I have nearly finished my quilt finally. I will post a picture of the finished product.
EEK!!!! I tried the dress on I was making and somehow it ended up too short!!! I thought everything was alright! I'm not sure what happened. What should I do? I can't let a hem down or anything. I think I'm out of luck.
Any suggestions?
If you're a girl Christian Star Wars fan check this place out! http://thelakehouse.bigforumpro.com/
(Siggy by theprincessspy!)
kittengirl, Can you add another strip to the bottom? Like, maybe lace, or a color that compliments the main fabric?
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Yes thats about your ownly option. I made these boxershorts once that were way to long( way post my knees).
I've made a lot of quilts, and I'm trying to decide what the next one should be. But right now my main project is a purse made out of braided fabric, the same kind people use to make rugs. But my rugs never laid flat, so I figured I might as well make a curvy thing with them. Also, I saw one once and it was really pretty.
Also, the dog in the sweater is SO CUTE!
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Quilts take a while to make, espially when you only have 2 lessons each week and don't have a sewing machine or many materials at home.
I know. I made a crazy quilt once--it was bed sized and all handmade, I don't typically use machines--and it took me 14 months to complete. Even when I did use a machine on another big quilt, a pattern called Flying Dutchman, it took a long time to finish. That's why I generally tend to make wall hangings instead of full-sized quilts. The one I plan to start today is a pattern called 'Trip around the World', and it is really pretty. But little.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Sounds awsome my quilt isn't full size. It is like a pull over quilt, like an extra blanket in the winter or todlersize( maybe a little bigger). Once i get my sewing machine for xmas I am thinkign of making a full sized one. Each patch representing important events or things i like or agree with.
OK, y'all will TOTALLY love this!! I do... So incredibly awesome... It's just- Jaw-droppingly awesome...
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
The one I plan to start today is a pattern called 'Trip around the World', and it is really pretty
I made that pattern once with a friend. We pieced it with a machine and a rotary cutter, and we tied it instead of quilting it.
That is really cool, Lady Courage! I love the details on the coracle, especially.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I've finished sewing my reeactment 14th century dress (I only did part of it by hand though as we had to go to a historical festival and I had to do the last bit on the machine
, most of it is by hand though)
Now all I have left to do is decorate it, I'm going to tabletweave a long strip and sew it on. I wanted to embriod designs on, but I have to use silk for that and as I am planning to do silk for my wool costume I don't have money for both (for weave I use cotton thread which is much cheaper than silk)
I'll post a picture of my dress as soon as I decorate it
always be humble and kind
wow I had to dig deep to find this thread
I just wanted to share a picture I sewed with beads
hope you like it
always be humble and kind
Wild Rose: Beautiful embroidery! I've always wondered how to bead but never gotten around to finding out. I shall have to do that soon.
Everyone: Hello! I'm Susan's_look_a_like. I love to knit, crochet, sew, and embroidery so when I say this thread I just had to stop by. I mostly sew costumes, though I've sewn formals and a few casual items. I love to make dresses, especially uberly detailed historical or fantasy ones. The more detailed the better. I've only been sewing for a couple of years but have learned a lot. My costume wardrobe is still small but I plan to increase it soon.
I've been knitting for well over three years though I just started making sweaters and large scale projects. I mostly knit socks and small scale Christmas presents until this fall. I've made one sweater so far and am working on my second.
As for crocheting, I've been crocheting for at least four to five years. I've made a number of projects within this category. My favorite is a harvest afghan I made two years ago that won a blue ribbon at fair. I've also made a few other small items like stuffed animals, hats, and scarves.
Embroidery is my newest addition. I started embroidering about two years ago though I never really got into it until early this year. It's really fun and I hope to learn how to incorporate beading into my work soon.
Like Narnia? Read Reading with the Heart: the Way into Narnia
Sig & avie: Checkers
Ooh, lovely, wild rose!
Wow, Susan's_look_a_like! You sound very talented. Will you be posting any pictures of your works, especially the costumes and formals?
Alright, I need some help/advice. A number of years ago, I was taught how to knit, but I never had a chance to progress beyond the most basic knit stitch. Today, I tried to teach myself how to purl. And I got rather confused---I was doing the knit stitch a different way than the book showed, and thus my purl stitches weren't working out, and I was getting very frustrated with how much I had to man-handle the stitches, so I think I was doing it wrong. So, a couple of questions: Does it matter if you insert the right needle into the stitch in front of or behind the left needle? And if it doesn't, I'm guessing that you just need to be consistent with which side you insert the needle in for both the purl and knit stitch? Also, which side is the front of the stitch and which is the back? Is that front and back relative to the left needle's length, or the loop's width?
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm afraid I got rather confused. Thanks in advance!
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
ValientLucy You must insert the right needle in front of the left needle. It will not work the other way. The front of a stitch is the side closest to you. The back of a stitch is way from you.
Yes, I plan to post pictures here soon. I have a blog that I try to keep updated pretty regularly about my sewing. The link is on my profile if you're interested.
Like Narnia? Read Reading with the Heart: the Way into Narnia
Sig & avie: Checkers