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[Closed] Homeschoolers

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NarniaWeb Guru

I don't know why people think that homeschoolers don't get enough socilazation. When I was younger (and didn't know a thing about the Internet) I had plenty of socilazation. I went to danse classes, and played with my neighbors. Now my family moved to a more secluded town, but my parents run a youth center to get the teens off the street(smoking, drinking etc.) and get them to do something useful with thier lives. We also tell them about Jesus and many are coming to the Lord. So now I help my parents with the youth center and i am very happy :D

Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
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Posted : December 16, 2009 5:34 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

I am SO glad to be homeschooled, because I have had (and will have with Christmas coming) so much time off! yay! I didn't have scholl most of last week, and I only did a little bit of work today! :D B-) :D :D

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : December 16, 2009 11:21 am
NarniaWeb Regular

Homeschool is for people who can aford it and like doing stuff by themselves or with not many people.

Actually, homeschooling is not that expensive, as Starkat said, because we can get things second-hand. Also, I am signed up with an 'online school', and to make a long story short basically they pay for all my courses and I have to send in some samples of my work to a teacher. Its more complicated than that, but I don't have to pay anything.

Also, I'd rather describe homeschooling this way - homeschool is for people who wish to have a better education than what is given in public or private schools.
I figure this because in homeschooling you can choose what you learn. For example, as well as many other subjects, I also study Latin and Logic.

Posted : December 16, 2009 11:27 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

Hopeschooling is awesome, ILoveFauns! too bad you are not homeschooled!

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : December 16, 2009 11:54 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

When being questioned about socialization by curious adults, I can't help but want to blurt out, "You don't go to school, does that mean you have no friends? If you do, how many of them are from when you were in school? Do you really think the only places people ever talk to each other are during school and work?". Of course, I don't say that, I try to be polite since I know they are just genuinely trying to piece everything together.

*switches to a different subject*

I am a Christian but I think it is very important for all people to know at least the basics of many different types of religions, including the teaching of Atheism and evolution. Think about it - there are so many misunderstandings between religious peoples just for the fact that all they know about another persons beliefs is from vague summaries and hearsay.
How many times have you had to correct someone when they have accused you of partaking in a belief and/or connected action that, in actuality, you have (and want) no part of.
And how many times have you been corrected in your misunderstandings? I know I have been a good few times!
How do you feel when an Atheist comes up to you and starts making all the false assumptions about your faith? They feel just the same when religious people make false assumptions about evolution.
This happens between different religions as well!
If we knew about each others religions, we would be able to relate much better.

And really, it's just necessary to be able to understand other people who have different beliefs than yours.

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss

Posted : December 16, 2009 12:43 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Also, I'd rather describe homeschooling this way - homeschool is for people who wish to have a better education than what is given in public or private schools.

Well i am going to have to completely disagree with you on this. I am not saying that one is better or worse, but from my experience homeschooled people are not better educated in anyway then people who go to private or public school.

Posted : December 16, 2009 2:43 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Homeschool is for people who can aford it and like doing stuff by themselves or with not many people.

Actually, homeschooling is not that expensive, as Starkat said, because we can get things second-hand. Also, I am signed up with an 'online school', and to make a long story short basically they pay for all my courses and I have to send in some samples of my work to a teacher. Its more complicated than that, but I don't have to pay anything.

This might not have been what ILF meant, it's not that there's anything you need to homeschool that's expensive, but I know when I was younger, both my mother and stepfather worked full time to support the family and pay the bills (and still do), and couldn't have afforded to cut down hours to homeschool.

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

Posted : December 17, 2009 3:21 am
Member Moderator

"Better education" is a bit ambiguous. It might be better said that homeschoolers have more time to specialize and take the time to focus on something that interests them.

For instance, I have been horse crazy since I was 2 according to my parents. In public school (and I have attended a Montessori, a private school, and a public school in addition to my homeschooling), I did not have time to indulge in that interest beyond what I could get my hands on in the library. My parents chose to start homeschooling me in 6th grade. In 7th, the door opened up for me to take riding lessons. That rapidly progressed from one lesson every other week to working out at the stable in exchange for riding time.

At age 14, I became interested in the history of the space race. I read everything non-fiction I could get my hands on and my parents helped me focus on math and science in school as I was initially aiming for an engineering degree.

Now, that said, Shantih, I totally understand that there are people who would prefer to homeschool or even have their kids attend a private school, but finances and work prevent it. I know several people like that.

Homeschooling in the upper grades really relies a lot upon the student. You get to the point where you may outpace your parents and things have to be learned on your own. You also have to be disciplined enough to get your work done in addition to whatever extracurriculars you may pick up. For me it was my volunteer work and my riding lessons. I was out at the stables about 2 - 3 days a week when my riding instructor started a therapeutic riding program that needed volunteers. I still had to get my schoolwork done.

There again lies the level of education. The determination of the student and the support of their parents are what determines if someone is well educated. Homeschooling works best if parents stand behind their child and give them the support and grounding that they need.

Ok.... so I have attended MANY homeschooling conferences. ;)) Can anyone tell? My mother was involved in a regional group in addition to our local support group that held a conference every June. I went every year. (The book sales were great! ;)) ).

Posted : December 17, 2009 3:57 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

There are so many different methods of homeschooling, some don't even need any adult just have to look into everything, decide which is right for your family, and make sure the method you've chosen is legal in your state.

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss

Posted : December 17, 2009 4:00 am
Lucy P.
NarniaWeb Nut

Homeschooling was never considered for multiple reason by my family, just as it is not considered by most families in the United States.

How old are you decarus? Many things have changed in a few years, even from the time I was in 2nd grade until now. 98% percent of the kids in my age group (12-18) have considered homeschooling at one point or another, even if it was only:
"Hey mom can I homeschool?"

I was homeschooled and did not learn much about evolution until highschool. It's sticky subject-- I'm glad I'll prolly be reading Darwin in college to see what it's really all about.

Homeschooling in the highschool years gets difficult-- but I believe the majority of students are very self-disciplined, as evidenced by this article:

If I have kids the education I choose for them may be different for each child. It depends on whether he has a good disposition for homeschooling, whether there are good schools nearby, whether I have time, etc.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Posted : December 17, 2009 4:06 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

:) Ya I've been homeschooled all my life but now i'm taking a few classes at the school but I've got to say being homeschooled beats public school by far! ;)

Posted : December 17, 2009 4:38 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Homeschooling here is really uncommon. In australia not many peopel are homeschooled. I am use to going to go to school each day and probalay wouldn't like the change. What am i saying i would hate it. I would just miss the stuff me get up to on the bus. =))

Posted : December 17, 2009 11:53 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

How old are you decarus? Many things have changed in a few years, even from the time I was in 2nd grade until now. 98% percent of the kids in my age group (12-18) have considered homeschooling at one point or another, even if it was only:
"Hey mom can I homeschool?"

I am in my later twenties. I don't consider someone saying 'hey mom can i homeschool' as actually considering homeschooling. I mean actually getting information and looking in to it, most people don't ever do that. Also, the reason kids say 'hey mom can i homeschool' is because they think homeschoolers sit around at home and do nothing all day.

Don't get me wrong, i am not saying that is what happens, but that is what people think happens. The only reason i am so adamant about this is because i don't want to give the wrong impression to those on this site who do not live in the States because most people in the U.S. are not homeschooled and most people do not really consider homeschooling their children.

I agree with Fauns i would never have wanted to be homeschooled and i didn't even like school. I think that there are real problems with schools, but i don't think the problems i see are in anyway helped by homeschooling, if anything they are only worsened.

Posted : December 17, 2009 2:13 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Maybe not most but home-schooling is most common in the US compared to other countries. NarniaWeb is a bit of an oddity though, in that a large portion of the members are home-schooled. No matter what we believe I think we should avoid an 'Us versus Them' mentality. That's not going to benefit anyone.

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Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : December 17, 2009 2:19 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Maybe not most but home-schooling is most common in the US compared to other countries. NarniaWeb is a bit of an oddity though, in that a large portion of the members are home-schooled. No matter what we believe I think we should avoid an 'Us versus Them' mentality. That's not going to benefit anyone.

I agree. Having been public schooled I can see the advantages in both systems, and I'm strongly considering homeschooling my future kids as I'm greatly impressed with the caliber of the homeschooled folks I see here, but what I don't much like is that every now and then I get a superiority vibe from one group and unless you've really experienced public schooling firsthand there's no real reason for that. Like I said, I can see the advantages of both systems, but like W4J said, avoid the "us versus them" mindset that will invariably accompany the issue. It just breeds contempt, which isn't useful to anyone.

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Posted : December 17, 2009 6:37 pm
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