balderdash, or 221B Baker Street.
Oh, I almost forgot to ask! How did your dad like 221B Baker Street?
Should I get it?
Is it like Clue?
Are you going to get the expansion set with time travel?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Another oldest-child, food-loving, book-loving extrovert who's just about my age! LOL
So, since we've got those in common, how 'bout I start there?
75. What was/is your favorite thing about being the oldest?
76. What was/is your least favorite thing about being the oldest?
77. What is your dream older sibling like? You know the one: on those days when your younger siblings were pounding you into jelly and you wished you had someone with whom you could go sit on their bed and cry, like your younger siblings do on their bad days.
78. Do you have any food allergies?
79. Do you like to cook? I know you're a foodie, but not all foodies like to cook their own food.
80. What dish do you cook best?
81. Who is your very favorite character EVUH!? If that's even possible to answer...
82. What was the last book you read all the way through that you put down and said, "Gee, that was a total waste of time"?
83. What was the last book you read that you put down and said "Oh wow!! I'm gonna tell EVERYONE to read this!"?
84. Do you ever find yourself with a group of people who are so quiet and reserved that you realize that by trying to make conversation you're utterly dominating it?
85. If so, does this make you feel extremely uncomfortable?
86. What's your next move after this realization?
87. Why did Peter Piper Pick a Peck of Pickled Peppers?
88. Why did the chicken cross the road? ( )
89. Where is love?
90. How far is the East from the West?
91. How long does it take to get over the rainbow?
92. Have you ever been to "Infinity and Beyond"?
93. What is that blue stain on your shirt?
94. What is that green smudge on your face?
95. What is that purple splotch on your hand?
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
You love Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park? So do I. I also love Persuasion.
Dickens does bore me sometimes. I'm also the oldest of 3 girls and a foodie.
Few more questions....
Have you ever gone to a movie by yourself?
What is your favourite coffee-based drink?
Which part of England did you travel to?
Have you watched Horatio Hornblower with Ioan Gruffudd?
Was watching Amazing Grace the first time you saw Benedict Cumberbatch?
Have you been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium?
Have you sung in a choir?
Do you compose music for the guitar?
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
Have you read the book LOTR or only seen the movies?
Did Dom monaghan do a better job of acting on LOTR or Lost?
What is Indie Rock music?
Have you ever been to Muir Woods?
Does the place where you live in CA have a problem with Mountain Lions?
Do you think we should have a NW party here in CA?
If you could be any LOTR character, who would you pick?
If you could have any LOTR character as your father, who would you pick if you had to?
If you could be best mates with any of the LOTR characters, which would you pick?
If you had to marry a LOTR character, who would you pick?
Technically, is the question you are reading right now LOTR themed?
is 497 one number or three numbers?
Are you going to have some kind of contest during your mod week like Shadowlander, or try to break some record like Lady A?
What is your favorite place in CA?
Are you Scottish by background?
What's your favorite color?
Crayons or markers?
Writing by hand or typing?
Do you like to doodle?
What do you usually doodle? (My mom always thinks it's funny that she usually draws geometric shapes on her scrap paper, and I always draw flowers. )
Electric or acoustic guitar?
Don't you think your avatar is pretty?
Is it from anything in particular, like a book or a movie?
What do you think of alternate spellings of Katherine, like Katharine and Catherine?
Oooh, lemme guess! Is your name Kate?