I have not had to do school for the last two weeks (doctor's orders actually) because of getting better from having vertigo!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I think Juliana is asking not "what do homeschoolers think of public schoolers," but what we/they think of school.
In my experience homeschoolers are a lot more positive toward learning. I think it has to do with the lack of peer pressure--they've never been taught that good marks and doing your best are uncool. My dad teaches at a private school and his students are smart enough, but refuse to work at anything. If everyone else is goofing off, why should they stand out and be the geek and the workaholic?
Yes, this is what I meant to ask.
That makes sense. I think that the peer pressure can work in different ways. One is the way you mentioned--the "cool" image and its influence. I do know of some people who don't like to let others know they're actually good students. For me it's different. I am in AP classes, so all of my friends are smart people who earn high marks. Because of this, I don't feel very accomplished when I earn Bs in my classes. Then there's all this talk about class rank etc. The advanced students can get competitive sometimes, and that creates a whole different kind of pressure.
I am home schooled as well! I love it! You can be flexible and fit the curriculum to your needs instead of trying to stretch a strict curriculum over several students.
Pray for Skandar member! PM Benjamin to join!
I saw the film on Opening Day!
When all else fails, read the Instructions!
Yeah i am in ad math and science class. Their is a couple of peopel that fight really hard to get the top marks. Somtimes i am near the top, sometimes i am not. I am usually in the middle to top though. In math an science and my sose class is to easy.
I'm mostly homeschooled. I take a foreign language at my local public school, but that's it. The rest is homeschooling.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
I'm homeschooled now, have been all my life, and will be all my life. I love being homeschooled!!!!!
We go to a great homeschool co-op every Thursday, too. It rocks!
*sadly rather inactive member* *bad member*
Epic avvie by Ithilwen
I was just reading an article that profiled the top 24 on American Idol. One of the 24, Tim Urban, was homeschooled by his mom along with his nine siblings. Just for that, I think I'm going to root for him.
I was homeschooled only two years, grades 2 and 3. But I enjoyed it!
The only reason I'm here is to let you know about a news story: "Homeschoolers Launch First Ever Social Network for Christian Families. ... Hschooler.net is an online social network for Christian families. The mission of Hschooler.net is to connect families with the people, resources, and tools to train up young men and women to the Glory of God."
1. Hschooler.net uniquely addresses parents' concerns with safety and content.
2. Hschooler.net enables kids to stay connected with friends.
3. Hschooler.net is operated by homeschoolers.
You can read more about the story here. Click here for Hschooler.net's homepage.
I've been home schooled all my life. (14 years). So have all my siblings (5 sisters 1 brother). The two oldest were in public school for a couple years. But thats it.
Its cool. I like not having to get up really early in the morning.
<-made by nz_narnia_nut,avvie by Djeq
http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/narnianheart-You can get cool prizes when you sign up for Swagbucks (like Starbucks gift cards)!
Its cool. I like not having to get up really early in the morning.
I agree with you!!!!! Because getting up early is not a strong point of mine
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I'm homeschooled! And take some classes here: www.pottersschool.org This year it's the quilting class, General Science, and Intro to Music (which my Mom teaches, btw). Next year is deff. High School German (I get high school credits in junior high!!) and probably a science class and maybe something else. Depends. I have a list with 29 classes that I want to take--all of them writing/reading, science, and history. Haha.
Yayness for homeschoolers!
"I belive in God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things Visible and Invisible" the Athanasion Creed
I was homeschooled from the 5th grade till the 12th, and graduated last year. The ceremony was in a church, it was beautiful. My parents, sister, grandparents, and one of my favorite teachers came.
We were not allowed to throw the hats because they weren't ours,I should have thrown mine anyway LOL, we didn't get to keep the gowns either, but we did get to keep the tassel. I miss it in a way (coming from a girl who never loved doing school.)
Like others have said, I think it's sad after you've become an adult, because you'll realize that you'll never be a child again. Things you've taken for granted, they will become important.
"Famous folks" prayer request, now on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=356574486073
I've been homeshooled all my life! Love it! So has my brother. Right now I'm in 3rd grade.
Co-founder of the Dragon Fan Club!!! PM me if you'd like to join!
Avvie by AslansChild
Hoot Owl of NW! PM Lady Faith to join!
NW sib: Quinlin
I'm homeschooled!! I use the Abeka books. I usally use the DVD teacher, but this year I just used the books. I'll most likely use the DVD again next year. I also go to a once a week Co-op. That helps with loneliness. They have sports and clubs for us homeschoolers too!
If you're a girl Christian Star Wars fan check this place out! http://thelakehouse.bigforumpro.com/
(Siggy by theprincessspy!)
Yeah, I'm homeschooled and I LOVE it! Actually, I have never known anything else; I have been homeschooled all my life.
I will probably graduate in 2012, so I still have 2 years.
Alot of people who are in public school have asked me if homeschooling is lonely and if I have any friends (Duh! LOL), and no I don't think it's lonely at all! I have tons of friends whom I see on a regular basis. No, I don't see them EVERY day, but then again, I probably wouldn't want to.
Anyways, it's nice to see that there are other homeschoolers here at Narniaweb.