I am homeschooled.I am a senior, and this is my first year homeschooling. When i first found out i was going to be homeschooled i absolutely loathed it. I went to a christian school my whole life and the school i went to closed this year so my parents decided to homeschool me and my sisters.But, i will say now after a few months i actually like homeschooling. I go to a co-op on mondays so I can talk to some friends and honestly i actually kind of like it... dont tell my mom
" We have nothing if not belief"
I have always been homeschooled and i absolutely love it! I get like i get a very rich education tailored to me, plus i don't have to deal with some other problems of going to a public of even private school. I know a lot of people love their school but homeschooling is for me!
signature by Beginte
Oh I didn't mean it like that, mm1991, sorry if it sounded so. I was just thinking more of my cousin's situation, and a little bit mine when I was homeschooled and heard other homeschoolers talk.
I'm really glad it worked better for you!
If the goal of homeschooling is to end up with a unique, intelligent, independent person, then some of the most "homeschooled" kids I've ever met went to public school.
I'm not saying homeschooling isn't a great option, but I am saying that you can't just separate children into homeschooled and not-homeschooled. I know a lot of kids who don't really think for themselves and just follow what the crowd is doing, and they come from all sorts of educational backgrounds, including homeschooling.
That being said, I think homeschooling is most likely out of all modes of education to foster free, independent thinking. Just remember that it's not the only way.
I've been homeschooled from age 3 and am entering into the last semester of senior year of high school. I just got accepted into my dream college and I have to say homeschooling worked fantastically for me, but I've also seen enough of the world to know that it isn't the best option for everyone.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Like americangirlemmie, I have spent a good chunk of my education in a public school. So, at least in my school, there can be really bad influences. Someone close to me is learning that the hard way, but unfortunetly, her parents have to wait until next year to homeschool her.
I think what americangirlemmie meant on that point was that most homeschoolers spend their days in a much more mature, safer enviroment.
That is what I meant... I was not trying to sound prejudice. I have some extremley good friends who are in public school.
I think homeschoolers are smarter probably because they can work at their own pace. My little brother started school this year and he was done with kindergarten in only a few months! He's started 1st grade now.
When I said I thought they excelled faster then public schoolers this is what I meant. Lots of kids in the school system (I am getting this from personal experience and from friends who are in school) don't understand what they are learning at the time, and since the teacher dosent have enough time to stop and explain every detail the student have the information forced upon them even if they don't understand what is going on.
Sorry if I offended any one out there by a misunderstood post(I probably should have meantioned that I went to school and that it really depeands on the school you are going to ... Thanks for pointing that out Warrior...
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I have a question. How many of the college level Homeschoolers in here started public school at a high school. I mean like home schooled until they started homeschooling.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
^^ Its great to see people like you who have always been homeschooled!!!!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I've been homeschooled all my life as well, I'll be graduating next year.
Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
- Isaiah 46:4
And I'm another that was homeschooled for my entire school years. I finished in 2006 when I was 16 (yr 10). I've got 8 younger brothers and sisters and they like me have either finished homeshooling or are in the process I've just finished my degree at uni which I also did via distance ed. I'm in Australia and the uni I went to (UNE in Armidale for those in Australia) has thousands of students who study distance ed. I was wondering if this is the case in the US and other places? Can you study a uni course at home? I would be really interested to know
Do you love "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes?
If so you might like to see my sister's dramatization of this poem through her photography!
I was wondering if this is the case in the US and other places? Can you study a uni course at home? I would be really interested to know
Most definetly. I graduated from high school a year early in part because I took college classes long distance. I took English 111 via phone (telaconference) and Develepmental Math 105 via internet my final year of high school. The first semester after I graduated (fall 2010) my mom didn't want me to leave yet because I wasn't 18. So I stayed home and took a full load: 13 credits by phone and online: English 213 over the phone, Biology 107 over the internet and phone, Aesthetic Appreciation of Alaska Native Performance (very dumb class: it was an elective because nothing else fit in my schedule) over the phone with some assignments turned in via the internet on the college's online program, and finally Art/Music/Theatre Appreciation over the phone.
There are lots of students: even some actually on campus at the university, who take long distance classes.
That's really interesting. I've never heard of studying by phone. How did that go? All my units were done online although for the first two years I didn't have internet access so I would hand write assignments and then post them. I was given a sort of dispensation from having the internet in order for me to be able to do this. Gradually, it got to the point that I simply had to have internet and so we got it. Do you like studying distance ed? I did, although I have to admit that I only ever went to my uni twice - about 4 days each time - so I don't really know what it's like to study full time on campus
Do you love "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes?
If so you might like to see my sister's dramatization of this poem through her photography!
I was homeschooled up until 8th grade, and I'll be cyberschooled up until the end of my current junior year. I did enjoy being homeschooled in elementary school. My experience with homeschooling was like many that have been described here. My mom taught me all my lessons and I went to a co-op every few weeks. This worked pretty well throughout elementary school. However once I got to middle school I began to struggle. I had trouble learning by myself in the book. If I couldn't figure it out and my mom didn't know then I would just fall behind.
By 7th grade I had to do almost everything by myself due to work situations with my parents. That last year was an absolute disaster so my parents enrolled me in cyber school because of my struggles to teach myself and also because it was much cheaper. (No tuition and free books) I did both virtual classroom and self paced courses. Both worked well for me because I had a teacher help me through the course. This year however I've gotten really frustrated with cyberschool due to the lack of efforts put in my many of the students around me. (It is hard to have a good class when about 1/3 of the students are not at the computers during the class!)
So my parents enrolled me in private school for my senior year. They did that to prepare me for college so I would have some experience in a traditional classroom setting. This is not to say that homeschooling couldn't prepare you for college. My older siblings were homeschooled throughout high school and did fine in college. Just for me personally I don't think it have worked well. Homeschooling is a great method of education, not for everyone though. It is cool though to read here about all those who have succeeded through homeschooling
Protector of the Birds and Beasts of Middle Earth.
I was wondering if this is the case in the US and other places? Can you study a uni course at home? I would be really interested to know
Most definetly. I graduated from high school a year early in part because I took college classes long distance. I took English 111 via phone (telaconference) and Develepmental Math 105 via internet my final year of high school. The first semester after I graduated (fall 2010) my mom didn't want me to leave yet because I wasn't 18. So I stayed home and took a full load: 13 credits by phone and online: English 213 over the phone, Biology 107 over the internet and phone, Aesthetic Appreciation of Alaska Native Performance (very dumb class: it was an elective because nothing else fit in my schedule) over the phone with some assignments turned in via the internet on the college's online program, and finally Art/Music/Theatre Appreciation over the phone.
There are lots of students: even some actually on campus at the university, who take long distance classes.
Studying through a phone... Awesome! I read about a homeschooler who went to college at the age of14... Pretty impressive.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I take long distance and online classes for post secondary studies as well (well, I'm not sure what mine are classified as, because all of my courses are all self contained within a program we bought, and we only need the internet to submit the exam and test results). I have nothing against regular universities and colleges, except for the fact that I don't have the money at the moment to study at one, although there are one or two at which I would most certainly like to study. Maybe someday. Anyway, I enjoy them well enough.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)