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[Closed] Homeschoolers

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NarniaWeb Junkie

Wait a second! There are a quite a few sheltered homeschoolers out there (and on this forum) and there are a quite a few unsheltered homeschoolers. But don't say that most of the homeschoolers on the forum are sheltered. I for one was not sheltered.

I hope I didn't offend you, I know very well that there are unsheltered and older homeschoolers here. The reason I referred to NW as a haven for sheltered ones is because NarniaWeb is a family-friendly, predominantly Christian forum without any inappropriate content or's a perfect place on the internet for a young sheltered homeschooler to hang out. As a result, I see many of them on here, both on the forums and in the chat, some with ages as young as 9. I guess my post was more directed towards them. :)

Posted : October 18, 2012 5:23 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Monday and Tuesday are my last days of high school ever, I got my marks back for year 12, I am top of 3 out of 5 classes(That shows those teachers that never put me in TAGS, jokes i didn't want to be in it anyway). Also top of the year 12's at my school. That's one achievement you can't make at a home school. At least at home school you don't feel as though it is a competition.

Posted : October 18, 2012 11:45 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Wait a second! There are a quite a few sheltered homeschoolers out there (and on this forum) and there are a quite a few unsheltered homeschoolers. But don't say that most of the homeschoolers on the forum are sheltered. I for one was not sheltered.

I hope I didn't offend you, I know very well that there are unsheltered and older homeschoolers here. The reason I referred to NW as a haven for sheltered ones is because NarniaWeb is a family-friendly, predominantly Christian forum without any inappropriate content or's a perfect place on the internet for a young sheltered homeschooler to hang out. As a result, I see many of them on here, both on the forums and in the chat, some with ages as young as 9. I guess my post was more directed towards them. :)

That makes sense. I just hate being label as "sheltered", I have a cousin who for a while was always calling my siblings and I sheltered. It was a pretty silly thing for her to be calling us, the kids who's Dad was deployed at the time. 8-|

I probably shouldn't have post anything in here the other day, it had been a stressful week and I was too tired to really think straight at the time.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : October 23, 2012 9:58 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Congratulations on your achievements, ILF! :)

That's one achievement you can't make at a home school. At least at home school you don't feel as though it is a competition.

It is true that in home schooling, the competition factor is not there in school. This has been beneficial for me, because I felt like I could learn for the sake of learning - not to prove that I was better than anyone. It put things in perspective for me and taught me to seek motivation by loving what I was learning. It's always been a personal thing for me to never define my success by the failures or successes of those around me; instead, I want to do my best instead of striving to be the best. My best might turn out to be the best, or it might turn out to be the worst - but this is all in comparison. If I know I have done my best, I don't feel guilty and I'm not comparing myself to those around me. I think have learnt more in life when I realized that I didn't have to compete with anyone. This is true for academics, for music, for art, etc. This is why I don't like standardized tests - the grades are all "how you did in comparison to everyone else" not "How you did, period." I think homeschooling has taught me this.

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : October 25, 2012 6:43 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Thanks, people also stress you out, I cannot stand people studying 10 minuets before exams I mean there is no point they make themselves worse.

Posted : October 25, 2012 11:55 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Thought I'd pop in a few thoughts...

I was homeschooled all the way till I graduated high school a few years ago. I got to see all sides of it, and I am definitely glad I was homeschooled. Throughout high school I was part of a large homeschooling group that had multiple co-ops, teen events and more. I'm so glad I was part of it, because it was a foundation for friends, social circles and more that I'm still a part of today. Is homeschooling the right way to go? Absolutely! But not if you're at home all day and don't participate in a normal circle of friends. For me, I got a fairly normal social high school experience which translates into real life very well.

Being part of such a wide circle, I've gotten to see all ends of homeschooling, from extreme to normal. I've been witness to some of the healthiest growing social scenes, and I've seen the worst of what parents can do to their children with the "excuse" of homeschooling. Homeschooling is great, if you don't abuse it. I know many kids who've had trouble adapting because their parents had so much control over their lives. If I had grown up doing school at home all week, never seeing anyone or doing anything with friends, I wouldn't be praising it like I am now.

So I guess what I'm saying is, homeschooling IS great with the right attitude and parents. :) Some families use it, though, to hide the fact that they want WAY too much control over their children, even into college.

"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes

Posted : November 13, 2012 4:25 am
NarniaWeb Guru

My graduation ceremony is tomorrow night, I am excited that it is finally all over and done with.

BAA in your wide circle of homeschool students, did you have a graduation type ceremony?

Posted : November 20, 2012 2:09 pm
Lady Haleth
NarniaWeb Junkie

My state homeschool group does a graduation at their annual convention. Its very well done.

The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot

Posted : November 21, 2012 6:00 am
NarniaWeb Regular

Yes IloveFauns :) :) It's a great thing. Congrats!!!

"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes

Posted : November 21, 2012 6:44 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I saw this it made me laugh out loud, wanted to share it:

I think 99% percent of us have been there or heard that at least once in our lives.

The "socialization" imitation was the best. :)) Classic...

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : November 29, 2012 12:37 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I'm home schooled, and I love being home schooled. I'm quite the homebody, so I like not having to leave every day for so long, although I enjoy it when I do go places, I don't think I'd like getting up so early all the time. ;)

NW siblings: TheDwarfMan, TheGentleWarrior
NW Cousin: Weirdo

Avvie by: RubyGamgee - Signature by: Tarkheena

Posted : December 3, 2012 2:03 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

OH, my word, the Tim Hawkins vid is hilarious! And yes, we do get criticized for not socializing. But I can still speak better than most of my public schooled friends when you put me up on a stage and say "improvise!". ;)

Founding Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : December 4, 2012 1:34 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I don't think I'd like getting up so early all the time. ;)

Ah yes... that is the one thing I do regret about being public schooled... I still have to get up early sometimes for college, but at least it's not at 6:30 in the morning...

So when do you guys do your school work. Is there a certain time of day? And if so how early is it and for how long? Do you have any breaks in between studying? (Sorry for all the questions, I'm naturally curious :P )

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : December 5, 2012 3:57 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I usually get up, do my chores, etc and then start my school work with devotions. And then after that, I start on my school work. Right now, because I'm in high school, it's kind of flexible.... I'm currently finishing my work late into the night. However, when I was in 1-maybe 9th? grade, we had a clear schedule - we got up at a certain time (maybe before 8), started work, had a 5/15 minute break, lunch, did school, etc, and often had an 8-3 school day. Right now, I just do my work after getting up and all that, and I take small breaks in between. It isn't really a defined time; it just depends on how much work I have, with the curriculum I use. If I have a lot of work and it's a long day, it could be over 12 hours. If I have work that's finished quickly, I could be finished in 4 hours. So it really depends. :)

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : December 5, 2012 4:55 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I don't know if I posted this before but I've been in private school, public school, then I was homeschooled for high school. For me, homeschool was the best experience out of the three. The other day I was thinking, if I ever have any kids, I'd want them to be homeschooled (of course depending on if it would be good for them or not).

So I was wondering how many homeschooled NarniaWebbers have thought about this? If you end up having kids, would you homeschool them?

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss

Posted : December 22, 2012 3:25 am
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