* pops in extremely late *
Malkah, I would suggest talking with a professional about your hair and how best to straighten it. I've found that, with my hair, it is nearly impossible to straighten it while it is dry, and that if I do succeed, it comes out in sections. On the other hand, one of my semi-prof friends did it, and it came out practically perfect. I don't usually straighten my hair, so I didn't ask how she did it, but it may be worth the time/money to talk to a pro if you want to consistently straighten your hair.
* disappears after distributing her 2 cents *
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Ooooo, Wisewoman, the eye makeup video is lovely!
I'm glad it was helpful to you! I'm an ingredient snob too *high fives*
That's interesting wisewoman. I've struggled with acne for years... then about 2 years ago it got really bad and I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of it. I went on this really hardcore medication called acutane and now it's really calmed down. I just try to keep my skin clean by washing 1 or 2 times a day. I LOVE Dove soap - it's the best thing ever. It doesn't dry you out at all.
Yes, Accutane's pretty hardcore because it works with your hormones. However, it can cause serious birth defects in the baby if you get pregnant while on it .
I do recommend using a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil rather than bar soap on your face, however. The waxy ingredients that hold the bar soap in a bar shape are not good for skin, no matter how many other beneficial ingredients there may be. Cetaphil won't dry you out and it leaves skin feeling so clean, but never stripped or dry. I love it!
Ugh, acne...I haven't had completely clear skin for over six years. I use *thinks* Ziana? The really strong topical meds. It's horrid though because my pores are so large that in places on my face you can see them.
What is the active ingredient in your acne medication? And what percentage is it of the formulation? I'm just curious because I've had fantastic success with benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid (also known as BHA). But BHA gels have to be at the right pH to actually work on your skin (they penetrate down into the pore, unlike all other exfoliants that stay on the surface). BHA is great for making pores as small as they can be. Large pores are genetic and can't be changed or shrunk, but they can be brought to their smallest possible size by the right BHA gel.
I'm not good with picking out eyeshadow colors, sorry . I just use browns myself.
Here's some helpful information about hair: Hair Myths.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Double ugh to acne. I had terrible acne for years --tried everything from Acnefree to *shudders* tomato-lemon-oatmeal home-made facial masks. Nothing worked for me until my mother discovered that the cause for my acne was a hitherto unknown dairy allergies. So, no dairy, no acne.
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
Some interesting runway trends...I like #4, the others are a wee bit scary for normal wear.
So...would you wear any of these during the work/school week?
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Oh, interesting Lady A!
Hm...well, I do use pink eyeshadow frequently and liberally already. I also have colored eyeliner (blue, purple). And I occasionly do "statement" lips. The only one of those trends I woudln't try is the "glowing face", because I find it hard to get the glowing-ness without the greasiness.
Speaking of oily skin, I bought Smashbox's Photo Finish Light Foundation Primer. It's AMAZING! I put some on before going out for the evening. I made it through an hour's car ride, an hour's shopping, and what was probably over an hour at dinner and my face STILL didn't feel oily! Usually inbetween each of those events I'd be in the washroom franticly splashing water on my face to get rid of the shine, but this works wonders. I highly reccomend it. It is rather pricey but I think it's worth it.
I recently got a sample size of this product: http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.j ... yId=C20702
The review makes it sound as though it's a peel, you know, that peels off, but it's not. And it really is amazing! My skin feels soooo incredibly soft and perfect after using it.
On the other page (I think?) I mentioned I got a set of sample mascaras. The best ones of the bunch would be thus:
DuWop mascara: http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.j ... goryId=B70
Korres mascara: http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.j ... goryId=B70
Tarte mascara: http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.j ... goryId=B70
I just love them. I was wondering if a more expensive product could really do a better job them something drugstore, and it does. They just really plump out your lashes, define them, and make them look longer/thicker!
When I bought a new eyelash curler the other day I got a sample size of a eyeshadow primer by Smashbox. I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly, but so far I'm not too thrilled.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Hmm, nice trends, Lady Arwen. I really like the pale pink lips and glowing face. I'll have to see if I can achieve either. I usually go with lip balm or a light gloss anyway, so if I can just borrow Mom's bronzer.... The statement lips are NOT me - I look awfully pouty in anything darker than a medium rose.
Val, do you have any tips on the bright pink eyeshadow?
I love long hair though!!!!!! My hair is at my waist and I love coming up with new hair style. If I see a picture I can normally figure out how to do it! Long hair is so much FUN!!!!
*sighs enviously* Oh, I wish my hair was that long again, Lady4Aslan! My sisters and I cut our hair for Wigs4Kids last summer and mine is just now getting to mid-back length. Short hair is only fun for a little while. What is your favorite style (or two) for your long hair? I like a softy, poufy bun (sort of a subdued version of the Gibson Girl style) or a twist like Susan's in PC better than any other long hairstyle.
“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot
OK, I have the problem of oily skin. So, have you girls ever noticed when you put eye shadow on in the morning and ware it all day that about mid day some of it is gone, or it has collected at your creases? Well, I found a way to fix that!!! Use a liquid base on our eye lids and under your eye before you put your shadow or liner on. Trust me it works!!! I use a special base for eyes, but any liquid base would work. Let me know if it works for you !!!!!
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Any good brands eyeliner base? I saw an eyeliner primer at Sephora the other day.
Correction: I use Tazorac. Active ingredient: Tazarotene(sp?), at 0.05%.
This is your start/This is your heart/This is the place you were born
This is your sun/These are your lungs/This is the place you were born
And I am always, always, always/Yours
What I use I got from Macy's. I have no idea if they still sell it. But if you find a liquid base that is for eye blemishes that will work great as well.
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What do you mean by liquid base? Because I have that problem, and it's sooo annoying. My eyeshadow vanishes into oily creases in about an hour.
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday, and along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
I use liquid base, but my eyeshadow doesn't vanish. Maybe it depends on what kind of base you use.
I have a question, maybe a bit dumb, but here it is anyway, do y'all think eyebrows can get too skinny? Yesterday I tweezed my eyebrows, and afterward my mother said one of them was so skinny it dissapeared (not really, but you know). How many of you like thin (in my case; very thin) eyebrows?
Avvy by Kate
"Argue against God & you argue against the power that makes you able to argue at all." -C.S. Lewis
I'm not a big fan of skinny eyebrows. I think some people can have them and it can look nice but I don't think I would like that on me.
For my makeup, I normally see a look in a magazine or in a video and think "I want to duplicate that." I frequently wear make up like Demi Lovato wore in one of her music videos.
Base is the same as foundation. They sell powder foundation, or liquid foundation. (I don't use it liquid on my face because it clogs up my pores to much.) But if you put liquid base, or special eye base on your eyelids it will help.
It depends on the shape of you eye if you have the right size of eye brows. I would suggest finding a sight that showed you the different types of eye shapes, find yours, and find the best way to pluck your eyebrows.
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PELS, I'd say keep your eyebrow thicker. The problem with getting it too thin, is then you need to substitute more with a pencil, and can lead to an eyebrow that is more pencil than eyebrow, which, IMHO, looks overdone.
On the other hand, I don't know what your mom's definition of "disappear" is. Perhaps you might want to talk to a friend who's eyebrows you admire, and see what they think?
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Right now my eyebrows are rockin' the au naturale look. I really need to trim them, but my left is not the same shape as my right, and I really want it to fill out so I can reshape it. [/random]
What exactly does serum do for your skin? Rejuvenate? Restore? I'm clueless but I've been using some at night because it came free with my face wash. *loves free things* I get tons of clogged pores, so I stopped using my liquid foundation all the time to try to prevent them...thanks for the tip, aslansothername.
I am really thinking about a short short haircut, like Victoria Beckham or Natalie Portman's old 'do. The problem: I know I would hate it, but I can't help but want it. Last year I only got a long bob, and I regretted it shortly thereafter.
This is your start/This is your heart/This is the place you were born
This is your sun/These are your lungs/This is the place you were born
And I am always, always, always/Yours