I hate my school because of one teacher who now doesn't teach me but I meet her at the break and the boys who weren't nice to me at the first semestr. I've always dreamt to be homeschooled but my parents don't agree.
Lucy:Do you remember who really defeated the White Witch?
Peter: Yes.
Lucy:Do you both believe in Narnia?
Narnians, Caspian and Edmund:We believe.
Susan and Peter:Shut up.
I've graduated from homeschooling At one point I thought I'd never get it finished
Congrats Libby on graduating
always be humble and kind
thanks wild
congrats to you as well!
it feels so weird to be done with homeschooling. it seems like there will be more.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, I've certainly not graduated yet, but I just passed the final exam for Algebra 1/2!! Really happy about that! Congrats, Wild and Libby!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hi, everyone...well, I'm pretty new around here in NW so maybe that'll excuse the fact that I never even knew there was a thread for homeschooling.
So glad to find you all! I'm a former homeschool mom. Even though I'm not homeschooling anymore, I really enjoy talking about it...
I have been wandering around the other parts of the forum, mostly writer's world and the musicians' cafe, so I'm really glad to find this corner of the world!
I just stumbled upon a great blog post that relates to homeschooling and just want to share it with someone!!! If you like it, please pass it along to any moms or soon-to-be-moms or anyone else who may someday even possibly be a mom. I think this writer has a really good point.
Thanks for sharing the site Jacqi!!! It toke me FOREVER TO figure out where everything was on here, so don't feel bad at all!:)
Also congrats to all these graduates!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I was homeschooled all twelve years and turned out just fine, I think :]
I'm about to start my second year of art school.
I'm homeschooled and I love it! I've never been to public school and I'm proud of it!
I'm an introvert! Anyone else?
Tenth Avenue North Club member
Exploring Narnia with Frodo in Obi-Wan's Spaceship Club member
I was homeschooled through a private school, if that makes sense. XD I love homeschooling and recommend it. It's not for everyone though (I've seen cases where homeschooling was definitely a bad idea). But for the most part, I believe it to be the best option.
Lady Faith: awesome! I never went to public school either! I am so glad I didn't - my friend used to tell me stories that had me thanking God that my parents never sent me to public school...
what grade are you in?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Lady Faith: awesome! I never went to public school either!
I am so glad I didn't - my friend used to tell me stories that had me thanking God that my parents never sent me to public school...
what grade are you in?
I have lots of friends who do the same thing to me.
In public school, I'd be in 9th grade. But we don't use grades in our schooling.
I'm an introvert! Anyone else?
Tenth Avenue North Club member
Exploring Narnia with Frodo in Obi-Wan's Spaceship Club member
Congrats to all of you who recently graduated!
I was actually public schooled- and I'm glad I was... it made my faith stronger and it taught me how to interact with non-Christians, become more social and less shy, and how to better defend my beliefs. I now realize it's what God meant for me But that doesn't mean that's what is meant for everybody
I'm glad you guys all had/ are having such wonderful experiences homeschooling. I have some questions for you all:
-How has homeschooling affected your faith? (if applicable)
-How has it affected your relationship with your family?
-How has it affected your relationship with the outside world?
-Do you think what kind of school a person should attend depends on that person or not?
-Who regulates the curriculum?
-What kind of classes/subjects are you taught?
-what process did you have to go through to become a home schooler and to apply for graduation?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
How has homeschooling affected your faith? I think it made it stronger if anything because I was at home learning more about my beliefs than I would have going to school and having to unlearn stuff.
-How has it affected your relationship with your family? I am very close to my sister, and I wish I would never have to leave to go to college.-
How has it affected your relationship with the outside world? I think that I am very strong in what I believe so I am not one to care about what the outside world thinks. (I am not sure what you wanted.)-
Do you think what kind of school a person should attend depends on that person or not? Yes, definitely, kinda of like it depends on the person what you should do in your relationships with others(as in; date, court, or get an arranged marriage.)-
Who regulates the curriculum? My mom.
-What kind of classes/subjects are you taught? Well, I learn all the the normal classes like at a school with a few extras: sewing, cooking and anything else I am interested in.
-what process did you have to go through to become a home schooler and to apply for graduation? My mom buys the diploma from a homeschool store online.
-How has homeschooling affected your faith? (if applicable) Very much so. If I was in any other environment, I don't know if personally, my faith would be the same as it is. Our family has been through some ordeals, and I truly believe God used homeschooling to keep us together. If we weren't homeschooled, I really don't know where I would be, given these cirucmstances.
-How has it affected your relationship with your family? I've definitely grown closer to my mom (my teacher) and my sister (my one classmate. ). Homeschooling has helped my mom and I understand each other better.
And, this being my last year with my one and only study-buddy, I'm so sad to not be in school with my best friend any more!
-How has it affected your relationship with the outside world? I am an introvert, but I would say that homeschooling and my parent's desire to healthily expose my sister and me to a variety of people whether religiously, age-wise, etc. I think I would describe myself as outgoing. If I'm in a room of people I don't know, I might take a moment to observe for a moment, and then walk up to someone and introduce myself. I am quiet, but someone told my mom that my sister and I are not like the stereotype of homeschooling (antisocial, locked in tower, limited talk-time with those of the outside world. ), so I guess that answers the question.
-Do you think what kind of school a person should attend depends on that person or not? Personally, I know I would homeschool my children if God calls me to get married, have kids, etc. As long as the person is doing it right (because there are plenty who do not homeschool their kids right - meaning, they don't teach them how to learn and love learning.), I feel like homeschooling is great. Personally, I learn well independently, when given time to process new information. My sister, on the other hand, learns better when my mom and her read the lessons out loud. For Math, though, I definitely learn better when my mom reads it out loud with me. Different learning styles is what I'm saying here. That's just my two cents.
-Who regulates the curriculum? If meaning what curriculum, we use Accelerated Christian Education, which I love for the most part. (I don't agree with it on every. single. note. but truly, 98%, it has been wonderful.) My mom teaches us herself for language, reading story books or getting the language text books, though. (and we use Standard Deviants and help charts we got at the book store for Spanish.)
-What kind of classes/subjects are you taught?A.C.E. is more book learning, so you are independently reading and working, but call your supervisor (for homeschoolers, your parent) when you need help, need to have a check up (basically a one-week check on the lesson in the book) or the self test (three week check.) Each book is usually finished in three weeks to keep on schedule (we do it in three weeks so we can get the normal public school breaks.), and each subject has 12 books per year. A.C.E. is very structured grade-wise, so I know I'm going to be a junior and am learning basically what other juniours in other school enviroments are learning. Our homeschooling is really very academical than most because we feel a call over there and I am planning to attend college for something that requires more academics (if God wants me to attend college. If I immediately get a career as a writer or whatever and it's from God, then I know He's leading me there.
) , but we believe that everything - housecleaning, sewing, etc. is learning.
We learn Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and then electives, for high-school. For elementary and middle-school grades, we had Animal Science, World Building (this one carries on to 9th grade, where it turns into Etymology.), Bible Reading, and Literature. These are not optional the way the electives are. I'm forgetting the rest, I think. (wild rose, Narnian_Archer, and De_De probably can remember the rest. ) And there are a plethora of electives for highschool- New Testament Survey, Old Testament Survey, Typing, Literature (optional only for 9th grade. It stops after that), Life of Christ, Christian Counseling, English Composition... I really can't list them all. (all of the high-school courses are college credited, I believe.)
For 1-8th, you have to do all the subjects. For high-school, if you take all the math, english, science, and social studies, it's equivalent to the honors program. I'm going to go to 11th grade, and have finished Algebra & Geometry, English I and English II, Biology (<3) and Physical Science (intro to Phys. and Chem.), and Geography and World History so far, along with the other electives I took. (Lit, Typing, NT Survey, OT survey... I can't remember the rest. )
Just for record-keeping purposes, my mom has us go to a public school for the testings they have, and then yearly take the Stanford 10 tests/OLSAT tests. Well, we only took the main ones in elementary/middle but now for high school, we're taking them all. In my freshman year, I took one of those ACT-prep thingies at a public school.
-what process did you have to go through to become a home schooler and to apply for graduation? Our state is really free on homeschooling rules, thank God, so we just decided to start homeschooling. Graduation - I don't know yet. My sister is going to go through that process so I guess I can tell you in a year's time. My mom has been doing a transcript since 1st grade for me, and 2nd for my sister, so we have that stuff covered.
She was in administration, so all the records and stuff is her forte, thank God.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
-How has homeschooling affected your faith? (if applicable):
I think homeschooling helped me grow a strong belief - all my life I've just considered myself a Christian, believed what my parents taught me without question. I watched my older siblings learn to think for themselves, and I've started as well. But I'm personally grateful that I didn't have to struggle with a public school teaching me things that my parents didn't believe.
-How has it affected your relationship with your family?:
I don't know if my relationship with my family is what it is because of my being homeschooled. But beneath all the bickering and quarreling that is always in families, there is a very deep love and a fierce loyalty to all my siblings, because they have been my closest friends. I don't feel as close to my parents as I wish I was, but that might be because they actually didn't teach me, and left me to do that myself.
-How has it affected your relationship with the outside world?:
Well, I'm extremely introverted, and though that is partly just my personality, I do think that if I had grown up with more interaction with other people, I would be able to be less socially awkward. But when I started going out to "the world" (:P), by doing some theatre stuff, I made great friends, and actually my best friend was made during that. I have trouble talking with even my family (other than my sister), and my church, so it's no wonder I have that trouble with strangers.
-Do you think what kind of school a person should attend depends on that person or not?
DEFINITELY! If God led me to raising a family, I would personally consider a private school, or home schooling, but I feel that some people would be better in public schools.
-What kind of classes/subjects are you taught?
Not too much, sadly. Math, Science, and History. But I do cooking/baking frequently, I read a LOT, I write a lot of things, I do piano - so a lot of extra-curricular stuff.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby