I was homeschooled all my life, until I graduated in 2007...I really loved being homeschooled! It was great, to say the least.
Ive been homeschooling since bully problems. *flash back*
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
Homeschooling is awesome! And so is being homeschooled!
Homeschooling is AWESOME. Do any of you have a CO-OP where you live? I about to go to ours.
I attended a Co-op one year. It was pretty cool. One of the classes we built a replica of the temple and another we ended up doing a Shakespeare play.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I'M HOMESCHOOLED TOO! LOVE ALL THE SUPPORT HERE! I'll be graduating this year or the year after (my mom has had some health problems, so we may have some stuff to make up from when she was sick...but she's doing much better now!)
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Member of the Edmund and Tenth Avenue North Fan Clubs!!!
Member of the pray for Skandar group - PM Benjamin to join!!!
Avatar by Erucenindë
I was homeschooled from kindergarten through graduation. It has its pros and cons, but it was great for my family and I plan on homeschooling my own children if at all possible
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Wow there is a lot more homeschooling on here then I thought!!!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I'm homechooled! I'm in 10th grade and have been homechooled all my life.
I've known some people that wanted to be homeschooled but couldn't because of money issues,so I'm very thanful that I've been able to do it for this long.
Never been homeschool. If i was i would have no friends around the area.
That's not necessarily true, ILF. If you were homeschooled, you might be involved in a homeschool co-op of some kind, or be involved in other community organizations where you would make friends. It is a common misconception that all homeschoolers are socially handicapped individuals who have no friends.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
I still wouldn't get to see them as often endless i decide to meet them every day or something.
Ditto what WiseWoman said. And actually, all of my closest friends are homeschooled, too. They're the only ones in my circle of friends with the time and inclination to maintain a long-distance relationship.
My public school friends ran out of time to write letters (and nowadays, emails) with all of their extra-curricular activities. (Which is not a complaint, just a fact about these particular girls.)
Since I graduated from our homeschool, I've been even more grateful for my "home-grown" education. The life-skills - in addition to academics - that I've learned have given me a very solid foundation on which to build my herb and health knowledge. (Thanks, Mom! )
“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot
For me it would just be boring if i was homeschooled. Their would be no one funny in the class. since their would only be me.
Homeschooling is awesome Ilovefauns.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club