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[Closed] Jokes!

NarniaWeb Fanatic Hospitality Committee

"Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dumb and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech."

— Aslan in The Magician's Nephew

I've just been searching to see if we already have a jokes thread on NarniaWeb — it seems there were a couple in the past, but they've been inactive for over 10 years and are closed.

If it's OK with everyone, I'd just love to start a new one! Narnia-related jokes especially, of course, but I'm sure anything that is clean and appropriate — and likely to be enjoyed by fans of Narnia and other classic fantasy! — should be fine.

(Including old jokes, naturally. In the immortal words of Lewis again, "you've no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years" (The Last Battle)... Giggle )

Here are a couple of topical ones I've heard fairly recently:


"My local bookshop is having a sale — 1/3 off all titles. I've just bought The Lion, the Witch."


And (sorry the pun in this one only works properly with a non-rhotic accent... fine for most Brits as well as Aussies and New Zealanders, though):


Q. What does C.S. Lewis keep in his wardrobe?

Narnia business! Grin

"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)

Topic starter Posted : May 26, 2024 4:04 pm